//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2007 Jonathan Westhues // // This file is part of LDmicro. // // LDmicro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // LDmicro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with LDmicro. If not, see . //------ // // A ladder logic compiler for 8 bit micros: user draws a ladder diagram, // with an appropriately constrained `schematic editor,' and then we can // simulated it under Windows or generate PIC/AVR code that performs the // requested operations. This files contains the program entry point, plus // most of the UI logic relating to the main window. // Jonathan Westhues, Oct 2004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "linuxUI.h" #include #include #include "ldmicro.h" #include "freezeLD.h" #include "mcutable.h" #include "advanceddialog.h" HINSTANCE Instance; HWID MainWindow; HDC Hdc; // parameters used to capture the mouse when implementing our totally non- // general splitter control //static HHOOK MouseHookHandle; static int MouseY; // For the open/save dialog boxes #define LDMICRO_PATTERN "LDmicro Ladder Logic Programs (*.ld)\0*.ld\0" \ "All files\0*\0\0" char CurrentSaveFile[MAX_PATH]; static BOOL ProgramChangedNotSaved = FALSE; #define HEX_PATTERN "Intel Hex Files (*.hex)\0*.hex\0All files\0*\0\0" #define C_PATTERN "C Source Files (*.c)\0*.c\0All Files\0*\0\0" #define INTERPRETED_PATTERN \ "Interpretable Byte Code Files (*.int)\0*.int\0All Files\0*\0\0" char CurrentCompileFile[MAX_PATH]; #define TXT_PATTERN "Text Files (*.txt)\0*.txt\0All files\0*\0\0" // Everything relating to the PLC's program, I/O configuration, processor // choice, and so on--basically everything that would be saved in the // project file. PlcProgram Prog; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get a filename with a common dialog box and then save the program to that // file and then set our default filename to that. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static BOOL SaveAsDialog(void) // { // OPENFILENAME ofn; // memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); // ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); // ofn.hInstance = Instance; // ofn.lpstrFilter = LDMICRO_PATTERN; // ofn.lpstrDefExt = "ld"; // ofn.lpstrFile = CurrentSaveFile; // ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(CurrentSaveFile); // ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; // if(!GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) // return FALSE; // if(!SaveProjectToFile(CurrentSaveFile)) { // Error(_("Couldn't write to '%s'."), CurrentSaveFile); // return FALSE; // } else { // ProgramChangedNotSaved = FALSE; // return TRUE; // } // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get a filename with a common dialog box and then export the program as // an ASCII art drawing. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void ExportDialog(void) // { // char exportFile[MAX_PATH]; // OPENFILENAME ofn; // exportFile[0] = '\0'; // memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); // ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); // ofn.hInstance = Instance; // ofn.lpstrFilter = TXT_PATTERN; // ofn.lpstrFile = exportFile; // ofn.lpstrTitle = _("Export As Text"); // ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(exportFile); // ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; // if(!GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) // return; // ExportDrawingAsText(exportFile); // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If we already have a filename, save the program to that. Otherwise same // as Save As. Returns TRUE if it worked, else returns FALSE. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static BOOL SaveProgram(void) // { // if(strlen(CurrentSaveFile)) { // if(!SaveProjectToFile(CurrentSaveFile)) { // Error(_("Couldn't write to '%s'."), CurrentSaveFile); // return FALSE; // } else { // ProgramChangedNotSaved = FALSE; // return TRUE; // } // } else { // return SaveAsDialog(); // } // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compile the program to a hex file for the target micro. Get the output // file name if necessary, then call the micro-specific compile routines. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void CompileProgram(BOOL compileAs) { if(compileAs || strlen(CurrentCompileFile)==0) { OPENFILENAME ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.parentWindow = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = _("Compile To"); if(Prog.mcu && Prog.mcu->whichIsa == ISA_ANSIC) { ofn.lpstrFilter = C_PATTERN; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "c"; } else if(Prog.mcu && Prog.mcu->whichIsa == ISA_INTERPRETED) { ofn.lpstrFilter = INTERPRETED_PATTERN; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "int"; } else { ofn.lpstrFilter = HEX_PATTERN; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "hex"; } ofn.lpstrFile = CurrentCompileFile; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(CurrentCompileFile); ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; if(!GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) return; // hex