path: root/OSCAD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'OSCAD')
4 files changed, 6138 insertions, 881 deletions
diff --git a/OSCAD/Examples/bridgeRectifier/1n4148.lib b/OSCAD/Examples/bridgeRectifier/1n4148.lib
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b32fdf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OSCAD/Examples/bridgeRectifier/1n4148.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+.model 1n4148 D( Is=2.495E-09 Rs=4.755E-01 n=1.679 tt=3.030E-09 Cjo=1.700E-12 M=1.959E-01
++ Vj=1 Bv=1.000E+02 ibv=1.000E-04 )
diff --git a/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/ b/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/
index a3d443a..962e587 100755
--- a/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/
+++ b/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/
@@ -1,245 +1,1291 @@
-# is a python script to convert a Kicad spice netlist to a ngspice netlist. It developed for OSCAD software. It is written by FOSSEE team, IIT B.
-# Copyright (C) FOSSEE Project, IIT Bombay.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import sys
import os.path
+from PyQt4 import QtGui,QtCore
+from PyQt4.QtGui import *
+from random import choice
-def readNetlist(filename):
- """Read Pspice netList"""
-# Open file if it exists
- if os.path.exists(filename):
+class NewWindow(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def __init__(self):
+ QWidget.__init__(self)
+ self.horizontalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ self.scrollArea = QtGui.QScrollArea(self)
+ self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True)
+ self.scrollAreaWidgetContents = QtGui.QWidget()
+ self.scrollAreaWidgetContents.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 100, 100))
+ self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
+ self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+ self.horizontalLayout_2.addLayout(self.grid)
+ self.scrollArea.setWidget(self.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
+ self.SubmitButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Submit and Exit")
+ self.ClearButton= QtGui.QPushButton("Clear Button")
+ self.BackButton= QtGui.QPushButton("Back Button")
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.scrollArea)
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.BackButton)
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.ClearButton)
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.SubmitButton)
+ self.SubmitButton.clicked.connect(self.Submit)
+ self.ClearButton.clicked.connect(self.ClearModelParamValue)
+ self.BackButton.clicked.connect(self.BackAgain)
+ self.setGeometry(0,0,700, 400)
+ def ClearModelParamValue(self):
+ for line in guimodellisttrack:
+ #print "line",line
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ count=start
+ for item in range(end-start+1):
+ nextentry_var[count].setText("")
+ count=count+1
+ def BackAgain(self):
+ firstwindow=1
+ nw.close()
+ def Submit(self):
- f = open(filename)
- except :
- print("Error in opening file")
- sys.exit()
- else:
- print filename + " does not exist"
- sys.exit()
-# Read the data from file
-# Close the file
- f.close()
- return data.splitlines()
+ AddModelParametr() #Adding Model Parameter
+ for item in modelparamvalue:
+ schematicInfo.append(item[2]) #Adding Comment line
+ schematicInfo.append(item[1]) #Adding Model line
+ print "Successfully Closed"
+ #print "SchematicInfo"
+ #print SchematicInfo
+ self.close()
+ except:
+ QMessageBox.about(self,"Exception","Please Add before Submit")
+ create_ngspice_netlist()
-def readParamInfo(data):
- """Read Parameter information and store it into dictionary"""
- param={}
- for eachline in lines:
- eachline=eachline.strip()
- if len(eachline)>1:
- words=eachline.split();
- option=words[0].lower()
- if option=='.param':
- for i in range(1, len(words), 1):
- paramList=words[i].split('=')
- param[paramList[0]]=paramList[1]
- return param
+ def center(self):
+ qr=self.frameGeometry()
+ cp = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()
+ qr.moveCenter(cp)
+ self.move(qr.topLeft())
-def preprocessNetlist(lines,param):
- """Preprocess netlist (replace parameters)"""
- netlist=[]
- for eachline in lines:
- # Remove leading and trailing blanks spaces from line
- eachline=eachline.strip()
- # Remove special character $
- eachline=eachline.replace('$','')
- # Replace parameter with values
- for subParam in eachline.split():
- if '}' in subParam:
- key=subParam.split()[0]
- key=key.strip('{')
- key=key.strip('}')
- if key in param:
- eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',param[key])
- else:
- print "Parameter " + key +" does not exists"
- value=raw_input('Enter parameter value: ')
- eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',value)
- # Convert netlist into lower case letter
- eachline=eachline.lower()
- # Construct netlist
- if len(eachline)>1:
- if eachline[0]=='+':
- netlist.append(netlist.pop()+eachline.replace('+',' '))
- else:
- netlist.append(eachline)
- # Copy information line
- infoline=netlist[0]
- netlist.remove(netlist[0])
- return netlist,infoline
+class Window(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Window,self).__init__()
+ def createrootwindow(self,sourcelist,sourcelisttrack):
+ self.backClicked=0
+ global nextrow
+ self.nextrow=0
+ self.horizontalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ self.scrollArea = QtGui.QScrollArea(self)
+ self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True)
+ self.scrollAreaWidgetContents = QtGui.QWidget()
+ self.scrollAreaWidgetContents.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 100, 100))
+ self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
+ self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+ self.horizontalLayout_2.addLayout(self.grid)
+ self.scrollArea.setWidget(self.scrollAreaWidgetContents)
+ self.Nextbutton = QtGui.QPushButton("Next Button")
+ self.Clearbutton= QtGui.QPushButton("Clear Button")
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.scrollArea)
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.Nextbutton)
+ self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.Clearbutton)
+ self.setGeometry(0,0,700, 400)
+ self.Nextbutton.clicked.connect(self.NextPage)
+ self.Clearbutton.clicked.connect(self.ClearSourceValue)
+ global count
+ global start
+ global end
+ count=1
+ global row
+ row=0
+ global entry_var
+ entry_var={}
+ if sourcelist:
+ for line in sourcelist:
+ #print "Voltage source line index: ",line[0]
+ #print "SourceList line Test: ",line
+ track_id=line[0]
+ print "track_id is ",track_id
+ if line[2]=='ac':
+ label=QLabel(line[3])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,1)
+ row=row+1
+ start=count
+ label=QLabel(line[4])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,0)
+ entry_var[count]=QLineEdit()
+ self.grid.addWidget(entry_var[count],row,1)
+ value=present_already(line[1],line[2])
+ if value == 0:
+ entry_var[count].setText("")
+ else:
+ entry_var[count].setText(store_ans)
+ row=row+1
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'ac',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='dc':
+ label=QLabel(line[3])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,1)
+ row=row+1
+ start=count
+ label=QLabel(line[4])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,0)
+ entry_var[count]=QLineEdit()
+ self.grid.addWidget(entry_var[count],row,1)
+ value=present_already(line[1],line[2])
+ if value == 0:
+ entry_var[count].setText("")
+ else:
+ entry_var[count].setText(store_ans)
+ row=row+1
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'dc',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='sine':
+ label=QLabel(line[3])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,1)
+ row=row+1
+ start=count
+ value=present_already(line[1],line[2])
+ indi=0
+ for it in range(4,9):
+ label=QLabel(line[it])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,0)
+ entry_var[count]=QLineEdit()
+ self.grid.addWidget(entry_var[count],row,1)
+ if value !=0:
+ store_ans_list=store_ans.split()
+ ans_list_size=len(store_ans_list)
+ if value==0 or indi >= ans_list_size :
+ entry_var[count].setText("")
+ else:
+ entry_var[count].setText(str(store_ans_list[indi]))
+ indi=indi+1
+ row=row+1
+ count=count+1
-def separateNetlistInfo(netlist):
- optionInfo=[]
- schematicInfo=[]
+ end=count-1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'sine',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='pulse':
+ label=QLabel(line[3])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,1)
+ row=row+1
+ start=count
+ value=present_already(line[1],line[2])
+ indi=0;
+ for it in range(4,11):
+ label=QLabel(line[it])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,0)
+ entry_var[count]=QLineEdit()
+ self.grid.addWidget(entry_var[count],row,1)
+ if value!=0:
+ store_ans_list=store_ans.split()
+ ans_list_size=len(store_ans_list)
+ if value==0 or indi >= ans_list_size:
+ entry_var[count].setText("")
+ else:
+ entry_var[count].setText(str(store_ans_list[indi]))
+ indi=indi+1
+ row=row+1
+ count=count+1
+ end=count-1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'pulse',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='pwl':
+ label=QLabel(line[3])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,1)
+ row=row+1
+ start=count
+ label=QLabel(line[4])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,0)
+ entry_var[count]=QLineEdit()
+ self.grid.addWidget(entry_var[count],row,1)
+ value=present_already(line[1],line[2])
+ if value==0:
+ entry_var[count].setText("");
+ else:
+ entry_var[count].setText(str(store_ans))
+ row=row+1
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'pwl',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='exp':
+ label=QLabel(line[3])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,1)
+ row=row+1
+ start=count
+ indi=0
+ value=present_already(line[1],line[2])
+ for it in range(4,10):
+ label=QLabel(line[it])
+ self.grid.addWidget(label,row,0)
+ entry_var[count]=QLineEdit()
+ self.grid.addWidget(entry_var[count],row,1)
+ if value != 0:
+ store_ans_list=store_ans.split()
+ ans_list_size=len(store_ans_list)
+ if value == 0 or indi >= ans_list_size:
+ entry_var[count].setText("")
+ else:
+ entry_var[count].setText(str(store_ans_list[indi]))
+ indi=indi+1
+ row=row+1
+ count=count+1
+ end=count-1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'exp',start,end])
+ count=count+1
+ #print "startcount ",start
+ #print "endcount ",end
+ else:
+ print "No source is present in your circuit"
+ return sourcelist,sourcelisttrack
- for eachline in netlist:
- if eachline[0]=='*':
- continue
- elif eachline[0]=='.':
- optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ def closeEvent(self,event):
+ print "window closed"
+ def NextPage(self):
+ #print "next page"
+ AddSourceValue()
+ w.close()
+ firstwindow=0
+ self.backClicked+=1
+ global schematicInfo
+ global outputOption
+ global guimodelvalue
+ global guimodellisttrack
+ global guimodellist
+ if self.backClicked==1:
+ guimodelvalue=[]
+ outputOption=[] #check whether it affects the working
+ guimodellisttrack=[]
+ guimodellist=['adc8','dac8','gain','summer','multiplier','divider','limit','integrator','differentiator','limit8','controlledlimiter',
+ ##Calling function which take information for entry and label
+ if self.backClicked==1:
+ schematicInfo,outputOption,guimodelvalue=convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption,guimodelvalue)
+ #print "Info is",schematicInfo
+ #print "outoption is",outputOption
+ #print "guivalue is",guimodelvalue
+ global nextcount
+ nextcount=0
+ global nextentry_var
+ if self.backClicked ==1:
+ nextentry_var={}
+ ##Checking if any model is present
+ if guimodelvalue:
+ ## Calling Next frame generation function
+ for line in guimodelvalue:
+ print "line is ",line
+ if line[2] in guimodellist:
+ #print "ConvertICBlock index :",line[0]
+ if self.backClicked==1:
+ nextcount=self.nextframegeneration(line,nextentry_var,nextcount)
+ else:
+ print "Please look whether model is added in guimodellist inside code"
- schematicInfo.append(eachline)
- return optionInfo,schematicInfo
+ print "There is no model in your circuit"
+ QMessageBox.about(self,"Model information","There is no model in your circuit")
+ #AddModelParametr()
+ # tkMessageBox.showinfo("Model List Info","There is no model in your circuit, please click on Submit & Exit Button" )
+ def nextframegeneration(self,line,nextentry_var,nextcount):
+ print "Model Line in netlist is : ",line[1]
+ div=line[1].split()
+ #flag=present_already_model(div[0],line[2])
+ flag=0
+ #print "store ans here",stored_ans
+ store_ans_list=[]
+ if flag!=0:
+ store_ans_list=stored_ans.split()
+ print "list ",store_ans_list
+ indi=0
+ label=QLabel(line[5])
+ nw.grid.addWidget(label,self.nextrow,1)
+ start=nextcount
+ self.nextrow=self.nextrow+1
+ if line[2]=='ic':
+ for item in range(len(line)-7):
+ label=QLabel(line[7+item])
+ nw.grid.addWidget(label,self.nextrow,0)
+ nextentry_var[nextcount]=QLineEdit()
+ nw.grid.addWidget(nextentry_var[nextcount],self.nextrow,1)
+ nextcount=nextcount+1
+ self.nextrow=self.nextrow+1
+ end=nextcount-1
+ guimodellisttrack.append([line[0],line[1],line[2],line[3],line[4],start,end,line[6]])
+ else:
+ for item in range(len(line)-6):
+ label=QLabel(line[6+item])
+ nw.grid.addWidget(label,self.nextrow,0)
+ nextentry_var[nextcount]=QLineEdit()
+ nw.grid.addWidget(nextentry_var[nextcount],self.nextrow,1)
+ if indi < len(store_ans_list) and flag ==1:
+ nextentry_var[nextcount].setText(store_ans_list[indi])
+ indi=indi+1
+ nextcount=nextcount+1
+ self.nextrow=self.nextrow+1
+ end=nextcount-1
+ guimodellisttrack.append([line[0],line[1],line[2],line[3],line[4],start,end])
+ return nextcount
-def addAnalysis(optionInfo):
- """Add Analysis to the netlist"""
-# Open file if it exists
- filename="analysis"
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- try:
- f = open(filename)
- except :
- print("Error in opening file")
- sys.exit()
+ def ClearSourceValue(self):
+ #print "Clear Source Value"
+ for line in sourcelisttrack:
+ start=line[2]
+ end=line[3]
+ count=start
+ for item in range(int(end-start+1)):
+ entry_var[count].setText("")
+ count=count+1
+ def center(self):
+ qr=self.frameGeometry()
+ cp = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()
+ qr.moveCenter(cp)
+ self.move(qr.topLeft())
+'''def present_already_model(val,model_name):
+ global stored_ans
+ print "model name is ", model_name
+ if os.path.exists(last_input_file):
+ last_file=open(last_input_file)
- print filename + " does not exist"
- sys.exit()
+ last_file=open(last_input_file,'w+')
+ print "model test val ",val
+ flag=0
+ for line in stored_val:
+ word=line.split()
+ if len(word)==0:
+ continue
+ if word[0]=='.model':
+ print "word is ",word," len is ",len(word)
+ if word[1]==val:
+ if ((word[2].startswith(model_name))):
+ stored_ans=""
+ for tmp in range(2,len(word)-1):
+ try:
+ ind=word[tmp].index('=')+1
+ stored_ans=stored_ans+word[tmp][ind:]+" "
+ except:
+ print "Exception"
+ store_ans.strip()
+ print "model ans ",stored_ans
+ flag=1
+ break
-# Read the data from file
+ last_file.close()
+ return flag
+def present_already(vol,inpscr):
+ words=vol.split()
+ volsrc=words[0]
+ global store_ans
+ if os.path.exists(last_input_file):
+ last_file=open(last_input_file)
+ else:
+ last_file=open(last_input_file,'w+')
+ flag=0
+ for line in stored_val:
+ word=line.split()
+ if len(word)==0:
+ continue;
+ if word[0] == volsrc :
+ if ((inpscr == 'ac' and inpscr == word[3]) or (inpscr == 'dc' and inpscr==word[3]) ):
+ if len(word)>4:
+ store_ans=word[4]
+ flag=1
+ break
+ if ((inpscr == 'pwl' and word[3].startswith(inpscr)) or (inpscr=='exp' and word[3].startswith(inpscr)) or (inpscr=='pulse' and word[3].startswith(inpscr)) or (inpscr=='sine' and word[3].startswith(inpscr)) ):
+ store_ans=""
+ i=word[3].index('(')+1
+ j=word[len(word)-1].index(')')
+ store_ans=word[3][i:]+" "
+ for num in range(4,len(word)-1):
+ store_ans=store_ans+word[num]+" "
+ store_ans=store_ans+word[len(word)-1][:j]
+ print store_ans
+ flag=1
+ break
+ last_file.close()
+ return flag;
+def AddModelParametr():
+ #print "models here"
+ #print "Adding Model Parameter"
+ #print "GuiModelValue",guimodelvalue
+ global guimodellisttrack
+ global modelparamvalue
+ global addmodelline
+ modelparamvalue=[]
+ addmodelline=[]
+ for line in guimodellisttrack:
+ #print "model",line
+ if line[2]=='transfo':
+ try:
+ #print "here in transfo"
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ num_turns=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ if num_turns=="": num_turns="310"
+ h_array= "H_array = [ "
+ b_array = "B_array = [ "
+ h1=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ b1=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ if len(h1)!=0 and len(b1)!=0:
+ h_array=h_array+h1+" "
+ b_array=b_array+b1+" "
+ bh_array = h_array+" ] " + b_array+" ]"
+ else:
+ bh_array = "H_array = [-1000 -500 -375 -250 -188 -125 -63 0 63 125 188 250 375 500 1000] B_array = [-3.13e-3 -2.63e-3 -2.33e-3 -1.93e-3 -1.5e-3 -6.25e-4 -2.5e-4 0 2.5e-4 6.25e-4 1.5e-3 1.93e-3 2.33e-3 2.63e-3 3.13e-3]"
+ area=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ length=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ if area=="": area="1"
+ if length=="":length="0.01"
+ num_turns2=str(nextentry_var[start+5].text())
+ if num_turns2=="":
+ num_turns2="620"
+ addmodelline=".model "+line[3]+"_primary lcouple (num_turns= "+num_turns+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ addmodelline=".model "+line[3]+"_iron_core core ("+bh_array+" area = "+area+" length ="+length +")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ addmodelline=".model "+line[3]+"_secondary lcouple (num_turns ="+num_turns2+ ")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in transfo model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='adc8':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in_low=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ in_high=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if in_low=="": in_low="0.8"
+ if in_high=="": in_high="2.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" adc_bridge(in_low="+in_low+" in_high="+in_high+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in adc8 model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='dac8':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ out_low=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ out_high=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ out_undef=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if out_low=="": out_low="0.2"
+ if out_high=="": out_high="5.0"
+ if out_undef=="": out_undef="5.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" dac_bridge(out_low="+out_low+" out_high="+out_high+" out_undef="+out_undef+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in dac8 model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='gain':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in_offset=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ gain=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ out_offset=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" gain(in_offset="+in_offset+" out_offset="+out_offset+" gain="+gain+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in gain model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='summer':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in1_offset=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ in2_offset=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ in1_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ in2_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ out_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ out_offset=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if in1_offset=="": in1_offset="0.0"
+ if in2_offset=="": in2_offset="0.0"
+ if in1_gain=="": in1_gain="1.0"
+ if in2_gain=="": in2_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" summer(in_offset=["+in1_offset+" "+in2_offset+"] in_gain=["+in1_gain+" "+in2_gain+"] out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in summer model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='multiplier':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in1_offset=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ in2_offset=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ in1_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ in2_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ out_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ out_offset=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if in1_offset=="": in1_offset="0.0"
+ if in2_offset=="": in2_offset="0.0"
+ if in1_gain=="": in1_gain="1.0"
+ if in2_gain=="": in2_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" mult(in_offset=["+in1_offset+" "+in2_offset+"] in_gain=["+in1_gain+" "+in2_gain+"] out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in multiplier model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='divider':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ num_offset=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ den_offset=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ num_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ den_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ out_gain=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ out_offset=str(nextentry_var[start+5].text())
+ den_lower_limit=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if num_offset=="": num_offset="0.0"
+ if den_offset=="": den_offset="0.0"
+ if num_gain=="": num_gain="1.0"
+ if den_gain=="": den_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ if den_lower_limit=="": den_lower_limit="1.0e-10"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" divide(num_offset="+num_offset+" den_offset="+den_offset+" num_gain="+num_gain+" den_gain="+den_gain+" out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+" den_lower_limit="+den_lower_limit+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in divider model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='limit':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ lowerLimit=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ upperLimit=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ in_offset=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ gain=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if lowerLimit=="": lowerLimit="0.0"
