path: root/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/py/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/py/')
1 files changed, 3789 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/py/ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/py/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..437fce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx-3.0-msw/wx/py/
@@ -0,0 +1,3789 @@
+"""Slices is an interactive text control in which a user types in
+commands to be sent to the interpreter. This particular shell is
+based on wxPython's wxStyledTextCtrl.
+Sponsored by Orbtech - Your source for Python programming expertise.
+Slices is a version of shell modified by David Mashburn."""
+__author__ = "David N. Mashburn <> / "
+__author__ += "Patrick K. O'Brien <>"
+__cvsid__ = "$Id: 60100 2009-04-12 02:56:29Z RD $"
+__revision__ = "$Revision: 60100 $"[11:-2]
+import wx
+from wx import stc
+import keyword
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+from buffer import Buffer
+import dispatcher
+import editor
+import editwindow
+import document
+import frame
+from pseudo import PseudoFileIn
+from pseudo import PseudoFileOut
+from pseudo import PseudoFileErr
+from version import VERSION
+from magic import magic
+from parse import testForContinuations
+from path import ls,cd,pwd,sx
+sys.ps3 = '<-- ' # Input prompt.
+# Force updates from long-running commands after this many seconds
+# Could add C integration right into the markers...
+# Non-editable file marker for auto-loaded files...
+# Weave VariableInput = 15
+# Weave C code = 16
+# C code = 17 (only for use with Pyrex)
+# Pyrex / Cython code = 18
+usrBinEnvPythonText = '#!/usr/bin/env python2\n'
+pyslicesFormatHeaderText = ['#PySlices Save Format Version 1.1 (PySlices v0.9.7.8 and later)\n',
+ '#PySlices Save Format Version 1.2 (PySlices v0.9.8 and later)\n']
+groupingStartText = '#PySlices Marker Information -- Begin Grouping Slice\n'
+inputStartText = '#PySlices Marker Information -- Begin Input Slice\n'
+outputStartText = '#PySlices Marker Information -- Begin Output Slice\n'
+tutorialText = """
+ Tutorial!!!
+PySlices is the newest member of the Py suite!
+It is a modified version of PyCrust that supports multi-line commands.
+Input and output are contained in "Slices" shown as markers in the left margin.
+Input Slices have RED margins (active, editable).
+Output Slices have BLUE margins (frozen, not editable).
+Commands in slices can be on more than one line, as with Sage or Mathematica.
+For example, the command:
+print a+b
+will all run in sequence, much like a script.
+Try running the above Input Slice by clicking somewhere in its text and
+using Ctrl-Return, Shift-Return, or Numpad Enter to execute.
+Previous commands (Old Slices) can be re-edited and run again in place.
+Slices can also be:
+ * selceted (click on the margin, Shift-click for multiple selection)
+ * folded (click the margin twice)
+ * selected and deleted (hit delete while selected)
+ * divided (Ctrl-D)
+ * merged (Ctrl-M while selecting adjacent, like-colored slices)
+Try deleting the slice above this one by clicking on the red margin.
+If you want a more traditional shell feel, try enabling "Shell Mode" in
+"Options->Settings->Shell Mode" (or try PyCrust).
+In Shell Mode, two returns in a row executes the command, and
+ Ctrl-Return and Shift-Return always print newlines.
+Saving and opening "sessions" is now supported! This is a little
+different to other shells where the history is saved. With PySlices,
+the whole document is saved in a simple text format!
+To disable this Tutorial on startup, uncheck it in the menu at:
+"Options->Startup->Show PySlices tutorial"
+PySlices may not be the best thing since sliced bread, but
+I hope it makes using Python a little bit sweeter!
+class SlicesShellFrame(frame.Frame, frame.ShellFrameMixin):
+ """Frame containing the sliceshell component."""
+ name = 'SlicesShell Frame'
+ revision = __revision__
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title='PySlicesShell',
+ pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
+ style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, locals=None,
+ InterpClass=None,
+ config=None, dataDir=None, filename=None,
+ *args, **kwds):
+ """Create SlicesShellFrame instance."""
+ frame.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style,shellName='PySlices')
+ frame.ShellFrameMixin.__init__(self, config, dataDir)
+ if size == wx.DefaultSize:
+ self.SetSize((750, 525))
+ intro = 'PySlices %s - The Flakiest Python Shell... Cut Up!' % VERSION
+ self.SetStatusText(intro.replace('\n', ', '))
+ self.sliceshell = SlicesShell(parent=self, id=-1, introText=intro,
+ locals=locals, InterpClass=InterpClass,
+ startupScript=self.startupScript,
+ execStartupScript=self.execStartupScript,
+ showPySlicesTutorial=self.showPySlicesTutorial,
+ enableShellMode=self.enableShellMode,
+ hideFoldingMargin=self.hideFoldingMargin,
+ *args, **kwds)
+ self.buffer = self.sliceshell.buffer
+ # Override the shell so that status messages go to the status bar.
+ self.sliceshell.setStatusText = self.SetStatusText
+ self.sliceshell.SetFocus()
+ self.LoadSettings()
+ self.currentDirectory = os.path.expanduser('~')
+ if filename!=None:
+ self.bufferOpen(filename)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)
+ def OnClose(self, event):
+ """Event handler for closing."""
+ self.bufferClose()
+ # This isn't working the way I want, but I'll leave it for now.
+ #if self.sliceshell.waiting:
+ # if event.CanVeto():
+ # event.Veto(True)
+ #else:
+ # # TODO: Add check for saving
+ # self.SaveSettings()
+ # self.sliceshell.destroy()
+ # self.Destroy()
+ def OnAbout(self, event):
+ """Display an About window."""
+ title = 'About PySliceShell'
+ text = 'PySliceShell %s\n\n' % VERSION + \
+ 'Yet another Python shell, only flakier.\n\n' + \
+ 'Half-baked by Patrick K. O\'Brien,\n' + \
+ 'the other half is still in the oven.\n\n' + \
+ 'Shell Revision: %s\n' % + \
+ 'Interpreter Revision: %s\n\n' % + \
+ 'Platform: %s\n' % sys.platform + \
+ 'Python Version: %s\n' % sys.version.split()[0] + \
+ 'wxPython Version: %s\n' % wx.VERSION_STRING + \
+ ('\t(%s)\n' % ", ".join(wx.PlatformInfo[1:]))
+ dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, text, title,
+ dialog.ShowModal()
+ dialog.Destroy()
+ def OnHelp(self, event):
+ """Show a help dialog."""
+ frame.ShellFrameMixin.OnHelp(self, event)
+ def LoadSettings(self):
+ if self.config is not None:
+ frame.ShellFrameMixin.LoadSettings(self)
+ frame.Frame.LoadSettings(self, self.config)
+ self.sliceshell.LoadSettings(self.config)
+ def SaveSettings(self, force=False):
+ if self.config is not None:
+ frame.ShellFrameMixin.SaveSettings(self,force)
+ if self.autoSaveSettings or force:
+ frame.Frame.SaveSettings(self, self.config)
+ self.sliceshell.SaveSettings(self.config)
+ def DoSaveSettings(self):
+ if self.config is not None:
+ self.SaveSettings(force=True)
+ self.config.Flush()
+ def OnEnableShellMode(self,event):
+ """Change between Slices Mode and Shell Mode"""
+ frame.Frame.OnEnableShellMode(self,event)
+ self.sliceshell.ToggleShellMode(self.enableShellMode)
+ def OnHideFoldingMargin(self,event):
+ """Change between Slices Mode and Shell Mode"""
+ frame.Frame.OnHideFoldingMargin(self,event)
+ self.sliceshell.ToggleFoldingMargin(self.hideFoldingMargin)
+ # Copied Straight from (update both with any changes...)
+ # Stolen Straight from editor.EditorFrame
+ # Modified a little... :)
+ # ||
+ # \/
+ def OnIdle(self, event):
+ """Event handler for idle time."""
+ self._updateTitle()
+ event.Skip()
+ def _updateTitle(self):
+ """Show current title information."""
+ title = self.GetTitle()
+ if self.bufferHasChanged():
+ if title.startswith('* '):
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.SetTitle('* ' + title)
+ else:
+ if title.startswith('* '):
+ self.SetTitle(title[2:])
+ def hasBuffer(self):
+ """Return True if there is a current buffer."""
+ if self.buffer:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def bufferClose(self):
+ """Close buffer."""
+ if self.buffer.hasChanged():
+ cancel = self.bufferSuggestSave()
+ if cancel:
+ #event.Veto()
+ return cancel
+ self.SaveSettings()
+ self.sliceshell.destroy()
+ self.bufferDestroy()
+ self.Destroy()
+ return False
+ def bufferCreate(self, filename=None):
+ """Create new buffer."""
+ self.bufferDestroy()
+ buffer = Buffer()
+ self.panel = panel = wx.Panel(parent=self, id=-1)
+ panel.Bind (wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, lambda x: x)
+ editor = Editor(parent=panel)
+ panel.editor = editor
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ sizer.Add(editor.window, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ panel.SetSizer(sizer)
+ panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
+ sizer.Layout()
+ buffer.addEditor(editor)
+ self.setEditor(editor)
+ self.editor.setFocus()
+ self.SendSizeEvent()
+ def bufferDestroy(self):
+ """Destroy the current buffer."""
+ if self.buffer:
+ self.editor = None
+ self.buffer = None
+ def bufferHasChanged(self):
+ """Return True if buffer has changed since last save."""
+ if self.buffer:
+ return self.buffer.hasChanged()
+ else:
+ return False
+ def bufferNew(self):
+ """Create new buffer."""
+ cancel = self.bufferSuggestSave()
+ if cancel:
+ return cancel
+ #self.bufferCreate()
+ self.clear()
+ self.SetTitle( 'PySlices')
+ self.sliceshell.NeedsCheckForSave=False
+ self.sliceshell.SetSavePoint()
+ self.buffer.doc = document.Document()
+ = 'This shell'
+ self.buffer.modulename = self.buffer.doc.filebase
+ cancel = False
+ return cancel
+ def bufferOpen(self,file=None):
+ """Open file in buffer."""
+ if self.bufferHasChanged():
+ cancel = self.bufferSuggestSave()
+ if cancel:
+ return cancel
+ if file==None:
+ file=wx.FileSelector('Open a PySlices File',
+ wildcard='*.pyslices',
+ default_path=self.currentDirectory)
+ if file!=None and file!=u'':
+ fid=open(file,'r')
+ self.sliceshell.LoadPySlicesFile(fid)
+ fid.close()
+ self.currentDirectory = os.path.split(file)[0]
+ self.SetTitle( os.path.split(file)[1] + ' - PySlices')
+ self.sliceshell.NeedsCheckForSave=False
+ self.sliceshell.SetSavePoint()
+ self.buffer.doc = document.Document(file)
+ = self.buffer.doc.filename
+ self.buffer.modulename = self.buffer.doc.filebase
+ self.sliceshell.ScrollToLine(0)
+ return
+## def bufferPrint(self):
+## """Print buffer."""
+## pass
+## def bufferRevert(self):
+## """Revert buffer to version of file on disk."""
+## pass
+ # was # """Save buffer."""
+ def simpleSave(self,confirmed=False):
+ filepath = self.buffer.doc.filepath
+ self.buffer.confirmed = confirmed
+ if not filepath:
+ return # XXX Get filename
+ if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+ self.buffer.confirmed = True
+ if not self.buffer.confirmed:
+ self.buffer.confirmed = self.buffer.overwriteConfirm(filepath)
+ if self.buffer.confirmed:
+ try:
+ fid = open(filepath, 'wb')
+ self.sliceshell.SavePySlicesFile(fid)
+ finally:
+ if fid:
+ fid.close()
+ self.sliceshell.SetSavePoint()
+ self.SetTitle( os.path.split(filepath)[1] + ' - PySlices')
+ self.sliceshell.NeedsCheckForSave=False
+ def bufferSave(self):
+ """Save buffer to its file."""
+ if self.buffer.doc.filepath:
+ #
+ self.simpleSave(confirmed=True)
+ cancel = False
+ else:
+ cancel = self.bufferSaveAs()
+ return cancel
+ def bufferSaveAs(self):
+ """Save buffer to a new filename."""
+ if self.bufferHasChanged() and self.buffer.doc.filepath:
+ cancel = self.bufferSuggestSave()
+ if cancel:
+ return cancel
+ filedir = ''
+ if self.buffer and self.buffer.doc.filedir:
+ filedir = self.buffer.doc.filedir
+ result = editor.saveSingle(title='Save PySlices File',directory=filedir,
+ wildcard='PySlices Files (*.pyslices)|*.pyslices')
+ if result.path not in ['',None]:
+ if result.path[-9:]!=".pyslices":
+ result.path+=".pyslices"
+ self.buffer.doc = document.Document(result.path)
+ = self.buffer.doc.filename
+ self.buffer.modulename = self.buffer.doc.filebase
+ self.simpleSave(confirmed=True) # allow overwrite
+ cancel = False
+ else:
+ cancel = True
+ return cancel
+ def bufferSaveACopy(self):
+ """Save buffer to a new filename."""
+ filedir = ''
+ if self.buffer and self.buffer.doc.filedir:
+ filedir = self.buffer.doc.filedir
+ result = editor.saveSingle(title='Save a Copy of PySlices File',directory=filedir,
+ wildcard='PySlices Files (*.pyslices)|*.pyslices')
+ if result.path not in ['',None]:
+ if result.path[-9:]!=".pyslices":
+ result.path+=".pyslices"
+ # if not os.path.exists(result.path):
+ try: # Allow overwrite...
+ fid = open(result.path, 'wb')
+ self.sliceshell.SavePySlicesFile(fid)
+ finally:
+ if fid:
+ fid.close()
+ cancel = False
+ else:
+ cancel = True
+ return cancel
+ def bufferSuggestSave(self):
+ """Suggest saving changes. Return True if user selected Cancel."""
+ result = editor.messageDialog(parent=None,
+ message='%s has changed.\n'
+ 'Would you like to save it first'
+ '?' %,
+ title='Save current file?',
+ style=wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.NO_DEFAULT |
+ if result.positive:
+ cancel = self.bufferSave()
+ else:
+ cancel = result.text == 'Cancel'
+ return cancel
+ def updateNamespace(self):
+ """Update the buffer namespace for autocompletion and calltips."""
+ if self.buffer.updateNamespace():
+ self.SetStatusText('Namespace updated')
+ else:
+ self.SetStatusText('Error executing, unable to update namespace')
+# TODO : Update the help text
+HELP_TEXT = """\
+* Key bindings:
+Home Go to the beginning of the line.
+End Go to the end of the line.
+Shift+Home Select to the beginning of the line.
+Shift+End Select to the end of the line.
+Ctrl-Home Jump to the beginning of the slice;
+ If already there, jump to beginning of previous slice
+Ctrl-End Jump to the end of the slice;
+ If already there, jump to end of next slice
+Ctrl-PageUp Jump to the beginning of the shell
+Ctrl-PageDown Jump to the end of the shell
+Ctrl+C Copy selected text, removing prompts.
