path: root/ldmicro
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Diffstat (limited to 'ldmicro')
2 files changed, 71 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/ldmicro/includes/ldmicro.h b/ldmicro/includes/ldmicro.h
index 1484261..02f850d 100644
--- a/ldmicro/includes/ldmicro.h
+++ b/ldmicro/includes/ldmicro.h
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ extern HLIST IoList;
extern int IoListTop;
extern int IoListHeight;
// draw.cpp
int ProgCountWidestRow(void);
int CountHeightOfElement(int which, void *elem);
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ extern BOOL DialogCancel;
// lang.cpp
char *_(char *in);
// simulate.cpp
void SimulateOneCycle(BOOL forceRefresh);
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ SWORD GetAdcShadow(char *name);
void DestroyUartSimulationWindow(void);
void ShowUartSimulationWindow(void);
extern BOOL InSimulationMode;
extern BOOL SimulateRedrawAfterNextCycle;
// compilecommon.cpp
@@ -773,6 +773,6 @@ void CompileAnsiC(char *outFile);
// interpreted.c
void CompileInterpreted(char *outFile);
-void CompileArduino(char *outFile);*/
+void CompileArduino(char *outFile);
diff --git a/ldmicro/ldmicro.cpp b/ldmicro/ldmicro.cpp
index ddc1f76..81ca49f 100644
--- a/ldmicro/ldmicro.cpp
+++ b/ldmicro/ldmicro.cpp
@@ -139,64 +139,64 @@ PlcProgram Prog;
// Compile the program to a hex file for the target micro. Get the output
// file name if necessary, then call the micro-specific compile routines.
-// static void CompileProgram(BOOL compileAs)
-// {
-// if(compileAs || strlen(CurrentCompileFile)==0) {
-// memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn));
-// ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
-// ofn.parentWindow = NULL;
-// ofn.lpstrTitle = _("Compile To");
-// if(Prog.mcu && Prog.mcu->whichIsa == ISA_ANSIC) {
-// ofn.lpstrFilter = C_PATTERN;
-// ofn.lpstrDefExt = "c";
-// } else if(Prog.mcu && Prog.mcu->whichIsa == ISA_INTERPRETED) {
-// ofn.lpstrFilter = INTERPRETED_PATTERN;
-// ofn.lpstrDefExt = "int";
-// } else {
-// ofn.lpstrFilter = HEX_PATTERN;
-// ofn.lpstrDefExt = "hex";
-// }
-// ofn.lpstrFile = CurrentCompileFile;
-// ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(CurrentCompileFile);
+static void CompileProgram(BOOL compileAs)
+ if(compileAs || strlen(CurrentCompileFile)==0) {
+ memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn));
+ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
+ ofn.parentWindow = NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrTitle = _("Compile To");
+ if(Prog.mcu && Prog.mcu->whichIsa == ISA_ANSIC) {
+ ofn.lpstrFilter = C_PATTERN;
+ ofn.lpstrDefExt = "c";
+ } else if(Prog.mcu && Prog.mcu->whichIsa == ISA_INTERPRETED) {
+ ofn.lpstrFilter = INTERPRETED_PATTERN;
+ ofn.lpstrDefExt = "int";
+ } else {
+ ofn.lpstrFilter = HEX_PATTERN;
+ ofn.lpstrDefExt = "hex";
+ }
+ ofn.lpstrFile = CurrentCompileFile;
+ ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(CurrentCompileFile);
-// if(!GetSaveFileName(&ofn))
-// return;
+ if(!GetSaveFileName(&ofn))
+ return;
-// // hex output filename is stored in the .ld file
-// ProgramChangedNotSaved = TRUE;
-// }
+ // hex output filename is stored in the .ld file
+ ProgramChangedNotSaved = TRUE;
+ }
-// if(!GenerateIntermediateCode()) return;
+ if(!GenerateIntermediateCode()) return;
-// if(Prog.mcu == NULL) {
-// Error(_("Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling."));
-// return;
-// }
+ if(Prog.mcu == NULL) {
+ Error(_("Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling."));
+ return;
+ }
-// if(UartFunctionUsed() && Prog.mcu->uartNeeds.rxPin == 0) {
-// Error(_("UART function used but not supported for this micro."));
-// return;
-// }
+ if(UartFunctionUsed() && Prog.mcu->uartNeeds.rxPin == 0) {
+ Error(_("UART function used but not supported for this micro."));
+ return;
+ }
-// if(PwmFunctionUsed() && Prog.mcu->pwmNeedsPin == 0) {
-// Error(_("PWM function used but not supported for this micro."));
-// return;
-// }
+ if(PwmFunctionUsed() && Prog.mcu->pwmNeedsPin == 0) {
+ Error(_("PWM function used but not supported for this micro."));
+ return;
+ }
-// switch(Prog.mcu->whichIsa) {
-// case ISA_AVR: CompileAvr(CurrentCompileFile); break;
-// case ISA_PIC16: CompilePic16(CurrentCompileFile); break;
-// case ISA_ANSIC: CompileAnsiC(CurrentCompileFile); break;
-// case ISA_INTERPRETED: CompileInterpreted(CurrentCompileFile); break;
-// case ISA_ARDUINO: CompileArduino(CurrentCompileFile); break;
-// default: oops();
-// }
-// // IntDumpListing("");
-// }
+ switch(Prog.mcu->whichIsa) {
+ case ISA_AVR: CompileAvr(CurrentCompileFile); break;
+ case ISA_PIC16: CompilePic16(CurrentCompileFile); break;
+ case ISA_ANSIC: CompileAnsiC(CurrentCompileFile); break;
+ case ISA_INTERPRETED: CompileInterpreted(CurrentCompileFile); break;
+ case ISA_ARDUINO: CompileArduino(CurrentCompileFile); break;
+ default: oops();
+ }
+ IntDumpListing("");
// If the program has been modified then give the user the option to save it
@@ -1026,7 +1026,13 @@ PlcProgram Prog;
// return RegisterClassEx(&wc);
// }
+void LDMicro_close(HWND window)
+ FreezeWindowPos(MainWindow);
+ FreezeDWORD(IoListHeight);
+ gtk_main_quit();
// Entry point into the program.
@@ -1098,10 +1104,15 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(MainWindow), "LDMicro");
- gtk_widget_show(MainWindow);
+ g_signal_connect (MainWindow, "delete_event", G_CALLBACK (LDMicro_close), NULL);
gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (MainWindow), 600, 400);
+ gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (MainWindow), 600, 400);
+ ThawWindowPos(MainWindow);
+ ThawDWORD(IoListHeight);
+ gtk_widget_show(MainWindow);
// Title bar
@@ -1202,8 +1213,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// TranslateMessage(&msg);
// DispatchMessage(&msg);
// }
- // FreezeWindowPos(MainWindow);
- // FreezeDWORD(IoListHeight);
- return status;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
} \ No newline at end of file