// Copyright 2007 Jonathan Westhues
// This file is part of LDmicro.
// LDmicro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// LDmicro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with LDmicro. If not, see .
// Routines for drawing the ladder diagram as a schematic on screen. This
// includes the stuff to figure out where we should draw each leaf (coil,
// contact, timer, ...) element on screen and how we should connect them up
// with wires.
// Jonathan Westhues, Oct 2004
#include "linuxUI.h"
#include "ldmicro.h"
// Number of drawing columns (leaf element units) available. We want to
// know this so that we can right-justify the coils.
int ColsAvailable;
// Set when we draw the selected element in the program. If there is no
// element selected then we ought to put the cursor at the top left of
// the screen.
BOOL SelectionActive;
// Is the element currently being drawn highlighted because it is selected?
// If so we must not do further syntax highlighting.
BOOL ThisHighlighted;
#define TOO_LONG _("!!!too long!!!")
#define DM_BOUNDS(gx, gy) { \
if((gx) >= DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE || (gx) < 0) oops(); \
if((gy) >= DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE || (gy) < 0) oops(); \
// The display code is the only part of the program that knows how wide a
// rung will be when it's displayed; so this is the only convenient place to
// warn the user and undo their changes if they created something too wide.
// This is not very clean.
// static BOOL CheckBoundsUndoIfFails(int gx, int gy)
// {
// if(gx >= DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE || gx < 0 ||
// gy >= DISPLAY_MATRIX_Y_SIZE || gy < 0)
// {
// if(CanUndo()) {
// UndoUndo();
// Error(_("Too many elements in subcircuit!"));
// return TRUE;
// }
// }
// return FALSE;
// }
// Determine the width, in leaf element units, of a particular subcircuit.
// The width of a leaf is 1, the width of a series circuit is the sum of
// of the widths of its members, and the width of a parallel circuit is
// the maximum of the widths of its members.
static int CountWidthOfElement(int which, void *elem, int soFar)
switch(which) {
case ELEM_TON:
case ELEM_TOF:
case ELEM_RTO:
case ELEM_CTU:
case ELEM_CTD:
case ELEM_EQU:
case ELEM_NEQ:
case ELEM_GRT:
case ELEM_GEQ:
case ELEM_LES:
case ELEM_LEQ:
return 1;
return 2;
if(soFar != 0) oops();
ElemLeaf *l = (ElemLeaf *)elem;
char tbuf[MAX_COMMENT_LEN];
strcpy(tbuf, l->d.comment.str);
char *b = strchr(tbuf, '\n');
int len;
if(b) {
*b = '\0';
len = max(strlen(tbuf)-1, strlen(b+1));
} else {
len = strlen(tbuf);
// round up, and allow space for lead-in
len = (len + 7 + (POS_WIDTH-1)) / POS_WIDTH;
return max(ColsAvailable, len);
case ELEM_CTC:
case ELEM_RES:
if(ColsAvailable - soFar > 1) {
return ColsAvailable - soFar;
} else {
return 1;
case ELEM_ADD:
case ELEM_SUB:
case ELEM_MUL:
case ELEM_DIV:
if(ColsAvailable - soFar > 2) {
return ColsAvailable - soFar;
} else {
return 2;
// total of the width of the members
int total = 0;
int i;
ElemSubcktSeries *s = (ElemSubcktSeries *)elem;
for(i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
total += CountWidthOfElement(s->contents[i].which,
s->contents[i].d.any, total+soFar);
return total;
// greatest of the width of the members
int max = 0;
int i;
ElemSubcktParallel *p = (ElemSubcktParallel *)elem;
for(i = 0; i < p->count; i++) {
int w = CountWidthOfElement(p->contents[i].which,
p->contents[i].d.any, soFar);
if(w > max) {
max = w;
return max;
// Determine the height, in leaf element units, of a particular subcircuit.
