#!/usr/bin/env python2 ############################################################################### # Name: setup.py # # Purpose: Setup/build script for Editra # # Author: Cody Precord # # Copyright: (c) 2008-2013 Cody Precord # # License: wxWindows License # ############################################################################### """ Editra Setup Script USAGE: 1) Windows: - python setup.py py2exe 2) MacOSX: - python setup.py py2app 3) Boil an Egg - python setup.py bdist_egg 4) Install as a python package - python setup.py install - '--no-clean' can be specified to skip old file cleanup @summary: Used for building the editra distribution files and installations """ __author__ = "Cody Precord " __svnid__ = "$Id: setup.py 73347 2013-01-05 19:58:31Z CJP $" __revision__ = "$Revision: 73347 $" #---- Imports ----# import os import sys import glob import shutil import zipfile import time import src.info as info import src.syntax.synextreg as synextreg # So we can get file extensions # Version Check(s) if sys.version_info < (2, 5): sys.stderr.write("[ERROR] Not a supported Python version. Need 2.5+\n") sys.exit(1) try: import wx except ImportError: if 'bdist_egg' not in sys.argv: sys.stderr.write("[ERROR] wxPython2.8 is required.\n") sys.exit(1) else: if wx.VERSION < (2, 8, 8): sys.stderr.write("[ERROR] wxPython 2.8.8+ is required.\n") sys.exit(1) #---- System Platform ----# __platform__ = os.sys.platform #---- Global Settings ----# APP = ['src/Editra.py'] AUTHOR = "Cody Precord" AUTHOR_EMAIL = "staff@editra.org" YEAR = 2013 CLASSIFIERS = [ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Environment :: MacOS X', 'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)', 'Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'License :: OSI Approved', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Natural Language :: Chinese (Simplified)', 'Natural Language :: Chinese (Traditional)', 'Natural Language :: Croatian', 'Natural Language :: Czech', 'Natural Language :: Danish', 'Natural Language :: Dutch', 'Natural Language :: French', 'Natural Language :: Hungarian', 'Natural Language :: German', 'Natural Language :: Italian', 'Natural Language :: Latvian', 'Natural Language :: Japanese', 'Natural Language :: Norwegian', 'Natural Language :: Polish', 'Natural Language :: Portuguese (Brazilian)', 'Natural Language :: Romanian', 'Natural Language :: Russian', 'Natural Language :: Serbian', 'Natural Language :: Slovak', 'Natural Language :: Slovenian', 'Natural Language :: Spanish', 'Natural Language :: Swedish', 'Natural Language :: Turkish', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: Text Editors' ] def GenerateBinPackageFiles(): """Generate the list of files needed for py2exe/py2app package files""" data = [("include/python2.5", glob.glob("include/python2.5/%s/*" % __platform__)), ("pixmaps/theme/Default", ["pixmaps/theme/Default/README"]), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango",["pixmaps/theme/Tango/AUTHORS", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/COPYING"]), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango/toolbar", glob.glob("pixmaps/theme/Tango/toolbar/*.png")), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango/menu", glob.glob("pixmaps/theme/Tango/menu/*.png")), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango/mime", glob.glob("pixmaps/theme/Tango/mime/*.png")), ("pixmaps/theme/Tango/other", glob.glob("pixmaps/theme/Tango/other/*.png")), ("styles", glob.glob("styles/*.ess")), ("ekeys", glob.glob("ekeys/*.ekeys")), ("tests/syntax", glob.glob("tests/syntax/*")), ("docs", glob.glob("docs/*.txt")), "AUTHORS", "FAQ", "INSTALL", "README","CHANGELOG","COPYING", "NEWS", "THANKS", "TODO", "setup.cfg" ] # Get the locale files for loc_dir in os.listdir("locale"): tmp = "locale/" + loc_dir + "/LC_MESSAGES" if os.path.isdir(tmp): tmp2 = tmp + "/Editra.mo" if os.path.exists(tmp2): data.append((tmp, [tmp2])) # Only bundle the plugins for the running version of python being used for # the build. data.append(("plugins", glob.glob("plugins/*py%d.