+ if upperLimit=="": upperLimit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" limit(out_lower_limit="+lowerLimit+" out_upper_limit="+upperLimit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in limit model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='integrator':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ out_lower_limit=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ out_upper_limit=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ in_offset=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ gain=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ out_ic=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if out_lower_limit=="": out_lower_limit="0.0"
+ if out_upper_limit=="": out_upper_limit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ if out_ic=="": out_ic="0.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" int(out_lower_limit="+out_lower_limit+" out_upper_limit="+out_upper_limit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+" out_ic="+out_ic+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in integrator model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='differentiator':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ out_lower_limit=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ out_upper_limit=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ out_offset=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ gain=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if out_lower_limit=="": out_lower_limit="0.0"
+ if out_upper_limit=="": out_upper_limit="5.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_dt(out_lower_limit="+out_lower_limit+" out_upper_limit="+out_upper_limit+" out_offset="+out_offset+" gain="+gain+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in differentiator model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='limit8':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ lowerLimit=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ upperLimit=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ in_offset=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ gain=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if lowerLimit=="": lowerLimit="0.0"
+ if upperLimit=="": upperLimit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" limit(out_lower_limit="+lowerLimit+" out_upper_limit="+upperLimit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in limit8 model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='controlledlimiter':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in_offset=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ gain=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" climit(in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in controlledlimiter model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='analogswitch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ cntl_on=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ cntl_off=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ r_on=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ r_off=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if cntl_on=="": cntl_on="5.0"
+ if cntl_off=="": cntl_off="0.0"
+ if r_on=="": r_on="10.0"
+ if r_off=="": r_off="1e6"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" aswitch(cntl_on="+cntl_on+" cntl_off="+cntl_off+" r_on="+r_on+" r_off="+r_off+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in analogswitch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='zener':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ v_breakdown=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ i_breakdown=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ i_sat=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ n_forward=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if v_breakdown=="": v_breakdown="5.6"
+ if i_breakdown=="": i_breakdown="1.0e-2"
+ if i_sat=="": i_sat="1.0e-12"
+ if n_forward=="": n_forward="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" zener(v_breakdown="+v_breakdown+" i_breakdown="+i_breakdown+" i_sat="+i_sat+" n_forward="+n_forward+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in zener model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_buffer':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_buffer(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_buffer model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_inverter':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_inverter(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_inverter model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_and':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_and(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_and model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_nand':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_nand(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_nand model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_or':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_or(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_or model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_nor':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_nor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_nor model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_xor':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_xor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_xor model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_xnor':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_xnor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_xnor model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_tristate':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ input_load=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ enable_load=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if delay=="": delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_tristate(delay="+delay+" enable_load="+enable_load+" input_load="+input_load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_tristate model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_pullup':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ if load=="": load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_pullup(load="+load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_pullup model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_pulldown':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ if load=="": load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_pulldown(load="+load+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_pulldown model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_srlatch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ sr_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ enable_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ set_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ reset_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ sr_load=str(nextentry_var[start+5].text())
+ enable_load=str(nextentry_var[start+6].text())
+ set_load=str(nextentry_var[start+7].text())
+ reset_load=str(nextentry_var[start+8].text())
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+9].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if sr_delay=="": sr_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if sr_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_srlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+sr_load="+sr_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+sr_delay="+sr_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_srlatch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_jklatch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ jk_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ enable_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ set_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ reset_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ jk_load=str(nextentry_var[start+5].text())
+ enable_load=str(nextentry_var[start+6].text())
+ set_load=str(nextentry_var[start+7].text())
+ reset_load=str(nextentry_var[start+8].text())
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+9].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if jk_delay=="": jk_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if jk_load=="": jk_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_jklatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+jk_load="+jk_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+jk_delay="+jk_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_jklatch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_dlatch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ data_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ enable_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ set_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ reset_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ data_load=str(nextentry_var[start+5].text())
+ enable_load=str(nextentry_var[start+6].text())
+ set_load=str(nextentry_var[start+7].text())
+ reset_load=str(nextentry_var[start+8].text())
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+9].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if data_delay=="": data_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if data_load=="": data_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_dlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+data_load="+data_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+data_delay="+data_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_dlatch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_tlatch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ t_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ enable_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ set_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ reset_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ t_load=str(nextentry_var[start+5].text())
+ enable_load=str(nextentry_var[start+6].text())
+ set_load=str(nextentry_var[start+7].text())
+ reset_load=str(nextentry_var[start+8].text())
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+9].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if t_delay=="": t_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if t_load=="": t_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_tlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+t_load="+t_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+t_delay="+t_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_tlatch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_srff':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ clk_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ set_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ reset_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ sr_load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ clk_load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ set_load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ reset_load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if sr_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_srff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+sr_load="+sr_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_srff model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_jkff':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ clk_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ set_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ reset_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ jk_load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ clk_load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ set_load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ reset_load=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if jk_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_jkff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+jk_load="+jk_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_jkff model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_dff':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ clk_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ set_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ reset_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ data_load=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ clk_load=str(nextentry_var[start+5].text())
+ set_load=str(nextentry_var[start+6].text())
+ reset_load=str(nextentry_var[start+7].text())
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+8].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if data_load=="": data_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_dff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+data_load="+data_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_dff model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_tff':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ clk_delay=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ set_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+1].text())
+ reset_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+2].text())
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start+3].text())
+ t_load=str(nextentry_var[start+4].text())
+ clk_load=str(nextentry_var[start+5].text())
+ set_load=str(nextentry_var[start+6].text())
+ reset_load=str(nextentry_var[start+7].text())
+ rise_delay=str(nextentry_var[start+8].text())
+ fall_delay=str(nextentry_var[end].text())
+ if t_delay=="": t_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if t_load=="": t_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_tff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+t_load="+t_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_tff model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='ic':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ ic=str(nextentry_var[start].text())
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ addmodelline=".ic v("+line[7]+")="+ic
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in ic initial condition ",line[1]
+ else:
+ print "No model found"
+ QMessageBox.about(self,"Model Information","Please check whether used model is available inside code")
+ #tkMessageBox.showinfo("Model Info","Please check whether used model is available inside code")
+ print "Model List has been added",modelparamvalue
+def AddSourceValue():
+ #print "Add Source Value"
-# Close the file
- f.close()
+ global sourcelistvalue
+ sourcelistvalue=[]
+ global start
+ global end
+ start=0
+ end=0
+ #print "Track Source List :",sourcelisttrack
+ #print "Initial Source List Value :",sourcelistvalue
+ for compline in sourcelisttrack:
+ print "compline ",compline
+ index=compline[0]
+ addline=schematicInfo[index]
+ #print "addline ",addline,"for index ",index
+ if compline[1]=='sine':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ end=compline[3]
+ vo_val=str(entry_var[start].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start].text()))>0 else '0'
+ va_val=str(entry_var[start+1].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+1].text()))>0 else '0'
+ freq_val=str(entry_var[start+2].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+2].text()))>0 else '0'
+ td_val=str(entry_var[start+3].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+3].text()))>0 else '0'
+ theta_val=str(entry_var[end].text()) if len(str(entry_var[end].text()))>0 else '0'
+ addline=addline.partition('(')[0] + "("+vo_val+" "+va_val+" "+freq_val+" "+td_val+" "+theta_val+")"
+ #print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in sine voltage source ",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='pulse':
+ try:
+ print "yessss"
+ start=compline[2]
+ end=compline[3]
+ v1_val=str(entry_var[start].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start].text()))>0 else '0'
+ v2_val=str(entry_var[start+1].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+1].text()))>0 else '0'
+ td_val=str(entry_var[start+2].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+2].text()))>0 else '0'
+ tr_val=str(entry_var[start+3].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+3].text()))>0 else '0'
+ tf_val=str(entry_var[start+4].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+4].text()))>0 else '0'
+ pw_val=str(entry_var[start+5].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+5].text()))>0 else '0'
+ tp_val=str(entry_var[end].text()) if len(str(entry_var[end].text()))>0 else '0'
- analysisData=data.splitlines()
- for eachline in analysisData:
- eachline=eachline.strip()
- if len(eachline)>1:
- if eachline[0]=='.':
- optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ addline=addline.partition('(')[0] + "("+v1_val+" "+v2_val+" "+td_val+" "+tr_val+" "+tf_val+" "+pw_val+" "+tp_val+")"
+ #print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in pulse voltage source ",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='pwl':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ t_v_val=str(entry_var[start].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start].text()))>0 else '0 0'
+ addline=addline.partition('(')[0] + "("+t_v_val+")"
+ #print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in pwl voltage source ",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='ac':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ va_val=str(entry_var[start].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start].text()))>0 else '0'
+ addline=' '.join(addline.split())
+ addline=addline.partition('ac')[0] +" "+'ac'+" "+ va_val
+ #print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in ac voltage source ",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='dc':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ v1_val=str(entry_var[start].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start].text()))>0 else '0'
+ addline=' '.join(addline.split())
+ addline=addline.partition('dc')[0] + " " +'dc'+ " "+v1_val
+ #print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in dc voltage source",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='exp':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ end=compline[3]
+ v1_val=str(entry_var[start].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start].text()))>0 else '0'
+ v2_val=str(entry_var[start+1].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+1].text()))>0 else '0'
+ td1_val=str(entry_var[start+2].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+2].text()))>0 else '0'
+ tau1_val=str(entry_var[start+3].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+3].text()))>0 else '0'
+ td2_val=str(entry_var[start+4].text()) if len(str(entry_var[start+4].text()))>0 else '0'
+ tau2_val=str(entry_var[end].text()) if len(str(entry_var[end].text()))>0 else '0'
+ addline=addline.partition('(')[0] + "("+v1_val+" "+v2_val+" "+td1_val+" "+tau1_val+" "+td2_val+" "+tau2_val+")"
+ #print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in exp voltage source ",addline
+ #print "Final Source List Value :",sourcelistvalue
+ ##Adding into schematicInfo
+ for item in sourcelistvalue:
+ del schematicInfo[item[0]]
+ schematicInfo.insert(item[0],item[1])
+def create_ngspice_netlist():
+ #print "sche in create_ng ",schematicInfo
+ last_file=open(last_input_file,"w");
+ global spec_info
+ for info in schematicInfo:
+ spec_info=info.split()
+ if spec_info[0][0]=='v' or spec_info[0]=='.model':
+ last_file.writelines(info)
+ last_file.writelines('\n')
+ #Add newline in the schematic information
+ for i in range(len(schematicInfo),0,-1):
+ schematicInfo.insert(i,'\n')
+ outfile=filename+".out"
+ cktfile=filename+".ckt"
+ out=open(outfile,"w")
+ ckt=open(cktfile,"w")
+ out.writelines(infoline)
+ out.writelines('\n')
+ ckt.writelines(infoline)
+ ckt.writelines('\n')
+ for modelName in modelList:
+ if os.path.exists(modelName+".lib"):
+ out.writelines('.include '+modelName+'.lib\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.include '+modelName+'.lib\n')
+ for subcktName in subcktList:
+ out.writelines('.include '+subcktName+'.sub\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.include '+subcktName+'.sub\n')
+ if finalNetlist:
+ sections=[simulatorOption, initialCondOption, schematicInfo, analysisOption]
+ else:
+ sections=[simulatorOption, initialCondOption, schematicInfo]
+ for section in sections:
+ if len(section) == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ out.writelines('\n')
+ out.writelines(section)
+ ckt.writelines('\n')
+ ckt.writelines(section)
+ if finalNetlist:
+ out.writelines('\n* Control Statements \n')
+ out.writelines('.control\n')
+ out.writelines('run\n')
+ out.writelines(outputOption)
+ outputOption1=[]
+ for option in outputOption:
+ if (("plot" in option) or ("print" in option)):
+ outputOption1.append("."+option)
- pass
- return optionInfo
+ outputOption1.append(option)
+ ckt.writelines(outputOption1)
+ out.writelines('print allv > plot_data_v.txt\n')
+ out.writelines('print alli > plot_data_i.txt\n')
+ out.writelines('.endc\n')
+ out.writelines('.end\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.end\n')
+ last_file.close()
+ out.close()
+ ckt.close()
-def findCurrent(schematicInfo,outputOption):
- """Find current through component by placing voltage source series with the component"""
- i=0
- for eachline in outputOption:
- words=eachline.split()
- option=words[0]
- # Add voltage sources in series with component to find current
- if option=="print" or option=="plot":
- words.remove(option)
- updatedline=eachline
- for outputVar in words:
- # Find component name if output variable is current
- if outputVar[0]=='i':
- outputVar=outputVar.strip('i')
- outputVar=outputVar.strip('(')
- compName=outputVar.strip(')')
- # If component is voltage source, skip
- if compName[0]=='v':
- continue
- # Find the component from the circuit
- for compline in schematicInfo:
- compInfo=compline.split()
- if compInfo[0]==compName:
- # Construct dummy node
- dummyNode='dummy_'+str(i)
- i+=1
- # Break the one node component and place zero value voltage source in between.
