############################################################################### # Name: plugdlg.py # # Purpose: User interface into the PluginManager, also provides interface for # # downloading and installing plugins. # # Author: Cody Precord # # Copyright: (c) 2008 Cody Precord # # License: wxWindows License # ############################################################################### """ Provides a dialog for downloading, installing and configuring plugins or Editra. @todo: refactor list population and list item creation """ __author__ = "Cody Precord " __cvsid__ = "$Id: plugdlg.py 70229 2012-01-01 01:27:10Z CJP $" __revision__ = "$Revision: 70229 $" #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Imports import os import sys import re import urllib2 import wx import wx.lib.delayedresult as delayedresult # Local Imports import ed_glob import plugin import ed_event import ed_msg import util import ed_txt from profiler import Profile_Get, Profile_Set import ed_basewin import eclib #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Globals CONFIG_PG = 0 DOWNLOAD_PG = 1 INSTALL_PG = 2 PY_VER = str(sys.version_info[0]) + str(sys.version_info[1]) PLUGIN_REPO = "http://editra.org/plugins.php?list=True&py=" + PY_VER # Panel Display Modes MODE_CONFIG = 0 MODE_ERROR = 1 # Image list indexes IMG_CONFIG = 0 IMG_DOWNLOAD = 1 IMG_INSTALL = 2 IMG_ERROR = 3 IMG_PLUGIN = 4 _ = wx.GetTranslation #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# def MakeThemeTool(tool_id): """Makes a themed bitmap for the tool book of the plugin dialog. @param tool_id: An art identifier id @return: 32x32 bitmap @todo: why does drawing a bitmap overlay on gtk not draw on transparent area """ osize = Profile_Get('ICON_SZ', default=(24, 24)) Profile_Set('ICON_SZ', (32, 32)) base = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(tool_id), wx.ART_TOOLBAR) Profile_Set('ICON_SZ', osize) if not base.IsOk(): base = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_WARNING, wx.ART_TOOLBAR, size=(32, 32)) over = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_PLUGMGR), wx.ART_MENU) if over.IsOk(): # Draw overlay onto button mdc = wx.MemoryDC() mdc.SelectObject(base) mdc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) mdc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) mdc.DrawBitmap(over, 15, 15, False) mdc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap) return base #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class PluginDialog(wx.Frame): """Defines a Plugin manager Dialog that can be used to download plugins from a defined repository, offers services to install plugins that where downloaded with or without the dialog, as well as configure already installed plugins. It is instanciated as a standalone window when the show method is called so that if downloads are taking along time it does not interfere with usage of the editor. """ def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=u'', size=wx.DefaultSize): super(PluginDialog, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=size, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) util.SetWindowIcon(self) # Attributes bstyle = eclib.SEGBOOK_STYLE_NO_DIVIDERS|eclib.SEGBOOK_STYLE_LABELS self._nb = eclib.SegmentBook(self, style=bstyle) self._cfg_pg = ConfigPanel(self._nb, style=wx.BORDER_SUNKEN) self._dl_pg = DownloadPanel(self._nb) self._inst_pg = InstallPanel(self._nb) self._imglst = list() # Setup self.__InitImageList() self._nb.AddPage(self._cfg_pg, _("Configure"), img_id=IMG_CONFIG) self._nb.AddPage(self._dl_pg, _("Download"), img_id=IMG_DOWNLOAD) self._nb.AddPage(self._inst_pg, _("Install"), img_id=IMG_INSTALL) # Check for plugins with error conditions and if any are found # Add the error page. pmgr = wx.GetApp().GetPluginManager() if len(pmgr.GetIncompatible()): self._nb.AddPage(ConfigPanel(self._nb, style=wx.NO_BORDER, mode=MODE_ERROR), _("Errors"), img_id=IMG_ERROR) # Layout sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self._nb, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.SetStatusBar(eclib.ProgressStatusBar(self, style=wx.SB_FLAT)) self.SetInitialSize(size) # Event Handlers