output filename is stored in the .ld file ProgramChangedNotSaved = TRUE; } if(!GenerateIntermediateCode()) return; if(Prog.mcu == NULL) { Error(_("Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling.")); return; } if(UartFunctionUsed() && Prog.mcu->uartNeeds.rxPin == 0) { Error(_("UART function used but not supported for this micro.")); return; } if(PwmFunctionUsed() && Prog.mcu->pwmNeedsPin == 0) { Error(_("PWM function used but not supported for this micro.")); return; } switch(Prog.mcu->whichIsa) { case ISA_AVR: CompileAvr(CurrentCompileFile); break; case ISA_PIC16: CompilePic16(CurrentCompileFile); break; case ISA_ANSIC: CompileAnsiC(CurrentCompileFile); break; case ISA_INTERPRETED: CompileInterpreted(CurrentCompileFile); break; case ISA_ARDUINO: CompileArduino(CurrentCompileFile); break; default: oops(); } // IntDumpListing("t.pl"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If the program has been modified then give the user the option to save it // or to cancel the operation they are performing. Return TRUE if they want // to cancel. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BOOL CheckSaveUserCancels(void) // { // if(!ProgramChangedNotSaved) { // // no problem // return FALSE; // } // int r = MessageBox(MainWindow, // _("The program has changed since it was last saved.\r\n\r\n" // "Do you want to save the changes?"), "LDmicro", // MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONWARNING); // switch(r) { // case IDYES: // if(SaveProgram()) // return FALSE; // else // return TRUE; // case IDNO: // return FALSE; // case IDCANCEL: // return TRUE; // default: // oops(); // } // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Load a new program from a file. If it succeeds then set our default filename // to that, else we end up with an empty file then. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void OpenDialog(void) // { // OPENFILENAME ofn; // char tempSaveFile[MAX_PATH] = ""; // memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); // ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); // ofn.hInstance = Instance; // ofn.lpstrFilter = LDMICRO_PATTERN; // ofn.lpstrDefExt = "ld"; // ofn.lpstrFile = tempSaveFile; // ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(tempSaveFile); // ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; // if(!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) // return; // if(!LoadProjectFromFile(tempSaveFile)) { // Error(_("Couldn't open '%s'."), tempSaveFile); // CurrentSaveFile[0] = '\0'; // } else { // ProgramChangedNotSaved = FALSE; // strcpy(CurrentSaveFile, tempSaveFile); // UndoFlush(); // } // GenerateIoListDontLoseSelection(); // RefreshScrollbars(); // UpdateMainWindowTitleBar(); // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Housekeeping required when the program changes: mark the program as // changed so that we ask if user wants to save before exiting, and update // the I/O list. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void ProgramChanged(void) // { // ProgramChangedNotSaved = TRUE; // GenerateIoListDontLoseSelection(); // RefreshScrollbars(); // if(AdvancedWindowOpen) // { // FlushPinNames(); // PopulateNamingList(); // } // } // #define CHANGING_PROGRAM(x) { \ // UndoRemember(); \ // x; \ // ProgramChanged(); \ // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hook that we install when the user starts dragging the `splitter,' in case // they drag it out of the narrow area of the drawn splitter bar. Resize // the listview in response to mouse move, and unhook ourselves when they // release the mouse button. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static LRESULT CALLBACK MouseHook(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) // { // switch(code) { // case HC_ACTION: { // MSLLHOOKSTRUCT *mhs = (MSLLHOOKSTRUCT *)lParam; // switch(wParam) { // case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { // int dy = MouseY - mhs->pt.y; // IoListHeight += dy; // if(IoListHeight < 50) IoListHeight = 50; // MouseY = mhs->pt.y; // MainWindowResized(); // break; // } // case WM_LBUTTONUP: // UnhookWindowsHookEx(MouseHookHandle); // break; // } // break; // } // } // return CallNextHookEx(MouseHookHandle, code, wParam, lParam); // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle a selection from the menu bar of the main window. