path: root/pcbnew/scripting/plugins/
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authorsaurabhb172020-02-26 16:11:59 +0530
committerGitHub2020-02-26 16:11:59 +0530
commite255d0622297488c1c52755be670733418c994cf (patch)
tree1392c90227aeea231c1d86371131e04c40382918 /pcbnew/scripting/plugins/
parent0db48f6533517ecebfd9f0693f89deca28408b76 (diff)
parentc38609295ad4b617aef472b9c575aee18710a50f (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from saurabhb17/develop
Secondary files
Diffstat (limited to 'pcbnew/scripting/plugins/')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pcbnew/scripting/plugins/ b/pcbnew/scripting/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..058fe1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcbnew/scripting/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA 02110-1301, USA.
+from __future__ import division
+import pcbnew
+import math
+class FootprintWizardDrawingAids:
+ """
+ Collection of handy functions to simplify drawing shapes from within
+ footprint wizards
+ A "drawing context" is provided which can be used to set and retain
+ settings such as line tickness and layer
+ """
+ # directions (in degrees, compass-like)
+ dirN = 0
+ dirNE = 45
+ dirE = 90
+ dirSE = 135
+ dirS = 180
+ dirSW = 225
+ dirW = 270
+ dirNW = 315
+ # flip constants
+ flipNone = 0
+ flipX = 1 # flip X values, i.e. about Y
+ flipY = 2 # flip Y valuersabout X
+ flipBoth = 3
+ xfrmIDENTITY = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] # no transform
+ # these values come from our KiCad Library Convention 0.11
+ defaultLineThickness = pcbnew.FromMM(0.15)
+ def DefaultGraphicLayer(self):
+ return pcbnew.F_SilkS
+ def DefaultTextValueLayer(self):
+ return pcbnew.F_Fab
+ def __init__(self, module):
+ self.module = module
+ # drawing context defaults
+ self.dc = {
+ 'layer': self.DefaultGraphicLayer(),
+ 'lineThickness': self.defaultLineThickness,
+ 'transforms': [],
+ 'transform': self.xfrmIDENTITY
+ }
+ def PushTransform(self, mat):
+ """
+ Add a transform to the top of the stack and recompute the
+ overall transform
+ """
+ self.dc['transforms'].append(mat)
+ self.RecomputeTransforms()
+ def PopTransform(self, num=1):
+ """
+ Remove a transform from the top of the stack and recompute the
+ overall transform
+ """
+ for i in range(num):
+ mat = self.dc['transforms'].pop()
+ self.RecomputeTransforms()
+ return mat
+ def ResetTransform(self):
+ """
+ Reset the transform stack to the identity matrix
+ """
+ self.dc['transforms'] = []
+ self.RecomputeTransforms()
+ def _ComposeMatricesWithIdentity(self, mats):
+ """
+ Compose a sequence of matrices together by sequential
+ pre-mutiplciation with the identity matrix
+ """
+ x = self.xfrmIDENTITY
+ for mat in mats:
+ #precompose with each transform in turn
+ x = [
+ x[0] * mat[0] + x[1] * mat[3],
+ x[0] * mat[1] + x[1] * mat[4],
+ x[0] * mat[2] + x[1] * mat[5] + x[2],
+ x[3] * mat[0] + x[4] * mat[3],
+ x[3] * mat[1] + x[4] * mat[4],
+ x[3] * mat[2] + x[4] * mat[5] + x[5]]
+ return x
+ def RecomputeTransforms(self):
+ """
+ Re-compute the transform stack into a single transform and
+ store in the DC
+ """
+ self.dc['transform'] = self._ComposeMatricesWithIdentity(
