/* * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application. * * Copyright (C) 2012 Brian Sidebotham * Copyright (C) 1992-2012 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you may find one here: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license, * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "dialog_template_selector.h" #include #include TEMPLATE_SELECTION_PANEL::TEMPLATE_SELECTION_PANEL( wxNotebookPage* aParent, const wxString& aPath ) : TEMPLATE_SELECTION_PANEL_BASE( aParent ) { m_parent = aParent; m_templatesPath = aPath; } TEMPLATE_WIDGET::TEMPLATE_WIDGET( wxWindow* aParent, DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR* aDialog ) : TEMPLATE_WIDGET_BASE( aParent ) { m_parent = aParent; m_dialog = aDialog; // wxWidgets_3.xx way of doing the same... // Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &TEMPLATE_WIDGET::OnMouse, this ); m_bitmapIcon->Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler( TEMPLATE_WIDGET::OnMouse ), NULL, this ); m_staticTitle->Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler( TEMPLATE_WIDGET::OnMouse ), NULL, this ); // We're not selected until we're clicked Unselect(); // Start with template being NULL m_currTemplate = NULL; } void TEMPLATE_WIDGET::Select() { m_dialog->SetWidget( this ); SetBackgroundColour( wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ) ); m_selected = true; Refresh(); } void TEMPLATE_WIDGET::Unselect() { SetBackgroundColour( wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ); m_selected = false; Refresh(); } void TEMPLATE_WIDGET::SetTemplate(PROJECT_TEMPLATE* aTemplate) { m_currTemplate = aTemplate; m_staticTitle->SetLabel( *(aTemplate->GetTitle()) ); m_bitmapIcon->SetBitmap( *(aTemplate->GetIcon()) ); } void TEMPLATE_WIDGET::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent& event ) { // Toggle selection here Select(); event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::onNotebookResize(wxSizeEvent& event) { for( size_t i=0; i < m_notebook->GetPageCount(); i++ ) { m_panels[i]->SetSize( m_notebook->GetSize().GetWidth() - 6, 140 ); m_panels[i]->m_SizerBase->FitInside( m_panels[i] ); m_panels[i]->m_scrolledWindow->SetSize( m_panels[i]->GetSize().GetWidth() - 6, m_panels[i]->GetSize().GetHeight() - 6 ); m_panels[i]->m_SizerChoice->FitInside( m_panels[i]->m_scrolledWindow ); } m_notebook->Refresh(); event.Skip(); } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::OnPageChange( wxNotebookEvent& event ) { int page = m_notebook->GetSelection(); if( page != wxNOT_FOUND && (unsigned)page < m_panels.size() ) m_tcTemplatePath->SetValue( m_panels[page]->GetPath() ); } DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR( wxWindow* aParent ) : DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR_BASE( aParent ) { m_htmlWin->SetPage( _( "

Template Selector

" ) ); m_notebook->Connect( wxEVT_SIZE, wxSizeEventHandler( DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::onNotebookResize ), NULL, this ); m_selectedWidget = NULL; } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::SetWidget( TEMPLATE_WIDGET* aWidget ) { if( m_selectedWidget != NULL ) m_selectedWidget->Unselect(); m_selectedWidget = aWidget; SetHtml( m_selectedWidget->GetTemplate()->GetHtmlFile() ); } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::AddTemplate( int aPage, PROJECT_TEMPLATE* aTemplate ) { TEMPLATE_WIDGET* w = new TEMPLATE_WIDGET( m_panels[aPage]->m_scrolledWindow, this ); w->SetTemplate( aTemplate ); m_panels[aPage]->m_SizerChoice->Add( w ); m_panels[aPage]->m_SizerChoice->Layout(); m_panels[aPage]->SetSize( m_notebook->GetSize().GetWidth() - 6, 140 ); m_panels[aPage]->m_SizerBase->FitInside( m_panels[aPage] ); m_panels[aPage]->m_scrolledWindow->SetSize( m_panels[aPage]->GetSize().GetWidth() - 6, m_panels[aPage]->GetSize().GetHeight() - 6 ); m_panels[aPage]->m_SizerChoice->FitInside( m_panels[aPage]->m_scrolledWindow ); m_notebook->Refresh(); } PROJECT_TEMPLATE* DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::GetSelectedTemplate() { return m_selectedWidget? m_selectedWidget->GetTemplate() : NULL; } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::AddTemplatesPage( const wxString& aTitle, wxFileName& aPath ) { wxNotebookPage* newPage = new wxNotebookPage( m_notebook, wxID_ANY ); aPath.Normalize(); wxString path = aPath.GetFullPath(); // caller ensures this ends with file separator. TEMPLATE_SELECTION_PANEL* tpanel = new TEMPLATE_SELECTION_PANEL( newPage, path ); m_panels.push_back( tpanel ); m_notebook->AddPage( newPage, aTitle ); if( m_notebook->GetPageCount() == 1 ) m_tcTemplatePath->SetValue( path ); buildPageContent( path, m_notebook->GetPageCount() - 1 ); } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::buildPageContent( const wxString& aPath, int aPage ) { // Get a list of files under the template path to include as choices... wxArrayString files; wxDir dir; if( dir.Open( aPath ) ) { wxDir sub_dir; wxString sub_name; bool cont = dir.GetFirst( &sub_name, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DIRS ); while( cont ) { wxString sub_full = aPath + sub_name; if( sub_dir.Open( sub_full ) ) { files.Add( sub_name ); PROJECT_TEMPLATE* pt = new PROJECT_TEMPLATE( sub_full ); AddTemplate( aPage, pt ); } cont = dir.GetNext( &sub_name ); } } } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::onDirectoryBrowseClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxFileName fn; fn.AssignDir( m_tcTemplatePath->GetValue() ); fn.Normalize(); wxString currPath = fn.GetFullPath(); wxDirDialog dirDialog( this, _( "Select Templates Directory" ), currPath, wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST ); if( dirDialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; wxFileName dirName = wxFileName::DirName( dirDialog.GetPath() ); m_tcTemplatePath->SetValue( dirName.GetFullPath() ); if( currPath == m_tcTemplatePath->GetValue() ) return; // No change // Rebuild the page from the new templates path: replaceCurrentPage(); } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::onValidatePath( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int page = m_notebook->GetSelection(); if( page < 0 ) return; // Should not happen wxString currPath = m_tcTemplatePath->GetValue(); if( currPath == m_panels[page]->GetPath() ) // No change return; wxFileName fn; fn.AssignDir( m_tcTemplatePath->GetValue() ); fn.Normalize(); currPath = fn.GetFullPath(); m_tcTemplatePath->SetValue( currPath ); replaceCurrentPage(); } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::replaceCurrentPage() { // Rebuild the page from the new templates path: int page = m_notebook->GetSelection(); if( page < 0 ) return; // Should not happen wxString title = m_notebook->GetPageText( page ); wxString currPath = m_tcTemplatePath->GetValue(); m_notebook->DeletePage( page ); wxNotebookPage* newPage = new wxNotebookPage( m_notebook, wxID_ANY ); TEMPLATE_SELECTION_PANEL* tpanel = new TEMPLATE_SELECTION_PANEL( newPage, currPath ); m_panels[page] = tpanel; m_notebook->InsertPage( page, newPage, title, true ); buildPageContent( m_tcTemplatePath->GetValue(), page ); m_selectedWidget = NULL; } void DIALOG_TEMPLATE_SELECTOR::OnHtmlLinkActivated( wxHtmlLinkEvent& event ) { wxString url = event.GetLinkInfo().GetHref(); wxLaunchDefaultBrowser( url); }