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void ProcessMenu(int code) // { // if(code >= MNU_PROCESSOR_0 && code < MNU_PROCESSOR_0+NUM_SUPPORTED_MCUS) { // strcpy(CurrentCompileFile, ""); // Prog.mcu = &SupportedMcus[code - MNU_PROCESSOR_0]; // RefreshControlsToSettings(); // return; // } // if(code == MNU_PROCESSOR_0+NUM_SUPPORTED_MCUS) { // Prog.mcu = NULL; // strcpy(CurrentCompileFile, ""); // RefreshControlsToSettings(); // return; // } // switch(code) { // case MNU_NEW: // if(CheckSaveUserCancels()) break; // NewProgram(); // strcpy(CurrentSaveFile, ""); // strcpy(CurrentCompileFile, ""); // GenerateIoListDontLoseSelection(); // RefreshScrollbars(); // UpdateMainWindowTitleBar(); // break; // case MNU_OPEN: // if(CheckSaveUserCancels()) break; // OpenDialog(); // break; // case MNU_SAVE: // SaveProgram(); // UpdateMainWindowTitleBar(); // break; // case MNU_SAVE_AS: // SaveAsDialog(); // UpdateMainWindowTitleBar(); // break; // case MNU_EXPORT: // ExportDialog(); // break; // case MNU_EXIT: // if(CheckSaveUserCancels()) break; // PostQuitMessage(0); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_COMMENT: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddComment(_("--add comment here--"))); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_CONTACTS: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddContact()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_COIL: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCoil()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_TON: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddTimer(ELEM_TON)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_TOF: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddTimer(ELEM_TOF)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_RTO: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddTimer(ELEM_RTO)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_CTU: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCounter(ELEM_CTU)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_CTD: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCounter(ELEM_CTD)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_CTC: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCounter(ELEM_CTC)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_RES: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddReset()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_OPEN: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddEmpty(ELEM_OPEN)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_SHORT: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddEmpty(ELEM_SHORT)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_MASTER_RLY: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddMasterRelay()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_SHIFT_REG: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddShiftRegister()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_LUT: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddLookUpTable()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_PWL: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddPiecewiseLinear()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_FMTD_STR: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddFormattedString()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_OSR: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddEmpty(ELEM_ONE_SHOT_RISING)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_OSF: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddEmpty(ELEM_ONE_SHOT_FALLING)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_MOV: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddMove()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_SET_PWM: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddSetPwm()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_READ_ADC: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddReadAdc()); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_UART_SEND: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddUart(ELEM_UART_SEND)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_UART_RECV: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddUart(ELEM_UART_RECV)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_PERSIST: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddPersist()); // break; // { // int elem; // case MNU_INSERT_ADD: elem = ELEM_ADD; goto math; // case MNU_INSERT_SUB: elem = ELEM_SUB; goto math; // case MNU_INSERT_MUL: elem = ELEM_MUL; goto math; // case MNU_INSERT_DIV: elem = ELEM_DIV; goto math; // math: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddMath(elem)); // break; // } // { // int elem; // case MNU_INSERT_EQU: elem = ELEM_EQU; goto cmp; // case MNU_INSERT_NEQ: elem = ELEM_NEQ; goto cmp; // case MNU_INSERT_GRT: elem = ELEM_GRT; goto cmp; // case MNU_INSERT_GEQ: elem = ELEM_GEQ; goto cmp; // case MNU_INSERT_LES: elem = ELEM_LES; goto cmp; // case MNU_INSERT_LEQ: elem = ELEM_LEQ; goto cmp; // cmp: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCmp(elem)); // break; // } // case MNU_MAKE_NORMAL: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(MakeNormalSelected()); // break; // case MNU_NEGATE: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(NegateSelected()); // break; // case MNU_MAKE_SET_ONLY: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(MakeSetOnlySelected()); // break; // case MNU_MAKE_RESET_ONLY: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(MakeResetOnlySelected()); // break; // case MNU_UNDO: // UndoUndo(); // break; // case MNU_REDO: // UndoRedo(); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_RUNG_BEFORE: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(InsertRung(FALSE)); // break; // case MNU_INSERT_RUNG_AFTER: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(InsertRung(TRUE)); // break; // case