- index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
- schematicInfo.remove(compline)
- compline=compline.replace(compInfo[2],dummyNode)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
- schematicInfo.append('v'+compName+' '+dummyNode+' '+compInfo[2]+' 0')
- # Update option information
- updatedline=updatedline.replace('i('+compName+')','i(v'+compName+')')
- index=outputOption.index(eachline)
- outputOption.remove(eachline)
- outputOption.insert(index,updatedline)
- return schematicInfo, outputOption
+ print "The ngspice netlist has been written in "+filename+".out"
+ print "The scilab netlist has been written in "+filename+".ckt"
-def insertSpecialSourceParam(schematicInfo):
- """Insert Special source parameters"""
- schematicInfo1=[]
- for compline in schematicInfo:
- words=compline.split()
- compName=words[0]
- # Ask for parameters of the source
- if compName[0]=='v' or compName[0]=='i':
- # Find the index component from the circuit
- index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
- schematicInfo.remove(compline)
- if words[3]=="pulse":
- print "----------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for pulse source "+compName
- v1=raw_input(' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): ')
- v2=raw_input(' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): ')
- td=raw_input(' Enter delay time (seconds): ')
- tr=raw_input(' Enter rise time (seconds): ')
- tf=raw_input(' Enter fall time (seconds): ')
- pw=raw_input(' Enter pulse width (seconds): ')
- tp=raw_input(' Enter period (seconds): ')
- print "----------------------------------------------"
- compline=compline + "("+v1+" "+v2+" "+td+" "+tr+" "+tf+" "+pw+" "+tp+")"
- elif words[3]=="sine":
- print "----------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for sine source "+compName
- vo=raw_input(' Enter offset value (Volts/Amps): ')
- va=raw_input(' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): ')
- freq=raw_input(' Enter frequency (Hz): ')
- td=raw_input(' Enter delay time (seconds): ')
- theta=raw_input(' Enter damping factor (1/seconds): ')
- print "----------------------------------------------"
- compline=compline + "("+vo+" "+va+" "+freq+" "+td+" "+theta+")"
- elif words[3]=="ac":
- print "----------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for ac source "+compName
- v_a=raw_input(' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): ')
- print "----------------------------------------------"
- compline=compline + " " + v_a
- elif words[3]=="exp":
- print "----------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for exponential source "+compName
- v1=raw_input(' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): ')
- v2=raw_input(' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): ')
- td1=raw_input(' Enter rise delay time (seconds): ')
- tau1=raw_input(' Enter rise time constant (seconds): ')
- td2=raw_input(' Enter fall time (seconds): ')
- tau2=raw_input(' Enter fall time constant (seconds): ')
- print "----------------------------------------------"
- compline=compline + "("+v1+" "+v2+" "+td1+" "+tau1+" "+td2+" "+tau2+")"
- elif words[3]=="pwl":
- print "----------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for piecewise linear source "+compName
- inp="y"
- compline=compline + "("
- while inp=="y":
- t1=raw_input(' Enter time (seconds): ')
- v1=raw_input(' Enter value(Volts/Amps): ')
- compline=compline + t1+" "+v1+" "
- inp=raw_input(' Do you want to continue(y/n): ')
- print "----------------------------------------------"
- compline=compline + ")"
- elif words[3]=="dc":
- print "----------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for DC source "+compName
- v1=raw_input(' Enter value(Volts/Amps): ')
- print "----------------------------------------------"
- compline=compline + " "+v1
- schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
- elif compName[0]=='h' or compName[0]=='f':
- # Find the index component from the circuit
- index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
- schematicInfo.remove(compline)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compName)
- schematicInfo1.append("V"+compName+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" 0")
- schematicInfo1.append(compName+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+"V"+compName+" "+words[5])
- schematicInfo=schematicInfo+schematicInfo1
- return schematicInfo
-def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption):
- """Insert Special source parameters"""
+def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption,guimodelvalue):
+ #Insert Special source parameters
+ #print "schematicInfo is ",schematicInfo
+ #print "guimodelvalue is ",guimodelvalue
for compline in schematicInfo:
@@ -247,8 +1293,9 @@ def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption):
if compName[0]=='u':
# Find the component from the circuit
- schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
if (compType=="7404" or compType=="74hc04" or compType=="74hct04" or compType=="74ls04" or compType=="74ls14"):
# Add first three Not gates
@@ -516,6 +1563,24 @@ def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption):
schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
# Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7475" or compType=="74hc75" or compType=="74ls75"):
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[1]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add T Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in ~"+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[1]+"_in "+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out] ["+words[5]+" "+words[6]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for T Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_tff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
elif (compType=="74107" or compType=="74hc107" or compType=="74ls107"):
if len(words)>11:
# Add analog to digital converter for inputs
@@ -583,6 +1648,24 @@ def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption):
schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
# Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7471" or compType=="74hc71" or compType=="74ls71"):
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[5]+"_in "+words[1]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add S-R Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[2]+"_in ~"+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[5]+"_in ~"+words[1]+"_in "+words[6]+"_out "+words[7]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[6]+"_out "+words[7]+"_out] ["+words[6]+" "+words[7]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for SR Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_srff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge741
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
elif (compType=="74112" or compType=="74hc112" or compType=="74ls112"):
if len(words)>12:
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" ~"+words[1]+" ~"+words[4]+" ~"+words[15]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
@@ -608,596 +1691,522 @@ def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption):
for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+len(words)/2]+"] "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Analog to Digital converter "+compType)
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for analog to digital converter "+compName
- in_low=raw_input(' Enter input low level voltage (default=0.8): ')
- in_high=raw_input(' Enter input high level voltage (default=2.0): ')
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Analog to Digital Converter"
+ Comment='* Analog to Digital converter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for analog to digital converter '+compName
+ in_low=' Enter input low level voltage (default=0.8): '
+ in_high=' Enter input high level voltage (default=2.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if in_low=="": in_low="0.8"
- if in_high=="": in_high="2.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" adc_bridge(in_low="+in_low+" in_high="+in_high+" )")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in_low,in_high])
elif compType=="dac8":
for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+len(words)/2]+"] "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Digital to Analog converter "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for digital to analog converter "+compName
- out_low=raw_input(' Enter output low level voltage (default=0.2): ')
- out_high=raw_input(' Enter output high level voltage (default=5.0): ')
- out_undef=raw_input(' Enter output for undefined voltage level (default=2.2): ')
+ print "Adding Digital to Analog converter"
+ Comment='* Digital to Analog converter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for digital to analog converter '+compName
+ out_low=' Enter output low level voltage (default=0.2): '
+ out_high=' Enter output high level voltage (default=5.0): '
+ out_undef=' Enter output for undefined voltage level (default=2.2): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if out_low=="": out_low="0.2"
- if out_high=="": out_high="5.0"
- if out_undef=="": out_undef="5.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" dac_bridge(out_low="+out_low+" out_high="+out_high+" out_undef="+out_undef+" )")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,out_low,out_high,out_undef])
elif compType=="gain":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Gain "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Gain "+compName
- in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
- gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
- out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
+ print "Adding Gain"
+ Comment='* Gain '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Gain '+compName
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
- if gain=="": gain="1.0"
- if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" gain(in_offset="+in_offset+" out_offset="+out_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in_offset,gain,out_offset])
elif compType=="summer":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Summer "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Summer "+compName
- in1_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input 1 (default=0.0): ')
- in2_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input 2 (default=0.0): ')
- in1_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for input 1 (default=1.0): ')
- in2_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for input 2 (default=1.0): ')
- out_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): ')
- out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
+ print "Adding summer"
+ Comment='* Summer '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Summer '+compName
+ in1_offset=' Enter offset for input 1 (default=0.0): '
+ in2_offset=' Enter offset for input 2 (default=0.0): '
+ in1_gain=' Enter gain for input 1 (default=1.0): '
+ in2_gain=' Enter gain for input 2 (default=1.0): '
+ out_gain=' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if in1_offset=="": in1_offset="0.0"
- if in2_offset=="": in2_offset="0.0"
- if in1_gain=="": in1_gain="1.0"
- if in2_gain=="": in2_gain="1.0"
- if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
- if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" summer(in_offset=["+in1_offset+" "+in2_offset+"] in_gain=["+in1_gain+" "+in2_gain+"] out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in1_offset,in2_offset,in1_gain,in2_gain,out_gain,out_offset])
elif compType=="multiplier":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Multiplier "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Multiplier "+compName
- in1_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input 1 (default=0.0): ')
- in2_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input 2 (default=0.0): ')
- in1_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for input 1 (default=1.0): ')
- in2_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for input 2 (default=1.0): ')
- out_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): ')
- out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
+ print "Adding Multiplier"
+ Comment='* Multiplier '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Multiplier '+compName
+ in1_offset=' Enter offset for input 1 (default=0.0): '
+ in2_offset=' Enter offset for input 2 (default=0.0): '
+ in1_gain=' Enter gain for input 1 (default=1.0): '
+ in2_gain=' Enter gain for input 2 (default=1.0): '
+ out_gain=' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if in1_offset=="": in1_offset="0.0"
- if in2_offset=="": in2_offset="0.0"
- if in1_gain=="": in1_gain="1.0"
- if in2_gain=="": in2_gain="1.0"
- if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
- if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" mult(in_offset=["+in1_offset+" "+in2_offset+"] in_gain=["+in1_gain+" "+in2_gain+"] out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in1_offset,in2_offset,in1_gain,in2_gain,out_gain,out_offset])
elif compType=="divider":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Divider "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Divider "+compName
- num_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for numerator (default=0.0): ')
- den_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for denominator (default=0.0): ')
- num_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for numerator (default=1.0): ')
- den_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for denominator (default=1.0): ')
- out_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): ')
- out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
- den_lower_limit=raw_input(' Enter lower limit for denominator value (default=1.0e-10): ')
+ print "Adding Divider"
+ Comment='Divider '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Divider '+compName
+ num_offset=' Enter offset for numerator (default=0.0): '
+ den_offset=' Enter offset for denominator (default=0.0): '
+ num_gain=' Enter gain for numerator (default=1.0): '
+ den_gain=' Enter gain for denominator (default=1.0): '
+ out_gain=' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
+ den_lower_limit=' Enter lower limit for denominator value (default=1.0e-10): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if num_offset=="": num_offset="0.0"
- if den_offset=="": den_offset="0.0"
- if num_gain=="": num_gain="1.0"
- if den_gain=="": den_gain="1.0"
- if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
- if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
- if den_lower_limit=="": den_lower_limit="1.0e-10"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" divide(num_offset="+num_offset+" den_offset="+den_offset+" num_gain="+num_gain+" den_gain="+den_gain+" out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+" den_lower_limit="+den_lower_limit+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,num_offset,den_offset,num_gain,den_gain,out_gain,out_offset,den_lower_limit])
elif compType=="limit":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Limiter "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Limiter "+compName
- lowerLimit=raw_input(' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): ')
- upperLimit=raw_input(' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): ')
- in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
- gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ print "Adding limiter"
+ Comment='* Limiter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Limiter '+compName
+ lowerLimit=' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): '
+ upperLimit=' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): '
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if lowerLimit=="": lowerLimit="0.0"
- if upperLimit=="": upperLimit="5.0"
- if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
- if gain=="": gain="1.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" limit(out_lower_limit="+lowerLimit+" out_upper_limit="+upperLimit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,lowerLimit,upperLimit,in_offset,gain])
elif compType=="integrator":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Integrator "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Integrator "+compName
- out_lower_limit=raw_input(' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): ')
- out_upper_limit=raw_input(' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): ')
- in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
- gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
- out_ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0.0): ')
+ print "Adding integrator"
+ Comment='* Integrator '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Integrator '+compName
+ out_lower_limit=' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): '
+ out_upper_limit=' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): '
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
+ out_ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if out_lower_limit=="": out_lower_limit="0.0"
- if out_upper_limit=="": out_upper_limit="5.0"
- if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
- if gain=="": gain="1.0"
- if out_ic=="": out_ic="0.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" int(out_lower_limit="+out_lower_limit+" out_upper_limit="+out_upper_limit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+" out_ic="+out_ic+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,out_lower_limit,out_upper_limit,in_offset,gain,out_ic])
elif compType=="differentiator":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Differentiator "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Differentiator "+compName
- out_lower_limit=raw_input(' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): ')
- out_upper_limit=raw_input(' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): ')
- out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
- gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ print "Adding Differentiator"
+ Comment='* Differentiator '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Differentiator '+compName
+ out_lower_limit=' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): '
+ out_upper_limit=' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if out_lower_limit=="": out_lower_limit="0.0"
- if out_upper_limit=="": out_upper_limit="5.0"
- if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
- if gain=="": gain="1.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_dt(out_lower_limit="+out_lower_limit+" out_upper_limit="+out_upper_limit+" out_offset="+out_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,out_lower_limit,out_upper_limit,out_offset,gain])
elif compType=="limit8":
for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[i+1]+" "+words[i+len(words)/2]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Limiter "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Limiter "+compName
- lowerLimit=raw_input(' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): ')
- upperLimit=raw_input(' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): ')
- in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
- gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ print "Adding limiter"
+ Comment='* Limiter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Limiter '+compName
+ lowerLimit=' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): '
+ upperLimit=' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): '
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if lowerLimit=="": lowerLimit="0.0"
- if upperLimit=="": upperLimit="5.0"
- if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
- if gain=="": gain="1.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" limit(out_lower_limit="+lowerLimit+" out_upper_limit="+upperLimit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,lowerLimit,upperLimit,in_offset,gain])
elif compType=="controlledlimiter":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Controlled Limiter "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Controlled Limiter "+compName
- in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
- gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ print "Adding controlledlimiter"
+ Comment='* Controlled Limiter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Controlled Limiter '+compName
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
- if gain=="": gain="1.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" climit(in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in_offset,gain])
elif compType=="analogswitch":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" ("+words[2]+" "+words[3]+") "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Analog Switch "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Analog Switch "+compName
- cntl_on=raw_input(' Enter control ON voltage (default=5.0): ')
- cntl_off=raw_input(' Enter control OFF voltage (default=0.0): ')
- r_on=raw_input(' Enter ON resistance value (default=10.0): ')
- r_off=raw_input(' Enter OFF resistance value (default=1e6): ')
+ print "Adding analogswitch"
+ Comment='* Analog Switch '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Analog Switch '+compName
+ cntl_on=' Enter control ON voltage (default=5.0): '
+ cntl_off=' Enter control OFF voltage (default=0.0): '
+ r_on=' Enter ON resistance value (default=10.0): '
+ r_off=' Enter OFF resistance value (default=1e6): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if cntl_on=="": cntl_on="5.0"
- if cntl_off=="": cntl_off="0.0"
- if r_on=="": r_on="10.0"
- if r_off=="": r_off="1e6"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" aswitch(cntl_on="+cntl_on+" cntl_off="+cntl_off+" r_on="+r_on+" r_off="+r_off+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,cntl_on,cntl_off,r_on,r_off])
elif compType=="zener":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Zener Diode "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Zener Diode "+compName
- v_breakdown=raw_input(' Enter Breakdown voltage (default=5.6): ')
- i_breakdown=raw_input(' Enter Breakdown current (default=2.0e-2): ')
- i_sat=raw_input(' Enter saturation current (default=1.0e-12): ')
- n_forward=raw_input(' Enter forward emission coefficient (default=0.0): ')
+ print "Adding Zener"
+ Comment='* Zener Diode '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Zener Diode '+compName
+ v_breakdown=' Enter Breakdown voltage (default=5.6): '
+ i_breakdown=' Enter Breakdown current (default=2.0e-2): '
+ i_sat=' Enter saturation current (default=1.0e-12): '
+ n_forward=' Enter forward emission coefficient (default=0.0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if v_breakdown=="": v_breakdown="5.6"
- if i_breakdown=="": i_breakdown="1.0e-2"
- if i_sat=="": i_sat="1.0e-12"
- if n_forward=="": n_forward="1.0"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" zener(v_breakdown="+v_breakdown+" i_breakdown="+i_breakdown+" i_sat="+i_sat+" n_forward="+n_forward+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,v_breakdown,i_breakdown,i_sat,n_forward])
elif compType=="d_buffer":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Buffer "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Buffer "+compName
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding Buffer"
+ Comment='* Buffer '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Buffer '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_buffer(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
elif compType=="d_inverter":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Inverter "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Inverter "+compName
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding Inverter"
+ Comment='* Inverter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Inverter '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_inverter(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
elif compType=="d_and":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* And "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for And "+compName
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding AND"
+ Comment='* And '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for And '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_and(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