self.Bind(eclib.EVT_SB_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnPageChanging) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self.OnDestroy, self) # Message Handlers ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnThemeChange, ed_msg.EDMSG_THEME_CHANGED) def OnDestroy(self, evt): """Cleanup message handlers on delete""" if evt.GetId() == self.GetId(): ed_msg.Unsubscribe(self.OnThemeChange) evt.Skip() def __InitImageList(self): """Initialize the segmentbooks image list""" dorefresh = False if len(self._imglst): del self._imglst self._imglst = list() dorefresh = True self._imglst.append(MakeThemeTool(ed_glob.ID_PREF)) self._imglst.append(MakeThemeTool(ed_glob.ID_WEB)) self._imglst.append(MakeThemeTool(ed_glob.ID_PACKAGE)) bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_ERROR, wx.ART_TOOLBAR, (32, 32)) self._imglst.append(bmp) bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_PREF), wx.ART_TOOLBAR, (32, 32)) self._imglst.append(bmp) self._nb.SetImageList(self._imglst) self._nb.SetUsePyImageList(True) if dorefresh: self._nb.Refresh() def OnClose(self, evt): """Handles closing the dialog and unregistering it from the mainloop. @param evt: wx.EVT_CLOSE """ if self._dl_pg.IsDownloading(): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("Downloads are incomplete"), _("Do you wish to exit?"), style=wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION| \ wx.CENTER) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_NO: return else: pass if self._cfg_pg.ConfigChanged(): wx.MessageBox(_("You must restart Editra before your " "changes will take full affect."), _("Configuration Changes Made"), wx.ICON_INFORMATION|wx.OK) wx.GetApp().UnRegisterWindow(repr(self)) evt.Skip() def OnThemeChange(self, msg): """Update icons on theme change message""" self.__InitImageList() def Show(self, show=True): """Shows the dialog @postcondition: Dialog is registered with the main loop and shown """ wx.GetApp().RegisterWindow(repr(self), self, True) wx.Frame.Show(self, show) def Busy(self, busy=True): """Set the status of the frame to be busy or not @keyword busy: Start or Stop being busy """ if busy: self.GetStatusBar().StartBusy() else: self.GetStatusBar().StopBusy() def OnPageChanging(self, evt): """Updates pages as they are being changed to. @param evt: segmentbk.EVT_SB_PAGE_CHANGING """ cur_pg = evt.GetSelection() self.SetTitle(self.GetTitle().split(" | ")[0] + \ " | " + self._nb.GetPageText(cur_pg)) if cur_pg == CONFIG_PG: self._cfg_pg.PopulateCtrl() self.SetStatusText(_("Changes will take affect once the" " program has been restarted"), 0) elif cur_pg == DOWNLOAD_PG: self._dl_pg.UpdateList() elif cur_pg == INSTALL_PG: pass else: page = self._nb.GetPage(cur_pg) size = page.GetBestSize() s2 = self.GetSize() segbar = self._nb.GetSegmentBar() segsize = segbar.GetBestSize() self.SetClientSize((s2.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight() + segsize.GetHeight())) self.SetStatusText("", 0) evt.Skip() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class ConfigPanel(eclib.ControlBox): """Creates a panel for configuring plugins.""" def __init__(self, parent, style=wx.NO_BORDER, mode=MODE_CONFIG): """Build config panel""" eclib.ControlBox.__init__(self, parent, style=style) # Attrtibutes self._mode = mode self._changed = False self._list = eclib.PanelBox(self) # Layout Panel self.SetWindow(self._list) if self._mode == MODE_CONFIG: self.PopulateCtrl() else: self.PopulateErrors() # Event Handlers self.Bind(ed_event.EVT_NOTIFY, self.OnNotify) def ConfigChanged(self): """Did the configuration change? @return: bool """ return self._changed def GetItemIdentifier(self, name): """Gets the named item and returns its identifier. The identifier is the combination of the name and version strings. @param name: name of item in list @return: identifier for the named list item """ identifer = None for item in self._list.GetItems(): if item.GetPluginName().lower() == name.lower(): identifer = (name, item.GetVersionString()) return identifer def OnNotify(self, evt): """Handles the notification events that are posted from the list control. @param evt: ed_event.NotificationEvent """ e_id = evt.GetId() if e_id == ed_glob.ID_PREF: # TODO: check for an open existing instance of this config objects # page. cfg_obj = evt.GetValue() parent = self.GetParent() # SegmentBook bmp = cfg_obj.GetBitmap() if bmp.IsNull(): idx = IMG_PLUGIN else: imglst = parent.GetImageList() imglst.append(bmp) idx = len(imglst) - 1 label = cfg_obj.GetLabel() panel = cfg_obj.GetConfigPanel(parent) parent.AddPage(panel, label, True, idx) parent.SetSegmentCanClose(parent.GetPageCount() - 1, True) else: pname, enabled = evt.GetValue() pmgr = wx.GetApp().GetPluginManager() pmgr.EnablePlugin(pname, enabled) self._changed = True def PopulateCtrl(self): """Populates the list of plugins and sets the values of their states. Any successive calls to this function will clear the list and Repopulate it with current config values. Returns the number of items populated to the list @postcondition: list is populated with all plugins that are currently loaded and sets the checkmarks accordingly @return: number of items added to list """ p_mgr = wx.GetApp().GetPluginManager() if self._list.GetItemCount(): self._list.DeleteAllItems() p_mgr.ReInit() config = p_mgr.GetConfig() keys = sorted([ ed_txt.DecodeString(name) for name in config.keys() ], key=unicode.lower) uninstalled = Profile_Get('UNINSTALL_PLUGINS', default=list()) with eclib.Freezer(self._list) as _tmp: for item in keys: val = config[item] mod = sys.modules.get(item) dist = p_mgr.GetPluginDistro(item) if dist is not None: item = dist.project_name version = dist.version else: version = str(getattr(mod, '__version__', _("Unknown"))) pdata = PluginData() pdata.SetName(item) desc = getattr(mod, '__doc__', None) if not isinstance(desc, basestring): desc = _("No Description Available") pdata.SetDescription(desc.strip()) pdata.SetAuthor(getattr(mod, '__author__', _("Unknown"))) pdata.SetVersion(version) pdata.SetDist(dist) pbi = PBPluginItem(self._list, mod, pdata, None) pbi.SetChecked(val) util.Log("[pluginmgr][info] Adding %s to list" % item) self._list.AppendItem(pbi) if pbi.GetInstallPath() in uninstalled: pbi.Enable(False) self._list.SendSizeEvent() return self._list.GetItemCount() def PopulateErrors(self): """Populates the list of plugins and sets the values of their states. Any successive calls to this function will clear the list and Repopulate it with current config values. Returns the number of items populated to the list @postcondition: list is populated with all plugins that are currently loaded and sets the checkmarks accordingly @return: number of items added to list """ p_mgr = wx.GetApp().GetPluginManager() if self._list.GetItemCount(): self._list.DeleteAllItems() p_mgr.ReInit() errors = p_mgr.GetIncompatible() keys = sorted([ ed_txt.DecodeString(name) for name in errors.keys() ], key=unicode.lower) bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_ERROR, wx.ART_TOOLBAR, (32, 32)) msg = _("This plugin requires a newer version of Editra.") with eclib.Freezer(self._list) as _tmp: for item in keys: val = errors[item] mod = sys.modules.get(val) dist = p_mgr.GetPluginDistro(item) if dist is not None: item = dist.project_name version = dist.version else: version = unicode(getattr(mod, '__version__', _("Unknown"))) pin = PluginData() pin.SetName(item) pin.SetAuthor(getattr(mod, '__author__', _("Unknown"))) pin.SetVersion(version) pin.SetDist(dist) pbi = PluginErrorItem(self._list, pin, msg, bmp=bmp) self._list.AppendItem(pbi) self._list.SendSizeEvent() return self._list.GetItemCount() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class DownloadPanel(ed_basewin.EdBaseCtrlBox): """Creates a panel with controls for downloading plugins.""" ID_DOWNLOAD = wx.NewId() EGG_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?P[^-]+)" r"( -(?P[^-]+) (-py(?P[^-]+) (-(?P.+))? )? )?", re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE ).match def __init__(self, parent): """Initializes the panel""" super(DownloadPanel, self).