%d.egg" % sys.version_info[:2]))) # Get platform specific icons pixlist = ["pixmaps/editra.png", "pixmaps/editra_doc.png"] if "darwin" in sys.platform: data.append("pixmaps/editra_doc.icns") pixlist.extend(["pixmaps/editra.icns", "pixmaps/editra_doc.icns"]) elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): data.extend(glob.glob("include/windows/*.*")) pixlist.append("pixmaps/editra.ico") data.append(("pixmaps", pixlist)) return data def GenerateSrcPackageFiles(): """Generate the list of files to include in a source package dist/install""" data = [ "src/*.py", "src/syntax/*.py", "src/autocomp/*.py", "src/eclib/*.py", "docs/*.txt", "pixmaps/*.png", "pixmaps/*.ico", "src/ebmlib/*.py", "ekeys/*.ekeys", "Editra", "src/extern/*.py", "src/extern/aui/*.py", "src/extern/dexml/*.py", "src/extern/pygments/*.py", "src/extern/pygments/formatters/*.py", "src/extern/pygments/filters/*.py", "src/extern/pygments/lexers/*.py", "src/extern/pygments/styles/*.py", "pixmaps/*.icns", "pixmaps/theme/Default/README", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/AUTHOR", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/COPYING", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/toolbar/*.png", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/menu/*.png", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/mime/*.png", "pixmaps/theme/Default/README", "pixmaps/theme/Tango/other/*.png", "styles/*.ess", "tests/syntax/*", "AUTHORS", "CHANGELOG","COPYING", "FAQ", "INSTALL", "NEWS", "README", "THANKS", "TODO", "setup.cfg" ] # Get the local files for loc_dir in os.listdir("locale"): tmp = "locale/" + loc_dir if os.path.isdir(tmp): tmp = tmp + "/LC_MESSAGES/Editra.mo" if os.path.exists(tmp): data.append(tmp) # NOTE: plugins selected to package in build step return data DESCRIPTION = "Developer's Text Editor" LONG_DESCRIPT = \ r""" ======== Overview ======== Editra is a multi-platform text editor with an implementation that focuses on creating an easy to use interface and features that aid in code development. Currently it supports syntax highlighting and variety of other useful features for over 70 programing languages. For a more complete list of features and screenshots visit the projects homepage at `Editra.org `_. ============ Dependencies ============ * Python 2.6+ * wxPython 2.8.3+ (Unicode build suggested) * setuptools 0.6+ """ ICON = { 'Win' : "pixmaps/editra.ico", 'WinDoc' : "pixmaps/editra_doc.ico", 'Mac' : "pixmaps/Editra.icns" } # Explicitly include some libraries that are either loaded dynamically # or otherwise not able to be found by py2app/exe INCLUDES = ['syntax.*', 'ed_bookmark', 'ed_log', 'shutil', 'subprocess', 'zipfile', 'pygments.*', 'pygments.lexers.*', 'pygments.formatters.*', 'pygments.filters.*', 'pygments.styles.*', 'ftplib', 'xmlrpclib', 'hmac', 'SimpleXMLRPCServer', 'SocketServer', 'commands', 'BaseHTTPServer', 'wx.gizmos', 'wx.lib.intctrl', 'extern.flatnotebook'] # temporary till all references can be removed if sys.platform.startswith('win'): INCLUDES.extend(['ctypes', 'ctypes.wintypes']) else: INCLUDES.extend(['pty', 'tty']) LICENSE = "wxWindows" NAME = "Editra" URL = "http://editra.org" VERSION = info.VERSION MANIFEST_TEMPLATE = """ %(prog)s """ RT_MANIFEST = 24 #---- End Global Settings ----# #---- Packaging Functions ----# def BuildPy2Exe(): """Generate the Py2exe files""" from distutils.core import setup try: import py2exe except ImportError: print "\n!! You dont have py2exe installed. !!\n" exit() # put package on path for py2exe sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('src/')) sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('src/extern')) DATA_FILES = GenerateBinPackageFiles() try: import enchant except ImportError: pass else: from enchant import utils as enutil DATA_FILES += enutil.win32_data_files() setup( name = NAME, version = VERSION, options = {"py2exe" : {"compressed" : 1, "optimize" : 1, "bundle_files" : 2, "includes" : INCLUDES, "excludes" : ["Tkinter", "Tkconstants", "tcl"], "dll_excludes": [ "MSVCP90.dll", "tk85.dll", "tcl85.dll" ] }}, windows = [{"script": "src/Editra.py", "icon_resources": [(1, ICON['Win'])], "other_resources" : [(RT_MANIFEST, 1, MANIFEST_TEMPLATE % dict(prog=NAME))], }], description = NAME, author = AUTHOR, author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, maintainer = AUTHOR, maintainer_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, license = LICENSE, url = URL, data_files = DATA_FILES, ) shutil.copy2(".