AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-09-09Subject: Changing all content and name of directory and file to FreeEDAFahim
2014-09-09Subject: Initial commit for FreeEDAFahim
2014-09-02Subject: Python Plotting Changesv1.1Fahim
2014-09-01Subject: Changes in newProject.pyFahim
2014-09-01Subject: kicadtoNgspice GUIFahim
2014-09-01Subject: Changes file name read-me.txt to READMEFahim
2014-08-07Subject: Changes in Oscad Installation Scriptv1.0Fahim
2014-06-27Merge pull request #1 from ambikeshwar1991/masterSachin
2014-06-27JFET model added in KicadtoNgspiceambikeshwar1991
2014-06-19Subject:Remove bug for srffFahim
2014-05-19initial commitJayaram Pai