__init__(parent) # Attributes self._p_list = dict() # list of available plugins/meta self._dl_list = dict() # List of download urls self._eggcount = 0 # Number of plugins to download self._eggbasket = dict() # Basket of downloaded eggs self._list = eclib.PanelBox(self) # Layout Panel cbar = self.CreateControlBar(wx.BOTTOM) cbar.AddStretchSpacer() self._downlb = wx.Button(cbar, DownloadPanel.ID_DOWNLOAD, _("Download")) self._downlb.Disable() cbar.AddControl(self._downlb, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.SetWindow(self._list) # Event Handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton) self.Bind(ed_event.EVT_NOTIFY, self.OnNotify) def _ResultCatcher(self, delayedResult): """Catches the results from the download worker threads""" # Check if result has come after the window is dead try: frame = self.GetGrandParent() except wx.PyDeadObjectError: return self._eggcount = self._eggcount - 1 try: result = delayedResult.get() plug = result[0] if result[1]: self._eggbasket[plug] = result[2] frame.SetStatusText(_("Downloaded") + ": " + plug, 0) finally: if not self._eggcount: frame.SetStatusText(_("Finshed downloading plugins"), 0) wx.CallAfter(frame.Busy, False) inst_pg = self.GetParent().GetPage(INSTALL_PG) for key in self._eggbasket: inst_pg.AddItemToInstall(key) self.GetParent().SetSelection(INSTALL_PG) def _UpdateCatcher(self, delayedResult): """Catches the results from the download worker threads""" try: frame = self.GetGrandParent() result = delayedResult.get() if len(result): self._p_list = self.FormatPluginList(result) self.PopulateList() frame.SetStatusText(_("Select plugins to download"), 0) except wx.PyDeadObjectError: return except Exception, msg: util.Log("[plugdlg][err] Download failed " + str(msg)) frame.SetStatusText(_("Unable to retrieve plugin list"), 0) wx.CallAfter(frame.Busy, False) def FormatPluginList(self, data): """Formats a list of plugin data served by the server into PluginData objects for usage in the list view. @return: PluginData of all available plugins """ plugins = data p_list = dict() if len(plugins) < 2: return p_list for meta in plugins: data = meta.split("\n") if len(data) < 4: continue tmpdat = PluginData() set_map = {'author' : tmpdat.SetAuthor, 'version' : tmpdat.SetVersion, 'name' : tmpdat.SetName, 'description' : tmpdat.SetDescription, 'url' : tmpdat.SetUrl} for attr in data: tmp = attr.split("=") if len(tmp) != 2: continue funct = set_map.get(tmp[0].lower(), None) if funct: funct(ed_txt.DecodeString(tmp[1].strip())) if tmpdat.GetName() != u'': p_list[ed_txt.DecodeString(tmpdat.GetName())] = tmpdat # Remove items that have already been installed config_pg = self.GetParent().GetPage(CONFIG_PG) to_clean = list() for pin in p_list: cfg_id = config_pg.GetItemIdentifier(pin.lower()) if cfg_id is not None: try: cur_id = [int(v) for v in cfg_id[1].split(".")] dl_id = [int(v) for v in p_list[pin].GetVersion().split(".")] except: continue if cur_id >= dl_id: # Installed version is >= avail dl to_clean.append(pin) for item in to_clean: del p_list[item] return p_list def GetDownloadedData(self): """Returns the dictionary of downloaded data or an empty dictionary if no data has been downloaded. @return: set of all successfully downloaded plugins """ return self._eggbasket def IsDownloading(self): """Returns whether the panel has active download threads or not. @return: bool """ if self._eggcount: return True else: return False def OnButton(self, evt): """Handles the Button Events. @param evt: wx.EVT_BUTTON """ e_id = evt.GetId() if e_id == self.ID_DOWNLOAD: urls = list() for item in self._dl_list: if self._dl_list[item] and item in self._p_list: urls.append(self._p_list[item].GetUrl()) self._eggcount = len(urls) # Start a separate thread to download each selection for egg in range(len(urls)): self.GetGrandParent().SetStatusText(_("Downloading") + "...", 0) self.GetGrandParent().Busy(True) delayedresult.startWorker(self._ResultCatcher, _DownloadPlugin, wargs=(urls[egg]), jobID=egg) else: evt.Skip() def OnNotify(self, evt): """Handles the notification events that are posted by the list control when items are checked. @param evt: ed_event.NotificationEvent """ pin, enable = evt.GetValue() self._dl_list[pin] = enable if enable: self._downlb.Enable() else: for item in self._dl_list: if self._dl_list[item]: self._downlb.Enable() break else: self._downlb.Disable() if pin in self._dl_list: del self._dl_list[pin] def PopulateList(self): """Populates the list control based off data in the plugin data list. The plugin data list is set as a result of calling UpdateList it is not recommended to call this directly. @return: number of items added to control """ if