""" When this script is run it will create a .py module (output to the current directory) containing a class derived from wx.activex.ActiveXWindow for the progID or CLSID given on the command line. By default the class name will be used as the module name as well, but this is just because I am lazy, not trying to define a standard or anything. Feel free to rename the module, I do. Usage: python genax.py CLSID|progID className """ import wx import wx.activex import sys def main(args=None): if not args: args = sys.argv if len(args) < 3: print __doc__ sys.exit(1) # unfortunatly we need to make an app, frame and an instance of # the ActiceX control in order to get the TypeInfo about it... app = wx.App() f = wx.Frame(None, -1, "") clsid = wx.activex.CLSID(args[1]) axw = wx.activex.ActiveXWindow(f, clsid) wx.activex.GernerateAXModule(axw, args[2], '.', verbose=True) # Cleanup f.Close() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)