+Ctrl+Shift+C Copy selected text, retaining prompts.
+Alt+C Copy to the clipboard, including prefixed prompts.
+Ctrl+X Cut selected text.
+Ctrl+V Paste from clipboard.
+Ctrl+Shift+V Paste and run multiple commands from clipboard.
+Ctrl+Up Arrow Retrieve Previous History item.
+Alt+P Retrieve Previous History item.
+Ctrl+Down Arrow Retrieve Next History item.
+Alt+N Retrieve Next History item.
+Shift+Up Arrow Insert Previous History item.
+Shift+Down Arrow Insert Next History item.
+F8 Command-completion of History item.
+ (Type a few characters of a previous command and press F8.)
+Ctrl+] Increase font size.
+Ctrl+[ Decrease font size.
+Ctrl+= Default font size.
+Ctrl-Space Show Auto Completion.
+Ctrl-Shift-Space Show Call Tip.
+Ctrl-Shift-H Complete Text from History.
+Ctrl+F Search
+Ctrl+G Search next
+F12 on/off "free-edit" mode
+ For testing only -- This does not preserve markers!
+In "Slices Mode":
+Return Insert new line
+Enter (Numpad) Run command in slice
+Ctrl+Return ""
+Shift+Return ""
+In "Shell Mode":
+Return or Enter Insert a new line
+Ctrl+Return ""
+Shift+Return ""
+2 Returns in a row Run command in slice
+class SlicesShellFacade:
+ """Simplified interface to all shell-related functionality.
+ This is a semi-transparent facade, in that all attributes of other
+ are accessible, even though only some are visible to the user."""
+ name = 'SlicesShell Interface'
+ revision = __revision__
+ def __init__(self, other):
+ """Create a SlicesShellFacade instance."""
+ d = self.__dict__
+ d['other'] = other
+ d['helpText'] = HELP_TEXT
+ d['this'] = other.this
+ def help(self):
+ """Display some useful information about how to use the slices shell."""
+ self.write(self.helpText,type='Output')
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if hasattr(self.other, name):
+ return getattr(self.other, name)
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, name
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if self.__dict__.has_key(name):
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ elif hasattr(self.other, name):
+ setattr(self.other, name, value)
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, name
+ def _getAttributeNames(self):
+ """Return list of magic attributes to extend introspection."""
+ list = [
+ 'about',
+ 'ask',
+ 'autoCallTip',
+ 'autoComplete',
+ 'autoCompleteAutoHide',
+ 'autoCompleteCaseInsensitive',
+ 'autoCompleteIncludeDouble',
+ 'autoCompleteIncludeMagic',
+ 'autoCompleteIncludeSingle',
+ 'callTipInsert',
+ 'clear',
+ 'pause',
+ 'prompt',
+ 'quit',
+ 'redirectStderr',
+ 'redirectStdin',
+ 'redirectStdout',
+ 'run',
+ 'runfile',
+ 'wrap',
+ 'zoom',
+ ]
+ list.sort()
+ return list
+Author: %r
+Py Version: %s
+Py Slices Shell Revision: %s
+Py Interpreter Revision: %s
+Python Version: %s
+wxPython Version: %s
+wxPython PlatformInfo: %s
+Platform: %s"""
+class SlicesShell(editwindow.EditWindow):
+ """Notebook Shell based on StyledTextCtrl."""
+ name = 'SlicesShell'
+ revision = __revision__
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+ size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.CLIP_CHILDREN,
+ introText='', locals=None, InterpClass=None,
+ startupScript=None, execStartupScript=True,
+ showPySlicesTutorial=True,enableShellMode=False,
+ hideFoldingMargin=False, *args, **kwds):
+ """Create Shell instance."""
+ editwindow.EditWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
+ self.wrap()
+ if locals is None:
+ import __main__
+ locals = __main__.__dict__
+ # Grab these so they can be restored by self.redirect* methods.
+ self.stdin = sys.stdin
+ self.stdout = sys.stdout
+ self.stderr = sys.stderr
+ # Import a default interpreter class if one isn't provided.
+ if InterpClass == None:
+ from interpreter import Interpreter
+ else:
+ Interpreter = InterpClass
+ # Create a replacement for stdin.
+ self.reader = PseudoFileIn(self.readline, self.readlines)
+ self.reader.input = ''
+ self.reader.isreading = False
+ # Set up the interpreter.
+ self.interp = Interpreter(locals=locals,
+ rawin=self.raw_input,
+ stdin=self.reader,
+ stdout=PseudoFileOut(self.writeOut),
+ stderr=PseudoFileErr(self.writeErr),
+ *args, **kwds)
+ # Set up the buffer.
+ self.buffer = Buffer()
+ = self.GetId()
+ self.buffer.addEditor(self)
+'This shell'
+ self.NeedsCheckForSave=False
+ # Find out for which keycodes the interpreter will autocomplete.
+ self.autoCompleteKeys = self.interp.getAutoCompleteKeys()
+ # Keep track of the last non-continuation prompt positions.
+ # Removed all references to these... solved a lot of odd bugs...
+ # self.promptPosStart = 0
+ # self.promptPosEnd = 0
+ # Keep track of multi-line commands.
+ self.more = False
+ # Use Margins to track input / output / slice number
+ self.margins = True
+ # For use with forced updates during long-running scripts
+ self.lastUpdate=None
+ if self.margins:
+ # margin 1 is already defined for the line numbers
+ # may eventually change it back to 0 like it ought to be...
+ self.SetMarginType(2, stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
+ self.SetMarginType(3, stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
+ self.SetMarginType(4, stc.STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(2, 22)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(3, 22)
+ self.SetMarginWidth(4, 12)
+ self.SetMarginSensitive(2,True)
+ self.SetMarginSensitive(3,True)
+ self.SetMarginSensitive(4,True)
+ self.SetProperty("fold", "1")
+ # tabs are bad, use spaces
+ self.SetProperty("tab.timmy.whinge.level", "4")
+ self.SetMargins(0,0)
+ # Display Markers -24...
+ self.SetMarginMask(3, IO_MASK | 1<<IO_SELECTING | 1<<READLINE_BG | 1<<INPUT_READLINE )
+ self.SetMarginMask(4, stc.STC_MASK_FOLDERS)
+ # Set the mask for the line markers, too...
+ self.SetMarginMask(1, 0)
+ if hideFoldingMargin:
+ self.SetMarginWidth(4, 0)
+ self.hideFoldingMargin=hideFoldingMargin
+ sel_color="#E0E0E0"
+ grouping_color="black"
+ input_color="red"
+ output_color="blue"
+ sel_color, sel_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(IO_SELECTING, stc.STC_MARK_FULLRECT,
+ sel_color, sel_color)
+ "white", grouping_color)
+ "white", grouping_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(GROUPING_MIDDLE, stc.STC_MARK_VLINE,
+ "white", grouping_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(GROUPING_END, stc.STC_MARK_LCORNER,
+ "white", grouping_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(READLINE_BG, stc.STC_MARK_FULLRECT,
+ wx.Colour(191,191,191), wx.Colour(191,191,191))
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_READLINE, stc.STC_MARK_CHARACTER+ord('<'),
+ input_color, wx.Colour(191,191,191))
+ if enableShellMode:
+ self.mode='ShellMode'
+ else:
+ self.mode='SlicesMode'
+ self.execOnNextReturn=False
+ if self.mode=='SlicesMode':
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_START, stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUS,
+ "white", input_color)
+ "white", input_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_MIDDLE, stc.STC_MARK_VLINE,
+ "white", input_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_END, stc.STC_MARK_LCORNER,
+ "white", input_color)
+ elif self.mode=='ShellMode':
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_START, stc.STC_MARK_ARROWS,
+ input_color, "white")
+ "white", input_color)
+ input_color, "white")
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_END, stc.STC_MARK_DOTDOTDOT,
+ input_color, "white")
+ self.MarkerDefine(OUTPUT_START, stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUS,
+ "white", output_color)
+ "white", output_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(OUTPUT_MIDDLE, stc.STC_MARK_VLINE,
+ "white", output_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(OUTPUT_END, stc.STC_MARK_LCORNER,
+ "white", output_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(OUTPUT_BG, stc.STC_MARK_BACKGROUND,
+ "white", wx.Colour(242,242,255))
+ # Markers for folding margin...
+ "white", "#808080")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, stc.STC_MARK_BOXPLUS,
+ "white", "#808080")
+ self.MarkerDefine(stc.STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, stc.STC_MARK_VLINE,
+ "white", "#808080")
+ "white", "#808080")
+ "white", "#808080")
+ "white", "#808080")
+ "white", "#808080")
+ # Create the command history. Commands are added into the
+ # front of the list (ie. at index 0) as they are entered.
+ # self.historyIndex is the current position in the history; it
+ # gets incremented as you retrieve the previous command,
+ # decremented as you retrieve the next, and reset when you hit
+ # Enter. self.historyIndex == -1 means you're on the current
+ # command, not in the history.
+ self.history = []
+ self.historyIndex = -1
+ #DNM -- disable these markers...
+ #seb add mode for "free edit"
+ self.noteMode = 0
+ #self.MarkerDefine(0,stc.STC_MARK_ROUNDRECT) # marker for hidden
+ self.searchTxt = ""
+ # Assign handlers for keyboard events.
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
+ self.Bind(, self.OnMarginClick)
+ # TODO : Add a general functions to handle mouse clicks in the
+ # TODO: STC window whose sole purpose is to make it so
+ # TODO: that margin selection becomes unselected...
+ # Assign handler for the context menu
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.OnContextMenu)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI, self.OnUpdateUI)
+ # Assign handlers for edit events
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.Cut(), id=wx.ID_CUT)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.Copy(), id=wx.ID_COPY)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.CopyWithPrompts(), id=frame.ID_COPY_PLUS)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.Paste(), id=wx.ID_PASTE)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.PasteAndRun(), id=frame.ID_PASTE_PLUS)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.SelectAll(), id=wx.ID_SELECTALL)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.Clear(), id=wx.ID_CLEAR)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.Undo(), id=wx.ID_UNDO)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, lambda evt: self.Redo(), id=wx.ID_REDO)
+ # Assign handler for idle time.
+ self.waiting = False
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)
+ # Display the introductory banner information.
+ self.showIntro(introText)
+ outStart,outEnd,inStart,inMiddle,inEnd = [[],[],[],[],[]]
+ # Make "executed startup script move to the top..."
+ if showPySlicesTutorial:
+ self.write(tutorialText,'Output')
+ tutStart=5
+ testStart=16
+ outStart=[tutStart,testStart+3]
+ outEnd=[tutStart-1,testStart-1]
+ inStart=[testStart]
+ inMiddle=[testStart+1]
+ inEnd=[testStart+2]
+ # Assign some pseudo keywords to the interpreter's namespace.
+ self.setBuiltinKeywords()
+ # Add 'shell' to the interpreter's local namespace.
+ self.setLocalShell()
+ # Do this last so the user has complete control over their
+ # environment. They can override anything they want.
+ if execStartupScript:
+ if startupScript is None:
+ startupScript = os.environ.get('PYTHONSTARTUP')
+ self.execStartupScript(startupScript)
+ else:
+ self.prompt()
+ outStart+=[0]
+ outEnd+=[self.GetLineCount()-2]
+ inStart+=[self.GetLineCount()-1]
+ # Set all the line markers to the proper initial states...
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(i)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(i)
+ if i in outStart:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_START)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_START)
+ # Background color is confusing for tutorial... skip it!
+ #self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ elif i in outEnd:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_END)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_END)
+ #self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ elif i in inStart:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_START)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,INPUT_START)
+ elif i in inMiddle:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,INPUT_MIDDLE)
+ elif i in inEnd:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_END)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,INPUT_END)
+ else:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_MIDDLE)
+ #self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ self.SliceSelection=False
+ self.runningSlice=None
+ ## NOTE: See note at bottom of this file...
+ ## #seb: File drag and drop
+ ## self.SetDropTarget( FileDropTarget(self) )
+ # Everywhere "ADD UNDO" appears, there is new code to handle markers
+ self.EmptyUndoBuffer()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.ScrollToLine, 0)
+ def ToggleShellMode(self,enableShellMode=None):
+ if enableShellMode==None:
+ if self.mode=='ShellMode': self.mode='SlicesMode'
+ elif self.mode=='SlicesMode': self.mode='ShellMode'
+ elif enableShellMode:
+ self.mode='ShellMode'
+ else:
+ self.mode='SlicesMode'
+ input_color="red"
+ if self.mode=='SlicesMode':
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_START, stc.STC_MARK_BOXMINUS,
+ "white", input_color)
+ "white", input_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_MIDDLE, stc.STC_MARK_VLINE,
+ "white", input_color)
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_END, stc.STC_MARK_LCORNER,
+ "white", input_color)
+ elif self.mode=='ShellMode':
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_START, stc.STC_MARK_ARROWS,
+ input_color, "white")
+ "white", input_color)
+ input_color, "white")
+ self.MarkerDefine(INPUT_END, stc.STC_MARK_DOTDOTDOT,
+ input_color, "white")
+ def ToggleFoldingMargin(self,hideFoldingMargin=None):
+ if hideFoldingMargin==None:
+ self.hideFoldingMargin = not self.hideFoldingMargin
+ else:
+ self.hideFoldingMargin = hideFoldingMargin
+ if self.hideFoldingMargin:
+ self.SetMarginWidth(4, 0)
+ else:
+ self.SetMarginWidth(4, 12)
+ def clearHistory(self):
+ self.history = []
+ self.historyIndex = -1
+ dispatcher.send(signal="SlicesShell.clearHistory")
+ def destroy(self):
+ del self.interp
+ def setFocus(self):
+ """Set focus to the slices shell."""
+ self.SetFocus()
+ def OnIdle(self, event):
+ """Free the CPU to do other things."""
+ if self.waiting:
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ event.Skip()
+ def showIntro(self, text=''):
+ """Display introductory text in the slices shell."""
+ if text:
+ self.write(text,type='Output')
+ try:
+ if self.interp.introText:
+ if text and not text.endswith(os.linesep):
+ self.write(os.linesep,type='Output')
+ self.write(self.interp.introText,type='Output')
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ def setBuiltinKeywords(self):
+ """Create pseudo keywords as part of builtins.
+ This sets "close", "exit" and "quit" to a helpful string.
+ """
+ import __builtin__
+ __builtin__.close = __builtin__.exit = __builtin__.quit = \
+ 'Click on the close button to leave the application.'
+ = cd
+ = ls
+ __builtin__.pwd = pwd
+ = sx
+ def quit(self):
+ """Quit the application."""
+ # XXX Good enough for now but later we want to send a close event.
+ # In the close event handler we can make sure they want to
+ # quit. Other applications, like PythonCard, may choose to
+ # hide rather than quit so we should just post the event and
+ # let the surrounding app decide what it wants to do.
+ self.write('Click on the close button to leave the application.',
+ type='Output')
+ def setLocalShell(self):
+ """Add 'slicesshell' to locals as reference to ShellFacade instance."""