self._list.GetItemCount(): self._list.DeleteAllItems() pins = sorted([ name for name in self._p_list.keys() ], key=unicode.lower) with eclib.Freezer(self) as _tmp: for item in pins: pbi = PBDownloadItem(self._list, self._p_list[item], None) self._list.AppendItem(pbi) self._list.SendSizeEvent() return self._list.GetItemCount() def RemoveDownloadedItem(self, item): """Remove an item from the download cache @param item: Name of item to remove """ # Removed downloaded data if item in self._eggbasket: del self._eggbasket[item] # Remove download entry data match = self.EGG_PATTERN(item) if match: plugin_name = match.group('name').lower() if plugin_name in self._dl_list: del self._dl_list[plugin_name] def UpdateList(self, url=PLUGIN_REPO): """Update the list of available downloads @param url: url to fetch update list from @postcondition: Worker thread is started that will update list when it finishes. """ if self._list.GetItemCount(): self._list.DeleteAllItems() frame = self.GetGrandParent() frame.SetStatusText(_("Retrieving Plugin List") + "...", 0) frame.Busy(True) delayedresult.startWorker(self._UpdateCatcher, _GetPluginListData, wkwargs={'url' : url}, jobID='update') #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Download utility functions # The obtained meta data must be served as a file that is formatted # as follows. Each meta data item must be on a single line with # each set of meta data for different plugins separated by three # hash marks '###'. def _GetPluginListData(url=PLUGIN_REPO): """Gets the list of plugins and their related meta data as a string and returns it. @return: list of data of available plugins from website """ text = u'' try: try: if Profile_Get('USE_PROXY', default=False): proxy_set = Profile_Get('PROXY_SETTINGS', default=dict(uname='', url='', port='80', passwd='')) proxy = util.GetProxyOpener(proxy_set) h_file = proxy.open(url) else: h_file = urllib2.urlopen(url) text = h_file.read() h_file.close() except (IOError, OSError), msg: util.Log("[plugdlg][err] %s" % str(msg)) finally: return text.split("###") def _DownloadPlugin(*args): """Downloads the plugin at the given url. @note: *args is really a string that has been exploded @return: name, completed, egg data @rtype: tuple """ url = "".join(args) egg = None try: try: if Profile_Get('USE_PROXY', default=False): proxy_set = Profile_Get('PROXY_SETTINGS', default=dict(uname='', url='', port='80', passwd='')) proxy = util.GetProxyOpener(proxy_set) h_file = proxy.open(url) else: h_file = urllib2.urlopen(url) egg = h_file.read() h_file.close() except (IOError, OSError), msg: util.Log("[plugdlg][err] %s" % str(msg)) finally: return (url.split("/")[-1], True, egg) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class InstallPanel(ed_basewin.EdBaseCtrlBox): """Creates a panel for installing plugins.""" ID_INSTALL = wx.NewId() ID_USER = wx.NewId() ID_SYS = wx.NewId() ID_REMOVE_ITEM = wx.NewId() def __init__(self, parent): """Initializes the panel""" super(InstallPanel, self).__init__(parent) # Attributes bbar = self.CreateControlBar(wx.BOTTOM) toolt = wx.ToolTip(_("To add a new item drag and drop the plugin file " "into the list.\n\nTo remove an item select it " "and hit Delete or Backspace.")) self._install = wx.ListBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.LB_SORT|wx.BORDER_NONE) self._install.SetToolTip(toolt) self._install.SetDropTarget(util.DropTargetFT(self._install, None, self.OnDrop)) self._instb = wx.Button(bbar, self.ID_INSTALL, _("Install")) self._instb.Disable() self._usercb = wx.CheckBox(bbar, self.ID_USER, _("User Directory")) self._usercb.SetValue(True) toolt = wx.ToolTip(_("Install the plugins only for the current user")) self._usercb.SetToolTip(toolt) self._syscb = wx.CheckBox(bbar, self.ID_SYS, _("System Directory")) toolt = wx.ToolTip(_("Install the plugins for all users\n" " **requires administrative privileges**")) self._syscb.SetToolTip(toolt) if not os.access(ed_glob.CONFIG['SYS_PLUGIN_DIR'], os.R_OK | os.W_OK): self._syscb.Disable() # Layout Panel self.SetWindow(self._install) bbar.AddControl(self._usercb) bbar.AddControl(self._syscb) bbar.AddStretchSpacer() bbar.AddControl(self._instb, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.SendSizeEvent() # Event Handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCheckBox) self._install.