// The height of a leaf is 1, the height of a parallel circuit is the sum of
// of the heights of its members, and the height of a series circuit is the
// maximum of the heights of its members. (This is the dual of the width
// case.)
int CountHeightOfElement(int which, void *elem)
switch(which) {
return 1;
// total of the height of the members
int total = 0;
int i;
ElemSubcktParallel *s = (ElemSubcktParallel *)elem;
for(i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
total += CountHeightOfElement(s->contents[i].which,
return total;
// greatest of the height of the members
int max = 0;
int i;
ElemSubcktSeries *s = (ElemSubcktSeries *)elem;
for(i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
int w = CountHeightOfElement(s->contents[i].which,
if(w > max) {
max = w;
return max;
// Determine the width, in leaf element units, of the widest row of the PLC
// program (i.e. loop over all the rungs and find the widest).
int ProgCountWidestRow(void)
int i;
int max = 0;
int colsTemp = ColsAvailable;
ColsAvailable = 0;
for(i = 0; i < Prog.numRungs; i++) {
int w = CountWidthOfElement(ELEM_SERIES_SUBCKT, Prog.rungs[i], 0);
if(w > max) {
max = w;
ColsAvailable = colsTemp;
return max;
// Draw a vertical wire one leaf element unit high up from (cx, cy), where cx
// and cy are in charcter units.
// static void VerticalWire(int cx, int cy)
// {
// int j;
// for(j = 1; j < POS_HEIGHT; j++) {
// DrawChars(cx, cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2 - j), "|");
// }
// DrawChars(cx, cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), "+");
// DrawChars(cx, cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2 - POS_HEIGHT), "+");
// }
// Convenience functions for making the text colors pretty, for DrawElement.
// static void NormText(void)
// {
// SetTextColor(Hdc, InSimulationMode ? HighlightColours.simOff :
// HighlightColours.def);
// SelectObject(Hdc, FixedWidthFont);
// }
// static void EmphText(void)
// {
// SetTextColor(Hdc, InSimulationMode ? HighlightColours.simOn :
// HighlightColours.selected);
// SelectObject(Hdc, FixedWidthFontBold);
// }
// static void NameText(void)
// {
// if(!InSimulationMode && !ThisHighlighted) {
// SetTextColor(Hdc, HighlightColours.name);
// }
// }
// static void BodyText(void)
// {
// if(!InSimulationMode && !ThisHighlighted) {
// SetTextColor(Hdc, HighlightColours.def);
// }
// }
// static void PoweredText(BOOL powered)
// {
// if(InSimulationMode) {
// if(powered)
// EmphText();
// else
// NormText();
// }
// }
// Count the length of a string, in characters. Nonstandard because the
// string may contain special characters to indicate formatting (syntax
// highlighting).
// static int FormattedStrlen(char *str)
// {
// int l = 0;
// while(*str) {
// if(*str > 10) {
// l++;
// }
// str++;
// }
// return l;
// }
// Draw a string, centred in the space of a single position, with spaces on
// the left and right. Draws on the upper line of the position.
// static void CenterWithSpaces(int cx, int cy, char *str, BOOL powered,
// BOOL isName)
// {
// int extra = POS_WIDTH - FormattedStrlen(str);
// PoweredText(powered);
// if(isName) NameText();
// DrawChars(cx + (extra/2), cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2) - 1, str);
// if(isName) BodyText();
// }
// Like CenterWithWires, but for an arbitrary width position (e.g. for ADD
// and SUB, which are double-width).
// static void CenterWithWiresWidth(int cx, int cy, char *str, BOOL before,
// BOOL after, int totalWidth)
// {
// int extra = totalWidth - FormattedStrlen(str);
// PoweredText(after);
// DrawChars(cx + (extra/2), cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), str);
// PoweredText(before);
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < (extra/2); i++) {
// DrawChars(cx + i, cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), "-");
// }
// PoweredText(after);
// for(i = FormattedStrlen(str)+(extra/2); i < totalWidth; i++) {
// DrawChars(cx + i, cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), "-");
// }
// }
// Draw a string, centred in the space of a single position, with en dashes on
// the left and right coloured according to the powered state. Draws on the
// middle line.
// static void CenterWithWires(int cx, int cy, char *str, BOOL before, BOOL after)
// {
// CenterWithWiresWidth(cx, cy, str, before, after, POS_WIDTH);
// }
// Draw an end of line element (coil, RES, MOV, etc.). Special things about
// an end of line element: we must right-justify it.