MNU_DELETE_RUNG: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(DeleteSelectedRung()); // break; // case MNU_PUSH_RUNG_UP: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(PushRungUp()); // break; // case MNU_PUSH_RUNG_DOWN: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(PushRungDown()); // break; // case MNU_DELETE_ELEMENT: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(DeleteSelectedFromProgram()); // break; // case MNU_MCU_SETTINGS: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(ShowConfDialog()); // break; // case MNU_SIMULATION_MODE: // ToggleSimulationMode(); // ToggleAdvancedSimulationMode(); // break; // case MNU_START_SIMULATION: // StartSimulation(); // StartAdvSimulation(); // break; // case MNU_STOP_SIMULATION: // StopSimulation(); // StopAdvSimulation(); // break; // case MNU_SINGLE_CYCLE: // SimulateOneCycle(TRUE); // break; // case MNU_COMPILE: // CompileProgram(FALSE); // break; // case MNU_COMPILE_AS: // CompileProgram(TRUE); // break; // case MNU_MANUAL: // ShowHelpDialog(FALSE); // break; // case MNU_ABOUT: // ShowHelpDialog(TRUE); // break; // case MNU_ADV_SIMULATION: // ShowAdvancedDialog(); // } // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WndProc for MainWindow. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) // { // switch (msg) { // case WM_ERASEBKGND: // break; // case WM_SETFOCUS: // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // break; // case WM_PAINT: { // PAINTSTRUCT ps; // Hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); // // This draws the schematic. // PaintWindow(); // RECT r; // // Fill around the scroll bars // if(NeedHoriz) { // r.top = IoListTop - ScrollHeight - 2; // r.bottom = IoListTop - 2; // FillRect(Hdc, &r, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH)); // } // GetClientRect(MainWindow, &r); // r.left = r.right - ScrollWidth - 2; // FillRect(Hdc, &r, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH)); // // Draw the splitter thing to grab to resize the I/O listview. // GetClientRect(MainWindow, &r); // r.top = IoListTop - 2; // r.bottom = IoListTop; // FillRect(Hdc, &r, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH)); // r.top = IoListTop - 2; // r.bottom = IoListTop - 1; // FillRect(Hdc, &r, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)); // r.top = IoListTop; // r.bottom = IoListTop + 1; // FillRect(Hdc, &r, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH)); // EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); // return 1; // } // case WM_KEYDOWN: { // if(wParam == 'M') { // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // ToggleSimulationMode(); // ToggleAdvancedSimulationMode(); // break; // } // } else if(wParam == VK_TAB) { // SetFocus(IoList); // BlinkCursor(0, 0, 0, 0); // break; // } else if(wParam == VK_F1) { // ShowHelpDialog(FALSE); // break; // } // if(wParam == 'A') { // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // ShowAdvancedDialog(); // break; // } // } // if(InSimulationMode) { // switch(wParam) { // case ' ': // SimulateOneCycle(TRUE); // break; // case 'R': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) // StartSimulation(); // StartAdvSimulation(); // break; // case 'H': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) // StopSimulation(); // StopAdvSimulation(); // break; // case VK_DOWN: // if(ScrollYOffset < ScrollYOffsetMax) // ScrollYOffset++; // RefreshScrollbars(); // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // break; // case VK_UP: // if(ScrollYOffset > 0) // ScrollYOffset--; // RefreshScrollbars(); // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // break; // case VK_LEFT: // ScrollXOffset -= FONT_WIDTH; // if(ScrollXOffset < 0) ScrollXOffset = 0; // RefreshScrollbars(); // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // break; // case VK_RIGHT: // ScrollXOffset += FONT_WIDTH; // if(ScrollXOffset >= ScrollXOffsetMax) // ScrollXOffset = ScrollXOffsetMax; // RefreshScrollbars(); // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // break; // case VK_RETURN: // case VK_ESCAPE: // ToggleSimulationMode(); // break; // } // break; // } // switch(wParam) { // case VK_F5: // CompileProgram(FALSE); // break; // case VK_UP: // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(PushRungUp()); // } else { // MoveCursorKeyboard(wParam); // } // break; // case VK_DOWN: // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(PushRungDown()); // } else { // MoveCursorKeyboard(wParam); // } // break; // case VK_RIGHT: // case VK_LEFT: // MoveCursorKeyboard(wParam); // break; // case VK_RETURN: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(EditSelectedElement()); // break; // case VK_DELETE: // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(DeleteSelectedRung()); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(DeleteSelectedFromProgram()); // } // break; // case VK_OEM_1: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddComment(_("--add comment here--"))); // break; // case 'C': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddContact()); // break; // // TODO: rather country-specific here // case