+ self.interp.locals['slicesshell'] = SlicesShellFacade(other=self)
+ def execStartupScript(self, startupScript):
+ """Execute the user's PYTHONSTARTUP script if they have one."""
+ if startupScript and os.path.isfile(startupScript):
+ text = 'Startup script executed: ' + startupScript
+ self.push('print %r; execfile(%r)' % (text, startupScript))
+ self.interp.startupScript = startupScript
+ else:
+ self.push('')
+ def about(self):
+ """Display information about Py."""
+ text = DISPLAY_TEXT % \
+ (__author__, VERSION, self.revision, self.interp.revision,
+ sys.version.split()[0], wx.VERSION_STRING, str(wx.PlatformInfo),
+ sys.platform)
+ self.write(text.strip(),type='Output')
+ def BreakTextIntoCommands(self,text):
+ """Turn a text block into multiple multi-line commands."""
+ #text = text.lstrip() # This should not be done!
+ text = self.fixLineEndings(text)
+ text = self.lstripPrompt(text)
+ text = text.replace(os.linesep, '\n')
+ lines = text.split('\n')
+ continuations = testForContinuations(text)
+ if len(continuations)==2: # Error case...
+ return None,continuations[1]
+ elif len(continuations)==4:
+ stringContinuationList,indentationBlockList, \
+ lineContinuationList,parentheticalContinuationList = continuations
+ commands = []
+ command = ''
+ for j,line in enumerate(lines):
+ lstrip = line.lstrip()
+ # Get the first alnum word:
+ first_word=[]
+ for i in lstrip:
+ if i.isalnum():
+ first_word.append(i)
+ else:
+ break
+ first_word = ''.join(first_word)
+ # Continue the command if it is blank, has indentation,
+ # starts with else, elif,except, or finally
+ # or previous line had a line continuation \
+ if j==0:
+ stringCont = False
+ lineCont=False
+ else:
+ stringCont = stringContinuationList[j-1]
+ lineCont = lineContinuationList[j-1]
+ if line.strip() == '' or lstrip != line or \
+ first_word in ['else','elif','except','finally'] or \
+ stringCont or lineCont:
+ # Multiline command. Add to the command.
+ command += '\n'
+ command += line
+ else:
+ # New command.
+ if command:
+ # Add the previous command to the list.
+ commands.append(command)
+ # Start a new command, which may be multiline.
+ command = line
+ commands.append(command)
+ return commands
+ def MarkerSet(self,line,markerBitsSet):
+ """MarkerSet is the Set command for MarkerGet"""
+ markerBits=self.MarkerGet(line)
+ numMarkers=14
+ for i in range(numMarkers):
+ if (markerBitsSet & (1<<i)) and not (markerBits & (1<<i)):
+ self.MarkerAdd(line,i)
+ elif not (markerBitsSet & (1<<i)) and (markerBits & (1<<i)):
+ self.MarkerDelete(line,i)
+ def GetGroupingSlice(self,line_num=None):
+ """Get the start/stop lines for the slice based on any line in the slice"""
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ num_lines=self.GetLineCount()
+ for i in range(line_num,-1,-1):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & (1<<GROUPING_START | 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED):
+ break
+ start_line=i
+ addition=0
+ for i in range(line_num,num_lines):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<GROUPING_END:
+ break
+ elif (i>line_num) and ( self.MarkerGet(i)
+ addition=-1
+ break # the solo case...
+ stop_line=i+addition
+ return start_line,stop_line
+ def GetIOSlice(self,line_num=None):
+ """Get the start/stop lines for the slice based on any line in the slice"""
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ num_lines=self.GetLineCount()
+ for i in range(line_num,-1,-1):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & IO_ANY_START_MASK:
+ break
+ start_line=i
+ addition=0
+ for i in range(line_num,num_lines):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & IO_END_MASK:
+ break
+ elif (i>line_num) and (self.MarkerGet(i) & IO_ANY_START_MASK):
+ addition=-1
+ break # the solo case...
+ stop_line=i+addition
+ return start_line,stop_line
+ def FoldGroupingSlice(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ start,end=self.GetGroupingSlice(line_num)
+ self.HideLines(start+1,end)
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(start)
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(start)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,GROUPING_START_FOLDED)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(start)
+ if marker & ( 1<<INPUT_START | 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED ):
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,INPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ elif marker & ( 1<<OUTPUT_START | 1<<OUTPUT_START_FOLDED ):
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,OUTPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,OUTPUT_BG)
+ else:
+ pass #print 'Bad Markers!!!'
+ def FoldIOSlice(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ start,end=self.GetIOSlice(line_num)
+ self.HideLines(start+1,end)
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(start)
+ if (self.MarkerGet(start) & \
+ (self.MarkerGet(end) & 1<<GROUPING_END):
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(start)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,GROUPING_START_FOLDED)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(start)
+ if marker & ( 1<<INPUT_START | 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED ):
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,INPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ elif marker & ( 1<<OUTPUT_START | 1<<OUTPUT_START_FOLDED ):
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,OUTPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,OUTPUT_BG)
+ else:
+ pass #print 'Bad Markers!!!'
+ def UnFoldGroupingSlice(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ start,end=self.GetGroupingSlice(line_num)
+ self.ShowLines(start+1,end)
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(start)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,GROUPING_START)
+ for i in range(start,end):
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(i)
+ if marker & (1<<INPUT_START | 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED):
+ self.clearIOMarkers(i)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,INPUT_START)
+ elif marker & (1<<OUTPUT_START | 1<<OUTPUT_START_FOLDED):
+ self.clearIOMarkers(i)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ def UnFoldIOSlice(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ start,end=self.GetIOSlice(line_num)
+ self.ShowLines(start+1,end)
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(start)
+ if (self.MarkerGet(start) & \
+ (self.MarkerGet(end) & 1<<GROUPING_END):
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(start)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,GROUPING_START)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(start)
+ if marker & 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED:
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,INPUT_START)
+ elif marker & 1<<OUTPUT_START_FOLDED:
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,OUTPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,OUTPUT_BG)
+ def DeleteOutputSlicesAfter(self,line_num=None):
+ """Delete all outputs after an input"""
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ num_lines=self.GetLineCount()
+ if self.MarkerGet(line_num) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ #print 'You can only run "DeleteOutputSlicesAfter" from an Input slice!'
+ return
+ startIn,endIn=self.GetIOSlice(line_num)
+ startGrouping,endGrouping=self.GetGroupingSlice(line_num)
+ if endIn<endGrouping:
+ self.SetSelection(self.PositionFromLine(endIn+1),
+ self.PositionFromLine(endGrouping+1))
+ self.ReplaceSelection('',sliceDeletion=True)
+ new_pos=self.GetLineEndPosition(line_num)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(new_pos)
+ self.SetSelection(new_pos,new_pos)
+ def SplitSlice(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ start_num,end_num=self.GetIOSlice(line_num)
+ if self.MarkerGet(line_num) & INPUT_MASK:
+ type='Input'
+ splitGrouping=True
+ elif self.MarkerGet(line_num) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ type='Output'
+ splitGrouping=False
+ if start_num==end_num:
+ return # Can't split one line!
+ elif start_num==line_num:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(line_num+1)
+ self.MarkerAdd(line_num+1,start)
+ if type=='Output': self.MarkerAdd(line_num+1,OUTPUT_BG)
+ if splitGrouping:
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(line_num+1)
+ self.MarkerAdd(line_num+1,GROUPING_START)
+ else:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(line_num)
+ self.MarkerAdd(line_num,start)
+ if type=='Output': self.MarkerAdd(line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ if splitGrouping:
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(line_num)
+ self.MarkerAdd(line_num,GROUPING_START)
+ if line_num-1>start_num:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(line_num-1)
+ self.MarkerAdd(line_num-1,end)
+ if type=='Output': self.MarkerAdd(line_num-1,OUTPUT_BG)
+ if splitGrouping:
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(line_num-1)
+ self.MarkerAdd(line_num-1,GROUPING_END)
+ def BackspaceWMarkers(self,force=False):
+ # Warning: This is not good at checking for bad markers!
+ c_before=self.GetCharAt(self.GetCurrentPos() - 1)
+ c_after=self.GetCharAt(self.GetCurrentPos())
+ if c_before==0:
+ # Disallow deleting the first line or it will destroy the markers...
+ return False
+ elif c_before in (ord('\n'),ord('\r')):
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(line_num)
+ marker_before=self.MarkerGet(line_num-1)
+ marker_after=self.MarkerGet(line_num+1)
+ if marker_before & ( 1<<GROUPING_END ) :
+ return False # Disallow deleting lines between slices...
+ elif marker & ( 1<<GROUPING_START | 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED ) :
+ return False # Disallow deleting lines between slices...
+ else:
+ if marker_before & ( 1<<GROUPING_START | 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED ) :
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(line_num)
+ elif marker & ( 1<<GROUPING_END ) :
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(line_num-1)
+ if (marker_before & 1<<INPUT_END) and force:
+ # Special case for use in processLine
+ self.clearIOMarkers(line_num)
+ elif marker_before & (1<<INPUT_END | 1<<OUTPUT_END):
+ return False # Disallow deleting lines between slices...
+ elif marker & ( 1<<INPUT_START | 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED ) :
+ return False # Disallow deleting lines between slices...
+ else:
+ if marker_before & (1<<INPUT_START | 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED |
+ self.clearIOMarkers(line_num)
+ elif marker & ( 1<<INPUT_END | 1<<OUTPUT_END ) :
+ self.clearIOMarkers(line_num-1)
+ return True # If everything went well, return True and do the delete...
+ def ForwardDeleteWMarkers(self):
+ c_before=self.GetCharAt(self.GetCurrentPos() - 1)
+ c_after=self.GetCharAt(self.GetCurrentPos())
+ if c_after==0:
+ # Disallow deleting the first line or it will destroy the markers...
+ return False
+ elif c_after in (ord('\n'),ord('\r')):
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(line_num)
+ marker_before=self.MarkerGet(line_num-1)
+ marker_after=self.MarkerGet(line_num+1)
+ if marker & ( 1<<GROUPING_END ) :
+ return False # Disallow deleting lines between slices...
+ elif marker_after & ( 1<<GROUPING_START | 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED ) :
+ return False # Disallow deleting lines between slices...
+ else:
+ if marker & ( 1<<GROUPING_START | 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED ) :
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(line_num+1)
+ elif marker_after & ( 1<<GROUPING_END ) :
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(line_num)
+ if marker & ( 1<<INPUT_END | 1<<OUTPUT_END ) :
+ return False # Disallow deleting lines between slices...
+ elif marker_after & ( 1<<INPUT_START | 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED ) :
+ return False # Disallow deleting lines between slices...
+ else:
+ if marker & (1<<INPUT_START | 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED |
+ self.clearIOMarkers(line_num+1)
+ elif marker_after & ( 1<<INPUT_END | 1<<OUTPUT_END ) :
+ self.clearIOMarkers(line_num)
+ return True
+ def GetIOSelection(self):
+ started=False
+ start=0
+ end=self.GetLineCount()-1
+ type=None
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<IO_SELECTING:
+ if started==False:
+ start=i
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & INPUT_MASK:
+ type='input'
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ type='output'
+ else:
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & INPUT_MASK:
+ if type=='output':
+ end=i-1
+ break
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ if type=='input':
+ end=i-1
+ break
+ started=True
+ elif started==True:
+ end=i-1
+ break
+ if started==False:
+ #print 'No Selection!!'
+ self.SliceSelection=False
+ return start,end
+ def MergeAdjacentSlices(self):
+ """This function merges all adjacent selected slices.\n""" + \
+ """Right now, only IO Merging is allowed."""
+ started=False
+ start=0
+ end=self.GetLineCount()-1
+ type=None
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<IO_SELECTING:
+ if started==False:
+ start=i
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & INPUT_MASK:
+ type='input'
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ type='output'
+ else:
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & INPUT_MASK:
+ if type=='output':
+ end=i-1
+ break
+ else:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(i)
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(i)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,INPUT_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ if type=='input':
+ end=i-1
+ break
+ else:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(i)
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(i)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ started=True
+ elif started==True:
+ end=i-1
+ break
+ if started and end!=start:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(end)
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(end)
+ if type=='input':
+ self.MarkerAdd(end,INPUT_END)
+ if end+1<self.GetLineCount():
+ if self.MarkerGet(end+1) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ self.MarkerAdd(end,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ else:
+ self.MarkerAdd(end,GROUPING_END)
+ else:
+ self.MarkerAdd(end,GROUPING_END)
+ else:
+ if self.MarkerGet(start) & 1<<GROUPING_END:
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(start)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerAdd(end,OUTPUT_END)
+ self.MarkerAdd(end,OUTPUT_BG)
+ self.MarkerAdd(end,GROUPING_END)
+ def SliceSelectionDelete(self):
+ """Deletion of any selected and possibly discontinuous slices."""
+ if not self.SliceSelection:
+ return
+ # collect the line numbers to be deleted...
+ selectedSlices=[]
+ start,end=None,None
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & (1<<GROUPING_SELECTING | 1<<IO_SELECTING):
+ if start==None:
+ start=i
+ end=i
+ elif start!=None:
+ selectedSlices.append([start,end])
+ start,end=None,None
+ if start!=None:
+ selectedSlices.append([start,end])
+ # Unselect everything
+ self.MarginUnselectAll()
+ self.SliceSelection=False
+ # Going in reverse, delete the selections, fixing the markers as we go...
+ for i in range(len(selectedSlices)-1,-1,-1):
+ self.SetSelection(self.PositionFromLine(selectedSlices[i][0]),
+ self.GetLineEndPosition(selectedSlices[i][1])+1)
+ markerNext = self.MarkerGet(selectedSlices[i][1]+1)
+ self.ReplaceSelection('',sliceDeletion=True)
+ cur_line=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ # If we've made a mess of the grouping markers, clean it up...
+ if ((self.MarkerGet(cur_line-1) & 1<<GROUPING_END) and
+ (self.MarkerGet(cur_line) & ( 1<<GROUPING_MIDDLE | 1<<GROUPING_END ) )):
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(cur_line)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cur_line,GROUPING_START)
+ elif (( self.MarkerGet(cur_line-1) & 1<<GROUPING_MIDDLE ) and
+ ( self.MarkerGet(cur_line) &
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(cur_line-1)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cur_line-1,GROUPING_END)
+ if markerNext & 1<<OUTPUT_START:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(cur_line)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cur_line,OUTPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cur_line,OUTPUT_BG)
+ elif markerNext & 1<<OUTPUT_START_FOLDED:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(cur_line)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cur_line,OUTPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cur_line,OUTPUT_BG)
+ return
+ def OnChar(self, event):
+ """Keypress event handler.
+ Only receives an event if OnKeyDown calls event.Skip() for the
+ corresponding event."""