// static BOOL DrawEndOfLine(int which, ElemLeaf *leaf, int *cx, int *cy,
// BOOL poweredBefore)
// {
// int cx0 = *cx, cy0 = *cy;
// BOOL poweredAfter = leaf->poweredAfter;
// int thisWidth;
// switch(which) {
// case ELEM_ADD:
// case ELEM_SUB:
// case ELEM_MUL:
// case ELEM_DIV:
// thisWidth = 2;
// break;
// default:
// thisWidth = 1;
// break;
// }
// NormText();
// PoweredText(poweredBefore);
// while(*cx < (ColsAvailable-thisWidth)*POS_WIDTH) {
// int gx = *cx/POS_WIDTH;
// int gy = *cy/POS_HEIGHT;
// if(CheckBoundsUndoIfFails(gx, gy)) return FALSE;
// if(gx >= DISPLAY_MATRIX_X_SIZE) oops();
// DM_BOUNDS(gx, gy);
// DisplayMatrix[gx][gy] = PADDING_IN_DISPLAY_MATRIX;
// DisplayMatrixWhich[gx][gy] = ELEM_PADDING;
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < POS_WIDTH; i++) {
// DrawChars(*cx + i, *cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), "-");
// }
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// cx0 += POS_WIDTH;
// }
// if(leaf == Selected && !InSimulationMode) {
// EmphText();
// ThisHighlighted = TRUE;
// } else {
// ThisHighlighted = FALSE;
// }
// switch(which) {
// case ELEM_CTC: {
// char buf[256];
// ElemCounter *c = &leaf->d.counter;
// sprintf(buf, "{\x01""CTC\x02 0:%d}", c->max);
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, c->name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, buf, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_RES: {
// ElemReset *r = &leaf->d.reset;
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, r->name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, "{RES}", poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_READ_ADC: {
// ElemReadAdc *r = &leaf->d.readAdc;
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, r->name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, "{READ ADC}", poweredBefore,
// poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_SET_PWM: {
// ElemSetPwm *s = &leaf->d.setPwm;
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, s->name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// char l[50];
// if(s->targetFreq >= 100000) {
// sprintf(l, "{PWM %d kHz}", (s->targetFreq+500)/1000);
// } else if(s->targetFreq >= 10000) {
// sprintf(l, "{PWM %.1f kHz}", s->targetFreq/1000.0);
// } else if(s->targetFreq >= 1000) {
// sprintf(l, "{PWM %.2f kHz}", s->targetFreq/1000.0);
// } else {
// sprintf(l, "{PWM %d Hz}", s->targetFreq);
// }
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, l, poweredBefore,
// poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, leaf->d.persist.var, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, "{PERSIST}", poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// break;
// case ELEM_MOVE: {
// char top[256];
// char bot[256];
// ElemMove *m = &leaf->d.move;
// if((strlen(m->dest) > (POS_WIDTH - 9)) ||
// (strlen(m->src) > (POS_WIDTH - 9)))
// {
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, TOO_LONG, poweredBefore,
// poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// strcpy(top, "{ }");
// memcpy(top+1, m->dest, strlen(m->dest));
// top[strlen(m->dest) + 3] = ':';
// top[strlen(m->dest) + 4] = '=';
// strcpy(bot, "{ \x01MOV\x02}");
// memcpy(bot+2, m->src, strlen(m->src));
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, top, poweredAfter, FALSE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, bot, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, "{MASTER RLY}", poweredBefore,
// poweredAfter);
// break;
// char bot[MAX_NAME_LEN+20];