\\editra-installer.nsi", ".\\dist\\editra-installer.nsi") def BuildOSXApp(): """Build the OSX Applet""" # Check for setuptools and ask to download if it is not available import src.extern.ez_setup as ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup CleanBuild() fextents = synextreg.GetFileExtensions() fextents.append("*") PLIST = dict(CFBundleName = info.PROG_NAME, CFBundleIconFile = 'Editra.icns', CFBundleShortVersionString = info.VERSION, CFBundleGetInfoString = info.PROG_NAME + " " + info.VERSION, CFBundleExecutable = info.PROG_NAME, CFBundleIdentifier = "org.editra.%s" % info.PROG_NAME.title(), CFBundleDocumentTypes = [dict(CFBundleTypeExtensions=fextents, CFBundleTypeIconFile='editra_doc', CFBundleTypeRole="Editor" ), ], CFBundleTypeMIMETypes = ['text/plain',], CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = 'English', # TODO Causes errors with the system menu translations and text rendering # CFBundleLocalizations = ['English', 'Spanish', 'French', 'Japanese'], # ['de_DE', 'en_US', 'es_ES', 'fr_FR', # 'it_IT', 'ja_JP', 'nl_NL', 'nn_NO', # 'pt_BR', 'ru_RU', 'sr_SR', 'tr_TR', # 'uk_UA', 'zh_CN'], # NSAppleScriptEnabled="YES", NSHumanReadableCopyright = u"Copyright %s 2005-%d" % (AUTHOR, YEAR) ) PY2APP_OPTS = dict(iconfile = ICON['Mac'], argv_emulation = True, optimize = True, includes = INCLUDES, plist = PLIST) # Add extra mac specific files DATA_FILES = GenerateBinPackageFiles() DATA_FILES.append("scripts/editramac.sh") # Put extern package on path for py2app sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('src/extern')) setup( app = APP, version = VERSION, options = dict( py2app = PY2APP_OPTS), description = DESCRIPTION, author = AUTHOR, author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, maintainer = AUTHOR, maintainer_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, license = LICENSE, url = URL, data_files = DATA_FILES, setup_requires = ['py2app'], ) CreateDMG(VERSION) def CreateDMG(version): """Create an OSX DMG @param version: version number string @todo: cleanup and generalize """ Log("Creating DMG for osx installer...") assert os.path.exists('dist') os.chdir('dist') vname = "Editra-%s" % version fname = vname + ".dmg" mpath = "/Volumes/Editra-%s" % version comp = "Editra-%s_2.dmg" % version if os.path.exists("dist/%s" % fname): Log("Found image from previous running") os.remove("dist/%s" % fname) # Create the temporary image Log("Creating disk image...") os.system("hdiutil create -size 75m -fs HFS+ -volname %s %s" % (vname, fname)) Log("Mounting disk image...") os.system("hdiutil mount %s" % fname) # Mount the image # Move installation files to the new image Log("Copying installation files to installer image...") if not os.path.exists(mpath + "/.bk"): os.mkdir(mpath + "/.bk") shutil.copy2("../pixmaps/installer/inst_bk.png", mpath + "/.bk/inst_bk.png") os.system("ditto -rsrcFork Editra.app %s/Editra.app" % mpath) Log("Configuring Finder View Options...") # shutil.copy2("../scripts/installer/INSTALLER_DS_Store", mpath + "/.DS_Store") # os.chmod(mpath + "/.DS_Store", 777) f = open("tmpscript", 'w') f.write(APPLE_SCRIPT % vname) f.close() status = os.system("osascript tmpscript") os.remove("tmpscript") Log("Applescript return status: %d" % status) # Unmount the image Log("Unmounting the installer image...") os.system("hdiutil eject %s" % mpath) # Create the compressed image Log("Converting the disk image to a compressed format...") os.system("hdiutil convert %s -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o %s" % (fname, comp)) # Cleanup Log("Cleaning up temporary installer build files...") os.remove(fname) os.rename(comp, fname) # Template for controlling some finder options via apple script APPLE_SCRIPT = """ tell application "Finder" tell disk ("%s" as string) open tell container window set current view to icon view set