VK_OEM_2: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddEmpty(ELEM_ONE_SHOT_RISING)); // break; // case VK_OEM_5: // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddEmpty(ELEM_ONE_SHOT_FALLING)); // break; // case 'L': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCoil()); // break; // case 'R': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(MakeResetOnlySelected()); // break; // case 'E': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // ExportDialog(); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddReset()); // } // break; // case 'S': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // SaveProgram(); // UpdateMainWindowTitleBar(); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(MakeSetOnlySelected()); // } // break; // case 'N': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // if(CheckSaveUserCancels()) break; // if(!ProgramChangedNotSaved) { // int r = MessageBox(MainWindow, // _("Start new program?"), // "LDmicro", MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | // MB_ICONQUESTION); // if(r == IDNO) break; // } // NewProgram(); // strcpy(CurrentSaveFile, ""); // strcpy(CurrentCompileFile, ""); // GenerateIoListDontLoseSelection(); // RefreshScrollbars(); // UpdateMainWindowTitleBar(); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(NegateSelected()); // } // break; // case 'A': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(MakeNormalSelected()); // break; // case 'T': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddTimer(ELEM_RTO)); // break; // case 'O': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // if(CheckSaveUserCancels()) break; // OpenDialog(); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddTimer(ELEM_TON)); // } // break; // case 'F': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddTimer(ELEM_TOF)); // break; // case 'U': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCounter(ELEM_CTU)); // break; // case 'I': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCounter(ELEM_CTD)); // break; // case 'J': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCounter(ELEM_CTC)); // break; // case 'M': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddMove()); // break; // case 'P': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddReadAdc()); // break; // case VK_OEM_PLUS: // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddMath(ELEM_ADD)); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCmp(ELEM_EQU)); // } // break; // case VK_OEM_MINUS: // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddMath(ELEM_SUB)); // } // break; // case '8': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddMath(ELEM_MUL)); // } // break; // case 'D': // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddMath(ELEM_DIV)); // break; // case VK_OEM_PERIOD: // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCmp(ELEM_GRT)); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCmp(ELEM_GEQ)); // } // break; // case VK_OEM_COMMA: // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCmp(ELEM_LES)); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(AddCmp(ELEM_LEQ)); // } // break; // case 'V': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(InsertRung(TRUE)); // } // break; // case '6': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(InsertRung(FALSE)); // } // break; // case 'Z': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // UndoUndo(); // } // break; // case 'Y': // if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) { // UndoRedo(); // } // break; // default: // break; // } // if(wParam != VK_SHIFT && wParam != VK_CONTROL) { // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // } // break; // } // case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: { // int x = LOWORD(lParam); // int y = HIWORD(lParam); // if(InSimulationMode) { // EditElementMouseDoubleclick(x, y); // } else { // CHANGING_PROGRAM(EditElementMouseDoubleclick(x, y)); // } // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // break; // } // case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { // int x = LOWORD(lParam); // int y = HIWORD(lParam); // if((y > (IoListTop - 9)) && (y < (IoListTop + 3))) { // POINT pt; // pt.x = x; pt.y = y; // ClientToScreen(MainWindow, &pt); // MouseY = pt.y; // MouseHookHandle = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, // (HOOKPROC)MouseHook, Instance, 0); // } // if(!InSimulationMode) MoveCursorMouseClick(x, y); // SetFocus(MainWindow); // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // break; // } // case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { // int x = LOWORD(lParam); // int y = HIWORD(lParam); // if((y > (IoListTop - 9)) && (y < (IoListTop + 3))) { // SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS)); // } else { // SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); // } // break; // } // case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { // if((GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam)) > 0) { // VscrollProc(SB_LINEUP); // } else { // VscrollProc(SB_LINEDOWN); // } // break; // } // case WM_SIZE: // MainWindowResized(); // break; // case WM_NOTIFY: { // NMHDR *h = (NMHDR *)lParam; // if(h->hwndFrom == IoList) { // IoListProc(h); // } // return 0; // } // case WM_VSCROLL: // VscrollProc(wParam); // break; // case WM_HSCROLL: // HscrollProc(wParam); // break; // case WM_COMMAND: // ProcessMenu(LOWORD(wParam)); // InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE); // break; // case WM_CLOSE: // case WM_DESTROY: // if(CheckSaveUserCancels()) break; // PostQuitMessage(0); // return 1; // default: // return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); // } // return 1; // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create our window class; nothing exciting. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static BOOL MakeWindowClass() // { // WNDCLASSEX wc; // memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(wc)); // wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); // wc.style = CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT | CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW | CS_OWNDC | // CS_DBLCLKS; // wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)MainWndProc; // wc.hInstance = Instance; // wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); // wc.lpszClassName = "LDmicro"; // wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; // wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); // wc.hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(Instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(4000), // IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, 0); // wc.hIconSm = (HICON)LoadImage(Instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(4000), // IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0); // return RegisterClassEx(&wc); // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Entry point into the program. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv) { /// Check if we're running in non-interactive mode; in that case we should /// load the file, compile, and exit. if(argc >= 2) { RunningInBatchMode = TRUE; char *err = "Bad command line arguments: run 'ldmicro /c src.ld dest.hex'"; if (argc < 4) { printf("throwing error...\n"); Error(err); exit(-1); } char *source = (char*)malloc(strlen(argv[2]) + strlen(argv[3]) + 2); sprintf(source, "%s %s", argv[2], argv[3]); while(isspace(*source)) { source++; } if(*source == '\0') { Error(err); free(source); exit(-1); } char *dest = source; while(!isspace(*dest) && *dest) { dest++; } if(*dest == '\0') { Error(err); free(source); exit(-1); } *dest = '\0'; dest++; while(isspace(*dest)) { dest++; } if(*dest == '\0') { Error(err); free(source); exit(-1); } if(!LoadProjectFromFile(source)) { Error("Couldn't open '%s', running non-interactively.\n", source); free(source); exit(-1); } strcpy(CurrentCompileFile, dest); GenerateIoList(-1); CompileProgram(FALSE); exit(0); } // /// ~~~ // Instance = hInstance; /// parent window // MainHeap = HeapCreate(0, 1024*64, 0); // // MakeWindowClass(); // // MakeDialogBoxClass(); // // MakeAdvancedDialogClass(); // // MakeAdvancedWorkspaceClass(); // // MakeComponentListClass(); // // MakeSmplDialogClass(); // // MakeNamingListClass(); // HMENU top = MakeMainWindowMenus(); // /// Make main window // // MainWindow = CreateWindowEx(0, "LDmicro", "", // // WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | // // WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_SYSMENU | WS_SIZEBOX, // // 10, 10, 800, 600, NULL, top, Instance, NULL); // ThawWindowPos(MainWindow); // IoListHeight = 100; // ThawDWORD(IoListHeight); // InitCommonControls(); // InitForDrawing(); // MakeMainWindowControls(); // MainWindowResized(); // NewProgram(); // strcpy(CurrentSaveFile, ""); // // We are running interactively, or we would already have exited. We // // can therefore show the window now, and otherwise set up the GUI. // ShowWindow(MainWindow, SW_SHOW); // SetTimer(MainWindow, TIMER_BLINK_CURSOR, 800, BlinkCursor); // if(strlen(lpCmdLine) > 0) { // char line[MAX_PATH]; // if(*lpCmdLine == '"') { // strcpy(line, lpCmdLine+1); // } else { // strcpy(line, lpCmdLine); // } // if(strchr(line, '"')) *strchr(line, '"') = '\0'; // char *s; // GetFullPathName(line, sizeof(CurrentSaveFile), CurrentSaveFile, &s); // if(!LoadProjectFromFile(CurrentSaveFile)) { // NewProgram(); // Error(_("Couldn't open '%s'."), CurrentSaveFile); // CurrentSaveFile[0] = '\0'; // } // UndoFlush(); // } // GenerateIoListDontLoseSelection(); // RefreshScrollbars(); // UpdateMainWindowTitleBar(); // MSG msg; // DWORD ret; // while(ret = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { // if(msg.hwnd == IoList && msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN) { // if(msg.wParam == VK_TAB) { // SetFocus(MainWindow); // continue; // } // } // if(msg.message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg.wParam != VK_UP && // msg.wParam != VK_DOWN && msg.wParam != VK_RETURN && msg.wParam // != VK_SHIFT) // { // if(msg.hwnd == IoList) { // msg.hwnd = MainWindow; // SetFocus(MainWindow); // } // } // TranslateMessage(&msg); // DispatchMessage(&msg); // } // FreezeWindowPos(MainWindow); // FreezeDWORD(IoListHeight); return 0; }