// memset(bot, ' ', sizeof(bot));
// bot[0] = '{';
// sprintf(bot+2, "%s0..%d", leaf->d.shiftRegister.name,
// leaf->d.shiftRegister.stages-1);
// bot[strlen(bot)] = ' ';
// bot[13] = '}';
// bot[14] = '\0';
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, "{\x01SHIFT REG\x02 }",
// poweredAfter, FALSE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, bot, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// char top[MAX_NAME_LEN+20], bot[MAX_NAME_LEN+20];
// char *dest, *index, *str;
// if(which == ELEM_PIECEWISE_LINEAR) {
// dest = leaf->d.piecewiseLinear.dest;
// index = leaf->d.piecewiseLinear.index;
// str = "PWL";
// } else {
// dest = leaf->d.lookUpTable.dest;
// index = leaf->d.lookUpTable.index;
// str = "LUT";
// }
// memset(top, ' ', sizeof(top));
// top[0] = '{';
// sprintf(top+2, "%s :=", dest);
// top[strlen(top)] = ' ';
// top[13] = '}';
// top[14] = '\0';
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, top, poweredAfter, FALSE);
// memset(bot, ' ', sizeof(bot));
// bot[0] = '{';
// sprintf(bot+2, " %s[%s]", str, index);
// bot[strlen(bot)] = ' ';
// bot[13] = '}';
// bot[14] = '\0';
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, bot, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_COIL: {
// char buf[4];
// ElemCoil *c = &leaf->d.coil;
// buf[0] = '(';
// if(c->negated) {
// buf[1] = '/';
// } else if(c->setOnly) {
// buf[1] = 'S';
// } else if(c->resetOnly) {
// buf[1] = 'R';
// } else {
// buf[1] = ' ';
// }
// buf[2] = ')';
// buf[3] = '\0';
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, c->name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, buf, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_DIV:
// case ELEM_MUL:
// case ELEM_SUB:
// case ELEM_ADD: {
// char top[POS_WIDTH*2-3+2];
// char bot[POS_WIDTH*2-3];
// memset(top, ' ', sizeof(top)-1);
// top[0] = '{';
// memset(bot, ' ', sizeof(bot)-1);
// bot[0] = '{';
// int lt = 1;
// if(which == ELEM_ADD) {
// memcpy(top+lt, "\x01""ADD\x02", 5);
// } else if(which == ELEM_SUB) {
// memcpy(top+lt, "\x01SUB\x02", 5);
// } else if(which == ELEM_MUL) {
// memcpy(top+lt, "\x01MUL\x02", 5);
// } else if(which == ELEM_DIV) {
// memcpy(top+lt, "\x01""DIV\x02", 5);
// } else oops();
// lt += 7;
// memcpy(top+lt, leaf->d.math.dest, strlen(leaf->d.math.dest));
// lt += strlen(leaf->d.math.dest) + 2;
// top[lt++] = ':';
// top[lt++] = '=';
// int lb = 2;
// memcpy(bot+lb, leaf->d.math.op1, strlen(leaf->d.math.op1));
// lb += strlen(leaf->d.math.op1) + 1;
// if(which == ELEM_ADD) {
// bot[lb++] = '+';
// } else if(which == ELEM_SUB) {
// bot[lb++] = '-';
// } else if(which == ELEM_MUL) {
// bot[lb++] = '*';
// } else if(which == ELEM_DIV) {
// bot[lb++] = '/';
// } else oops();
// lb++;
// memcpy(bot+lb, leaf->d.math.op2, strlen(leaf->d.math.op2));
// lb += strlen(leaf->d.math.op2);
// int l = max(lb, lt - 2);
// top[l+2] = '}'; top[l+3] = '\0';
// bot[l] = '}'; bot[l+1] = '\0';
// int extra = 2*POS_WIDTH - FormattedStrlen(top);
// PoweredText(poweredAfter);
// DrawChars(*cx + (extra/2), *cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2) - 1, top);
// CenterWithWiresWidth(*cx, *cy, bot, poweredBefore, poweredAfter,
// 2*POS_WIDTH);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// default:
// oops();
// break;
// }
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// return poweredAfter;
// }
// Draw a leaf element. Special things about a leaf: no need to recurse
// further, and we must put it into the display matrix.