+ if self.noteMode:
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ # Prevent modification of output slices
+ if not self.CanEdit():
+ return
+ key = event.GetKeyCode()
+ currpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ stoppos = self.PositionFromLine(self.GetCurrentLine())
+ # Return (Enter) needs to be ignored in this handler.
+ if key in [wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER]:
+ pass
+ elif key in self.autoCompleteKeys:
+ # Usually the dot (period) key activates auto completion.
+ # Get the command between the prompt and the cursor. Add
+ # the autocomplete character to the end of the command.
+ if self.AutoCompActive():
+ self.AutoCompCancel()
+ command = self.GetTextRange(stoppos, currpos) + chr(key)
+ # write with undo wrapper...
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ s=chr(key)
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert',s,cpos,cpos+len(s),
+ forceNewAction=False)
+ self.write(s,type='Input')
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ if self.autoComplete:
+ self.autoCompleteShow(command)
+ elif key == ord('('):
+ # The left paren activates a call tip and cancels an
+ # active auto completion.
+ if self.AutoCompActive():
+ self.AutoCompCancel()
+ # Get the command between the prompt and the cursor. Add
+ # the '(' to the end of the command.
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ command = self.GetTextRange(stoppos, currpos) + '('
+ # write with undo wrapper...
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ s='('
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert',s,cpos,cpos+len(s),
+ forceNewAction=True)
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['allowsAppend']=True
+ self.write(s,type='Input')
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ self.autoCallTipShow(command,
+ self.GetCurrentPos() == self.GetTextLength())
+ else:
+ # Allow the normal event handling to take place.
+ # Use undo wrapper
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ try:
+ s=chr(key)
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert',s,cpos,cpos+len(s))
+ event.Skip()
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ except:
+ event.Skip()
+ def AutoCompActiveCallback(self):
+ numChars=self.GetTextLength()-self.TotalLengthForAutoCompActiveCallback
+ if numChars==0:
+ self.undoIndex-=1
+ del(self.undoHistory[-1])
+ else:
+ uH=self.undoHistory
+ uI=self.undoIndex
+ cpos=uH[uI]['posStart']
+ s=''.join([chr(self.GetCharAt(cpos+i)) for i in range(numChars)])
+ s.replace(os.linesep,'\n')
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['charList'] = s
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['posEnd'] = cpos + numChars
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['numLines'] = len(s.split('\n'))
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ def OnKeyDown(self, event):
+ """Key down event handler."""
+ key = event.GetKeyCode()
+ # If the auto-complete window is up let it do its thing.
+ if self.AutoCompActive():
+ if key in [wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER]:
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert','dummy',cpos,cpos+5,
+ forceNewAction=True)
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['allowsAppend'] = True
+ self.TotalLengthForAutoCompActiveCallback=self.GetTextLength()
+ event.Skip()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.AutoCompActiveCallback)
+ if key in [wx.WXK_DELETE,wx.WXK_BACK]:
+ self.AutoCompCancel()
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ #DNM
+ # Prevent modification of output slices
+ controlDown = event.ControlDown()
+ altDown = event.AltDown()
+ shiftDown = event.ShiftDown()
+ currpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ endpos = self.GetTextLength()
+ selecting = self.GetSelectionStart() != self.GetSelectionEnd()
+ if key == wx.WXK_F12: #seb
+ if self.noteMode:
+ # self.promptPosStart not used anyway - or ?
+## # We don't need to do this any more!
+## self.promptPosEnd = self.PositionFromLine(self.GetLineCount()-1 ) +
+## len(str(sys.ps1))
+## self.GotoLine(self.GetLineCount())
+## self.GotoPos(self.promptPosEnd)
+## self.prompt() #make sure we have a prompt
+ self.SetCaretForeground("black")
+ self.SetCaretWidth(1) #default
+ self.SetCaretPeriod(500) #default
+ else:
+ self.SetCaretForeground("red")
+ self.SetCaretWidth(4)
+ self.SetCaretPeriod(0) #steady
+ self.noteMode = not self.noteMode
+ return
+ if self.noteMode:
+ event.Skip()
+ return
+ doLineBreak=False
+ doSubmitCommand=False
+ doPass=False
+ # Return is used to insert a line break.
+ # In Shell Mode, hit Return or Enter twice to submit a command
+ if ((not controlDown and not shiftDown and not altDown) and
+ key in [wx.WXK_RETURN,]):
+ if self.mode=='SlicesMode':
+ doLineBreak=True
+ elif self.mode=='ShellMode':
+ startLine,endLine = self.GetIOSlice()
+ startpos = self.PositionFromLine(startLine)
+ endpos = self.GetLineEndPosition(endLine)
+ command = self.GetTextRange(startpos, endpos)
+ strCont,indentBlock,lineCont,parenCont = testForContinuations(command,ignoreErrors=True)
+ lastLine = command.split('\n')[-1]
+ if lastLine.lstrip()=='': # all whitespace...
+ stillIndented=False
+ elif lastLine[0]==' ':
+ stillIndented=True
+ else:
+ stillIndented=False
+ if strCont[-1] or indentBlock[-1] or lineCont[-1] or \
+ parenCont[-1]:
+ doLineBreak=True
+ elif stillIndented:
+ new_pos=self.GetLineEndPosition(endLine)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(new_pos)
+ self.SetSelection(new_pos,new_pos)
+ doLineBreak=True
+ elif self.GetCurrentLine()!=endLine:
+ new_pos=self.GetLineEndPosition(endLine)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(new_pos)
+ self.SetSelection(new_pos,new_pos)
+ doPass = True
+ else:
+ doSubmitCommand=True
+ # Enter (Shift/Ctrl + Enter/Return) submits a command to the interpreter.
+ # In Shell Mode, hit Return or Enter twice to submit a command
+ elif ( key in [wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER,] or
+ ( (shiftDown or controlDown) and key in [wx.WXK_RETURN,
+ if self.mode=='SlicesMode':
+ doSubmitCommand=True
+ elif self.mode=='ShellMode':
+ doLineBreak=True
+ #Only relevant in ShellMode...
+ if doPass:
+ pass
+ elif doLineBreak or doSubmitCommand:
+ if self.CallTipActive():
+ self.CallTipCancel()
+ elif self.SliceSelection:
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<GROUPING_SELECTING:
+ self.DoMarginClick(i, 2, shiftDown, controlDown)
+ break
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<IO_SELECTING:
+ self.DoMarginClick(i, 3, shiftDown, controlDown)
+ break
+ elif doLineBreak:
+ self.insertLineBreak()
+ #Only relevant in ShellMode...
+ elif doSubmitCommand:
+ self.DeleteOutputSlicesAfter()
+ self.processLine()
+ # Let Ctrl-Alt-* get handled normally.
+ elif controlDown and altDown:
+ event.Skip()
+ # Clear the current, unexecuted command.
+ elif key == wx.WXK_ESCAPE:
+ if self.CallTipActive():
+ event.Skip()
+ # Clear the current command
+ elif key == wx.WXK_BACK and controlDown and shiftDown:
+ self.clearCommand()
+ # Increase font size.
+ elif controlDown and key in (ord(']'), wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ADD):
+ dispatcher.send(signal='FontIncrease')
+ # Decrease font size.
+ elif controlDown and key in (ord('['), wx.WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT):
+ dispatcher.send(signal='FontDecrease')
+ # Default font size.
+ elif controlDown and key in (ord('='), wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DIVIDE):
+ dispatcher.send(signal='FontDefault')
+ # Cut to the clipboard.
+ elif (controlDown and key in (ord('X'), ord('x'))) \
+ or (shiftDown and key == wx.WXK_DELETE):
+ self.Cut()
+ # Copy to the clipboard.
+ elif controlDown and not shiftDown \
+ and key in (ord('C'), ord('c'), wx.WXK_INSERT):
+ self.Copy()
+ # Copy to the clipboard, including prompts.
+ elif controlDown and shiftDown \
+ and key in (ord('C'), ord('c'), wx.WXK_INSERT):
+ self.CopyWithPrompts()
+ # Copy to the clipboard, including prefixed prompts.
+ elif altDown and not controlDown \
+ and key in (ord('C'), ord('c'), wx.WXK_INSERT):
+ self.CopyWithPromptsPrefixed()
+ # Home needs to be aware of the prompt.
+ elif controlDown and key == wx.WXK_HOME:
+ # Go to the beginning of the IO Slice
+ curLine = self.GetCurrentLine()
+ IOstart = self.GetIOSlice(curLine)[0]
+ home = self.PositionFromLine(IOstart)
+ if currpos == home and \
+ IOstart > 0:
+ home = self.PositionFromLine(self.GetIOSlice(curLine-1)[0])
+ self.SetCurrentPos(home)
+ if not selecting and not shiftDown:
+ self.SetAnchor(home)
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
+ elif controlDown and key == wx.WXK_END:
+ curLine = self.GetCurrentLine()
+ IOend = self.GetIOSlice(curLine)[1]
+ end = self.GetLineEndPosition(IOend)
+ if currpos == end and \
+ IOend < self.GetLineCount()-1:
+ end = self.GetLineEndPosition(self.GetIOSlice(curLine+1)[1])
+ self.SetCurrentPos(end)
+ if not selecting and not shiftDown:
+ self.SetAnchor(end)
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
+ elif controlDown and key == wx.WXK_PAGEUP:
+ pos=0
+ if currpos > pos:
+ self.SetCurrentPos(pos)
+ if not selecting and not shiftDown:
+ self.SetAnchor(pos)
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
+ elif controlDown and key == wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN:
+ pos = self.GetLineEndPosition(self.GetLineCount()-1)
+ if currpos < pos:
+ self.SetCurrentPos(pos)
+ if not selecting and not shiftDown:
+ self.SetAnchor(pos)
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
+ elif selecting and key not in NAVKEYS and not self.CanEdit():
+ pass
+ # Paste from the clipboard.
+ elif (controlDown and not shiftDown and key in (ord('V'), ord('v'))) \
+ or (shiftDown and not controlDown and key == wx.WXK_INSERT):
+ self.Paste()
+ # Paste from the clipboard, run commands.
+ elif controlDown and shiftDown and \
+ key in (ord('V'), ord('v')) and self.CanEdit():
+ self.PasteAndRun()
+ # Replace with the previous command from the history buffer.
+ elif (controlDown and not shiftDown and key == wx.WXK_UP) \
+ or (altDown and key in (ord('P'), ord('p'))) and self.CanEdit():
+ self.OnHistoryReplace(step=+1)
+ # Replace with the next command from the history buffer.
+ elif (controlDown and not shiftDown and key == wx.WXK_DOWN) \
+ or (altDown and key in (ord('N'), ord('n'))) and self.CanEdit():
+ self.OnHistoryReplace(step=-1)
+ # Insert the previous command from the history buffer.
+ elif (controlDown and shiftDown and key == wx.WXK_UP) and \
+ self.CanEdit():
+ self.OnHistoryInsert(step=+1)
+ # Insert the next command from the history buffer.
+ elif (controlDown and shiftDown and key == wx.WXK_DOWN) and \
+ self.CanEdit():
+ self.OnHistoryInsert(step=-1)
+ # Ctrl-Space shows Auto Completion
+ # Ctrl-Shift-Space shows CallTips
+ elif controlDown and key == wx.WXK_SPACE:
+ self.OnCallTipAutoCompleteManually(shiftDown)
+ # Ctrl+Shift+H is used to complete Text (from already typed words)
+ elif controlDown and shiftDown and key in [ord('H')]:
+ self.OnShowCompHistory()
+ # Search up the history for the text in front of the cursor.
+ elif key == wx.WXK_F8:
+ self.OnHistorySearch()
+ # Don't backspace over the latest non-continuation prompt.
+ elif key == wx.WXK_BACK:
+ if self.SliceSelection:
+ self.SliceSelectionDelete()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.RestoreFirstMarker)
+ elif selecting and self.CanEdit():
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ #event.Skip()
+ elif self.CanEdit():
+ doDelete=True
+ cur_line=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ if not cur_line==0 and \
+ self.GetCurrentPos()==self.PositionFromLine(cur_line):
+ if self.MarkerGet(cur_line-1) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ doDelete=False
+ if doDelete:
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ s=chr(self.GetCharAt(cpos-1))
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('delete',s,cpos-1,cpos)
+ if self.BackspaceWMarkers():
+ event.Skip()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.RestoreFirstMarker)
+ elif key == wx.WXK_DELETE:
+ if self.SliceSelection:
+ self.SliceSelectionDelete()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.RestoreFirstMarker)
+ elif selecting and self.CanEdit():
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ #event.Skip()
+ elif self.CanEdit():
+ doDelete=True
+ cur_line=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ if not cur_line==self.GetLineCount()-1 and \
+ self.GetCurrentPos()==self.GetLineEndPosition(cur_line):
+ if self.MarkerGet(cur_line+1) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ doDelete=False
+ if doDelete:
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ s=chr(self.GetCharAt(cpos))
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('delete',s,cpos,cpos+1)
+ if self.ForwardDeleteWMarkers():
+ event.Skip()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.RestoreFirstMarker)
+ # Only allow these keys after the latest prompt.
+ elif key == wx.WXK_TAB and self.CanEdit():
+ # use the same mechanism as with autocmplete...
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert','dummy',cpos,cpos+5,
+ forceNewAction=True)
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['allowsAppend'] = True
+ self.TotalLengthForAutoCompActiveCallback=self.GetTextLength()
+ event.Skip()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.AutoCompActiveCallback)
+ # Don't toggle between insert mode and overwrite mode.
+ elif key == wx.WXK_INSERT:
+ pass
+ # Don't allow line deletion.
+ #elif controlDown and key in (ord('L'), ord('l')):
+ # TODO : Allow line deletion eventually ??
+ #event.Skip()
+ # pass
+ # Don't allow line transposition.
+ # Toggle Shell Mode / Slices Mode
+ elif controlDown and key in (ord('T'), ord('t')):
+ self.ToggleShellMode()
+ #Open and Save now work when using CrustSlicesFrames
+ elif controlDown and key in (ord('L'), ord('l')):
+ #print 'Load it'
+ file=wx.FileSelector("Load File As New Slice")
+ if file!=u'':
+ fid=open(file,'r')
+ self.LoadPyFileAsSlice(fid)
+ fid.close()
+ elif controlDown and key in (ord('D'), ord('d')):
+ #Disallow line duplication in favor of divide slices
+ if self.MarkerGet(self.GetCurrentLine()) & INPUT_MASK:
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ start,end = map(self.PositionFromLine,
+ self.GetGroupingSlice(self.LineFromPosition(cpos)))
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('marker','',start,end,
+ forceNewAction=True)
+ self.SplitSlice()
+ # Turn off selecting
+ self.SetSelection(cpos,cpos)
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ elif controlDown and key in (ord('M'), ord('m')):
+ if self.SliceSelection:
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ ioSel=self.GetIOSelection()
+ if self.SliceSelection:
+ start,end = map(self.PositionFromLine,ioSel)
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('marker','',start,end,
+ forceNewAction=True)
+ self.MergeAdjacentSlices()
+ # Turn off selecting
+ self.SetSelection(cpos,cpos)
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ # Change arrow keys to allow margin behaviors...