+ self.dc['transforms'])
+ def TransformTranslate(self, x, y, push=True):
+ """
+ Set up and return a transform matrix representing a translartion
+ optionally pushing onto the stack
+ ( 1 0 x )
+ ( 0 1 y )
+ """
+ mat = [1, 0, x, 0, 1, y]
+ if push:
+ self.PushTransform(mat)
+ return mat
+ def TransformFlipOrigin(self, flip, push=True):
+ """
+ Set up and return a transform matrix representing a horizontal,
+ vertical or both flip about the origin
+ """
+ mat = None
+ if flip == self.flipX:
+ mat = [-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
+ elif flip == self.flipY:
+ mat = [1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0]
+ elif flip == self.flipBoth:
+ mat = [-1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0]
+ elif flip == self.flipNone:
+ mat = self.xfrmIDENTITY
+ else:
+ raise ValueError
+ if push:
+ self.PushTransform(mat)
+ return mat
+ def TransformFlip(self, x, y, flip=flipNone, push=True):
+ """
+ Set up and return a transform matrix representing a horizontal,
+ vertical or both flip about a point (x,y)
+ This is performed by a translate-to-origin, flip, translate-
+ back sequence
+ """
+ mats = [self.TransformTranslate(x, y, push=False),
+ self.TransformFlipOrigin(flip, push=False),
+ self.TransformTranslate(-x, -y, push=False)]
+ #distill into a single matrix
+ mat = self._ComposeMatricesWithIdentity(mats)
+ if push:
+ self.PushTransform(mat)
+ return mat
+ def TransformRotationOrigin(self, rot, push=True):
+ """
+ Set up and return a transform matrix representing a rotation
+ about the origin, and optionally push onto the stack
+ ( cos(t) -sin(t) 0 )
+ ( sin(t) cos(t) 0 )
+ """
+ rads = rot * math.pi / 180
+ mat = [math.cos(rads), -math.sin(rads), 0,
+ math.sin(rads), math.cos(rads), 0]
+ if push:
+ self.PushTransform(mat)
+ return mat
+ def TransformRotation(self, x, y, rot, push=True):
+ """
+ Set up and return a transform matrix representing a rotation
+ about the point (x,y), and optionally push onto the stack
+ This is performed by a translate-to-origin, rotate, translate-
+ back sequence
+ """
+ mats = [self.TransformTranslate(x, y, push=False),
+ self.TransformRotationOrigin(rot, push=False),
+ self.TransformTranslate(-x, -y, push=False)]
+ #distill into a single matrix
+ mat = self._ComposeMatricesWithIdentity(mats)
+ if push:
+ self.PushTransform(mat)
+ return mat
+ def TransformScaleOrigin(self, sx, sy=None, push=True):
+ """
+ Set up and return a transform matrix representing a scale about
+ the origin, and optionally push onto the stack
+ ( sx 0 0 )
+ ( 0 sy 0 )
+ """
+ if sy is None:
+ sy = sx
+ mat = [sx, 0, 0, 0, sy, 0]
+ if push:
+ self.PushTransform(mat)
+ return mat
+ def TransformPoint(self, x, y, mat=None):
+ """
+ Return a point (x, y) transformed by the given matrix, or if
+ that is not given, the drawing context transform
+ """
+ if not mat:
+ mat = self.dc['transform']
+ return pcbnew.wxPoint(x * mat[0] + y * mat[1] + mat[2],
+ x * mat[3] + y * mat[4] + mat[5])
+ def SetLineTickness(self, lineThickness):
+ """
+ Set the current pen lineThickness used for subsequent drawing
+ operations
+ """
+ self.dc['lineThickness'] = lineThickness