// static BOOL DrawLeaf(int which, ElemLeaf *leaf, int *cx, int *cy,
// BOOL poweredBefore)
// {
// int cx0 = *cx, cy0 = *cy;
// BOOL poweredAfter = leaf->poweredAfter;
// switch(which) {
// case ELEM_COMMENT: {
// char tbuf[MAX_COMMENT_LEN];
// char tlbuf[MAX_COMMENT_LEN+8];
// strcpy(tbuf, leaf->d.comment.str);
// char *b = strchr(tbuf, '\n');
// if(b) {
// if(b[-1] == '\r') b[-1] = '\0';
// *b = '\0';
// sprintf(tlbuf, "\x03 ; %s\x02", tbuf);
// DrawChars(*cx, *cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2) - 1, tlbuf);
// sprintf(tlbuf, "\x03 ; %s\x02", b+1);
// DrawChars(*cx, *cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), tlbuf);
// } else {
// sprintf(tlbuf, "\x03 ; %s\x02", tbuf);
// DrawChars(*cx, *cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2) - 1, tlbuf);
// }
// *cx += ColsAvailable*POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// NormText();
// CenterWithWiresWidth(*cx, *cy, "--", FALSE, FALSE, 2);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_CONTACTS: {
// char buf[4];
// ElemContacts *c = &leaf->d.contacts;
// buf[0] = ']';
// buf[1] = c->negated ? '/' : ' ';
// buf[2] = '[';
// buf[3] = '\0';
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, c->name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, buf, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// {
// char *s;
// case ELEM_EQU:
// s = "=="; goto cmp;
// case ELEM_NEQ:
// s = "/="; goto cmp;
// case ELEM_GRT:
// s = ">"; goto cmp;
// case ELEM_GEQ:
// s = ">="; goto cmp;
// case ELEM_LES:
// s = "<"; goto cmp;
// case ELEM_LEQ:
// s = "<="; goto cmp;
// cmp:
// char s1[POS_WIDTH+10], s2[POS_WIDTH+10];
// int l1, l2, lmax;
// l1 = 2 + 1 + strlen(s) + strlen(leaf->d.cmp.op1);
// l2 = 2 + 1 + strlen(leaf->d.cmp.op2);
// lmax = max(l1, l2);
// if(lmax < POS_WIDTH) {
// memset(s1, ' ', sizeof(s1));
// s1[0] = '[';
// s1[lmax-1] = ']';
// s1[lmax] = '\0';
// strcpy(s2, s1);
// memcpy(s1+1, leaf->d.cmp.op1, strlen(leaf->d.cmp.op1));
// memcpy(s1+strlen(leaf->d.cmp.op1)+2, s, strlen(s));
// memcpy(s2+2, leaf->d.cmp.op2, strlen(leaf->d.cmp.op2));
// } else {
// strcpy(s1, "");
// strcpy(s2, TOO_LONG);
// }
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, s1, poweredAfter, FALSE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, s2, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_OPEN:
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, "+ +", poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// case ELEM_SHORT:
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, "+------+", poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// char *s1, *s2;
// if(which == ELEM_ONE_SHOT_RISING) {
// s1 = " _ ";
// s2 = "[\x01OSR\x02_/ ]";
// } else if(which == ELEM_ONE_SHOT_FALLING) {
// s1 = " _ ";
// s2 = "[\x01OSF\x02 \\_]";
// } else oops();
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, s1, poweredAfter, FALSE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, s2, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_CTU:
// case ELEM_CTD: {
// char *s;
// if(which == ELEM_CTU)
// s = "\x01""CTU\x02";
// else if(which == ELEM_CTD)
// s = "\x01""CTD\x02";
// else oops();
// char buf[256];
// ElemCounter *c = &leaf->d.counter;
// sprintf(buf, "[%s >=%d]", s, c->max);
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, c->name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, buf, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_RTO:
// case ELEM_TON:
// case ELEM_TOF: {
// char *s;
// if(which == ELEM_TON)
// s = "\x01TON\x02";
// else if(which == ELEM_TOF)
// s = "\x01TOF\x02";
// else if(which == ELEM_RTO)
// s = "\x01RTO\x02";
// else oops();
// char buf[256];
// ElemTimer *t = &leaf->d.timer;
// if(t->delay >= 1000*1000) {
// sprintf(buf, "[%s %.3f s]", s, t->delay/1000000.0);
// } else if(t->delay >= 100*1000) {
// sprintf(buf, "[%s %.1f ms]", s, t->delay/1000.0);
// } else {
// sprintf(buf, "[%s %.2f ms]", s, t->delay/1000.0);
// }
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, t->name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy, buf, poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// // Careful, string could be longer than fits in our space.