+ elif self.SliceSelection and \
+ key in [wx.WXK_UP,wx.WXK_DOWN,wx.WXK_RIGHT,wx.WXK_LEFT]:
+ # TODO : This is useful, but not optimal!
+ if key==wx.WXK_UP:
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<GROUPING_SELECTING:
+ if i>0: #Grouping
+ self.DoMarginClick(i-1, 2, shiftDown, controlDown)
+ break
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<IO_SELECTING:
+ if i>0: #IO
+ self.DoMarginClick(i-1, 3, shiftDown, controlDown)
+ break
+ elif key==wx.WXK_DOWN:
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()-1,-1,-1):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<GROUPING_SELECTING:
+ if i<self.GetLineCount()-1: #Grouping
+ self.DoMarginClick(i+1, 2, shiftDown, controlDown)
+ break
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<IO_SELECTING:
+ if i<self.GetLineCount()-1: #IO
+ self.DoMarginClick(i+1, 3, shiftDown, controlDown)
+ break
+ elif key==wx.WXK_RIGHT:
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<GROUPING_SELECTING:
+ self.DoMarginClick(i, 3, shiftDown, controlDown)
+ break
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<IO_SELECTING:
+ self.MarginUnselectAll()
+ # Go to the beginning of the IO Slice
+ self.SetCurrentPos(self.PositionFromLine(i))
+ if not selecting and not shiftDown:
+ self.SetAnchor(self.PositionFromLine(i))
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
+ break
+ elif key==wx.WXK_LEFT:
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ if self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<GROUPING_SELECTING:
+ break
+ elif self.MarkerGet(i) & 1<<IO_SELECTING:
+ self.DoMarginClick(i, 2, shiftDown, controlDown)
+ break
+ # Basic navigation keys should work anywhere.
+ elif key in NAVKEYS:
+ event.Skip()
+ # Protect the readonly portion of the slices shell.
+ elif not self.CanEdit():
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Check to see if we're selecting
+ if self.GetSelectionEnd()>self.GetSelectionStart():
+ # Check to see if a normal input took place
+ if not controlDown and not altDown and key<256:
+ self.ReplaceSelection('') # This seems to work...
+ event.Skip()
+ if self.SliceSelection:
+ if key not in [wx.WXK_UP,wx.WXK_DOWN,wx.WXK_RIGHT,wx.WXK_LEFT,
+ self.MarginUnselectAll()
+ def MarginSelectAll(self):
+ num_lines=self.GetLineCount()
+ for i in range(num_lines):
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_SELECTING)
+ self.MarkerDelete(i,IO_SELECTING)
+ def MarginUnselectAll(self):
+ num_lines=self.GetLineCount()
+ for i in range(num_lines):
+ self.MarkerDelete(i,IO_SELECTING)
+ self.MarkerDelete(i,GROUPING_SELECTING)
+ self.SliceSelection=False
+ def DoMarginClick(self, lineClicked, margin, shiftDown, controlDown):
+ num_lines=self.GetLineCount()
+ if margin==1:
+ pass # these events are not sent right now...
+ if margin==2:
+ self.SliceSelection=True
+ start,end=self.GetGroupingSlice(lineClicked)
+ startPos=self.PositionFromLine(start)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(startPos)
+ self.SetSelection(startPos,startPos)
+ start_marker=self.MarkerGet(start)
+ if self.MarkerGet(lineClicked) & 1<<GROUPING_SELECTING:
+ toggle=self.MarkerDelete
+ if not shiftDown:
+ if start_marker & 1<<GROUPING_START:
+ self.FoldGroupingSlice(lineClicked)
+ elif start_marker & 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED:
+ self.UnFoldGroupingSlice(lineClicked)
+ else:
+ toggle=self.MarkerAdd
+ if not shiftDown:
+ self.MarginUnselectAll()
+ for i in range(start,end+1):
+ elif margin==3:
+ self.SliceSelection=True
+ start,end=self.GetIOSlice(lineClicked)
+ startPos=self.PositionFromLine(start)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(startPos)
+ self.SetSelection(startPos,startPos)
+ start_marker=self.MarkerGet(start)
+ if self.MarkerGet(lineClicked) & 1<<IO_SELECTING:
+ toggle=self.MarkerDelete
+ if not shiftDown:
+ if start_marker & IO_START_MASK:
+ self.FoldIOSlice(lineClicked)
+ elif start_marker & IO_START_FOLDED_MASK:
+ self.UnFoldIOSlice(lineClicked)
+ else:
+ toggle=self.MarkerAdd
+ if not shiftDown:
+ self.MarginUnselectAll()
+ for i in range(start,end+1):
+ toggle(i,IO_SELECTING)
+ #print start,end
+ elif margin==4:
+ # TODO : Folding ??
+ if 1:#self.MarkerGet(lineClicked) & ( 1<<7 | 1<<8 ):
+ if shiftDown:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 1)
+ elif controlDown:
+ if self.GetFoldExpanded(lineClicked):
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, False)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, False, True, 0)
+ else:
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True)
+ self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 100)
+ else:
+ self.ToggleFold(lineClicked)
+ else:
+ self.MarginUnselectAll()
+ if margin in [2,3]:
+ if toggle==self.MarkerDelete and not shiftDown:
+ self.SliceSelection=False
+ else:
+ self.SliceSelection=True
+ def OnMarginClick(self, evt):
+ # fold and unfold as neededNAVKEYS
+ lineClicked = self.LineFromPosition(evt.GetPosition())
+ self.DoMarginClick(lineClicked,evt.GetMargin(),evt.GetShift(),evt.GetControl())
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnShowCompHistory(self):
+ """Show possible autocompletion Words from already typed words."""
+ #copy from history
+ his = self.history[:]
+ #put together in one string
+ joined = " ".join (his)
+ import re
+ #sort out only "good" words
+ newlist = re.split("[ \.\[\]=}(\)\,0-9\"]", joined)
+ #length > 1 (mix out "trash")
+ thlist = []
+ for i in newlist:
+ if len (i) > 1:
+ thlist.append (i)
+ #unique (no duplicate words
+ #oneliner from german python forum => unique list
+ unlist = [thlist[i] for i in xrange(len(thlist)) if thlist[i] not in thlist[:i]]
+ #sort lowercase
+ unlist.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.lower(), b.lower()))
+ #this is more convenient, isn't it?
+ self.AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(True)
+ #join again together in a string
+ stringlist = " ".join(unlist)
+ #pos von 0 noch ausrechnen
+ #how big is the offset?
+ cpos = self.GetCurrentPos() - 1
+ while chr (self.GetCharAt (cpos)).isalnum():
+ cpos -= 1
+ #the most important part
+ self.AutoCompShow(self.GetCurrentPos() - cpos -1, stringlist)
+ def ReplaceSelection(self,text,sliceDeletion=False,*args,**kwds):
+ startIO,endIO=self.GetIOSlice()
+ startGrouping,endGrouping=self.GetGroupingSlice()
+ startSel = self.LineFromPosition(self.GetSelectionStart())
+ endSel = self.LineFromPosition(self.GetSelectionEnd())
+ cpos=self.GetSelectionStart()
+ s=self.GetSelectedText()
+ if s!='':
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('delete',s,cpos,cpos+len(s),
+ forceNewAction=True)
+ editwindow.EditWindow.ReplaceSelection(self,'',*args,**kwds)
+ if s!='' and not sliceDeletion:
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ if endSel-startSel>0 and not sliceDeletion:
+ if endSel==endIO and startIO!=self.GetCurrentLine():
+ self.clearIOMarkers()
+ self.MarkerAdd(self.GetCurrentLine(),INPUT_END)
+ if endSel==endGrouping and startGrouping!=self.GetCurrentLine():
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers()
+ self.MarkerAdd(self.GetCurrentLine(),GROUPING_END)
+ cpos=self.GetSelectionStart()
+ s=text
+ if s!='':
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert',s,cpos,cpos+len(s),
+ forceNewAction=True)
+ self.write(text)
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ self.ensureSingleGroupingMarker()
+ self.ensureSingleIOMarker()
+ def clearCommand(self):
+ """Delete the current, unexecuted command."""
+ if not self.CanEdit():
+ return
+ start,end=self.GetIOSlice()
+ startpos = self.PositionFromLine(start)
+ endpos = self.GetLineEndPosition(end)
+ self.SetSelection(startpos, endpos)
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ self.more = False
+ def OnHistoryReplace(self, step):
+ """Replace with the previous/next command from the history buffer."""
+ if not self.CanEdit():
+ return
+ self.clearCommand()
+ self.replaceFromHistory(step)
+ def replaceFromHistory(self, step):
+ """Replace selection with command from the history buffer."""
+ if not self.CanEdit():
+ return
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ newindex = self.historyIndex + step
+ if -1 <= newindex <= len(self.history):
+ self.historyIndex = newindex
+ if 0 <= newindex <= len(self.history)-1:
+ command = self.history[self.historyIndex]
+ command = command.replace('\n', os.linesep)# + ps2)
+ self.ReplaceSelection(command)
+ def OnHistoryInsert(self, step):
+ """Insert the previous/next command from the history buffer."""
+ if not self.CanEdit():
+ return
+ startpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ self.replaceFromHistory(step)
+ endpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ self.SetSelection(endpos, startpos)
+ # TODO: Fix Me!
+ def OnHistorySearch(self):
+ """Search up the history buffer for the text in front of the cursor."""
+ if not self.CanEdit():
+ return
+ startpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ # The text up to the cursor is what we search for.
+ numCharsAfterCursor = self.GetTextLength() - startpos
+ searchText = self.getCommand(rstrip=False)
+ #print 'history search', startpos,numCharsAfterCursor,searchText
+ if numCharsAfterCursor > 0:
+ searchText = searchText[:-numCharsAfterCursor]
+ if not searchText:
+ return
+ # Search upwards from the current history position and loop
+ # back to the beginning if we don't find anything.
+ if (self.historyIndex <= -1) \
+ or (self.historyIndex >= len(self.history)-2):
+ searchOrder = range(len(self.history))
+ else:
+ searchOrder = range(self.historyIndex+1, len(self.history)) + \
+ range(self.historyIndex)
+ for i in searchOrder:
+ command = self.history[i]
+ if command[:len(searchText)] == searchText:
+ # Replace the current selection with the one we found.
+ self.ReplaceSelection(command[len(searchText):])
+ endpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ self.SetSelection(endpos, startpos)
+ # We've now warped into middle of the history.
+ self.historyIndex = i
+ break
+ def setStatusText(self, text):
+ """Display status information."""
+ # This method will likely be replaced by the enclosing app to
+ # do something more interesting, like write to a status bar.
+ print text
+ def insertLineBreak(self):
+ """Insert a new line break."""
+ if not self.CanEdit():
+ return
+ elif self.reader.isreading:
+ self.processLine()
+ return
+ # write with undo wrapper...
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ s=os.linesep
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert',s,cpos,cpos+1)
+ self.write(s,type='Input')
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ self.more = True
+ self.prompt()
+ def processLine(self):
+ """Process the line of text at which the user hit Enter or Shift+RETURN."""
+ # The user hit ENTER (Shift+RETURN) (Shift+ENTER) and we need to
+ # decide what to do. They could be sitting on any line in the slices shell.
+ thepos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ cur_line = self.GetCurrentLine()
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(cur_line)
+ if marker & INPUT_MASK:
+ pass
+ elif marker & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ return
+ else:
+ pass #print 'BLANK LINE!!'
+ startline,endline=self.GetIOSlice(cur_line)
+ if startline==0:
+ startpos=0
+ else:
+ startpos=self.PositionFromLine(startline)
+ endpos=self.GetLineEndPosition(endline)
+ # If they hit ENTER inside the current command, execute the command.
+ if self.CanEdit():
+ self.SetCurrentPos(endpos)
+ self.interp.more = False
+ command = self.GetTextRange(startpos, endpos)
+ lines = command.split(os.linesep)
+ lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines]
+ command = '\n'.join(lines)
+ if self.reader.isreading:
+ if not command:
+ # Match the behavior of the standard Python shell
+ # when the user hits return without entering a value.
+ command = '\n'
+ self.reader.input = command
+ self.write(os.linesep,'Input')
+ self.MarkerSet(self.GetCurrentLine(),READLINE_BG)
+ self.MarkerSet(self.GetCurrentLine(),INPUT_READLINE)
+ else:
+ self.runningSlice = (startline,endline)
+ self.push(command,useMultiCommand=True)
+ #print 'command: ',command
+ wx.FutureCall(1, self.EnsureCaretVisible)
+ self.runningSlice=None
+ skip=self.BackspaceWMarkers(force=True)
+ if skip:
+ self.DeleteBack()
+ if self.GetCurrentLine()==self.GetLineCount()-1:
+ self.write(os.linesep,type='Input')
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ if self.MarkerGet(cpos-1) & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ self.MarkerAdd(cpos-1,OUTPUT_BG)
+ self.SplitSlice()
+ else:
+ cur_line=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ new_pos=self.GetLineEndPosition(cur_line+1)
+ self.SetSelection(new_pos,new_pos)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(new_pos)
+ self.EmptyUndoBuffer()
+ self.NeedsCheckForSave=True
+ if self.hasSyntaxError:
+ pos=self.GetLineEndPosition(self.syntaxErrorRealLine)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(pos)
+ self.SetSelection(pos,pos)
+ # Not Used!!
+ def getMultilineCommand(self, rstrip=True):
+ """Extract a multi-line command from the editor.
+ The command may not necessarily be valid Python syntax."""
+ # DNM
+ # XXX Need to extract real prompts here. Need to keep track of
+ # the prompt every time a command is issued.
+ text = self.GetCurLine()[0]
+ line = self.GetCurrentLine()
+ # Add Marker testing here...
+ while text == '' and line > 0: # Need to add markers handling...
+ line -= 1
+ self.GotoLine(line)
+ text = self.GetCurLine()[0]
+ if text=='':
+ line = self.GetCurrentLine()
+ self.GotoLine(line)
+ startpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ line += 1
+ self.GotoLine(line)
+ while self.GetCurLine()[0]=='':
+ line += 1
+ self.GotoLine(line)
+ stoppos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ command = self.GetTextRange(startpos, stoppos)
+ command = command.replace(os.linesep, '\n')
+ command = command.rstrip()
+ command = command.replace('\n', os.linesep)
+ else:
+ command = ''
+ if rstrip:
+ command = command.rstrip()
+ return command
+ def getCommand(self, text=None, rstrip=True):
+ """Extract a command from text which may include a shell prompt.
+ The command may not necessarily be valid Python syntax."""
+ if not text:
+ text = self.GetCurLine()[0]
+ # Strip the prompt off the front leaving just the command.
+ command = self.lstripPrompt(text)
+ # Change this -- Nothing has prompts!
+ #if command == text:
+ # command = '' # Real commands have prompts.
+ if rstrip:
+ command = command.rstrip()
+ return command
+ def lstripPrompt(self, text):
+ """Return text without a leading prompt."""
