path: root/ldmicro/lib/linuxUI/linuxUI.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ldmicro/lib/linuxUI/linuxUI.h')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ldmicro/lib/linuxUI/linuxUI.h b/ldmicro/lib/linuxUI/linuxUI.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b1d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldmicro/lib/linuxUI/linuxUI.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#ifndef __LINUX_UI__
+#define __LINUX_UI__
+/// includes
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <linux/limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "linuxLD.h"
+// 4000 ICON "ldmicro.ico"
+/// version control
+#define LDMicro_VERSION_MAJOR 1
+#define LDMicro_VERSION_MINOR 0
+/// Flags
+/// message box
+#define MB_OK 0x00000001L
+#define MB_OKCANCEL 0x00000002L
+#define MB_YESNO 0x00000004L
+#define MB_YESNOCANCEL 0x00000008L
+#define IDOK 1
+#define IDCANCEL 2
+#define IDYES 3
+#define IDNO 4
+#define MB_ICONERROR 0x00000010L
+#define MB_ICONQUESTION 0x00000020L
+#define MB_ICONWARNING 0x00000040L
+#define MB_ICONINFORMATION 0x00000080L
+/// open/save file
+#define OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST 0x00000100L
+#define OFN_HIDEREADONLY 0x00000200L
+#define OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT 0x00000400L
+/// window brushes
+#define BS_SOLID 0x00000001L
+#define BS_HOLLOW 0x00000002L
+#define BLACK_BRUSH 0x00000004L
+#define WHITE_BRUSH 0x00000008L
+#define GRAY_BRUSH 0x00000010L
+#define LTGRAY_BRUSH 0x00000020L
+#define DKGRAY_BRUSH 0x00000040L
+extern const COLORREF BLACK_BR;
+extern const COLORREF WHITE_BR;
+extern const COLORREF GRAY_BR;
+extern const COLORREF LTGRAY_BR;
+extern const COLORREF DKGRAY_BR;
+/// Font flags
+#define FW_REGULAR 0x00000001L
+#define FW_BOLD 0x00000002L
+/// EnableMenuItem variables
+extern const UINT MF_ENABLED;
+extern const UINT MF_GRAYED;
+extern const UINT MF_CHECKED;
+extern const UINT MF_UNCHECKED;
+/// ListStore
+extern GtkWidget *view;
+extern GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
+/// Structures
+typedef struct OpenFileInfoData {
+ DWORD lStructSize;
+ HWID parentWindow;
+ LPTSTR lpstrFile;
+ LPCTSTR lpstrFilter;
+ DWORD nMaxFile;
+ LPCTSTR lpstrTitle;
+ DWORD Flags;
+ LPCTSTR lpstrDefExt;
+/// Variables
+extern COLORREF HdcCurrentTextColor;
+/// functions
+BOOL isFocus(HWID window);
+COLORREF RGB(int red,
+ int green,
+ int blue);
+int MessageBox(HWID pWindow,
+ char* message,
+ char* title,
+ UINT mFlags);
+BOOL GetSaveFileName(OPENFILENAME *ofn);
+void EnableMenuItem(HMENU MenuName,
+ HMENU MenuItem,
+ UINT CheckEnabledItem);
+void CheckMenuItem(HMENU MenuName,
+ HMENU MenuItem,
+ UINT Check);
+HANDLE GetStockObject(int fnObject);
+void SelectObject(HCRDC hcr,
+ HFONT hfont);
+HBRUSH CreateBrushIndirect(PLOGBRUSH plb);
+HFONT CreateFont(int nHeight,
+ int nWidth,
+ int nOrientation,
+ int fnWeight,
+ DWORD fdwItalic,
+ LPCTSTR lpszFace);
+void SetBkColor(HWID widget,
+ HCRDC hcr,
+ COLORREF bkCol);
+void SetTextColor(HCRDC hcr,
+ COLORREF color);
+void TextOut(HCRDC hcr,
+ int nXStart,
+ int nYStart,
+ LPCTSTR lpString,
+ int cchString);
+COLORREF GetTextColor(HCRDC Hdc);
+BOOL InvalidateRect(
+ HWID hWId,
+ const RECT *lpRect,
+ BOOL bErase);
+int FillRect(
+ const RECT *lprc,
+ HBRUSH hbr);
+BOOL GetClientRect(
+ HWID hWid,
+ PRECT lpRect);
+#endif \ No newline at end of file