// char str[POS_WIDTH*2];
// memset(str, 0, sizeof(str));
// char *srcStr = leaf->d.fmtdStr.string;
// memcpy(str, srcStr, min(strlen(srcStr), POS_WIDTH*2 - 7));
// char bot[100];
// sprintf(bot, "{\"%s\"}", str);
// int extra = 2*POS_WIDTH - strlen(leaf->d.fmtdStr.var);
// PoweredText(poweredAfter);
// NameText();
// DrawChars(*cx + (extra/2), *cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2) - 1,
// leaf->d.fmtdStr.var);
// BodyText();
// CenterWithWiresWidth(*cx, *cy, bot, poweredBefore, poweredAfter,
// 2*POS_WIDTH);
// *cx += 2*POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// }
// CenterWithWires(*cx, *cy,
// (which == ELEM_UART_RECV) ? "{UART RECV}" : "{UART SEND}",
// poweredBefore, poweredAfter);
// CenterWithSpaces(*cx, *cy, leaf->d.uart.name, poweredAfter, TRUE);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// break;
// default:
// poweredAfter = DrawEndOfLine(which, leaf, cx, cy, poweredBefore);
// break;
// }
// // And now we can enter the element into the display matrix so that the
// // UI routines know what element is at position (gx, gy) when the user
// // clicks there, and so that we know where to put the cursor if this
// // element is selected.
// // Don't use original cx0, as an end of line element might be further
// // along than that.
// cx0 = *cx - POS_WIDTH;
// int gx = cx0/POS_WIDTH;
// int gy = cy0/POS_HEIGHT;
// if(CheckBoundsUndoIfFails(gx, gy)) return FALSE;
// DM_BOUNDS(gx, gy);
// DisplayMatrix[gx][gy] = leaf;
// DisplayMatrixWhich[gx][gy] = which;
// int xadj = 0;
// switch(which) {
// case ELEM_ADD:
// case ELEM_SUB:
// case ELEM_MUL:
// case ELEM_DIV:
// DM_BOUNDS(gx-1, gy);
// DisplayMatrix[gx-1][gy] = leaf;
// DisplayMatrixWhich[gx-1][gy] = which;
// break;
// }
// if(which == ELEM_COMMENT) {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < ColsAvailable; i++) {
// DisplayMatrix[i][gy] = leaf;
// DisplayMatrixWhich[i][gy] = ELEM_COMMENT;
// }
// xadj = (ColsAvailable-1)*POS_WIDTH*FONT_WIDTH;
// }
// int x0 = X_PADDING + cx0*FONT_WIDTH;
// int y0 = Y_PADDING + cy0*FONT_HEIGHT;
// if(leaf->selectedState != SELECTED_NONE && leaf == Selected) {
// SelectionActive = TRUE;
// }
// switch(leaf->selectedState) {
// Cursor.left = x0 + FONT_WIDTH - 4 - xadj;
// Cursor.top = y0 - FONT_HEIGHT/2;
// Cursor.width = 2;
// Cursor.height = POS_HEIGHT*FONT_HEIGHT;
// break;
// Cursor.left = x0 + (POS_WIDTH-1)*FONT_WIDTH - 5;
// Cursor.top = y0 - FONT_HEIGHT/2;
// Cursor.width = 2;
// Cursor.height = POS_HEIGHT*FONT_HEIGHT;
// break;
// Cursor.left = x0 + FONT_WIDTH/2 - xadj;
// Cursor.top = y0 - 2;
// Cursor.width = (POS_WIDTH-2)*FONT_WIDTH + xadj;
// Cursor.height = 2;
// break;
// Cursor.left = x0 + FONT_WIDTH/2 - xadj;
// Cursor.top = y0 + (POS_HEIGHT-1)*FONT_HEIGHT +
// FONT_HEIGHT/2 - 2;
// Cursor.width = (POS_WIDTH-2)*(FONT_WIDTH) + xadj;
// Cursor.height = 2;
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// return poweredAfter;
// }
// Draw a particular subcircuit with its top left corner at *cx and *cy (in
// characters). If it is a leaf element then just print it and return; else
// loop over the elements of the subcircuit and call ourselves recursively.
// At the end updates *cx and *cy.
// In simulation mode, returns TRUE the circuit is energized after the given
// element, else FALSE. This is needed to colour all the wires correctly,
// since the colouring indicates whether a wire is energized.