+ ps1 = str(sys.ps1)
+ ps1size = len(ps1)
+ ps2 = str(sys.ps2)
+ ps2size = len(ps2)
+ # Strip the prompt off the front of text.
+ if text[:ps1size] == ps1:
+ text = text[ps1size:]
+ elif text[:ps2size] == ps2:
+ text = text[ps2size:]
+ return text
+ def push(self, command, silent = False,useMultiCommand=False):
+ """Send command to the interpreter for execution."""
+ if not silent:
+ self.write(os.linesep,type='Output')
+ # TODO : What other magic might we insert here?
+ # TODO : Is there a good reason not to include magic?
+ command=magic(command)
+ # Allows multi-component commands...
+ self.hasSyntaxError=False
+ if useMultiCommand:
+ result = self.BreakTextIntoCommands(command)
+ if result[0] == None:
+ commands=[command]
+ self.hasSyntaxError=True
+ syntaxErrorLine=result[1]+1
+ self.syntaxErrorRealLine = self.GetCurrentLine()+result[1]-len(command.split('\n'))
+ else:
+ commands=result
+ else:
+ commands=[command]
+ busy = wx.BusyCursor()
+ self.waiting = True
+ self.lastUpdate=None
+ for i in commands:
+ if self.hasSyntaxError:
+ lineno=syntaxErrorLine
+ offset=0 # not sure how to easily recover this information...
+ self.write(' File "<input>", line '+str(lineno)+'\n '+i.split('\n')[lineno-1]+'\n'+' '*offset+' ^\nSyntaxError: invalid syntax\n','Error')
+ else:
+ self.more = self.interp.push(i+'\n')
+ # (the \n stops many things from bouncing at the interpreter)
+ # I could do the following, but I don't really like it!
+ #if useMultiCommand:
+ # self.SplitSlice()
+ self.lastUpdate=None
+ if not silent:
+ self.MarkerAdd(self.GetIOSlice()[0],OUTPUT_BG)
+ self.waiting = False
+ del busy
+ if not self.more: # could loop-add to history, too, but I don't like it!
+ self.addHistory(command.rstrip())
+ if not silent:
+ self.prompt()
+ def addHistory(self, command):
+ """Add command to the command history."""
+ # Reset the history position.
+ self.historyIndex = -1
+ # Insert this command into the history, unless it's a blank
+ # line or the same as the last command.
+ if command!='' and ( len(self.history)==0 or command!=self.history[0] ):
+ self.history.insert(0, command)
+ dispatcher.send(signal="SlicesShell.addHistory", command=command)
+ def clearGroupingMarkers(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_START)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_END)
+ def clearIOMarkers(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_END)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_END)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,READLINE_BG)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_READLINE)
+ def ensureSingleGroupingMarker(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(line_num)
+ if marker & 1<<GROUPING_START:
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_END)
+ elif marker & 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED:
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_END)
+ elif marker & 1<<GROUPING_MIDDLE:
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,GROUPING_END)
+ elif marker & 1<<GROUPING_END:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return 1 # Blank marker
+ return 0
+ def ensureSingleIOMarker(self,line_num=None):
+ if line_num==None:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(line_num)
+ if marker & INPUT_MASK:
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_END)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ [start,start_folded] = [INPUT_START,INPUT_START_FOLDED]
+ [middle,end] = [INPUT_MIDDLE,INPUT_END]
+ elif marker & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,INPUT_END)
+ [start,start_folded] = [OUTPUT_START,OUTPUT_START_FOLDED]
+ [middle,end] = [OUTPUT_MIDDLE,OUTPUT_END]
+ else:
+ #print 'ERROR! NO IO MARKERS!'
+ return 1 # Blank marker
+ if marker & 1<<start:
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,start_folded)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,middle)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,end)
+ elif marker & 1<<start_folded:
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,middle)
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,end)
+ elif marker & 1<<middle:
+ self.MarkerDelete(line_num,end)
+ elif marker & 1<<end:
+ pass
+ return 0
+ def RestoreFirstMarker(self):
+ first_marker=self.MarkerGet(0)
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(0)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(0)
+ if first_marker & 1<<GROUPING_START :
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,GROUPING_START)
+ elif first_marker & 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED :
+ else:
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,GROUPING_START)
+ if first_marker & 1<<INPUT_START :
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,INPUT_START)
+ elif first_marker & 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED :
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,INPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ elif first_marker & 1<<OUTPUT_START :
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,OUTPUT_START)
+ #self.MarkerAdd(0,OUTPUT_BG) # More harm than good??
+ elif first_marker & 1<<OUTPUT_START_FOLDED :
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,OUTPUT_START_FOLDED)
+ #self.MarkerAdd(0,OUTPUT_BG) # More harm than good??
+ else:
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,INPUT_START)
+ if self.doHistUpdate:
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ def IsAllowedPair(self,m1,m2):
+ """This testing function ensures that two adjacent markers are valid"""
+ i_e,o_e,g_e = 1<<INPUT_END, 1<<OUTPUT_END, 1<<GROUPING_END
+ if (m1 & i_s) and (m1 & g_s): #1
+ if (m2 & i_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #1
+ elif (m2 & i_m) and (m2 & g_m): return True #2
+ elif (m2 & i_e) and (m2 & g_m): return True #3
+ elif (m2 & i_e) and (m2 & g_e): return True #4
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_s): return False #5
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_m): return True #6
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_e): return True #7
+ elif (m2 & o_m) and (m2 & g_m): return False #8
+ elif (m2 & o_e) and (m2 & g_e): return False #9
+ else: return False
+ elif (m1 & i_m) and (m1 & g_m): #2
+ if (m2 & i_m) and (m2 & g_m): return True #2
+ elif (m2 & i_e) and (m2 & g_m): return True #3
+ elif (m2 & i_e) and (m2 & g_e): return True #4
+ else: return False
+ elif (m1 & i_e) and (m1 & g_m): #3
+ if (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_m): return True #6
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_e): return True #7
+ else: return False
+ elif (m1 & i_e) and (m1 & g_e): #4
+ if (m2 & i_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #1
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #5
+ else: return False
+ elif (m1 & o_s) and (m1 & g_s): #5
+ if (m2 & i_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #1
+ elif (m2 & i_m) and (m2 & g_m): return False #2
+ elif (m2 & i_e) and (m2 & g_m): return False #3
+ elif (m2 & i_e) and (m2 & g_e): return False #4
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #5
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_m): return False #6
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_e): return False #7
+ elif (m2 & o_m) and (m2 & g_m): return True #8
+ elif (m2 & o_e) and (m2 & g_e): return True #9
+ else: return False
+ elif (m1 & o_s) and (m1 & g_m): #6
+ if (m2 & o_m) and (m2 & g_m): return True #8
+ elif (m2 & o_e) and (m2 & g_e): return True #9
+ else: return False
+ elif (m1 & o_s) and (m1 & g_e): #7
+ if (m2 & i_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #1
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #5
+ else: return False
+ elif (m1 & o_m) and (m1 & g_m): #8
+ if (m2 & o_m) and (m2 & g_m): return True #8
+ elif (m2 & o_e) and (m2 & g_e): return True #9
+ else: return False
+ elif (m1 & o_e) and (m1 & g_e): #9
+ if (m2 & i_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #1
+ elif (m2 & o_s) and (m2 & g_s): return True #5
+ else: return False
+ else:
+ return False
+ def CleanAllMarkers(self):
+ self.RestoreFirstMarker()
+ first_marker=self.MarkerGet(0)
+ last_line_num=self.GetLineCount()-1
+ for i in range(1,last_line_num):
+ self.ensureSingleGroupingMarker(i)
+ self.ensureSingleIOMarker(i)
+ previous_marker=self.MarkerGet(i-1)
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(i)
+ if not self.IsAllowedPair(previous_marker,marker):
+ pass # FIX MARKER!!
+ # FIX ME
+ def write(self, text,type='Input',silent=False):
+ """Display text in the slices shell.
+ Replace line endings with OS-specific endings."""
+ text = self.fixLineEndings(text)
+ split=text.split(os.linesep)
+ self.AddText(text)
+ # This part handles all the marker stuff that accompanies
+ # adding or removing new lines of text...
+ # Get the total number of lines in the Document == last line number
+ last_line_num=self.GetLineCount()-1
+ # Get the line number we ended on in the write
+ end_line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ # Get the number of returns we are using == number of lines we pasted -1
+ num_new_lines=text.count(os.linesep)
+ # So if num_new_lines==0, start_line_num and end_line_num are the same
+ start_line_num=end_line_num-num_new_lines+1
+ # This is a little unnecessary because there will always
+ # be a line before if we just inserted a newline!
+ if start_line_num == 0:
+ previous_line_num=None
+ else:
+ previous_line_num=start_line_num-1
+ #However, this is very important...
+ if end_line_num == last_line_num:
+ next_line_num=None
+ else:
+ next_line_num=end_line_num+1
+ if type=='Input':
+ start = INPUT_START
+ start_folded = INPUT_START_FOLDED
+ middle = INPUT_MIDDLE
+ end = INPUT_END
+ # preparation for more io types...
+ opposite_start_mask = 1<<OUTPUT_START
+ opposite_start_folded_mask = 1<<OUTPUT_START_FOLDED
+ opposite_middle_mask = 1<<OUTPUT_MIDDLE # To test for bad writes...
+ opposite_end_mask = 1<<OUTPUT_END # To test for bad writes...
+ elif type in ['Output','Error']:
+ #self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,GROUPING_START_FOLDED)
+ start_folded=OUTPUT_START_FOLDED
+ # preparation for more io types...
+ opposite_start_mask = 1<<INPUT_START
+ opposite_start_folded_mask = 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED
+ opposite_middle_mask = 1<<INPUT_MIDDLE # To test for bad writes...
+ opposite_end_mask = 1<<INPUT_END # To test for bad writes...
+ if num_new_lines>0: #Do nothing if typing within a line...
+ # Update the Grouping Markers
+ # For the previous line and the start_line
+ # Test to make sure we can write ... but not here ...
+ # test this before we call write or before we add text...
+ # So we assume it already obeys the rules
+ badMarkers=False
+ fixIOEnd=True
+ if previous_line_num==None:
+ # This is an impossible case, here just for completeness...
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(start_line_num)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,GROUPING_START)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(start_line_num)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,start)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ else:
+ previous_marker=self.MarkerGet(previous_line_num)
+ if previous_marker & opposite_middle_mask:
+ badMarkers=True
+ if next_line_num==None:
+ self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,GROUPING_END)
+ self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,end)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ fixEndMarkers=False
+ # May be overwritten below if start_line_num==end_line_num...
+ else:
+ next_marker=self.MarkerGet(next_line_num)
+ fixEndMarkers=True
+ if next_marker & ( opposite_middle_mask | opposite_end_mask ):
+ badMarkers=True
+ if not badMarkers:
+ # ensure previous_line only has one marker & turn end into middle
+ if previous_line_num!=None:
+ # Adjust previous line appropriately, ensure only one marker
+ # Only print errors if we are on input!
+ blank=False
+ blank=blank or self.ensureSingleGroupingMarker(previous_line_num)
+ blank=blank or self.ensureSingleIOMarker(previous_line_num)
+ if blank:
+ #if type=='Input' and not silent: print 'BLANK LINE!' # BAD CASE
+ pass
+ if previous_marker & 1<<GROUPING_END :
+ # Make GROUPING slice continue unless we hit
+ # an output end and are starting a new input...
+ if (previous_marker & OUTPUT_MASK) and type=='Input':
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.MarkerDelete(previous_line_num,GROUPING_END)
+ self.MarkerAdd(previous_line_num,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ if previous_marker & 1<<end :
+ self.MarkerDelete(previous_line_num,end)
+ self.MarkerAdd(previous_line_num,middle) # ONLY CHANGING CASE
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(previous_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ elif previous_marker & opposite_middle_mask :
+ if type=='Input' and not silent:
+ #print 'Should have been a bad marker!'
+ pass
+ # We can only add input to an input slice
+ # And can only add output to an output slice
+ if previous_marker & ( opposite_start_mask |
+ opposite_start_folded_mask |
+ opposite_end_mask ):
+ if type=='Input':
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(start_line_num)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,GROUPING_START)
+ if start_line_num==end_line_num:
+ fixEndMarkers=False
+ else:
+ if start_line_num==end_line_num:
+ fixIOEnd=False
+ self.clearIOMarkers(start_line_num)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,start)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ else:
+ if next_line_num!=None:
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(start_line_num)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(start_line_num)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,middle)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(start_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ # This may be overwritten if start_line_num==end_line_num
+ # Take care of all the middle lines...
+ # Does nothing for only one line...
+ for i in range(start_line_num,end_line_num):
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(i)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(i)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,middle)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ if fixEndMarkers:
+ # Take care of the end_line if we haven't already done so...
+ blank=False
+ blank=blank or self.ensureSingleGroupingMarker(next_line_num)
+ blank=blank or self.ensureSingleIOMarker(next_line_num)
+ if blank:
+ if type=='Input' and not silent:
+ #print 'BLANK LINE!' # BAD CASE
+ pass
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(end_line_num)
+ if fixIOEnd:
+ self.clearIOMarkers(end_line_num)
+ if next_marker & ( 1<<GROUPING_START | 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED ) :
+ self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,GROUPING_END)
+ elif next_marker & ( 1<<GROUPING_MIDDLE | 1<<GROUPING_END ) :
+ self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ if fixIOEnd:
+ if next_marker & ( 1<<start | 1<<start_folded ) :
+ self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,end)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ elif next_marker & ( 1<<middle | 1<<end ) :
+ self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,middle)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ elif next_marker & ( opposite_start_mask |
+ opposite_start_folded_mask ):
+ self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,end)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ else:
+ self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,start_folded)
+ if type in ['Output','Error']: self.MarkerAdd(end_line_num,OUTPUT_BG)
+ if type=='Input' and not silent:
+ #print 'BAD MARKERS!'
+ pass
+ else:
+ if type=='Input' and not silent:
+ #print 'BAD MARKERS!!!'
+ pass
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
+ if self.waiting:
+ if self.lastUpdate==None:
+ self.lastUpdate=time.time()
+ if time.time()-self.lastUpdate > PRINT_UPDATE_MAX_TIME:
+ self.Update()
+ self.lastUpdate=time.time()
+ def fixLineEndings(self, text):
+ """Return text with line endings replaced by OS-specific endings."""
+ lines = text.split('\r\n')
+ for l in range(len(lines)):
+ chunks = lines[l].split('\r')
+ for c in range(len(chunks)):
+ chunks[c] = os.linesep.join(chunks[c].split('\n'))
+ lines[l] = os.linesep.join(chunks)
+ text = os.linesep.join(lines)
+ return text
+ def prompt(self): # Autoindent added!!!
+ """Display proper prompt for the context: ps1, ps2 or ps3.
+ If this is a continuation line, autoindent as necessary."""
+ # TODO : How much of this can I do away with now without prompts??
