Editra Installation Instructions for installing from source Base Dependencies: python 2.6 or higher (http://www.python.org) wxPython 2.8.6 or higher (http://www.wxpython.org) (Unicode build suggested) setuptools 0.6 or higher (http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# Option 1) Install Editra as a source package: [Linux/Macintosh/Unix/Windows] When using the source scripts Editra doesn't actually need to be installed it can be run by un-tarring the source package and executing the script called "Editra" in the the root of the un-tarred directory. Alternatively however, if you want the setup.py script will allow you to install it using distutils. To install Editra using distutils just do the usual python thing and type: python setup.py install at your shells command prompt. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# Option 2) Installing from Pypi: [Linux/Macintosh/Unix/Windows] Editra is also available in the python package index and can be installed from source using easy_install (bundled with setuptools). easy_install editra #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# Option 3) Build a Windows exe: [Windows] To build an exe of Editra for Windows, py2exe (http://www.py2exe.org) must be installed. After installing py2exe just do the following. python setup.py py2exe --bundle 2 This will build an exe and place it in .\dist\ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# Option 4) Build a MacOSX app: [Macintosh OSX] This requires having py2app (http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/py2app/) installed. If they are installed just issue the following command to build an applet. python setup.py py2app This will create a self contained applet in the ./dist/ directory #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# Option 5) Build as an egg: [Linux/Macintosh/Unix/Windows] To make an Python Egg from Editra, setuptools is required. If setuptools is installed the following command will build an egg that can be installed with easy install (ez_install.py). python setup.py bdist_egg The Egg will be placed in ./dist/ and can be installed by doing the following cd dist/ ez_install Editra-x.x.xx-pyXX.egg