elif compType=="d_nand":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Nand "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Nand "+compName
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding NAND"
+ Comment='* Nand '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Nand '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_nand(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
elif compType=="d_or":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* OR "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for OR "+compName
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding OR"
+ Comment='* OR '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for OR '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_or(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
elif compType=="d_nor":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* NOR "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for NOR "+compName
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding NOR"
+ Comment='* NOR '+compType
+ Title ='Add parameters for NOR '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_nor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
elif compType=="d_xor":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* XOR "+compType)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for XOR "+compName
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding XOR"
+ Comment='* XOR '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for XOR '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_xor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
elif compType=="d_xnor":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* XNOR "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for XNOR "+compName
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding XNOR"
+ Comment='* XNOR '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for XNOR '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_xnor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
elif compType=="d_tristate":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Tristate "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Tristate "+compName
- delay=raw_input(' Enter delay (default=1e-12): ')
- input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding Tristate"
+ Comment='* Tristate '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Tristate '+compName
+ delay=' Enter delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if delay=="": delay="1e-12"
- if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
- if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_tristate(delay="+delay+" enable_load="+enable_load+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,delay,input_load,enable_load])
elif compType=="d_pullup":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Pullup "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Pullup "+compName
- load=raw_input(' Enter load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding pullup"
+ Comment='* Pullup '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Pullup '+compName
+ load=' Enter load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if load=="": load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_pullup(load="+load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,load])
elif compType=="d_pulldown":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Pullup "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for Pullup "+compName
- load=raw_input(' Enter load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding pulldown"
+ Comment='* Pulldown '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Pulldown '+compName
+ load=' Enter load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if load=="": load="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_pulldown(load="+load+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,load])
elif compType=="d_srlatch":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* SR Latch "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for SR Latch "+compName
- sr_delay=raw_input(' Enter input to set-reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_delay=raw_input(' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): ')
- set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
- sr_load=raw_input(' Enter input to set-reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): ')
- set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding SR Latch"
+ Comment='* SR Latch '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for SR Latch '+compName
+ sr_delay=' Enter input to set-reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_delay=' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ sr_load=' Enter input to set-reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if sr_delay=="": sr_delay="1e-12"
- if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
- if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
- if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- if sr_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
- if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
- if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
- if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_srlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+sr_load="+sr_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+sr_delay="+sr_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,sr_delay,enable_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,sr_load,enable_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
elif compType=="d_jklatch":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* JK Latch "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for JK Latch "+compName
- jk_delay=raw_input(' Enter input to j-k delay (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_delay=raw_input(' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): ')
- set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
- jk_load=raw_input(' Enter input to j-k load (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): ')
- set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding JK Latch"
+ Comment='* JK Latch '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for JK Latch '+compName
+ jk_delay=' Enter input to j-k delay (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_delay=' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ jk_load=' Enter input to j-k load (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if jk_delay=="": jk_delay="1e-12"
- if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
- if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
- if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- if jk_load=="": jk_load="1e-12"
- if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
- if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
- if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jklatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+jk_load="+jk_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+jk_delay="+jk_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,jk_delay,enable_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,enable_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
elif compType=="d_dlatch":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* D Latch "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for D Latch "+compName
- data_delay=raw_input(' Enter input to data delay (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_delay=raw_input(' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): ')
- set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
- data_load=raw_input(' Enter input to data load (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): ')
- set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding D Latch"
+ Comment='* D Latch '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for D Latch '+compName
+ data_delay=' Enter input to data delay (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_delay=' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ data_load=' Enter input to data load (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if data_delay=="": data_delay="1e-12"
- if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
- if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
- if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- if data_load=="": data_load="1e-12"
- if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
- if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
- if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_dlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+data_load="+data_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+data_delay="+data_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,data_delay,enable_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,data_load,enable_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
elif compType=="d_tlatch":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* T Latch "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for T Latch "+compName
- t_delay=raw_input(' Enter input to t delay (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_delay=raw_input(' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): ')
- set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
- t_load=raw_input(' Enter input to t load (default=1e-12): ')
- enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): ')
- set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding T Latch"
+ Comment='* T Latch '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for T Latch '+compName
+ t_delay=' Enter input to t delay (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_delay=' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ t_load=' Enter input to t load (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if t_delay=="": t_delay="1e-12"
- if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
- if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
- if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- if t_load=="": t_load="1e-12"
- if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
- if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
- if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_tlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+t_load="+t_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+t_delay="+t_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,t_delay,enable_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,t_load,enable_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
elif compType=="d_srff":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* SR Flip-Flop "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for SR Flip-Flop "+compName
- clk_delay=raw_input(' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): ')
- set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
- sr_load=raw_input(' Enter input to set-reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- clk_load=raw_input(' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): ')
- set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding SR Flip-Flop"
+ Comment='* SR Flip-Flop '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for SR Flip-Flop '+compName
+ clk_delay=' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ sr_load=' Enter input to set-reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ clk_load=' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
- if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
- if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- if sr_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
- if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
- if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
- if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_srff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+sr_load="+sr_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,clk_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,sr_load,clk_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
elif compType=="d_jkff":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* JK Flip-Flop "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for JK Flip-Flop "+compName
- clk_delay=raw_input(' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): ')
- set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
- jk_load=raw_input(' Enter input to j-k load (default=1e-12): ')
- clk_load=raw_input(' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): ')
- set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding JK Flip-Flop"
+ Comment='* JK Flip-Flop '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for JK Flip-Flop '+compName
+ clk_delay=' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ jk_load=' Enter input to j-k load (default=1e-12): '
+ clk_load=' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
- if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
- if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- if jk_load=="": jk_load="1e-12"
- if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
- if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
- if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jkff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+jk_load="+jk_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,clk_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,jk_load,clk_load,set_load,reset_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
elif compType=="d_dff":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* D Flip-Flop "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for D Flip-Flop "+compName
- clk_delay=raw_input(' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): ')
- set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
- data_load=raw_input(' Enter input to data load (default=1e-12): ')
- clk_load=raw_input(' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): ')
- set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding D Flip-Flop"
+ Comment='* D Flip-Flop '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for D Flip-Flop '+compName
+ clk_delay=' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ data_load=' Enter input to data load (default=1e-12): '
+ clk_load=' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
- if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
- if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- if data_load=="": data_load="1e-12"
- if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
- if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
- if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_dff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+data_load="+data_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,clk_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,data_load,clk_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
elif compType=="d_tff":
schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* T Flip-Flop "+compType)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for T Flip-Flip "+compName
- clk_delay=raw_input(' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): ')
- set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
- t_load=raw_input(' Enter input to t load (default=1e-12): ')
- clk_load=raw_input(' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): ')
- set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
- reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
- rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
- fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "Adding T Flip-Flop"
+ Comment='* T Flip-Flop '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for T Flip-Flip '+compName
+ clk_delay=' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ t_load=' Enter input to t load (default=1e-12): '
+ clk_load=' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if t_delay=="": t_delay="1e-12"
- if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
- if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
- if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- if t_load=="": t_load="1e-12"
- if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
- if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
- if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
- if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
- if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
- schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_tff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+t_load="+t_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,clk_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,t_load,clk_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
elif compType=="vplot1":
outputOption.append("plot v("+words[1]+")\n")
schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
@@ -1207,9 +2216,24 @@ def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption):
outputOption.append("v("+words[i]+") ")
schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vdbplot8_1":
+ outputOption.append("plot ")
+ for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
+ outputOption.append("db(v("+words[i]+")) ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vphase_plot8_1":
+ outputOption.append("plot ")
+ for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
+ outputOption.append("ph(v("+words[i]+")) ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
elif compType=="vprint1":
outputOption.append("print v("+words[1]+")\n")
schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printing option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="calc":
+ outputOption.append("plot "+words[2]+"\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
elif compType=="vprint8_1":
outputOption.append("print ")
for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
@@ -1235,240 +2259,437 @@ def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption):
elif compType=="iplot":
schematicInfo.insert(index,"V_"+words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" 0")
outputOption.append("plot i(V_"+words[0]+")\n")
+ elif compType=="powerplot":
+ outputOption.append("print ((v("+words[1]+")-v("+words[2]+"))^2)/("+words[3]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printting option "+compType)
elif compType=="ic":
+ Comment='*Adding initial Condition '+compType
+ Title=' Add initial condition ' +compName
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ print "Adding initial condition"
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- if ic=="": ic="0"
- schematicInfo.insert(index,".ic v("+words[1]+")="+ic)
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,words[1],ic])
+ elif compType=="opamp1":
+ f = open(OSCAD_HOME)
+ data =
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,data)
elif compType=="transfo":
- schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ("+words[1]+" "+words[2]+") (2mmf "+words[2]+") primary")
- k=k+1
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for primary "
- num_turns=raw_input(' Enter the number of turns in primary (default=310): ')
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- if num_turns=="": num_turns="310"
- schematicInfo.append(".model primary lcouple (num_turns = "+num_turns+ ")")
- schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" (2mmf 3mmf) iron_core")
- k=k+1
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- inp1=raw_input(' Do you want to populate the B-H table?y/n (if n, default values will be used): ')
- if inp1=='y' or inp1=='Y':
- print "Enter the values in the H, B table to construct B-H curve "
- inp="y"
- h_array= "H_array = [ "
- b_array = "B_array = [ "
- while inp=="y":
- h1=raw_input(' Enter H value: ')
- h_array = h_array+ h1+" "
- b1=raw_input(' Enter corresponding B value: ')
- b_array = b_array+ b1+" "
- inp=raw_input(' Do you want to continue(y/n): ')
- modelline = h_array+" ] " + b_array+" ]"
- else:
- modelline = "H_array = [-1000 -500 -375 -250 -188 -125 -63 0 63 125 188 250 375 500 1000] B_array = [-3.13e-3 -2.63e-3 -2.33e-3 -1.93e-3 -1.5e-3 -6.25e-4 -2.5e-4 0 2.5e-4 6.25e-4 1.5e-3 1.93e-3 2.33e-3 2.63e-3 3.13e-3]"
- area =raw_input( 'Enter the cross-sectional area of the core: (default = 1)')
- length =raw_input( 'Enter the core length: (default = 0.01)')
- print "----------------------------------------------\n"
- if area=="": area="1"
- if length=="":length="0.01"
- schematicInfo.append(".model iron_core core ("+modelline+" area = "+area+" length = "+length +")")
- schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ("+words[4]+" "+words[3]+") (3mmf "+words[3]+") secondary")
- k=k+1
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- print "Add parameters for secondary "
- num_turns2=raw_input(' Enter the number of turns in secondary (default=620): ')
- print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
- if num_turns2=="": num_turns2="620"
- schematicInfo.append(".model secondary lcouple (num_turns = "+num_turns2+ ")")
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ("+words[1]+" "+words[2]+") (2mmf "+words[2]+") "+compName+"_primary")
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "------------------------------------------------------------"
+ Comment="*Adding transformer "+compType
+ Title="Add parameters for primary and secondary "+compName
+ num_turns="Enter the number of turns in primary (default=310):"
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" (2mmf 3mmf) "+compName+"_iron_core")
+ k=k+1
+ h1="Enter H value for B-H table seperated by spcae (default=blank)"
+ b1="Enter corresponding B value seperated by space (default=blank)"
+ area="Enter the cross-sectional area of the core: (default = 1)"
+ length ="Enter the core length: (default = 0.01)"
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ("+words[4]+" "+words[3]+") (3mmf "+words[3]+") "+compName+"_secondary")
+ k=k+1
+ num_turns2="Enter the number of turns in secondary (default=620):"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,num_turns,h1,b1,area,length,num_turns2])
# Update option information
- return schematicInfo,outputOption
+ return schematicInfo,outputOption,guimodelvalue
-# Accept input file name from user if not provided
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- filename=raw_input('Enter file name: ')
- filename=sys.argv[1]
-if len(sys.argv) < 3:
- finalNetlist=int(raw_input('Do you want to create final file: '))
- finalNetlist=int(sys.argv[2])
-print "=================================="
-print "Kicad to Ngspice netlist converter "
-print "=================================="
-print "converting "+filename
-# Read the netlist
-# Construct parameter information
-# Replace parameter with values
-netlist, infoline=preprocessNetlist(lines,param)
-# Separate option and schematic information
-optionInfo, schematicInfo=separateNetlistInfo(netlist)
-if finalNetlist:
- # Insert analysis from file
- optionInfo=addAnalysis(optionInfo)
-# Find the analysis option
-for eachline in optionInfo:
- words=eachline.split()
- option=words[0]
- if (option=='.ac' or option=='.dc' or
- option=='.disto' or option=='.noise' or
- option=='.op' or option=='.pz' or
- option=='.sens' or option=='.tf' or
- option=='.tran'):
- analysisOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+def previous_file_open(filename):
+ """Read Pspice netList"""
+ # Open file if it exists
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ global last_info
+ f.close()
+ return 1;
+ except :
+ print("Error in opening file")
+ return 0;
+ else:
+ print filename + " does not exist"
+ return 0;
+def readNetlist(filename):
+ """Read Pspice netList"""
+ # Open file if it exists
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ except :
+ print("Error in opening file")
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print filename + " does not exist"
+ sys.exit()
+ # Read the data from file
+ # Close the file
+ f.close()
+ return data.splitlines()
+def readParamInfo(data):
+ """Read Parameter information and store it into dictionary"""
+ print "data "
+ print data
+ param={}
+ for eachline in lines:
print eachline
- elif (option=='.save' or option=='.print' or
- option=='.plot' or option=='.four'):
- eachline=eachline.strip('.')