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp) def _Install(self): """Install the plugins in the list. @postcondition: all plugins listed in the list are installed and loaded """ items = self._install.GetItems() inst_loc = ed_glob.CONFIG['PLUGIN_DIR'] if self._syscb.GetValue(): inst_loc = ed_glob.CONFIG['SYS_PLUGIN_DIR'] for item in items: egg_name = item.split(os.sep)[-1] if os.path.isabs(item): try: reader = file(item, "rb") egg = reader.read() reader.close() except (IOError, SystemError, OSError): continue else: dl_pg = self.GetParent().GetPage(DOWNLOAD_PG) egg = dl_pg.GetDownloadedData().get(item, None) if not egg: continue try: writer = file(inst_loc + egg_name, "wb") writer.write(egg) writer.close() except (IOError, OSError): continue else: # If successfully installed remove from list ind = self._install.FindString(item) dl_pg = self.GetParent().GetPage(DOWNLOAD_PG) if ind != wx.NOT_FOUND: self._install.Delete(ind) dl_pg.RemoveDownloadedItem(item) if not len(self._install.GetItems()): # All plugins installed correctly grand_p = self.GetTopLevelParent() grand_p.SetStatusText(_("Successfully Installed Plugins"), 0) # Note: need to do this because SetSelection doesn't fire a # page change. wx.GetApp().GetPluginManager().ReInit() self.GetParent().SetSelection(CONFIG_PG) self._instb.Disable() else: self.GetGrandParent().SetStatusText(_("Error"), 1) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("Failed to install %d plugins") % \ self._install.GetCount(), _("Installation Error"), style = wx.OK | wx.CENTER | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def AddItemToInstall(self, item): """Adds an item to the install list, the item should be a string of the path to the item or the items name if it is an in memory file from the download page. @param item: path or name of plugin item """ if self._install.FindString(item) == wx.NOT_FOUND: self._instb.Enable() self._install.Append(item) else: pass def OnButton(self, evt): """Handles button events generated by the panel. @param evt: wx.EVT_BUTTON """ if evt.GetId() == self.ID_INSTALL: self._Install() else: evt.Skip() def OnCheckBox(self, evt): """Handles the checkbox events to make sure that only one of the two check boxes is checked at a time @param evt: wx.EVT_CHECKBOX """ e_id = evt.GetId() val = evt.GetEventObject().GetValue() u_cb = self.FindWindowById(self.ID_USER) s_cb = self.FindWindowById(self.ID_SYS) if e_id == self.ID_USER: if not s_cb.IsEnabled(): u_cb.SetValue(True) else: s_cb.SetValue(not val) elif e_id == self.ID_SYS: u_cb.SetValue(not val) else: pass evt.Skip() def OnDrop(self, files): """Get Drop files and place paths in control @todo: should also check entry points in addition to filetype @param files: list of file paths @postcondition: all non egg files are filtered only placing the eggs in the list. """ # Filter out any files that are not eggs good = [ fname for fname in files if fname.split(u'.')[-1] == u'egg' ] for item in good: if self._install.FindString(item) == wx.NOT_FOUND: self._install.Append(item) if self._install.GetCount(): self._instb.Enable() def OnKeyUp(self, evt): """Key Event handler. Removes the selected item from the list control when the delete or backspace kis is pressed. @param evt: wx.KeyEvent(wx.EVT_KEY_UP) """ if evt.GetKeyCode() in [wx.WXK_DELETE, wx.WXK_BACK]: item = self._install.GetSelection() if item != wx.NOT_FOUND: self._install.Delete(item) if not self._install.GetCount(): self._instb.Disable() evt.Skip() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class PBPluginItem(eclib.PanelBoxItemBase): """PanelBox Item to display configuration information about a plugin.""" def __init__(self, parent, mod, pdata, bmp=None, enabled=False): """Create the PanelBoxItem @param parent: L{PanelBox} @param mod: module @param pdata: PluginData @keyword bmp: Plugin Icon @keyword enabled: Plugin is currently enabled (bool) """ super(PBPluginItem, self).