############################################################################### # Name: iface.py # # Purpose: Plugin interface definitions # # Author: Cody Precord # # Copyright: (c) 2008 Cody Precord # # License: wxWindows License # ############################################################################### """ This module contains numerous plugin interfaces and the Extension points that they extend. Included below is a list of interfaces available in this module. Intefaces: - ShelfI: Interface into the L{Shelf} - MainWindowI: Interface into L{ed_main.MainWindow} - AutoCompI: Interface for adding autocompletion helpers @summary: Main Plugin interface defintions """ __author__ = "Cody Precord " __svnid__ = "$Id: iface.py 70229 2012-01-01 01:27:10Z CJP $" __revision__ = "$Revision: 70229 $" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Imports import wx # Local Imports import plugin #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# class AutoCompI(plugin.Interface): """The Autocompletion interface. """ def GetCompleter(self, buff): """Get the completer object implemented by this plugin @param buff: EditraStc instance @return: instance of autocomp.BaseCompleter """ raise NotImplementedError def GetFileTypeId(self): """Get the filetype this completer is associated with @return: int """ return 0 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# class MainWindowI(plugin.Interface): """The MainWindow Interface is intended as a simple general purpose interface for adding functionality to the main window. It does little managing of how objects that implement it are handled, most is left up to the plugin. Some examples of plugins using this interface are the FileBrowser and Calculator plugins. """ def PlugIt(self, window): """This method is called once and only once per window when it is created. It should typically be used to register menu entries, bind event handlers and other similar actions. @param window: The parent window of the plugin @postcondition: The plugins controls are installed in the L{MainWindow} """ raise NotImplementedError def GetMenuHandlers(self): """Get menu event handlers/id pairs. This function should return a list of tuples containing menu ids and their handlers. The handlers should be not be a member of this class but a member of the ui component that they handler acts upon. @return: list [(ID_FOO, foo.OnFoo), (ID_BAR, bar.OnBar)] """ pass def GetUIHandlers(self): """Get update ui event handlers/id pairs. This function should return a list of tuples containing object ids and their handlers. The handlers should be not be a member of this class but a member of the ui component that they handler acts upon. @return: list [(ID_FOO, foo.OnFoo), (ID_BAR, bar.OnBar)] """ pass #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# class ShelfI(plugin.Interface): """Interface into the L{Shelf}. All plugins wanting to be placed on the L{Shelf} should implement this interface. """ def AllowMultiple(self): """This method is used to check if multiple instances of this item are allowed to be open at one time. @return: True/False """ return True def CreateItem(self, parent): """This is them method used to open the item in the L{Shelf} It should return an object that is a Panel or subclass of a Panel. @param parent: The would be parent window of this panel @return: wx.Panel """ raise NotImplementedError def GetBitmap(self): """Get the bitmap to show in the shelf for this item @return: wx.Bitmap @note: this method is optional """ return wx.NullBitmap def GetId(self): """Return the id that identifies this item (same as the menuid) @return: Item ID """ raise NotImplementedError def GetMenuEntry(self, menu): """Returns the menu entry associated with this item @param menu: The menu this entry will be added to @return: wx.MenuItem or None if no menu entry is needed """ raise NotImplementedError def GetName(self): """Return the name of this shelf item. This should be the same as the MenuEntry's label. @return: name of item """ raise NotImplementedError def InstallComponents(self, mainw): """Called by the Shelf when the plugin is created to allow it to install any extra components that it may have that fall outside the normal interface. This method is optional and does not need to be implemented if it is not needed. @param mainw: MainWindow Instance """ pass def IsStockable(self): """Return whether this item type is stockable. The shelf saves what pages it had open the last time the program was run and then reloads the pages the next time the program starts. If this item can be reloaded between sessions return True otherwise return False. @return: bool """ return True #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#