- outputOption.append(eachline+'\n')
- elif (option=='.nodeset' or option=='.ic'):
- initialCondOption.append(eachline+'\n')
- elif option=='.option':
- simulatorOption.append(eachline+'\n')
- elif (option=='.include' or option=='.lib'):
- includeOption.append(eachline+'\n')
- elif (option=='.model'):
- model.append(eachline+'\n')
- elif option=='.end':
- continue;
-# Find the various model library required
-for eachline in schematicInfo:
- words=eachline.split()
- if eachline[0]=='d':
- modelName=words[3]
- if modelName in modelList:
- continue
- modelList.append(modelName)
- elif eachline[0]=='q':
- modelName=words[4]
- index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
- schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[4])
- if modelName in modelList:
- continue
- modelList.append(modelName)
- elif eachline[0]=='m':
- modelName=words[4]
- index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
- schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
- width=raw_input(' Enter width of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=100u):')
- length=raw_input(' Enter length of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=5u):')
- multiplicative_factor=raw_input(' Enter multiplicative factor of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=1):')
- AD=raw_input(' Enter drain area, AD of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=5*(L/2)*W): ')
- AS=raw_input(' Enter source area, AS of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=5*(L/2)*W): ')
- PD=raw_input(' Enter drain perimeter, PD of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=2*W+10*L/2): ')
- PS=raw_input(' Enter source perimeter, PS of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=2*W+10*L/2): ')
- if width=="": width="0.0001"
- if multiplicative_factor=="": multiplicative_factor="1"
- if length=="": length="0.000005"
- if PD=="": PD = 2*float(width)+10*float(length)/2
- if PS=="": PS = 2*float(width)+10*float(length)/2
- if AD=="": AD = 5*(float(length)/2)*float(width)
- if AS=="": AS = 5*(float(length)/2)*float(width)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+'M='+multiplicative_factor+" "+'L='+length+" "+'W='+width+" "+'PD='+str(PD)+" "+'PS='+str(PS)+" "+'AD='+str(AD)+" "+'AS='+str(AS))
- if modelName in modelList:
- continue
- modelList.append(modelName)
- elif eachline[0]=='j':
- modelName=words[4]
- index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
- schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
- schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4])
- if modelName in modelList:
- continue
- modelList.append(modelName)
- elif eachline[0]=='x':
- subcktName=words[len(words)-1]
- if subcktName in subcktList:
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ words=eachline.split();
+ option=words[0].lower()
+ if option=='.param':
+ for i in range(1, len(words), 1):
+ paramList=words[i].split('=')
+ param[paramList[0]]=paramList[1]
+ return param
+def preprocessNetlist(lines,param):
+ """Preprocess netlist (replace parameters)"""
+ netlist=[]
+ for eachline in lines:
+ # Remove leading and trailing blanks spaces from line
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ # Remove special character $
+ eachline=eachline.replace('$','')
+ # Replace parameter with values
+ for subParam in eachline.split():
+ if '}' in subParam:
+ key=subParam.split()[0]
+ key=key.strip('{')
+ key=key.strip('}')
+ if key in param:
+ eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',param[key])
+ else:
+ print "Parameter " + key +" does not exists"
+ value=raw_input('Enter parameter value: ')
+ eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',value)
+ # Convert netlist into lower case letter
+ eachline=eachline.lower()
+ # Construct netlist
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ if eachline[0]=='+':
+ netlist.append(netlist.pop()+eachline.replace('+',' '))
+ else:
+ netlist.append(eachline)
+ # Copy information line
+ infoline=netlist[0]
+ netlist.remove(netlist[0])
+ return netlist,infoline
+def separateNetlistInfo(netlist):
+ optionInfo=[]
+ schematicInfo=[]
+ for eachline in netlist:
+ if eachline[0]=='*':
- subcktList.append(subcktName)
-# Find current through components
-# Add parameter to sources
-# Add newline in the schematic information
-for i in range(len(schematicInfo),0,-1):
- schematicInfo.insert(i,'\n')
-for modelName in modelList:
- if os.path.exists(modelName+".lib"):
- out.writelines('.include '+modelName+'.lib\n')
- ckt.writelines('.include '+modelName+'.lib\n')
-for subcktName in subcktList:
- out.writelines('.include '+subcktName+'.sub\n')
- ckt.writelines('.include '+subcktName+'.sub\n')
-if finalNetlist:
- sections=[simulatorOption, initialCondOption, schematicInfo, analysisOption]
- sections=[simulatorOption, initialCondOption, schematicInfo]
-for section in sections:
- if len(section) == 0:
- continue
- else:
- out.writelines('\n')
- out.writelines(section)
- ckt.writelines('\n')
- ckt.writelines(section)
-if finalNetlist:
- out.writelines('\n* Control Statements \n')
- out.writelines('.control\n')
- out.writelines('run\n')
- out.writelines(outputOption)
- outputOption1=[]
- for option in outputOption:
- if (("plot" in option) or ("print" in option)):
- outputOption1.append("."+option)
+ elif eachline[0]=='.':
+ optionInfo.append(eachline)
- outputOption1.append(option)
- ckt.writelines(outputOption1)
- out.writelines('.endc\n')
- out.writelines('.end\n')
- ckt.writelines('.end\n')
-print "The ngspice netlist has been written in "+filename+".out"
-print "The scilab netlist has been written in "+filename+".ckt"
-dummy=raw_input('Press Enter to quit')
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ return optionInfo,schematicInfo
+def addAnalysis(optionInfo):
+ """Open file if it exists"""
+ filename="analysis"
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ except :
+ print("Error in opening file")
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print filename + " does not exist"
+ sys.exit()
+# Read the data from file
+# Close the file
+ f.close()
+ analysisData=data.splitlines()
+ for eachline in analysisData:
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ if eachline[0]=='.':
+ optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ else:
+ pass
+ return optionInfo
+def findCurrent(schematicInfo,outputOption):
+ #Find current through component by placing voltage source series with the component
+ i=0
+ for eachline in outputOption:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ option=words[0]
+ # Add voltage sources in series with component to find current
+ if option=="print" or option=="plot":
+ words.remove(option)
+ updatedline=eachline
+ for outputVar in words:
+ # Find component name if output variable is current
+ if outputVar[0]=='i':
+ outputVar=outputVar.strip('i')
+ outputVar=outputVar.strip('(')
+ compName=outputVar.strip(')')
+ # If component is voltage source, skip
+ if compName[0]=='v':
+ continue
+ # Find the component from the circuit
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ compInfo=compline.split()
+ if compInfo[0]==compName:
+ # Construct dummy node
+ dummyNode='dummy_'+str(i)
+ i+=1
+ # Break the one node component and place zero value voltage source in between.
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ compline=compline.replace(compInfo[2],dummyNode)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
+ schematicInfo.append('v'+compName+' '+dummyNode+' '+compInfo[2]+' 0')
+ # Update option information
+ updatedline=updatedline.replace('i('+compName+')','i(v'+compName+')')
+ index=outputOption.index(eachline)
+ outputOption.remove(eachline)
+ outputOption.insert(index,updatedline)
+ return schematicInfo, outputOption
+def insertSpecialSourceParam(schematicInfo,sourcelist):
+ #Inser Special source parameter
+ schematicInfo1=[]
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ words=compline.split()
+ compName=words[0]
+ # Ask for parameters of source
+ if compName[0]=='v' or compName=='i':
+ # Find the index component from circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ #schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ if words[3]=="pulse":
+ Title="Add parameters for pulse source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): '
+ td=' Enter delay time (seconds): '
+ tr=' Enter rise time (seconds): '
+ tf=' Enter fall time (seconds): '
+ pw=' Enter pulse width (seconds): '
+ tp=' Enter period (seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2,td,tr,tf,pw,tp])
+ elif words[3]=="sine":
+ Title="Add parameters for sine source "+compName
+ vo=' Enter offset value (Volts/Amps): '
+ va=' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): '
+ freq=' Enter frequency (Hz): '
+ td=' Enter delay time (seconds): '
+ theta=' Enter damping factor (1/seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,vo,va,freq,td,theta])
+ elif words[3]=="pwl":
+ Title="Add parameters for pwl source"+compName
+ t_v=' Enter in pwl format without bracket i.e t1 v1 t2 v2.... '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,t_v])
+ elif words[3]=="ac":
+ Title="Add parameters for ac source "+compName
+ v_a=' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v_a])
+ elif words[3]=="exp":
+ Title="Add parameters for exponential source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): '
+ td1=' Enter rise delay time (seconds): '
+ tau1=' Enter rise time constant (seconds): '
+ td2=' Enter fall time (seconds): '
+ tau2=' Enter fall time constant (seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2,td1,tau1,td2,tau2])
+ elif words[3]=="dc":
+ Title="Add parameters for DC source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter zero frequency: '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2])
+ #schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
+ elif compName[0]=='h' or compName[0]=='f':
+ # Find the index component from the circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compName)
+ schematicInfo1.append("V"+compName+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" 0")
+ schematicInfo1.append(compName+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+"V"+compName+" "+words[5])
+ schematicInfo=schematicInfo+schematicInfo1
+ #print sourcelist
+ #print schematicInfo
+ return schematicInfo,sourcelist
+def main():
+# Accept input file name from user if not provided
+ global lines
+ global firstwindow #for checking whether first window in closed
+ global filename
+ global infoline,backClicked,last_input_file
+ global modelList,analysisOption
+ global subcktList,finalNetlist,simulatorOption,initialCondOption
+ firstwindow=1
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ filename=raw_input('Enter file name: ')
+ else:
+ filename=sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ finalNetlist=int(raw_input('Do you want to create final file: '))
+ else:
+ finalNetlist=int(sys.argv[2])
+ print "=================================="
+ print "Kicad to Ngspice netlist converter "
+ print "=================================="
+ print "converting "+filename
+ last_input_file=filename[:len(filename)-4]
+ last_input_file=last_input_file+"_last_input.txt"
+ print "input_file ",last_input_file
+ global schematicInfo
+ # Read the netlist
+ lines=readNetlist(filename)
+ # Construct parameter information
+ param=readParamInfo(lines)
+ # Replace parameter with values
+ netlist, infoline=preprocessNetlist(lines,param)
+ # Separate option and schematic information
+ optionInfo, schematicInfo=separateNetlistInfo(netlist)
+ if finalNetlist:
+ """Insert analysis from file"""
+ optionInfo=addAnalysis(optionInfo)
+ #print optionInfo
+ # Find the analysis option
+ analysisOption=[]
+ outputOption=[]
+ initialCondOption=[]
+ simulatorOption=[]
+ includeOption=[]
+ model=[]
+ for eachline in optionInfo:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ option=words[0]
+ if (option=='.ac' or option=='.dc' or option=='.disto' or option=='.noise' or
+ option=='.op' or option=='.pz' or option=='.sens' or option=='.tf' or option=='.tran'):
+ analysisOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ #print eachline
+ elif (option=='.save' or option=='.print' or option=='.plot' or option=='.four'):
+ eachline=eachline.strip('.')
+ outputOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.nodeset' or option=='.ic'):
+ initialCondOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif option=='.option':
+ simulatorOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.include' or option=='.lib'):
+ includeOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.model'):
+ model.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif option=='.end':
+ continue;
+ # Find the various model library required
+ modelList=[]
+ subcktList=[]
+ for eachline in schematicInfo:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ if eachline[0]=='d':
+ modelName=words[3]
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='q':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[4])
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='m':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ width=raw_input(' Enter width of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=100u):')
+ length=raw_input(' Enter length of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=100u):')
+ multiplicative_factor=raw_input(' Enter multiplicative factor of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=1):')
+ if width=="": width="100u"
+ if multiplicative_factor=="": multiplicative_factor="100u"
+ if length=="": length="100u"
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+'M='+multiplicative_factor+" "+'L='+length+" "+'W='+width)
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='j':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4])
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='x':
+ subcktName=words[len(words)-1]
+ if subcktName in subcktList:
+ continue
+ subcktList.append(subcktName)
+ # Find current through components
+ schematicInfo,outputOption=findCurrent(schematicInfo,outputOption)
+ #List for storing source and its value
+ global sourcelisttrack
+ sourcelist=[]
+ sourcelisttrack=[]
+ # Add parameter to sources
+ schematicInfo,sourcelist=insertSpecialSourceParam(schematicInfo,sourcelist)
+ sourcelist,sourcelisttrack=w.createrootwindow(sourcelist,sourcelisttrack)
+ #print "Output Option",outputOption
+ #print "Sch Info",schematicInfo
+ #print "Src List",sourcelist
+ #print "Src Track",sourcelisttrack
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ app=QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
+ global w
+ global nw
+ w=Window()
+ nw=NewWindow()
+ nw.close()
+ main()
+ sys.exit(app.exec_())
diff --git a/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/ b/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..60a98bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/
@@ -0,0 +1,2560 @@
+# is a python script to convert a Kicad spice netlist to a ngspice netlist. It developed for OSCAD software. It is written by Yogesh Dilip Save (
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Yogesh Dilip Save, FOSS Project, IIT Bombay.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import sys
+import os.path
+import tkMessageBox
+from setPath import OSCAD_HOME
+from Tkinter import *
+def readNetlist(filename):
+ """Read Pspice netList"""
+# Open file if it exists
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ except :
+ print("Error in opening file")
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print filename + " does not exist"
+ sys.exit()
+# Read the data from file
+# Close the file
+ f.close()
+ return data.splitlines()
+def readParamInfo(data):
+ """Read Parameter information and store it into dictionary"""
+ param={}
+ for eachline in lines:
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ words=eachline.split();
+ option=words[0].lower()
+ if option=='.param':
+ for i in range(1, len(words), 1):
+ paramList=words[i].split('=')
+ param[paramList[0]]=paramList[1]
+ return param
+def preprocessNetlist(lines,param):
+ """Preprocess netlist (replace parameters)"""
+ netlist=[]
+ for eachline in lines:
+ # Remove leading and trailing blanks spaces from line
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ # Remove special character $
+ eachline=eachline.replace('$','')
+ # Replace parameter with values
+ for subParam in eachline.split():
+ if '}' in subParam:
+ key=subParam.split()[0]
+ key=key.strip('{')
+ key=key.strip('}')
+ if key in param:
+ eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',param[key])
+ else:
+ print "Parameter " + key +" does not exists"
+ value=raw_input('Enter parameter value: ')
+ eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',value)
+ # Convert netlist into lower case letter
+ eachline=eachline.lower()
+ # Construct netlist
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ if eachline[0]=='+':
+ netlist.append(netlist.pop()+eachline.replace('+',' '))
+ else:
+ netlist.append(eachline)
+ # Copy information line
+ infoline=netlist[0]
+ netlist.remove(netlist[0])
+ return netlist,infoline
+def separateNetlistInfo(netlist):
+ optionInfo=[]
+ schematicInfo=[]
+ for eachline in netlist:
+ if eachline[0]=='*':
+ continue
+ elif eachline[0]=='.':
+ optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ else:
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ return optionInfo,schematicInfo
+def addAnalysis(optionInfo):
+ """Open file if it exists"""
+ filename="analysis"
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ except :
+ print("Error in opening file")
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print filename + " does not exist"
+ sys.exit()
+# Read the data from file
+# Close the file
+ f.close()
+ analysisData=data.splitlines()
+ for eachline in analysisData:
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ if eachline[0]=='.':
+ optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ else:
+ pass
+ return optionInfo
+def findCurrent(schematicInfo,outputOption):
+ #Find current through component by placing voltage source series with the component
+ i=0
+ for eachline in outputOption:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ option=words[0]
+ # Add voltage sources in series with component to find current
+ if option=="print" or option=="plot":
+ words.remove(option)
+ updatedline=eachline
+ for outputVar in words:
+ # Find component name if output variable is current
+ if outputVar[0]=='i':
+ outputVar=outputVar.strip('i')
+ outputVar=outputVar.strip('(')
+ compName=outputVar.strip(')')
+ # If component is voltage source, skip
+ if compName[0]=='v':
+ continue
+ # Find the component from the circuit
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ compInfo=compline.split()
+ if compInfo[0]==compName:
+ # Construct dummy node
+ dummyNode='dummy_'+str(i)
+ i+=1
+ # Break the one node component and place zero value voltage source in between.
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ compline=compline.replace(compInfo[2],dummyNode)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
+ schematicInfo.append('v'+compName+' '+dummyNode+' '+compInfo[2]+' 0')
+ # Update option information
+ updatedline=updatedline.replace('i('+compName+')','i(v'+compName+')')
+ index=outputOption.index(eachline)
+ outputOption.remove(eachline)
+ outputOption.insert(index,updatedline)
+ return schematicInfo, outputOption
+def insertSpecialSourceParam(schematicInfo,sourcelist):
+ #Inser Special source parameter
+ schematicInfo1=[]
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ words=compline.split()
+ compName=words[0]
+ # Ask for parameters of source
+ if compName[0]=='v' or compName=='i':
+ # Find the index component from circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ #schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ if words[3]=="pulse":
+ Title="Add parameters for pulse source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): '
+ td=' Enter delay time (seconds): '
+ tr=' Enter rise time (seconds): '
+ tf=' Enter fall time (seconds): '
+ pw=' Enter pulse width (seconds): '
+ tp=' Enter period (seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2,td,tr,tf,pw,tp])
+ elif words[3]=="sine":
+ Title="Add parameters for sine source "+compName
+ vo=' Enter offset value (Volts/Amps): '
+ va=' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): '
+ freq=' Enter frequency (Hz): '
+ td=' Enter delay time (seconds): '
+ theta=' Enter damping factor (1/seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,vo,va,freq,td,theta])
+ elif words[3]=="pwl":
+ Title="Add parameters for pwl source"+compName
+ t_v=' Enter in pwl format without bracket i.e t1 v1 t2 v2.... '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,t_v])
+ elif words[3]=="ac":
+ Title="Add parameters for ac source "+compName
+ v_a=' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v_a])
+ elif words[3]=="exp":
+ Title="Add parameters for exponential source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): '
+ td1=' Enter rise delay time (seconds): '
+ tau1=' Enter rise time constant (seconds): '
+ td2=' Enter fall time (seconds): '
+ tau2=' Enter fall time constant (seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2,td1,tau1,td2,tau2])
+ elif words[3]=="dc":
+ Title="Add parameters for DC source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter zero frequency: '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2])
+ #schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
+ elif compName[0]=='h' or compName[0]=='f':
+ # Find the index component from the circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compName)
+ schematicInfo1.append("V"+compName+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" 0")
+ schematicInfo1.append(compName+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+"V"+compName+" "+words[5])
+ schematicInfo=schematicInfo+schematicInfo1
+ print sourcelist
+ print schematicInfo
+ return schematicInfo,sourcelist
+def createrootwindow(sourcelist,sourcelisttrack):
+ global frame
+ global canvas
+ global root_window
+ global window_height
+ global window_width
+ root_window=Tk()
+ window_width=700
+ window_height=500
+ canvas=Canvas(root_window,bg='#FFFFFF',width=window_width,height=window_height,scrollregion=(0,0,800,800))
+ hbar=Scrollbar(root_window,orient=HORIZONTAL)
+ hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM,fill=X)
+ hbar.config(command=canvas.xview)
+ vbar=Scrollbar(root_window,orient=VERTICAL)
+ vbar.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y)
+ vbar.config(command=canvas.yview)
+ canvas.config(width=window_width,height=window_height)
+ canvas.config(xscrollcommand=hbar.set, yscrollcommand=vbar.set)
+ canvas.pack(side=LEFT,expand=True,fill=BOTH)
+ # make the canvas expandable
+ root_window.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ root_window.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ frame=Frame(canvas,height=window_height,width=window_width)
+ buttonframe=Frame(frame)
+ #Addbutton=Button(buttonframe,text='Add',command=AddSourceValue)
+ Nextbutton=Button(buttonframe,text='Next',command=NextPage)
+ Clearbutton=Button(buttonframe,text='Clear',command=ClearSourceValue)
+ global count
+ count=0
+ global entry_var
+ entry_var={}
+ ##Checking if source is present"
+ if sourcelist:
+ for line in sourcelist:
+ print "Voltage source line index: ",line[0]
+ print "SourceList line Test: ",line
+ track_id=line[0]
+ if line[2]=='sine':
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[3],font=('Times', 15),anchor=CENTER,bg="Red")
+ label.grid(row=count,column=1,ipadx=5,ipady=5,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ start=count
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[4])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[5])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[6])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[7])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[8])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'sine',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='pulse':
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[3],font=('Times', 15),anchor=CENTER,bg="Red")
+ label.grid(row=count,column=1,ipadx=5,ipady=5,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ start=count
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[4])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[5])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[6])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[7])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[8])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[9])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[10])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'pulse',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='pwl':
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[3],font=('Times',15),anchor=CENTER,bg="Red")
+ label.grid(row=count,column=1,ipadx=5,ipady=5,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ start=count
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[4])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'pwl',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='ac':
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[3],font=('Times', 15),anchor=CENTER,bg="Red")
+ label.grid(row=count,column=1,ipadx=5,ipady=5,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ start=count
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[4])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'ac',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='dc':
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[3],font=('Times', 15),anchor=CENTER,bg="Red")
+ label.grid(row=count,column=1,ipadx=5,ipady=5,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ start=count
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[4])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'dc',start,end])
+ elif line[2]=='exp':
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[3],font=('Times', 15),anchor=CENTER,bg="Red")
+ label.grid(row=count,column=1,ipadx=5,ipady=5,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ start=count
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[4])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[5])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[6])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[7])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[8])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ count=count+1
+ entry_var[count]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(frame,text=line[9])
+ label.grid(row=count,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(frame,width=10,textvariable=entry_var[count])
+ entry.grid(row=count,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ end=count
+ count=count+1
+ sourcelisttrack.append([track_id,'exp',start,end])
+ else:
+ print "No source is present in your circuit"
+ tkMessageBox.showinfo("Source List Info","There is no source in your circuit,Please click next button")
+ frame.grid()
+ buttonframe.grid()
+ #Addbutton.grid(row=count,column=1,padx=5,pady=5)
+ Nextbutton.grid(row=count,column=2,padx=5,pady=5)
+ Clearbutton.grid(row=count,column=3,padx=5,pady=5)
+ canvas.create_window(0, 0, anchor=NW, window=frame)
+ frame.update_idletasks()
+ canvas.config(scrollregion=canvas.bbox("all"))
+ #frame.mainloop()
+ root_window.title("Add Source and Model Parameter")
+ root_window.mainloop()
+ return sourcelist,sourcelisttrack
+def AddSourceValue():
+ print "Add Source Value"
+ global sourcelistvalue
+ sourcelistvalue=[]
+ global start
+ global end
+ start=0
+ end=0
+ print "Track Source List :",sourcelisttrack
+ print "Initial Source List Value :",sourcelistvalue
+ for compline in sourcelisttrack:
+ index=compline[0]
+ addline=schematicInfo[index]
+ if compline[1]=='sine':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ end=compline[3]
+ vo_val=entry_var[start].get()
+ va_val=entry_var[start+1].get()
+ freq_val=entry_var[start+2].get()
+ td_val=entry_var[start+3].get()
+ theta_val=entry_var[end].get()
+ addline=addline.partition('(')[0] + "("+vo_val+" "+va_val+" "+freq_val+" "+td_val+" "+theta_val+")"
+ print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in sine voltage source ",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='pulse':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ end=compline[3]
+ v1_val=entry_var[start].get()
+ v2_val=entry_var[start+1].get()
+ td_val=entry_var[start+2].get()
+ tr_val=entry_var[start+3].get()
+ tf_val=entry_var[start+4].get()
+ pw_val=entry_var[start+5].get()
+ tp_val=entry_var[end].get()
+ addline=addline.partition('(')[0] + "("+v1_val+" "+v2_val+" "+td_val+" "+tr_val+" "+tf_val+" "+pw_val+" "+tp_val+")"
+ print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in pulse voltage source ",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='pwl':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ t_v_val=entry_var[start].get()
+ addline=addline.partition('(')[0] + "("+t_v_val+")"
+ print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in pwl voltage source ",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='ac':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ va_val=entry_var[start].get()
+ addline=' '.join(addline.split())
+ addline=addline.partition('ac')[0] +" "+'ac'+" "+ va_val
+ print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in ac voltage source ",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='dc':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ v1_val=entry_var[start].get()
+ addline=' '.join(addline.split())
+ addline=addline.partition('dc')[0] + " " +'dc'+ " "+v1_val
+ print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in dc voltage source",addline
+ elif compline[1]=='exp':
+ try:
+ start=compline[2]
+ end=compline[3]
+ v1_val=entry_var[start].get()
+ v2_val=entry_var[start+1].get()
+ td1_val=entry_var[start+2].get()
+ tau1_val=entry_var[start+3].get()
+ td2_val=entry_var[start+4].get()
+ tau2_val=entry_var[end].get()
+ addline=addline.partition('(')[0] + "("+v1_val+" "+v2_val+" "+td1_val+" "+tau1_val+" "+td2_val+" "+tau2_val+")"
+ print "Line Added ",addline
+ sourcelistvalue.append([index,addline])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in exp voltage source ",addline
+ print "Final Source List Value :",sourcelistvalue
+ ##Adding into schematicInfo
+ for item in sourcelistvalue:
+ del schematicInfo[item[0]]
+ schematicInfo.insert(item[0],item[1])
+def NextPage():
+ print "Next Page"
+ AddSourceValue()
+ ##Destroying Frame
+ frame.destroy()
+ #frame.grid_forget()
+ global schematicInfo
+ global outputOption
+ global guimodelvalue
+ global guimodellisttrack
+ global guimodellist
+ guimodelvalue=[]
+ guimodellisttrack=[]
+ guimodellist=['adc8','dac8','gain','summer','multiplier','divider','limit','integrator','differentiator','limit8','controlledlimiter',
+ ##Calling function which take information for entry and label
+ schematicInfo,outputOption,guimodelvalue=convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption,guimodelvalue)
+ #Creating Frame and buttons for next page
+ nextframe=Frame(canvas,height=window_height,width=window_width)
+ nextbuttonframe=Frame(nextframe)
+ #Addbutton=Button(nextbuttonframe,text='Add',command=AddModelParametr)
+ Submitbutton=Button(nextbuttonframe,text='Submit & Exit',command=Submit)
+ Clearbutton=Button(nextbuttonframe,text='Clear',command=ClearModelParamValue)
+ global nextcount
+ nextcount=0
+ global nextentry_var
+ nextentry_var={}
+ ##Checking if any model is present
+ if guimodelvalue:
+ ## Calling Next frame generation function
+ for line in guimodelvalue:
+ if line[2] in guimodellist:
+ print "ConvertICBlock index :",line[0]
+ nextcount=nextframegeneration(nextframe,line,nextentry_var,nextcount)
+ else:
+ print "Please look whether model is added in guimodellist inside code"
+ else:
+ print "There is no model in your circuit"
+ AddModelParametr()
+ tkMessageBox.showinfo("Model List Info","There is no model in your circuit, please click on Submit & Exit Button" )
+ """
+ for line in guimodelvalue:
+ print "ConvertICBlock index :",line[0]
+ nextcount=nextframegeneration(nextframe,line,nextentry_var,nextcount)
+ if line[2]=='adc8':
+ nextcount=nextframegeneration(nextframe,line,nextentry_var,nextcount)
+ nextentry_var[nextcount]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(nextframe,text=line[5],font=('Times', 15),anchor=CENTER,bg="Red")
+ label.grid(row=nextcount,column=1,ipadx=5,ipady=5,padx=5,pady=5)
+ nextcount=nextcount+1
+ start=nextcount
+ for item in range(len(line)-6):
+ nextentry_var[nextcount]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(nextframe,text=line[6+item])
+ label.grid(row=nextcount,column=0,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(nextframe,width=10,textvariable=nextentry_var[nextcount])
+ entry.grid(row=nextcount,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ nextcount=nextcount+1
+ end=nextcount-1
+ guimodellisttrack.append([line[0],line[1],line[2],line[3],line[4],start,end])
+ else:
+ print "Please check whether model is available or not"
+ """
+ nextframe.grid()
+ nextbuttonframe.grid()
+ #Addbutton.grid(row=nextcount,column=1,padx=5,pady=5)
+ Submitbutton.grid(row=nextcount,column=2,padx=5,pady=5)
+ Clearbutton.grid(row=nextcount,column=3,padx=5,pady=5)
+ canvas.create_window(0, 0, anchor=NW, window=nextframe)
+ nextframe.update_idletasks()
+ canvas.config(scrollregion=canvas.bbox("all"))
+def nextframegeneration(nextframe,line,nextentry_var,nextcount):
+ print "Model Line in netlist is : ",line[1]
+ nextentry_var[nextcount]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(nextframe,text=line[5],font=('Times', 14),anchor=CENTER,bg="Red")
+ label.grid(row=nextcount,column=1,ipadx=5,ipady=5,padx=5,pady=5)
+ nextcount=nextcount+1
+ start=nextcount
+ if line[2]=='ic':
+ for item in range(len(line)-7):
+ nextentry_var[nextcount]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(nextframe,text=line[7+item])
+ label.grid(row=nextcount,column=0,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(nextframe,width=10,textvariable=nextentry_var[nextcount])
+ entry.grid(row=nextcount,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ nextcount=nextcount+1
+ end=nextcount-1
+ guimodellisttrack.append([line[0],line[1],line[2],line[3],line[4],start,end,line[6]])
+ else:
+ for item in range(len(line)-6):
+ nextentry_var[nextcount]=StringVar()
+ label=Label(nextframe,text=line[6+item])
+ label.grid(row=nextcount,column=0,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ entry=Entry(nextframe,width=10,textvariable=nextentry_var[nextcount])
+ entry.grid(row=nextcount,column=1,sticky=W+E+N+S,padx=5,pady=5)
+ nextcount=nextcount+1
+ end=nextcount-1
+ guimodellisttrack.append([line[0],line[1],line[2],line[3],line[4],start,end])
+ return nextcount
+def AddModelParametr():
+ print "Adding Model Parameter"
+ print "GuiModelValue",guimodelvalue
+ global guimodellisttrack
+ global modelparamvalue
+ global addmodelline
+ modelparamvalue=[]
+ addmodelline=[]
+ for line in guimodellisttrack:
+ print "GUI MODEL LIST TRACK",line
+ if line[2]=='adc8':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in_low=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ in_high=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if in_low=="": in_low="0.8"
+ if in_high=="": in_high="2.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" adc_bridge(in_low="+in_low+" in_high="+in_high+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in adc8 model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='dac8':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ out_low=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ out_high=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ out_undef=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if out_low=="": out_low="0.2"
+ if out_high=="": out_high="5.0"
+ if out_undef=="": out_undef="5.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" dac_bridge(out_low="+out_low+" out_high="+out_high+" out_undef="+out_undef+" )"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in dac8 model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='gain':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in_offset=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ gain=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ out_offset=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" gain(in_offset="+in_offset+" out_offset="+out_offset+" gain="+gain+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in gain model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='summer':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in1_offset=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ in2_offset=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ in1_gain=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ in2_gain=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ out_gain=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ out_offset=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if in1_offset=="": in1_offset="0.0"