+ isreading = self.reader.isreading
+ skip = True
+ if isreading:
+ prompt = str(sys.ps3)
+ elif self.more:
+ prompt = str(sys.ps2)
+ else:
+ prompt = str(sys.ps1)
+ pos = self.GetCurLine()[1]
+ if pos > 0:
+ if isreading:
+ skip = True
+ else:
+ self.write(os.linesep,type='Input')
+ if not self.more:
+ # Not needed anymore! # self.promptPosStart = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ pass
+ if not skip:
+ self.write(prompt,type='Input')
+ if not self.more:
+ # Not needed anymore! # self.promptPosEnd = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ # Clear the undo history after running a command.
+ self.EmptyUndoBuffer()
+ # Autoindent magic
+ # Match the indent of the line above
+ # UNLESS the line above ends in a colon...then add four spaces
+ # (after valid keywords (if, else, etc...) only)
+ if self.more:
+ line_num=self.GetCurrentLine()
+ currentLine=self.GetLine(line_num)
+ previousLine=self.GetLine(line_num-1)
+ pstrip=previousLine.strip()
+ lstrip=previousLine.lstrip()
+ if pstrip == '':
+ # because it is all whitespace!
+ indent=previousLine.strip('\n').strip('\r')
+ else:
+ indent=previousLine[:(len(previousLine)-len(lstrip))]
+ if testForContinuations(previousLine,ignoreErrors=True)[1][0]:
+ indent+=' '*4
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ s=indent
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert',s,cpos,cpos+len(s))
+ self.write(s,type='Input')
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ self.EnsureCaretVisible()
+ self.ScrollToColumn(0)
+ def readline(self):
+ """Replacement for stdin.readline()."""
+ input = ''
+ reader = self.reader
+ reader.isreading = True
+ self.prompt()
+ # Ensure that we get a new line and that it's got an input marker...
+ # Also need to temporarily block any other action...
+ cLine = self.GetCurrentLine()
+ self.clearIOMarkers(cLine)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cLine,INPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cLine,READLINE_BG)
+ self.MarkerAdd(cLine,INPUT_READLINE)
+ try:
+ while not reader.input:
+ wx.YieldIfNeeded()
+ input = reader.input
+ finally:
+ start,end = self.GetIOSlice()
+ start = self.runningSlice[1] + 1
+ for i in range(start,end+1):
+ self.clearIOMarkers(i)
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(i)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ if i == start: self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_START)
+ elif i==end: self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_END)
+ else: self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_MIDDLE)
+ if i==end: self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_END)
+ else: self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ reader.input = ''
+ reader.isreading = False
+ input = str(input) # In case of Unicode.
+ return input
+ def readlines(self):
+ """Replacement for stdin.readlines()."""
+ lines = []
+ while lines[-1:] != ['\n']:
+ lines.append(self.readline())
+ return lines
+ def raw_input(self, prompt=''):
+ """Return string based on user input."""
+ if prompt:
+ self.write(prompt,type='Output')
+ return self.readline()
+ def ask(self, prompt='Please enter your response:'):
+ """Get response from the user using a dialog box."""
+ dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, prompt,
+ 'Input Dialog (Raw)', '')
+ try:
+ if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ text = dialog.GetValue()
+ return text
+ finally:
+ dialog.Destroy()
+ return ''
+ def pause(self):
+ """Halt execution pending a response from the user."""
+ self.ask('Press enter to continue:')
+ def clear(self):
+ """Delete all text from the slices shell."""
+ self.ClearAll()
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,GROUPING_START)
+ self.MarkerAdd(0,INPUT_START)
+ def run(self, command, prompt=True, verbose=True):
+ """Execute command as if it was typed in directly.
+ >>>'print "this"')
+ >>> print "this"
+ this
+ >>>
+ """
+ # Go to the very bottom of the text.
+ endpos = self.GetTextLength()
+ self.SetCurrentPos(endpos)
+ command = command.rstrip()
+ if prompt: self.prompt()
+ if verbose: self.write(command,type='Input')
+ self.push(command)
+ # TODO : Will have to fix this to handle other kinds of errors mentioned before...
+ def runfile(self, filename):
+ """Execute all commands in file as if they were typed into the shell."""
+ file = open(filename)
+ try:
+ self.prompt()
+ for command in file.readlines():
+ if command[:6] == 'shell.':
+ # Run shell methods silently.
+, prompt=False, verbose=False)
+ else:
+, prompt=False, verbose=True)
+ finally:
+ file.close()
+ def autoCompleteShow(self, command, offset = 0):
+ """Display auto-completion popup list."""
+ self.AutoCompSetAutoHide(self.autoCompleteAutoHide)
+ self.AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(self.autoCompleteCaseInsensitive)
+ list = self.interp.getAutoCompleteList(command,
+ includeMagic=self.autoCompleteIncludeMagic,
+ includeSingle=self.autoCompleteIncludeSingle,
+ includeDouble=self.autoCompleteIncludeDouble)
+ if list:
+ options = ' '.join(list)
+ #offset = 0
+ self.AutoCompShow(offset, options)
+ def autoCallTipShow(self, command, insertcalltip = True, forceCallTip = False):
+ """Display argument spec and docstring in a popup window."""
+ if self.CallTipActive():
+ self.CallTipCancel()
+ (name, argspec, tip) = self.interp.getCallTip(command)
+ if tip:
+ dispatcher.send(signal='SlicesShell.calltip', sender=self, calltip=tip)
+ if not self.autoCallTip and not forceCallTip:
+ return
+ startpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ if argspec and insertcalltip and self.callTipInsert:
+ # write with undo history...
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ s=argspec + ')'
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert',s,cpos,cpos+len(s))
+ self.write(s,type='Input')
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ endpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ self.SetSelection(startpos, endpos)
+ if tip:
+ tippos = startpos - (len(name) + 1)
+ fallback = startpos - self.GetColumn(startpos)
+ # In case there isn't enough room, only go back to the fallback.
+ tippos = max(tippos, fallback)
+ self.CallTipShow(tippos, tip)
+ def OnCallTipAutoCompleteManually (self, shiftDown):
+ """AutoComplete and Calltips manually."""
+ if self.AutoCompActive():
+ self.AutoCompCancel()
+ currpos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ stoppos = self.PositionFromLine(self.GetIOSlice()[0])
+ cpos = currpos
+ #go back until '.' is found
+ pointavailpos = -1
+ while cpos >= stoppos:
+ if self.GetCharAt(cpos) == ord ('.'):
+ pointavailpos = cpos
+ break
+ cpos -= 1
+ #word from non whitespace until '.'
+ if pointavailpos != -1:
+ #look backward for first whitespace char
+ textbehind = self.GetTextRange (pointavailpos + 1, currpos)
+ pointavailpos += 1
+ if not shiftDown:
+ #call AutoComplete
+ stoppos = self.PositionFromLine(self.GetIOSlice()[0])
+ textbefore = self.GetTextRange(stoppos, pointavailpos)
+ self.autoCompleteShow(textbefore, len (textbehind))
+ else:
+ #call CallTips
+ cpos = pointavailpos
+ begpos = -1
+ while cpos > stoppos:
+ if chr(self.GetCharAt(cpos)).isspace():
+ begpos = cpos
+ break
+ cpos -= 1
+ if begpos == -1:
+ begpos = cpos
+ ctips = self.GetTextRange (begpos, currpos)
+ ctindex = ctips.find ('(')
+ if ctindex != -1 and not self.CallTipActive():
+ #insert calltip, if current pos is '(', otherwise show it only
+ self.autoCallTipShow( ctips[:ctindex + 1],
+ self.GetCharAt(currpos - 1) == ord('(') and
+ self.GetCurrentPos() == self.GetTextLength(),
+ True )
+ def writeOut(self, text):
+ """Replacement for stdout."""
+ self.write(text,type='Output')
+ # TODO : FLUSH?? How to make this update real-time...
+ def writeErr(self, text):
+ """Replacement for stderr."""
+ self.write(text,type='Error')
+ def redirectStdin(self, redirect=True):
+ """If redirect is true then sys.stdin will come from the shell."""
+ if redirect:
+ sys.stdin = self.reader
+ else:
+ sys.stdin = self.stdin
+ def redirectStdout(self, redirect=True):
+ """If redirect is true then sys.stdout will go to the shell."""
+ if redirect:
+ sys.stdout = PseudoFileOut(self.writeOut)
+ else:
+ sys.stdout = self.stdout
+ def redirectStderr(self, redirect=True):
+ """If redirect is true then sys.stderr will go to the shell."""
+ if redirect:
+ sys.stderr = PseudoFileErr(self.writeErr)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr = self.stderr
+ # Take a spashot of the WHOLE grouping slice (or slices)
+ # The argument s is either what got added or deleted
+ def UpdateUndoHistoryBefore(self,actionType,s,posStart,posEnd,
+ forceNewAction=False):
+ uH=self.undoHistory
+ uI=self.undoIndex
+ s=s.replace(os.linesep,'\n')
+ startLine=self.LineFromPosition(posStart)
+ if actionType=='marker':
+ numLines = self.LineFromPosition(posEnd) - startLine
+ else:
+ numLines=s.count('\n')
+ makeNewAction=forceNewAction
+ if forceNewAction:
+ makeNewAction=True
+ elif self.undoIndex==-1:
+ makeNewAction=True
+ elif not uH[uI]['allowsAppend']:
+ makeNewAction=True
+ elif actionType!=uH[uI]['actionType']:
+ makeNewAction=True
+ elif actionType=='insert':
+ if posStart!=uH[uI]['posEnd']:
+ makeNewAction=True
+ else: # This is a continuation of the previous insert
+ uH[uI]['charList'] = uH[uI]['charList']+s
+ uH[uI]['posEnd'] = posEnd # posStart cannot move
+ uH[uI]['numLines'] = uH[uI]['numLines']+numLines
+ elif actionType=='delete':
+ # This is a forward continuation of the previous delete
+ if posStart==uH[uI]['posStart']:
+ uH[uI]['charList'] = uH[uI]['charList']+s
+ uH[uI]['posEnd'] = posEnd
+ uH[uI]['numLines'] = uH[uI]['numLines']+numLines
+ # This is a backward continuation of the previous delete
+ elif posEnd==uH[uI]['posStart']:
+ uH[uI]['charList'] = s+uH[uI]['charList']
+ uH[uI]['posStart'] = posStart
+ uH[uI]['startLine'] = startLine
+ uH[uI]['numLines'] = uH[uI]['numLines']+numLines
+ else:
+ makeNewAction=True
+ elif actionType=='marker':
+ makeNewAction=True
+ else:
+ pass #print 'Unsupported Action Type!!'
+ if makeNewAction:
+ del(self.undoHistory[uI+1:]) # remove actions after undoIndex
+ uH.append({
+ 'actionType' : actionType, # Action type ('insert','delete','marker')
+ 'allowsAppend': not forceNewAction, # Can action be joined with others?
+ 'charList' : s, # Character list
+ 'posStart' : posStart, # Cursor poition at the start of the action
+ 'posEnd' : posEnd, # Cursor position at the end of the action
+ 'startLine' : startLine, # Start line number,
+ 'numLines' : numLines, # Number of newlines involved
+ 'mBStart' : None, # Starting line for markers BEFORE action
+ 'mAStart' : None, # Starting line for markers AFTER action
+ 'markersBefore' : None, # [markers BEFORE action]
+ 'markersAfter' : None # [markers AFTER action]
+ })
+ self.undoIndex+=1
+ # Only update the before when starting a new action
+ start = startLine
+ if actionType=='insert':
+ end = start
+ else:
+ end = start + numLines
+ # Update Marker Info
+ newStart=self.GetGroupingSlice(start)[0]
+ newEnd=self.GetGroupingSlice(end)[1]
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['markersBefore'] = \
+ [self.MarkerGet(i) for i in range(newStart,newEnd+1)]
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['mBStart']=newStart
+ self.doHistUpdate=True
+ def UpdateUndoHistoryAfter(self): # s is either what got added or deleted
+ start = self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['startLine']
+ if self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['actionType']=='delete':
+ end = start
+ else:
+ end = start + self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['numLines']
+ newStart=min(self.GetGroupingSlice(start)[0]-1, 0)
+ newEnd=max(self.GetGroupingSlice(end)[1]+1, self.GetLineCount()-1)
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['markersAfter'] = \
+ [self.MarkerGet(i) for i in range(newStart,newEnd+1)]
+ self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]['mAStart']=newStart
+ self.doHistUpdate=False
+ def Undo(self):
+ #Skip undo if there are no actions...
+ if self.undoIndex==-1:
+ return
+ uHI=self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]
+ if uHI['actionType'] in ['insert','delete']:
+ # This will perform the opposite of the action given
+ editwindow.EditWindow.Undo(self)
+ elif uHI['actionType']=='marker': # No text changed, don't pass to STC
+ pass
+ else:
+ #print 'Unsupported actionType in undoHistory!!'
+ return
+ numLines=len(uHI['markersBefore'])
+ for i in range(numLines):
+ self.MarkerSet( uHI['mBStart']+i , uHI['markersBefore'][i] )
+ self.undoIndex-=1
+ def Redo(self):
+ # First check to see if there are any redo operations available
+ # Note that for redo, undoIndex=-1 is a valid input
+ if self.undoIndex >= len(self.undoHistory)-1:
+ return
+ self.undoIndex+=1
+ uHI=self.undoHistory[self.undoIndex]
+ if uHI['actionType'] in ['insert','delete']:
+ # This will re-perform the given action
+ editwindow.EditWindow.Redo(self)
+ elif uHI['actionType']=='marker': # No text changed, don't pass to STC
+ pass
+ else:
+ #print 'Unsupported actionType in undoHistory!!'
+ return
+ numLines=len(uHI['markersAfter'])
+ for i in range(numLines):
+ self.MarkerSet( uHI['mAStart']+i , uHI['markersAfter'][i] )
+ def EmptyUndoBuffer(self):
+ editwindow.EditWindow.EmptyUndoBuffer(self)
+ self.undoIndex=-1
+ self.undoHistory=[]
+ self.doHistUpdate=False
+ def CanCut(self):
+ return self.CanEdit() and \
+ (self.GetSelectionStart() != self.GetSelectionEnd())
+ def CanPaste(self):
+ """Return true if a paste should succeed."""
+ if self.CanEdit() and editwindow.EditWindow.CanPaste(self):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def CanEdit(self):
+ """Return true if editing should succeed."""
+ marker=self.MarkerGet(self.GetCurrentLine())
+ if marker & OUTPUT_MASK:
+ return False
+ elif marker & INPUT_MASK:
+ if self.reader.isreading and not \
+ (self.MarkerGet(self.GetCurrentLine()) & 1<<INPUT_READLINE ):
+ return False
+ start,end=self.GetIOSlice()
+ sliceStartPos=self.PositionFromLine(start)
+ sliceEndPos=self.GetLineEndPosition(end)
+ """Return true if text is selected and can be cut."""