__init__(parent) # Attributes self._module = mod self._pdata = pdata self._bmp = bmp self._title = wx.StaticText(self, label=self._pdata.GetName()) self._version = wx.StaticText(self, label=self._pdata.GetVersion()) self._desc = wx.StaticText(self, label=self._pdata.GetDescription()) self._auth = wx.StaticText(self, label=_("Author: %s") % self._pdata.GetAuthor()) self._enabled = wx.CheckBox(self, label=_("Enable")) self._enabled.SetValue(enabled) bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_DELETE), wx.ART_MENU) self._uninstall = eclib.PlateButton(self, label=_("Uninstall"), bmp=bmp, style=eclib.PB_STYLE_NOBG) self._uninstall.Unbind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND) bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_PREF), wx.ART_MENU) self._config = eclib.PlateButton(self, label=_("Configure"), bmp=bmp, style=eclib.PB_STYLE_NOBG) self._config.Unbind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND) self._config.Enable(enabled) # Setup if not hasattr(mod, 'GetConfigObject'): self._config.Hide() ipath = self.GetInstallPath() if ipath: if not os.access(ipath, os.R_OK|os.W_OK): self._uninstall.Show(False) else: util.Log("[pluginmgr][warn] cant find plugin path for %s" % \ self._pdata.GetName()) self._uninstall.Show(False) # Should not happen font = self._title.GetFont() font.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD) self._title.SetFont(font) self._version.SetFont(font) if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__': for ctrl in (self._desc, self._auth, self._enabled, self._config, self._uninstall): ctrl.SetWindowVariant(wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL) # Layout self.__DoLayout() # Event Handlers self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCheck) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnConfigButton, self._config) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnUninstallButton, self._uninstall) def __DoLayout(self): """Layout the panel""" vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Left side Bitmap and Checkbox hsizer.Add((5, 5), 0) if self._bmp is not None: self._bmp = wx.StaticBitmap(self, bitmap=self._bmp) hsizer.Add(self._bmp, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) # Central area main content csizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) tsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) tsizer.AddMany([(self._title, 0), ((20, -1), 1, wx.EXPAND), (self._version, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT), ((5, 5), 0)]) bsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) bsizer.AddMany([(self._auth, 0), ((5, -1), 1, wx.EXPAND), (self._enabled, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), ((5, 5), 0), (self._uninstall, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (self._config, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)]) csizer.AddMany([(tsizer, 1, wx.EXPAND), ((3, 3), 0), (self._desc, 0), ((3, 3), 0), (bsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)]) # Finish Layout hsizer.AddMany([((5, 5), 0), (csizer, 1, wx.EXPAND), ((5, 5), 0)]) vsizer.AddMany([((4, 4), 0), (hsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND), ((4, 4), 0)]) self.SetSizer(vsizer) self.SetAutoLayout(True) def GetInstallPath(self): """Get the path of the plugin @return: string """ if self._pdata is not None: dist = self._pdata.GetDist() if dist is not None: return dist.location return u'' def GetPluginName(self): """Get the name of the plugin @return: string """ return self._title.GetLabel() def GetVersionString(self): """Get the version of the plugin @return: string """ return self._version.GetLabel() def OnConfigButton(self, evt): """Handle when the configuration button is hit.""" if self._module is not None: cfg_obj = self._module.GetConfigObject() event = ed_event.NotificationEvent(ed_event.edEVT_NOTIFY, ed_glob.ID_PREF, cfg_obj) wx.PostEvent(self.GetParent(), event) def OnUninstallButton(self, evt): """Uninstall the plugin""" msg = _("Are you sure you want to uninstall %s?