toolbar visible to false set statusbar visible to false set the bounds to {10, 60, 522, 402} set statusbar visible to false end tell set opts to the icon view options of container window tell opts set icon size to 128 end tell set background picture of opts to file ".bk:inst_bk.png" set position of item "Editra.app" to {260, 145} update without registering applications end tell end tell """ def DoSourcePackage(): """Build a source package or do a source install""" # Get the package data DATA = GenerateSrcPackageFiles() # Force optimization if 'install' in sys.argv and ('O1' not in sys.argv or '02' not in sys.argv): sys.argv.append('-O2') # Install the plugins for this version of Python DATA.append("plugins/*py%d.%d.egg" % sys.version_info[:2]) # Import proper setup function if 'bdist_egg' in sys.argv: try: from setuptools import setup # Only bundle eggs for the given python version DATA.append("plugins/*py%d.%d.egg" % sys.version_info[:2]) except ImportError: print "To build an egg setuptools must be installed" else: from distutils.core import setup # Try to remove possibly conflicting files from an old install if '--no-clean' not in sys.argv: try: import Editra path = Editra.__file__ if '__init__' in path: path = os.path.dirname(path) path = os.path.join(path, 'src') del sys.modules['Editra'] shutil.rmtree(path) except (ImportError, OSError): pass except: sys.stderr.write("[ERROR] Failed to remove old source files") else: sys.argv.remove('--no-clean') # Make sure to delete any existing MANIFEST file beforehand to # prevent stale file lists if os.path.exists('MANIFEST'): try: os.remove('MANIFEST') except OSError: pass setup( name = NAME, scripts = ['editra',], version = VERSION, description = DESCRIPTION, long_description = LONG_DESCRIPT, author = AUTHOR, author_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, maintainer = AUTHOR, maintainer_email = AUTHOR_EMAIL, url = URL, download_url = "http://editra.org/download", license = LICENSE, platforms = [ "Many" ], packages = [ NAME ], package_dir = { NAME : '.' }, package_data = { NAME : DATA }, classifiers= CLASSIFIERS, install_requires = ['wxPython',] ) def BuildECLibDemo(): """Build the Editra Control Library Demo package""" assert 'eclib' in sys.argv, "Should only be called for eclib build" DATA = [ "../src/eclib/*.py", "../tests/controls/*.py"] OUT = 'dist/eclibdemo' Log("Cleaning up files") if not os.path.exists('dist'): os.mkdir('dist') if os.path.exists('dist/eclibdemo.zip'): os.remove('dist/eclibdemo.zip') if os.path.exists(OUT): shutil.rmtree(OUT) # Copy the Files Log("Preparing output package...") os.mkdir(OUT) shutil.copytree('src/eclib', 'dist/eclibdemo/eclib') shutil.copytree('tests/controls', 'dist/eclibdemo/demo') shutil.copy('COPYING', 'dist/eclibdemo/') f = open(os.path.abspath('./dist/eclibdemo/__init__.py'), 'wb') f.close() # Make the launcher f = open(os.path.abspath('./dist/eclibdemo/RunDemo.py'), 'wb') f.write("import os\nos.chdir('demo')\n" "import demo.demo as demo\n" "demo.Main()\nos.chdir('..')") f.close() # Zip it up Log("Create zip file") os.chdir('dist') zfile = zipfile.ZipFile('eclibdemo.zip', 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) files = list() for dpath, dname, fnames in os.walk('eclibdemo'): files.extend([ os.path.join(dpath, fname).\ lstrip(os.path.sep) for fname in fnames]) for fname in files: zfile.write(fname.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())) os.chdir('../') Log("ECLIB Demo build is complete") def CleanBuild(): """Cleanup all build related files""" if os.path.exists('MANIFEST'): os.remove('MANIFEST') for path in ('dist', 'build', 'tmp'): if os.path.exists(path): Log("Cleaning %s..." % path) shutil.rmtree(path) def Log(msg): """Write to the build log""" # TODO add log file, just write to console for now print(msg) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# if __name__ == '__main__': if __platform__ == "win32" and 'py2exe' in sys.argv: BuildPy2Exe() elif __platform__ == "darwin" and 'py2app' in sys.argv: BuildOSXApp() elif 'eclib' in sys.argv: BuildECLibDemo() elif 'clean' in sys.argv: CleanBuild() else: DoSourcePackage()