+ if in2_offset=="": in2_offset="0.0"
+ if in1_gain=="": in1_gain="1.0"
+ if in2_gain=="": in2_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" summer(in_offset=["+in1_offset+" "+in2_offset+"] in_gain=["+in1_gain+" "+in2_gain+"] out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in summer model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='multiplier':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in1_offset=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ in2_offset=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ in1_gain=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ in2_gain=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ out_gain=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ out_offset=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if in1_offset=="": in1_offset="0.0"
+ if in2_offset=="": in2_offset="0.0"
+ if in1_gain=="": in1_gain="1.0"
+ if in2_gain=="": in2_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" mult(in_offset=["+in1_offset+" "+in2_offset+"] in_gain=["+in1_gain+" "+in2_gain+"] out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in multiplier model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='divider':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ num_offset=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ den_offset=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ num_gain=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ den_gain=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ out_gain=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ out_offset=nextentry_var[start+5].get()
+ den_lower_limit=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if num_offset=="": num_offset="0.0"
+ if den_offset=="": den_offset="0.0"
+ if num_gain=="": num_gain="1.0"
+ if den_gain=="": den_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ if den_lower_limit=="": den_lower_limit="1.0e-10"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" divide(num_offset="+num_offset+" den_offset="+den_offset+" num_gain="+num_gain+" den_gain="+den_gain+" out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+" den_lower_limit="+den_lower_limit+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in divider model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='limit':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ lowerLimit=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ upperLimit=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ in_offset=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ gain=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if lowerLimit=="": lowerLimit="0.0"
+ if upperLimit=="": upperLimit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" limit(out_lower_limit="+lowerLimit+" out_upper_limit="+upperLimit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in limit model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='integrator':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ out_lower_limit=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ out_upper_limit=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ in_offset=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ gain=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ out_ic=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if out_lower_limit=="": out_lower_limit="0.0"
+ if out_upper_limit=="": out_upper_limit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ if out_ic=="": out_ic="0.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" int(out_lower_limit="+out_lower_limit+" out_upper_limit="+out_upper_limit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+" out_ic="+out_ic+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in integrator model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='differentiator':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ out_lower_limit=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ out_upper_limit=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ out_offset=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ gain=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if out_lower_limit=="": out_lower_limit="0.0"
+ if out_upper_limit=="": out_upper_limit="5.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_dt(out_lower_limit="+out_lower_limit+" out_upper_limit="+out_upper_limit+" out_offset="+out_offset+" gain="+gain+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in differentiator model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='limit8':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ lowerLimit=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ upperLimit=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ in_offset=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ gain=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if lowerLimit=="": lowerLimit="0.0"
+ if upperLimit=="": upperLimit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" limit(out_lower_limit="+lowerLimit+" out_upper_limit="+upperLimit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in limit8 model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='controlledlimiter':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ in_offset=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ gain=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" climit(in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in controlledlimiter model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='analogswitch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ cntl_on=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ cntl_off=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ r_on=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ r_off=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if cntl_on=="": cntl_on="5.0"
+ if cntl_off=="": cntl_off="0.0"
+ if r_on=="": r_on="10.0"
+ if r_off=="": r_off="1e6"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" aswitch(cntl_on="+cntl_on+" cntl_off="+cntl_off+" r_on="+r_on+" r_off="+r_off+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in analogswitch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='zener':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ v_breakdown=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ i_breakdown=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ i_sat=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ n_forward=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if v_breakdown=="": v_breakdown="5.6"
+ if i_breakdown=="": i_breakdown="1.0e-2"
+ if i_sat=="": i_sat="1.0e-12"
+ if n_forward=="": n_forward="1.0"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" zener(v_breakdown="+v_breakdown+" i_breakdown="+i_breakdown+" i_sat="+i_sat+" n_forward="+n_forward+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in zener model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_buffer':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_buffer(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_buffer model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_inverter':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_inverter(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_inverter model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_and':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_and(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_and model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_nand':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_nand(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_nand model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_or':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_or(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_or model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_nor':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_nor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_nor model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_xor':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_xor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_xor model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_xnor':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_xnor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_xnor model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_tristate':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ input_load=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ enable_load=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if delay=="": delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_tristate(delay="+delay+" enable_load="+enable_load+" input_load="+input_load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_tristate model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_pullup':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ if load=="": load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_pullup(load="+load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_pullup model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_pulldown':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ if load=="": load="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_pulldown(load="+load+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_pulldown model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_srlatch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ sr_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ enable_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ set_delay=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ reset_delay=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ ic=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ sr_load=nextentry_var[start+5].get()
+ enable_load=nextentry_var[start+6].get()
+ set_load=nextentry_var[start+7].get()
+ reset_load=nextentry_var[start+8].get()
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start+9].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if sr_delay=="": sr_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if sr_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_srlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+sr_load="+sr_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+sr_delay="+sr_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_srlatch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_jklatch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ jk_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ enable_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ set_delay=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ reset_delay=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ ic=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ jk_load=nextentry_var[start+5].get()
+ enable_load=nextentry_var[start+6].get()
+ set_load=nextentry_var[start+7].get()
+ reset_load=nextentry_var[start+8].get()
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start+9].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if jk_delay=="": jk_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if jk_load=="": jk_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_jklatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+jk_load="+jk_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+jk_delay="+jk_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_jklatch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_dlatch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ data_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ enable_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ set_delay=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ reset_delay=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ ic=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ data_load=nextentry_var[start+5].get()
+ enable_load=nextentry_var[start+6].get()
+ set_load=nextentry_var[start+7].get()
+ reset_load=nextentry_var[start+8].get()
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start+9].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if data_delay=="": data_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if data_load=="": data_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_dlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+data_load="+data_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+data_delay="+data_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_dlatch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_tlatch':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ t_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ enable_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ set_delay=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ reset_delay=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ ic=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ t_load=nextentry_var[start+5].get()
+ enable_load=nextentry_var[start+6].get()
+ set_load=nextentry_var[start+7].get()
+ reset_load=nextentry_var[start+8].get()
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start+9].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if t_delay=="": t_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if t_load=="": t_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_tlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+t_load="+t_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+t_delay="+t_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_tlatch model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_srff':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ clk_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ set_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ reset_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ ic=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ sr_load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ clk_load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ set_load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ reset_load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if sr_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_srff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+sr_load="+sr_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_srff model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_jkff':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ clk_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ set_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ reset_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ ic=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ jk_load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ clk_load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ set_load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ reset_load=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if jk_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_jkff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+jk_load="+jk_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_jkff model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_dff':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ clk_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ set_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ reset_delay=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ ic=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ data_load=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ clk_load=nextentry_var[start+5].get()
+ set_load=nextentry_var[start+6].get()
+ reset_load=nextentry_var[start+7].get()
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start+8].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if data_load=="": data_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_dff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+data_load="+data_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_dff model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='d_tff':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ clk_delay=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ set_delay=nextentry_var[start+1].get()
+ reset_delay=nextentry_var[start+2].get()
+ ic=nextentry_var[start+3].get()
+ t_load=nextentry_var[start+4].get()
+ clk_load=nextentry_var[start+5].get()
+ set_load=nextentry_var[start+6].get()
+ reset_load=nextentry_var[start+7].get()
+ rise_delay=nextentry_var[start+8].get()
+ fall_delay=nextentry_var[end].get()
+ if t_delay=="": t_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if t_load=="": t_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ addmodelline=".model "+ line[3]+" d_tff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+t_load="+t_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")"
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in d_tff model ",line[1]
+ elif line[2]=='ic':
+ try:
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ ic=nextentry_var[start].get()
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ addmodelline=".ic v("+line[7]+")="+ic
+ modelparamvalue.append([line[0],addmodelline,line[4]])
+ except:
+ print "Caught an exception in ic initial condition ",line[1]
+ else:
+ print "No model found"
+ #tkMessageBox.showinfo("Model Info","Please check whether used model is available inside code")
+ print "Model List has been added",modelparamvalue
+def ClearSourceValue():
+ print "Clear Source Value"
+ for line in sourcelisttrack:
+ start=line[2]
+ end=line[3]
+ count=start
+ for item in range(int(end-start+1)):
+ entry_var[count].set("")
+ count=count+1
+def ClearModelParamValue():
+ print "Clear Model Parameter value"
+ for line in guimodellisttrack:
+ print "line",line
+ start=line[5]
+ end=line[6]
+ count=start
+ for item in range(end-start+1):
+ nextentry_var[count].set("")
+ count=count+1
+def Submit():
+ print "Submit button"
+ try:
+ AddModelParametr() #Adding Model Parameter
+ for item in modelparamvalue:
+ schematicInfo.append(item[2]) #Adding Comment line
+ schematicInfo.append(item[1]) #Adding Model line
+ print "Successfully Closed"
+ root_window.quit()
+ except:
+ tkMessageBox.showinfo("Exception","Please Add before Submit")
+def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption,guimodelvalue):
+ #Insert Special source parameters
+ k=1
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ words=compline.split()
+ compName=words[0]
+ # Find the IC from schematic
+ if compName[0]=='u':
+ # Find the component from the circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ compType=words[len(words)-1];
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ if (compType=="7404" or compType=="74hc04" or compType=="74hct04" or compType=="74ls04" or compType=="74ls14"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first three Not gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add Not gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_out] ["+words[i+1]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+2
+ i=i+1
+ # Add last three Not gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add Not gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_out] ["+words[i+1]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+2
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for inverter gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_inverter")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7400" or compType=="74hc00" or compType=="74hct00" or compType=="74ls00" or compType=="74ls37"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two Nand gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Nand gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ # Add Last two Nand gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Nand gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for nand gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_nand")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7408" or compType=="74hc08" or compType=="74hct08" or compType=="74ls08"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two And gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input And gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ # Add Last two And gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input And gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for And gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_and")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7432" or compType=="74hc32" or compType=="74hct32" or compType=="74ls32"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two Or gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Or gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ # Add Last two Or gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Or gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for Or gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_or")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7486" or compType=="74hc86" or compType=="74hct86" or compType=="74ls86"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two Xor gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Xor gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ # Add Last two Xor gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Xor gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for Xor gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_xor")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7402" or compType=="74hc02" or compType=="74hct02" or compType=="74ls02" or compType=="74ls28"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two Nor gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Nor gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Nor gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for Nor gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_nor")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7474" or compType=="74hc74" or compType=="74ls74"):
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[1]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add D Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in ~"+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[1]+"_in "+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out] ["+words[5]+" "+words[6]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ if len(words)>11:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[12]+" "+words[11]+" "+words[10]+" "+words[13]+"] ["+words[12]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in "+words[10]+"_in "+words[13]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add D Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[12]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in ~"+words[10]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in "+words[9]+"_out "+words[8]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[9]+"_out "+words[8]+"_out] ["+words[9]+" "+words[8]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for D Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_dff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7475" or compType=="74hc75" or compType=="74ls75"):
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[1]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add T Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in ~"+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[1]+"_in "+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out] ["+words[5]+" "+words[6]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for T Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_tff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="74107" or compType=="74hc107" or compType=="74ls107"):
+ if len(words)>11:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[12]+" "+words[13]+"] ["+words[1]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[12]+"_in "+words[13]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[12]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in "+words[3]+"_out "+words[2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[3]+"_out "+words[2]+"_out] ["+words[3]+" "+words[2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[8]+" "+words[11]+" "+words[9]+" "+words[10]+"] ["+words[8]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in "+words[9]+"_in "+words[10]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[8]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in ~"+words[9]+"_in ~"+words[10]+"_in ~"+words[10]+"_in "+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out] ["+words[5]+" "+words[6]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ else:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[12]+" "+words[13]+"] ["+words[1]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[12]+"_in "+words[13]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[12]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in "+words[3]+"_out "+words[2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[3]+"_out "+words[2]+"_out] ["+words[3]+" "+words[2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for JK Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jkff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="74109" or compType=="74hc109" or compType=="74ls109"):