\nThis cannot be undone.") result = wx.MessageBox(msg % self.GetPluginName(), _("Uninstall Plugin"), wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.ICON_WARNING) if result == wx.OK: self.Enable(False) self._desc.SetLabel(_("This plugin will be uninstalled on next program launch.")) self._enabled.SetValue(False) pname = self._title.GetLabel() event = ed_event.NotificationEvent(ed_event.edEVT_NOTIFY, self.GetId(), (pname, False), self) wx.PostEvent(self.GetParent(), event) plist = Profile_Get('UNINSTALL_PLUGINS', default=list()) plist.append(self.GetInstallPath()) Profile_Set('UNINSTALL_PLUGINS', plist) else: return def OnCheck(self, evt): """Notify container of changes to state of plugin""" enabled = self._enabled.GetValue() self._config.Enable(enabled) pname = self._title.GetLabel() event = ed_event.NotificationEvent(ed_event.edEVT_NOTIFY, self.GetId(), (pname, enabled), self) wx.PostEvent(self.GetParent(), event) def SetChecked(self, check=True): """Set the checkbox @param check: bool """ self._enabled.SetValue(check) self._config.Enable(check) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class PBDownloadItem(PBPluginItem): """PanelBox Item to display download information about a plugin.""" def __init__(self, parent, pdata, bmp=None): """Create the PanelBoxItem @param parent: L{PanelBox} @param pdata: PluginData @keyword bmp: Plugin Icon """ super(PBDownloadItem, self).__init__(parent, None, pdata, bmp=bmp) # Setup self._uninstall.Hide() self._enabled.SetLabel(_("Download")) self.Layout() #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class PluginErrorItem(eclib.PanelBoxItemBase): """PanelBox Item to display configuration information about a plugin.""" def __init__(self, parent, pdata, msg, bmp): """Create the PanelBoxItem @param parent: L{PanelBox} @param pdata: PluginData @param msg: error msg @param bmp: Bitmap """ super(PluginErrorItem, self).__init__(parent) # Attributes self._bmp = bmp self._title = wx.StaticText(self, label=pdata.GetName()) self._version = wx.StaticText(self, label=pdata.GetVersion()) self._msg = wx.StaticText(self, label=msg) self._auth = wx.StaticText(self, label=_("Author: %s") % pdata.GetAuthor()) # Setup font = self._title.GetFont() font.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD) self._title.SetFont(font) self._version.SetFont(font) if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__': self._msg.SetWindowVariant(wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL) self._auth.SetWindowVariant(wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL) # Layout self.__DoLayout() def __DoLayout(self): """Layout the panel""" vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Left side Bitmap and Checkbox hsizer.Add((5, 5), 0) if self._bmp is not None: self._bmp = wx.StaticBitmap(self, bitmap=self._bmp) hsizer.Add(self._bmp, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) # Central area main content csizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) tsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) tsizer.AddMany([(self._title, 0), ((20, -1), 1, wx.EXPAND), (self._version, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)]) bsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) bsizer.AddMany([(self._auth, 0)]) csizer.AddMany([(tsizer, 1, wx.EXPAND), ((3, 3), 0), (self._msg, 0), ((3, 3), 0), (bsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)]) # Finish Layout hsizer.AddMany([((5, 5), 0), (csizer, 1, wx.EXPAND), ((5, 5), 0)]) vsizer.AddMany([((4, 4), 0), (hsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND), ((4, 4), 0)]) self.SetSizer(vsizer) self.SetAutoLayout(True) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class PluginData(plugin.PluginData): """Plugin Metadata storage class used to store data about plugins and where to download them from @see: plugin.PluginData """ def __init__(self, name=u'', descript=u'', \ author=u'', ver=u'', url=u''): """Extends PluginData to include information about url to get it from. @keyword name: Plugin name @keyword descript: Plugin short description @keyword author: Plugin Author Name @keyword ver: Plugin Version (Unicode) @keyword url: url to download plugin from """ super(PluginData, self).__init__(name, descript, author, ver) # Attributes self._url = url def GetUrl(self): """Returns the URL of the plugin @return: url string of plugins location """ return self._url def SetUrl(self, url): """Sets the url of the plugin. @param url: fully qualified url string """ if not isinstance(url, basestring): try: url = str(url) except (TypeError, ValueError): url = u'' self._url = url #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#