+ if self.GetSelectionStart() == self.GetSelectionEnd():
+ return True
+ elif self.GetSelectionStart() != self.GetSelectionEnd() \
+ and self.GetSelectionStart() >= sliceStartPos \
+ and self.GetSelectionEnd() >= sliceStartPos \
+ and self.GetSelectionStart() <= sliceEndPos \
+ and self.GetSelectionEnd() <= sliceEndPos:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def Cut(self):
+ """Remove selection and place it on the clipboard."""
+ if self.CanCut() and self.CanCopy():
+ if self.AutoCompActive():
+ self.AutoCompCancel()
+ if self.CallTipActive():
+ self.CallTipCancel()
+ self.Copy()
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ def Copy(self):
+ """Copy selection and place it on the clipboard."""
+ if self.CanCopy():
+ ps1 = str(sys.ps1)
+ ps2 = str(sys.ps2)
+ command = self.GetSelectedText()
+ command = command.replace(os.linesep + ps2, os.linesep)
+ command = command.replace(os.linesep + ps1, os.linesep)
+ command = self.lstripPrompt(text=command)
+ data = wx.TextDataObject(command)
+ self._clip(data)
+ def CopyWithPrompts(self):
+ """Copy selection, including prompts, and place it on the clipboard."""
+ if self.CanCopy():
+ command = self.GetSelectedText()
+ data = wx.TextDataObject(command)
+ self._clip(data)
+ def CopyWithPromptsPrefixed(self):
+ """Copy selection, including prompts prefixed with four
+ spaces, and place it on the clipboard."""
+ if self.CanCopy():
+ command = self.GetSelectedText()
+ spaces = ' ' * 4
+ command = spaces + command.replace(os.linesep,
+ os.linesep + spaces)
+ data = wx.TextDataObject(command)
+ self._clip(data)
+ def _clip(self, data):
+ if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
+ wx.TheClipboard.UsePrimarySelection(False)
+ wx.TheClipboard.SetData(data)
+ wx.TheClipboard.Flush()
+ wx.TheClipboard.Close()
+ def Paste(self):
+ """Replace selection with clipboard contents."""
+ if self.CanPaste() and wx.TheClipboard.Open():
+ ps2 = str(sys.ps2)
+ if wx.TheClipboard.IsSupported(wx.DataFormat(wx.DF_TEXT)):
+ data = wx.TextDataObject()
+ if wx.TheClipboard.GetData(data):
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ command = data.GetText()
+ command = command.rstrip()
+ command = self.fixLineEndings(command)
+ command = self.lstripPrompt(text=command)
+ # TODO : This is still useful... Add it back other places?
+ command = command.replace(os.linesep + ps2, '\n')
+ command = command.replace(os.linesep, '\n')
+ #DNM--Don't use '... '
+ command = command.replace('\n', os.linesep)# + ps2)
+ cpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ s=command
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryBefore('insert', s, cpos,
+ cpos+len(s), forceNewAction=True)
+ self.write(s,type='Input')
+ self.UpdateUndoHistoryAfter()
+ # Makes paste -> type -> undo consistent with other STC apps
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ wx.TheClipboard.Close()
+ def PasteAndRun(self):
+ """Replace selection with clipboard contents, run commands."""
+ text = ''
+ if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
+ if wx.TheClipboard.IsSupported(wx.DataFormat(wx.DF_TEXT)):
+ data = wx.TextDataObject()
+ if wx.TheClipboard.GetData(data):
+ text = data.GetText()
+ wx.TheClipboard.Close()
+ if text:
+ self.Execute(text)
+ def Execute(self, text):
+ """Replace selection with text and run commands."""
+ start,end=self.GetIOSlice()
+ startpos=self.PositionFromLine(start)
+ endpos=self.GetLineEndPosition(end)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(endpos)
+ self.SetSelection(startpos, endpos)
+ self.ReplaceSelection('')
+ hasSyntaxError=False
+ result = self.BreakTextIntoCommands(command)
+ if result[0] == None:
+ commands=[command]
+ hasSyntaxError=True
+ else:
+ commands=result
+ for command in commands:
+ command = command.replace('\n', os.linesep)
+ self.write(command)
+ self.processLine()
+ def wrap(self, wrap=True):
+ """Sets whether text is word wrapped."""
+ try:
+ self.SetWrapMode(wrap)
+ except AttributeError:
+ return 'Wrapping is not available in this version.'
+ def zoom(self, points=0):
+ """Set the zoom level.
+ This number of points is added to the size of all fonts. It
+ may be positive to magnify or negative to reduce."""
+ self.SetZoom(points)
+ def LoadSettings(self, config):
+ self.autoComplete = \
+ config.ReadBool('Options/AutoComplete', True)
+ self.autoCompleteIncludeMagic = \
+ config.ReadBool('Options/AutoCompleteIncludeMagic', True)
+ self.autoCompleteIncludeSingle = \
+ config.ReadBool('Options/AutoCompleteIncludeSingle', True)
+ self.autoCompleteIncludeDouble = \
+ config.ReadBool('Options/AutoCompleteIncludeDouble', True)
+ self.autoCallTip = \
+ config.ReadBool('Options/AutoCallTip', True)
+ self.callTipInsert = \
+ config.ReadBool('Options/CallTipInsert', True)
+ self.SetWrapMode(config.ReadBool('View/WrapMode', True))
+ self.lineNumbers = \
+ config.ReadBool('View/ShowLineNumbers', True)
+ self.setDisplayLineNumbers (self.lineNumbers)
+ zoom = config.ReadInt('View/Zoom/Shell', -99)
+ if zoom != -99:
+ self.SetZoom(zoom)
+ def SaveSettings(self, config):
+ config.WriteBool('Options/AutoComplete', self.autoComplete)
+ config.WriteBool('Options/AutoCompleteIncludeMagic',
+ self.autoCompleteIncludeMagic)
+ config.WriteBool('Options/AutoCompleteIncludeSingle',
+ self.autoCompleteIncludeSingle)
+ config.WriteBool('Options/AutoCompleteIncludeDouble',
+ self.autoCompleteIncludeDouble)
+ config.WriteBool('Options/AutoCallTip', self.autoCallTip)
+ config.WriteBool('Options/CallTipInsert', self.callTipInsert)
+ config.WriteBool('View/WrapMode', self.GetWrapMode())
+ config.WriteBool('View/ShowLineNumbers', self.lineNumbers)
+ config.WriteInt('View/Zoom/Shell', self.GetZoom())
+ def GetContextMenu(self):
+ """
+ Create and return a context menu for the slices shell.
+ This is used instead of the scintilla default menu
+ in order to correctly respect our immutable buffer.
+ """
+ menu = wx.Menu()
+ menu.Append(wx.ID_UNDO, "Undo")
+ menu.Append(wx.ID_REDO, "Redo")
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ menu.Append(wx.ID_CUT, "Cut")
+ menu.Append(wx.ID_COPY, "Copy")
+ menu.Append(frame.ID_COPY_PLUS, "Copy Plus")
+ menu.Append(wx.ID_PASTE, "Paste")
+ menu.Append(frame.ID_PASTE_PLUS, "Paste Plus")
+ menu.Append(wx.ID_CLEAR, "Clear")
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ menu.Append(wx.ID_SELECTALL, "Select All")
+ return menu
+ def OnContextMenu(self, evt):
+ menu = self.GetContextMenu()
+ self.PopupMenu(menu)
+ def OnUpdateUI(self, evt):
+ id = evt.Id
+ if id in (wx.ID_CUT, wx.ID_CLEAR):
+ evt.Enable(self.CanCut())
+ elif id in (wx.ID_COPY, frame.ID_COPY_PLUS):
+ evt.Enable(self.CanCopy())
+ elif id in (wx.ID_PASTE, frame.ID_PASTE_PLUS):
+ evt.Enable(self.CanPaste())
+ elif id == wx.ID_UNDO:
+ evt.Enable(self.CanUndo())
+ elif id == wx.ID_REDO:
+ evt.Enable(self.CanRedo())
+ def LoadPySlicesFile(self,fid):
+ invalidFileString = 'Not a valid input format'
+ lineCount=0
+ groupingStartLines=[0]
+ ioStartLines=[0]
+ ioStartTypes=[]
+ removeComment=False
+ # Read the initial three (or four) lines that have version and marker information
+ line=fid.readline()
+ if line == usrBinEnvPythonText:
+ line=fid.readline() # Add the option to place #!/usr/bin/env python2 at the top
+ if line not in pyslicesFormatHeaderText: print invalidFileString ; return
+ line=fid.readline()
+ if line != groupingStartText: print invalidFileString ; return
+ line=fid.readline()
+ if line == inputStartText: ioStartTypes.append('input');removeComment=False
+ elif line == outputStartText: ioStartTypes.append('output');removeComment=True
+ else: print invalidFileString ; return
+ self.ClearAll()
+ # Write the file's text to the text area
+ # Capture Marker information to
+ for i in fid:
+ if i==groupingStartText:
+ groupingStartLines.append(lineCount)
+ elif i==inputStartText:
+ ioStartLines.append(lineCount)
+ ioStartTypes.append('input')
+ removeComment=False
+ elif i==outputStartText:
+ ioStartLines.append(lineCount)
+ ioStartTypes.append('output')
+ removeComment=True
+ else:
+ if removeComment: w=i[1:].replace(os.linesep,'\n')
+ else: w=i.replace(os.linesep,'\n')
+ self.write(w,'Input',silent=True)
+ lineCount+=1
+ if w[-1]=='\n':
+ lineCount+=1
+ for i in range(lineCount+1):
+ self.clearGroupingMarkers(i)
+ self.clearIOMarkers(i)
+ doMiddle=False
+ doEnd=False
+ if groupingStartLines!=[]:
+ if i == groupingStartLines[0]:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_START)
+ del groupingStartLines[0]
+ elif i+1 == groupingStartLines[0]:
+ doEnd=True
+ else:
+ doMiddle=True
+ elif i==lineCount-1:
+ doEnd=True
+ else:
+ doMiddle=True
+ if doMiddle:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_MIDDLE)
+ elif doEnd:
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,GROUPING_END)
+ doMiddle=False
+ doEnd=False
+ if ioStartLines!=[]:
+ if i == ioStartLines[0]:
+ # Delete the old ioStartTypes (keep the current copy for later use)
+ if i>0: del ioStartTypes[0]
+ if ioStartTypes[0]=='input':
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,INPUT_START)
+ elif ioStartTypes[0]=='output':
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_START)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ else:
+ #print 'Invalid Type!';
+ return
+ # Only delete markers we are totally finished with...
+ # Keep one more "StartTypes" than "StartLines"
+ del ioStartLines[0]
+ elif i+1 == ioStartLines[0]:
+ doEnd=True
+ else:
+ doMiddle=True
+ elif i==lineCount-1:
+ doEnd=True
+ else:
+ doMiddle=True
+ if doMiddle:
+ if ioStartTypes[0]=='input':
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,INPUT_MIDDLE)
+ elif ioStartTypes[0]=='output':
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_MIDDLE)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ else:
+ #print 'Invalid Type!';
+ return
+ elif doEnd:
+ if ioStartTypes[0]=='input':
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,INPUT_END)
+ elif ioStartTypes[0]=='output':
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_END)
+ self.MarkerAdd(i,OUTPUT_BG)
+ else:
+ #print 'Invalid Type!';
+ return
+ self.EmptyUndoBuffer() # maybe not?
+ def SavePySlicesFile(self,fid):
+ addComment=False
+ fid.write(usrBinEnvPythonText.replace('\n',os.linesep))
+ fid.write(pyslicesFormatHeaderText[-1].replace('\n',os.linesep))
+ for i in range(self.GetLineCount()):
+ markers=self.MarkerGet(i)
+ if markers & ( 1<<GROUPING_START | 1<<GROUPING_START_FOLDED ):
+ fid.write(groupingStartText.replace('\n',os.linesep))
+ if markers & ( 1<<INPUT_START | 1<<INPUT_START_FOLDED ):
+ fid.write(inputStartText.replace('\n',os.linesep))
+ addComment=False
+ if markers & ( 1<<OUTPUT_START | 1<<OUTPUT_START_FOLDED ):
+ fid.write(outputStartText.replace('\n',os.linesep))
+ addComment=True
+ if addComment: fid.write('#')
+ fid.write(self.GetLine(i).replace('\n',os.linesep))
+ # FIX ME!!
+ def LoadPyFileAsSlice(self,fid):
+ curpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ start,end = self.GetGroupingSlice()
+ endpos=self.GetLineEndPosition(end)
+ self.SetCurrentPos(endpos)
+ self.SetSelection(endpos, endpos)
+ text='\n'
+ self.write(text,'Input')
+ newpos=self.GetCurrentPos()
+ self.SetCurrentPos(curpos)
+ self.SetSelection(curpos,curpos)
+ self.SplitSlice()
+ #self.SetCurrentPos(newpos)
+ #self.SetSelection(newpos,newpos)
+ def hasChanged(self):
+ """Return True if contents have changed."""
+ return self.GetModify() or self.NeedsCheckForSave
+## NOTE: The DnD of file names is disabled until we can figure out how
+## best to still allow DnD of text.
+## #seb : File drag and drop
+## class FileDropTarget(wx.FileDropTarget):
+## def __init__(self, obj):
+## wx.FileDropTarget.__init__(self)
+## self.obj = obj
+## def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames):
+## if len(filenames) == 1:
+## txt = 'r\"%s\"' % filenames[0]
+## else:
+## txt = '( '
+## for f in filenames:
+## txt += 'r\"%s\" , ' % f
+## txt += ')'
+## self.obj.AppendText(txt)
+## pos = self.obj.GetCurrentPos()
+## self.obj.SetCurrentPos( pos )
+## self.obj.SetSelection( pos, pos )
+## class TextAndFileDropTarget(wx.DropTarget):
+## def __init__(self, sliceshell):
+## wx.DropTarget.__init__(self)
+## self.sliceshell = sliceshell
+## self.compdo = wx.DataObjectComposite()
+## self.textdo = wx.TextDataObject()
+## self.filedo = wx.FileDataObject()
+## self.compdo.Add(self.textdo)
+## self.compdo.Add(self.filedo, True)
+## self.SetDataObject(self.compdo)
+## def OnDrop(self, x, y):
+## return True
+## def OnData(self, x, y, result):
+## self.GetData()
+## if self.textdo.GetTextLength() > 1:
+## text = self.textdo.GetText()
+## # *** Do somethign with the dragged text here...
+## self.textdo.SetText('')
+## else:
+## filenames = str(self.filename.GetFilenames())
+## if len(filenames) == 1:
+## txt = 'r\"%s\"' % filenames[0]
+## else:
+## txt = '( '
+## for f in filenames:
+## txt += 'r\"%s\" , ' % f
+## txt += ')'
+## self.sliceshell.AppendText(txt)
+## pos = self.sliceshell.GetCurrentPos()
+## self.sliceshell.SetCurrentPos( pos )
+## self.sliceshell.SetSelection( pos, pos )
+## return result