+ def GetLineTickness(self):
+ """
+ Get the current drawing context line tickness
+ """
+ return self.dc['lineThickness']
+ def SetLayer(self, layer):
+ """
+ Set the current drawing layer, used for subsequent drawing
+ operations
+ """
+ self.dc['layer'] = layer
+ def GetLayer(self):
+ """
+ return the current drawing layer, used drawing operations
+ """
+ return self.dc['layer']
+ def Line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
+ """
+ Draw a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)
+ """
+ outline = pcbnew.EDGE_MODULE(self.module)
+ outline.SetWidth(self.GetLineTickness())
+ outline.SetLayer(self.GetLayer())
+ outline.SetShape(pcbnew.S_SEGMENT)
+ start = self.TransformPoint(x1, y1)
+ end = self.TransformPoint(x2, y2)
+ outline.SetStartEnd(start, end)
+ self.module.Add(outline)
+ def Circle(self, x, y, r, filled=False):
+ """
+ Draw a circle at (x,y) of radius r
+ If filled is true, the thickness and radius of the line will be set
+ such that the circle appears filled
+ """
+ circle = pcbnew.EDGE_MODULE(self.module)
+ start = self.TransformPoint(x, y)
+ if filled:
+ circle.SetWidth(r)
+ end = self.TransformPoint(x, y + r/2)
+ else:
+ circle.SetWidth(self.dc['lineThickness'])
+ end = self.TransformPoint(x, y + r)
+ circle.SetLayer(self.dc['layer'])
+ circle.SetShape(pcbnew.S_CIRCLE)
+ circle.SetStartEnd(start, end)
+ self.module.Add(circle)
+ def Arc(self, cx, cy, sx, sy, a):
+ """
+ Draw an arc based on centre, start and angle
+ The transform matrix is applied
+ Note that this won't work properly if the result is not a
+ circular arc (eg a horzontal scale)
+ """
+ circle = pcbnew.EDGE_MODULE(self.module)
+ circle.SetWidth(self.dc['lineThickness'])
+ center = self.TransformPoint(cx, cy)
+ start = self.TransformPoint(sx, sy)
+ circle.SetLayer(self.dc['layer'])
+ circle.SetShape(pcbnew.S_ARC)
+ # check if the angle needs to be reverse (a flip scaling)
+ if cmp(self.dc['transform'][0], 0) != cmp(self.dc['transform'][4], 0):
+ a = -a
+ circle.SetAngle(a)
+ circle.SetStartEnd(center, start)
+ self.module.Add(circle)
+ # extends from (x1,y1) right
+ def HLine(self, x, y, l):
+ """
+ Draw a horizontal line from (x,y), rightwards
+ """
+ self.Line(x, y, x + l, y)
+ def VLine(self, x, y, l):
+ """
+ Draw a vertical line from (x1,y1), downwards
+ """
+ self.Line(x, y, x, y + l)
+ def Polyline(self, pts, mirrorX=None, mirrorY=None):
+ """
+ Draw a polyline, optinally mirroring around the given points
+ """
+ def _PolyLineInternal(pts):
+ if len(pts) < 2:
+ return
+ for i in range(0, len(pts) - 1):
+ self.Line(pts[i][0], pts[i][1], pts[i+1][0], pts[i+1][1])
+ _PolyLineInternal(pts) # original
+ if mirrorX is not None:
+ self.TransformFlip(mirrorX, 0, self.flipX)
+ _PolyLineInternal(pts)
+ self.PopTransform()
+ if mirrorY is not None:
+ self.TransformFlipOrigin(0, mirrorY, self.flipY)
+ _PolyLineInternal(pts)
+ self.PopTransform()
+ if mirrorX is not None and mirrorY is not None:
+ self.TransformFlip(mirrorX, mirrorY, self.flipBoth) # both
+ _PolyLineInternal(pts)
+ self.PopTransform()
+ def Reference(self, x, y, size, orientation_degree = 0):
+ """
+ Draw the module's reference as the given point.