BOOL DrawElement(int which, void *elem, int *cx, int *cy, BOOL poweredBefore)
// BOOL poweredAfter;
// int cx0 = *cx, cy0 = *cy;
// ElemLeaf *leaf = (ElemLeaf *)elem;
// SetBkColor(Hdc, InSimulationMode ? HighlightColours.simBg :
// HighlightColours.bg);
// NormText();
// if(elem == Selected && !InSimulationMode) {
// EmphText();
// ThisHighlighted = TRUE;
// } else {
// ThisHighlighted = FALSE;
// }
// switch(which) {
// int i;
// ElemSubcktSeries *s = (ElemSubcktSeries *)elem;
// poweredAfter = poweredBefore;
// for(i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
// poweredAfter = DrawElement(s->contents[i].which,
// s->contents[i].d.any, cx, cy, poweredAfter);
// }
// break;
// }
// int i;
// ElemSubcktParallel *p = (ElemSubcktParallel *)elem;
// int widthMax = CountWidthOfElement(which, elem, (*cx)/POS_WIDTH);
// int heightMax = CountHeightOfElement(which, elem);
// poweredAfter = FALSE;
// int lowestPowered = -1;
// int downBy = 0;
// for(i = 0; i < p->count; i++) {
// BOOL poweredThis;
// poweredThis = DrawElement(p->contents[i].which,
// p->contents[i].d.any, cx, cy, poweredBefore);
// if(InSimulationMode) {
// if(poweredThis) poweredAfter = TRUE;
// PoweredText(poweredThis);
// }
// while((*cx - cx0) < widthMax*POS_WIDTH) {
// int gx = *cx/POS_WIDTH;
// int gy = *cy/POS_HEIGHT;
// if(CheckBoundsUndoIfFails(gx, gy)) return FALSE;
// DM_BOUNDS(gx, gy);
// DisplayMatrix[gx][gy] = PADDING_IN_DISPLAY_MATRIX;
// DisplayMatrixWhich[gx][gy] = ELEM_PADDING;
// char buf[256];
// int j;
// for(j = 0; j < POS_WIDTH; j++) {
// buf[j] = '-';
// }
// buf[j] = '\0';
// DrawChars(*cx, *cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), buf);
// *cx += POS_WIDTH;
// }
// *cx = cx0;
// int justDrewHeight = CountHeightOfElement(p->contents[i].which,
// p->contents[i].d.any);
// *cy += POS_HEIGHT*justDrewHeight;
// downBy += justDrewHeight;
// if(poweredThis) {
// lowestPowered = downBy - 1;
// }
// }
// *cx = cx0 + POS_WIDTH*widthMax;
// *cy = cy0;
// int j;
// BOOL needWire;
// if(*cx/POS_WIDTH != ColsAvailable) {
// needWire = FALSE;
// for(j = heightMax - 1; j >= 1; j--) {
// if(j <= lowestPowered) PoweredText(poweredAfter);
// if(DisplayMatrix[*cx/POS_WIDTH - 1][*cy/POS_HEIGHT + j]) {
// needWire = TRUE;
// }
// if(needWire) VerticalWire(*cx - 1, *cy + j*POS_HEIGHT);
// }
// // stupid special case
// if(lowestPowered == 0 && InSimulationMode) {
// EmphText();
// DrawChars(*cx - 1, *cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), "+");
// }
// }
// PoweredText(poweredBefore);
// needWire = FALSE;
// for(j = heightMax - 1; j >= 1; j--) {
// if(DisplayMatrix[cx0/POS_WIDTH][*cy/POS_HEIGHT + j]) {
// needWire = TRUE;
// }
// if(needWire) VerticalWire(cx0 - 1, *cy + j*POS_HEIGHT);
// }
// break;
// }
// default:
// poweredAfter = DrawLeaf(which, leaf, cx, cy, poweredBefore);
// break;
// }
// NormText();
// return poweredAfter;
// Draw the rung that signals the end of the program. Kind of useless but
// do it anyways, for convention.
void DrawEndRung(int cx, int cy)
// int i;
// char *str = "[END]";
// int lead = (POS_WIDTH - strlen(str))/2;
// ThisHighlighted = TRUE;
// for(i = 0; i < lead; i++) {
// DrawChars(cx + i, cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), "-");
// }
// DrawChars(cx + i, cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), str);
// i += strlen(str);
// for(; i < ColsAvailable*POS_WIDTH; i++) {
// DrawChars(cx + i, cy + (POS_HEIGHT/2), "-");
// }