+ The actual setting of the reference is not done in this drawing
+ aid - that is up to the wizard
+ """
+ text_size = pcbnew.wxSize(size, size)
+ self.module.Reference().SetPos0(self.TransformPoint(x, y))
+ self.module.Reference().SetTextPosition(
+ self.module.Reference().GetPos0())
+ self.module.Reference().SetSize(text_size)
+ self.module.Reference().SetOrientation(orientation_degree*10) # internal angles are in 0.1 deg
+ def Value(self, x, y, size, orientation_degree = 0):
+ """
+ As for references, draw the module's value
+ """
+ text_size = pcbnew.wxSize(size, size)
+ self.module.Value().SetPos0(self.TransformPoint(x, y))
+ self.module.Value().SetTextPosition(self.module.Value().GetPos0())
+ self.module.Value().SetSize(text_size)
+ self.module.Value().SetLayer(self.DefaultTextValueLayer())
+ self.module.Value().SetOrientation(orientation_degree*10) # internal angles are in 0.1 deg
+ def Box(self, x, y, w, h):
+ """
+ Draw a rectangular box, centred at (x,y), with given width and
+ height
+ """
+ pts = [[x - w/2, y - h/2], # left
+ [x + w/2, y - h/2], # right
+ [x + w/2, y + h/2], # bottom
+ [x - w/2, y + h/2], # top
+ [x - w/2, y - h/2]] # close
+ self.Polyline(pts)
+ def NotchedCircle(self, x, y, r, notch_w, notch_h, rotate=0):
+ """
+ Circle radus r centred at (x, y) with a raised or depressed notch
+ at the top
+ Notch height is measured from the top of the circle radius
+ """
+ self.TransformRotation(x, y, rotate)
+ # find the angle where the notch vertical meets the circle
+ angle_intercept = math.asin(notch_w/(2 * r))
+ # and find the co-ords of this point
+ sx = math.sin(angle_intercept) * r
+ sy = -math.cos(angle_intercept) * r
+ # NOTE: this may be out by a factor of ten one day
+ arc_angle = (math.pi * 2 - angle_intercept * 2) * (1800/math.pi)
+ self.Arc(x,y, sx, sy, arc_angle)
+ pts = [[sx, sy],
+ [sx, -r - notch_h],
+ [-sx, -r - notch_h],
+ [-sx, sy]]
+ self.Polyline(pts)
+ self.PopTransform()
+ def NotchedBox(self, x, y, w, h, notchW, notchH, rotate=0):
+ """
+ Draw a box with a notch in the top edge
+ """
+ self.TransformRotation(x, y, rotate)
+ # limit to half the overall width
+ notchW = min(x + w/2, notchW)
+ # draw notch
+ self.Polyline([ # three sides of box
+ (x - w/2, y - h/2),
+ (x - w/2, y + h/2),
+ (x + w/2, y + h/2),
+ (x + w/2, y - h/2),
+ # the notch
+ (notchW/2, y - h/2),
+ (notchW/2, y - h/2 + notchH),
+ (-notchW/2, y - h/2 + notchH),
+ (-notchW/2, y - h/2),
+ (x - w/2, y - h/2)
+ ])
+ self.PopTransform()
+ def BoxWithDiagonalAtCorner(self, x, y, w, h,
+ setback=pcbnew.FromMM(1.27), flip=flipNone):
+ """
+ Draw a box with a diagonal at the top left corner
+ """
+ self.TransformFlip(x, y, flip, push=True)
+ pts = [[x - w/2 + setback, y - h/2],
+ [x - w/2, y - h/2 + setback],
+ [x - w/2, y + h/2],
+ [x + w/2, y + h/2],
+ [x + w/2, y - h/2],
+ [x - w/2 + setback, y - h/2]]
+ self.Polyline(pts)
+ self.PopTransform()
+ def BoxWithOpenCorner(self, x, y, w, h,
+ setback=pcbnew.FromMM(1.27), flip=flipNone):
+ """
+ Draw a box with an opening at the top left corner
+ """
+ self.TransformTranslate(x, y)
+ self.TransformFlipOrigin(flip)
+ pts = [[- w/2, - h/2 + setback],
+ [- w/2, + h/2],
+ [+ w/2, + h/2],
+ [+ w/2, - h/2],
+ [- w/2 + setback, - h/2]]
+ self.Polyline(pts)
+ self.PopTransform(num=2)
+ def MarkerArrow(self, x, y, direction=dirN, width=pcbnew.FromMM(1)):
+ """
+ Draw a marker arrow facing in the given direction, with the
+ point at (x,y)
+ Direction of 0 is north
+ """
+ self.TransformTranslate(x, y)
+ self.TransformRotationOrigin(direction)
+ pts = [[0, 0],
+ [width / 2, width / 2],
+ [-width / 2, width / 2],
+ [0, 0]]
+ self.Polyline(pts)
+ self.PopTransform(2)