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[5]+"_in "+words[1]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[2]+"_in ~"+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[5]+"_in ~"+words[1]+"_in "+words[6]+"_out "+words[7]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[6]+"_out "+words[7]+"_out] ["+words[6]+" "+words[7]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ if len(words)>12:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[14]+" "+words[13]+" "+words[12]+" "+words[11]+" "+words[15]+"] ["+words[14]+"_in "+words[13]+"_in "+words[12]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in "+words[15]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[14]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in "+words[12]+"_in ~"+words[11]+"_in ~"+words[15]+"_in "+words[10]+"_out "+words[9]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[10]+"_out "+words[9]+"_out] ["+words[10]+" "+words[9]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for JK Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jkff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7471" or compType=="74hc71" or compType=="74ls71"):
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[5]+"_in "+words[1]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add S-R Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[2]+"_in ~"+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[5]+"_in ~"+words[1]+"_in "+words[6]+"_out "+words[7]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[6]+"_out "+words[7]+"_out] ["+words[6]+" "+words[7]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for SR Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_srff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge741
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="74112" or compType=="74hc112" or compType=="74ls112"):
+ if len(words)>12:
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" ~"+words[1]+" ~"+words[4]+" ~"+words[15]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[11]+" "+words[12]+" ~"+words[13]+" ~"+words[10]+" ~"+words[14]+" "+words[9]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ else:
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" ~"+words[1]+" ~"+words[4]+" ~"+words[8]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jkff")
+ elif compType=="dac":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"] "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Digital to Analog converter "+compType)
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" dac_bridge")
+ elif compType=="adc":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"] "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Analog to Digital converter "+compType)
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" adc_bridge")
+ elif compType=="adc8":
+ for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+len(words)/2]+"] "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Analog to Digital Converter"
+ Comment='* Analog to Digital converter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for analog to digital converter '+compName
+ in_low=' Enter input low level voltage (default=0.8): '
+ in_high=' Enter input high level voltage (default=2.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in_low,in_high])
+ elif compType=="dac8":
+ for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+len(words)/2]+"] "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Digital to Analog converter"
+ Comment='* Digital to Analog converter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for digital to analog converter '+compName
+ out_low=' Enter output low level voltage (default=0.2): '
+ out_high=' Enter output high level voltage (default=5.0): '
+ out_undef=' Enter output for undefined voltage level (default=2.2): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,out_low,out_high,out_undef])
+ elif compType=="gain":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Gain"
+ Comment='* Gain '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Gain '+compName
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in_offset,gain,out_offset])
+ elif compType=="summer":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding summer"
+ Comment='* Summer '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Summer '+compName
+ in1_offset=' Enter offset for input 1 (default=0.0): '
+ in2_offset=' Enter offset for input 2 (default=0.0): '
+ in1_gain=' Enter gain for input 1 (default=1.0): '
+ in2_gain=' Enter gain for input 2 (default=1.0): '
+ out_gain=' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in1_offset,in2_offset,in1_gain,in2_gain,out_gain,out_offset])
+ elif compType=="multiplier":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Multiplier"
+ Comment='* Multiplier '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Multiplier '+compName
+ in1_offset=' Enter offset for input 1 (default=0.0): '
+ in2_offset=' Enter offset for input 2 (default=0.0): '
+ in1_gain=' Enter gain for input 1 (default=1.0): '
+ in2_gain=' Enter gain for input 2 (default=1.0): '
+ out_gain=' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in1_offset,in2_offset,in1_gain,in2_gain,out_gain,out_offset])
+ elif compType=="divider":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Divider"
+ Comment='Divider '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Divider '+compName
+ num_offset=' Enter offset for numerator (default=0.0): '
+ den_offset=' Enter offset for denominator (default=0.0): '
+ num_gain=' Enter gain for numerator (default=1.0): '
+ den_gain=' Enter gain for denominator (default=1.0): '
+ out_gain=' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
+ den_lower_limit=' Enter lower limit for denominator value (default=1.0e-10): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,num_offset,den_offset,num_gain,den_gain,out_gain,out_offset,den_lower_limit])
+ elif compType=="limit":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding limiter"
+ Comment='* Limiter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Limiter '+compName
+ lowerLimit=' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): '
+ upperLimit=' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): '
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,lowerLimit,upperLimit,in_offset,gain])
+ elif compType=="integrator":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding integrator"
+ Comment='* Integrator '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Integrator '+compName
+ out_lower_limit=' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): '
+ out_upper_limit=' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): '
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
+ out_ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,out_lower_limit,out_upper_limit,in_offset,gain,out_ic])
+ elif compType=="differentiator":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Differentiator"
+ Comment='* Differentiator '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Differentiator '+compName
+ out_lower_limit=' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): '
+ out_upper_limit=' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): '
+ out_offset=' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,out_lower_limit,out_upper_limit,out_offset,gain])
+ elif compType=="limit8":
+ for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[i+1]+" "+words[i+len(words)/2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding limiter"
+ Comment='* Limiter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Limiter '+compName
+ lowerLimit=' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): '
+ upperLimit=' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): '
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,lowerLimit,upperLimit,in_offset,gain])
+ elif compType=="controlledlimiter":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding controlledlimiter"
+ Comment='* Controlled Limiter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Controlled Limiter '+compName
+ in_offset=' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): '
+ gain=' Enter gain (default=1.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,in_offset,gain])
+ elif compType=="analogswitch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" ("+words[2]+" "+words[3]+") "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding analogswitch"
+ Comment='* Analog Switch '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Analog Switch '+compName
+ cntl_on=' Enter control ON voltage (default=5.0): '
+ cntl_off=' Enter control OFF voltage (default=0.0): '
+ r_on=' Enter ON resistance value (default=10.0): '
+ r_off=' Enter OFF resistance value (default=1e6): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,cntl_on,cntl_off,r_on,r_off])
+ elif compType=="zener":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Zener"
+ Comment='* Zener Diode '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Zener Diode '+compName
+ v_breakdown=' Enter Breakdown voltage (default=5.6): '
+ i_breakdown=' Enter Breakdown current (default=2.0e-2): '
+ i_sat=' Enter saturation current (default=1.0e-12): '
+ n_forward=' Enter forward emission coefficient (default=0.0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,v_breakdown,i_breakdown,i_sat,n_forward])
+ elif compType=="d_buffer":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Buffer"
+ Comment='* Buffer '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Buffer '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
+ elif compType=="d_inverter":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Inverter"
+ Comment='* Inverter '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Inverter '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
+ elif compType=="d_and":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding AND"
+ Comment='* And '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for And '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
+ elif compType=="d_nand":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding NAND"
+ Comment='* Nand '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Nand '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
+ elif compType=="d_or":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding OR"
+ Comment='* OR '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for OR '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
+ elif compType=="d_nor":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding NOR"
+ Comment='* NOR '+compType
+ Title ='Add parameters for NOR '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
+ elif compType=="d_xor":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding XOR"
+ Comment='* XOR '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for XOR '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
+ elif compType=="d_xnor":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding XNOR"
+ Comment='* XNOR '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for XNOR '+compName
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,rise_delay,fall_delay,input_load])
+ elif compType=="d_tristate":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding Tristate"
+ Comment='* Tristate '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Tristate '+compName
+ delay=' Enter delay (default=1e-12): '
+ input_load=' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,delay,input_load,enable_load])
+ elif compType=="d_pullup":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding pullup"
+ Comment='* Pullup '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Pullup '+compName
+ load=' Enter load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,load])
+ elif compType=="d_pulldown":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding pulldown"
+ Comment='* Pulldown '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for Pulldown '+compName
+ load=' Enter load capacitance (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,load])
+ elif compType=="d_srlatch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding SR Latch"
+ Comment='* SR Latch '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for SR Latch '+compName
+ sr_delay=' Enter input to set-reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_delay=' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ sr_load=' Enter input to set-reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,sr_delay,enable_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,sr_load,enable_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
+ elif compType=="d_jklatch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding JK Latch"
+ Comment='* JK Latch '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for JK Latch '+compName
+ jk_delay=' Enter input to j-k delay (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_delay=' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ jk_load=' Enter input to j-k load (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,jk_delay,enable_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,enable_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
+ elif compType=="d_dlatch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding D Latch"
+ Comment='* D Latch '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for D Latch '+compName
+ data_delay=' Enter input to data delay (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_delay=' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ data_load=' Enter input to data load (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,data_delay,enable_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,data_load,enable_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
+ elif compType=="d_tlatch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding T Latch"
+ Comment='* T Latch '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for T Latch '+compName
+ t_delay=' Enter input to t delay (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_delay=' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ t_load=' Enter input to t load (default=1e-12): '
+ enable_load=' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,t_delay,enable_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,t_load,enable_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
+ elif compType=="d_srff":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding SR Flip-Flop"
+ Comment='* SR Flip-Flop '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for SR Flip-Flop '+compName
+ clk_delay=' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ sr_load=' Enter input to set-reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ clk_load=' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,clk_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,sr_load,clk_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
+ elif compType=="d_jkff":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding JK Flip-Flop"
+ Comment='* JK Flip-Flop '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for JK Flip-Flop '+compName
+ clk_delay=' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ jk_load=' Enter input to j-k load (default=1e-12): '
+ clk_load=' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,clk_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,jk_load,clk_load,set_load,reset_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
+ elif compType=="d_dff":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding D Flip-Flop"
+ Comment='* D Flip-Flop '+compType
+ Title= 'Add parameters for D Flip-Flop '+compName
+ clk_delay=' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ data_load=' Enter input to data load (default=1e-12): '
+ clk_load=' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,clk_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,data_load,clk_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
+ elif compType=="d_tff":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Adding T Flip-Flop"
+ Comment='* T Flip-Flop '+compType
+ Title='Add parameters for T Flip-Flip '+compName
+ clk_delay=' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): '
+ set_delay=' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_delay=' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): '
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ t_load=' Enter input to t load (default=1e-12): '
+ clk_load=' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): '
+ set_load=' Enter set load (default=1e-12): '
+ reset_load=' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): '
+ rise_delay=' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): '
+ fall_delay=' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,clk_delay,set_delay,reset_delay,ic,t_load,clk_load,set_load,reset_load,rise_delay,fall_delay])
+ elif compType=="vplot1":
+ outputOption.append("plot v("+words[1]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vplot8_1":
+ outputOption.append("plot ")
+ for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
+ outputOption.append("v("+words[i]+") ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vdbplot8_1":
+ outputOption.append("plot ")
+ for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
+ outputOption.append("db(v("+words[i]+")) ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vphase_plot8_1":
+ outputOption.append("plot ")
+ for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
+ outputOption.append("ph(v("+words[i]+")) ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vprint1":
+ outputOption.append("print v("+words[1]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printing option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="calc":
+ outputOption.append("plot "+words[2]+"\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vprint8_1":
+ outputOption.append("print ")
+ for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
+ outputOption.append("v("+words[i]+") ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printing option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vplot":
+ outputOption.append("plot v("+words[1]+")-v("+words[2]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vplot8":
+ outputOption.append("plot ")
+ for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
+ if words[i+1]=="0":
+ outputOption.append("-v("+words[i+len(words)/2]+") ")
+ elif words[i+len(words)/2]=="0":
+ outputOption.append("v("+words[i+1]+") ")
+ else:
+ outputOption.append("v("+words[i+1]+")-v("+words[i+len(words)/2]+") ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ elif compType=="vprint":
+ outputOption.append("print v("+words[1]+")-v("+words[2]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="iplot":
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"V_"+words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" 0")
+ outputOption.append("plot i(V_"+words[0]+")\n")
+ elif compType=="powerplot":
+ outputOption.append("print ((v("+words[1]+")-v("+words[2]+"))^2)/("+words[3]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="ic":
+ Comment='*Adding initial Condition '+compType
+ Title=' Add initial condition ' +compName
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ print "Adding initial condition"
+ ic=' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): '
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ guimodelvalue.append([index,compline,compType,compName,Comment,Title,words[1],ic])
+ elif compType=="opamp1":
+ f = open(OSCAD_HOME)
+ data =
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,data)
+ else:
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
+ # Update option information
+ return schematicInfo,outputOption,guimodelvalue
+# Accept input file name from user if not provided
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ filename=raw_input('Enter file name: ')
+ filename=sys.argv[1]
+if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ finalNetlist=int(raw_input('Do you want to create final file: '))
+ finalNetlist=int(sys.argv[2])
+print "=================================="
+print "Kicad to Ngspice netlist converter "
+print "=================================="
+print "converting "+filename
+# Read the netlist
+# Construct parameter information
+# Replace parameter with values
+netlist, infoline=preprocessNetlist(lines,param)
+# Separate option and schematic information
+optionInfo, schematicInfo=separateNetlistInfo(netlist)
+if finalNetlist:
+ """Insert analysis from file"""
+ optionInfo=addAnalysis(optionInfo)
+# Find the analysis option
+for eachline in optionInfo:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ option=words[0]
+ if (option=='.ac' or option=='.dc' or
+ option=='.disto' or option=='.noise' or
+ option=='.op' or option=='.pz' or
+ option=='.sens' or option=='.tf' or
+ option=='.tran'):
+ analysisOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ print eachline
+ elif (option=='.save' or option=='.print' or
+ option=='.plot' or option=='.four'):
+ eachline=eachline.strip('.')
+ outputOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.nodeset' or option=='.ic'):
+ initialCondOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif option=='.option':
+ simulatorOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.include' or option=='.lib'):
+ includeOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.model'):
+ model.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif option=='.end':
+ continue;
+# Find the various model library required
+for eachline in schematicInfo:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ if eachline[0]=='d':
+ modelName=words[3]
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='q':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[4])
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='m':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ width=raw_input(' Enter width of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=100u):')
+ length=raw_input(' Enter length of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=100u):')
+ multiplicative_factor=raw_input(' Enter multiplicative factor of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=1):')
+ if width=="": width="100u"
+ if multiplicative_factor=="": multiplicative_factor="100u"
+ if length=="": length="100u"
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+'M='+multiplicative_factor+" "+'L='+length+" "+'W='+width)
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='j':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4])
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='x':
+ subcktName=words[len(words)-1]
+ if subcktName in subcktList:
+ continue
+ subcktList.append(subcktName)
+# Find current through components
+#List for storing source and its value
+# Add parameter to sources
+#Calling createrootwindow
+print "Output Option",outputOption
+print schematicInfo
+# Add newline in the schematic information
+for i in range(len(schematicInfo),0,-1):
+ schematicInfo.insert(i,'\n')
+for modelName in modelList:
+ if os.path.exists(modelName+".lib"):
+ out.writelines('.include '+modelName+'.lib\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.include '+modelName+'.lib\n')
+for subcktName in subcktList:
+ out.writelines('.include '+subcktName+'.sub\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.include '+subcktName+'.sub\n')
+if finalNetlist:
+ sections=[simulatorOption, initialCondOption, schematicInfo, analysisOption]
+ sections=[simulatorOption, initialCondOption, schematicInfo]
+for section in sections:
+ if len(section) == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ out.writelines('\n')
+ out.writelines(section)
+ ckt.writelines('\n')
+ ckt.writelines(section)
+if finalNetlist:
+ out.writelines('\n* Control Statements \n')
+ out.writelines('.control\n')
+ out.writelines('run\n')
+ out.writelines(outputOption)
+ outputOption1=[]
+ for option in outputOption:
+ if (("plot" in option) or ("print" in option)):
+ outputOption1.append("."+option)
+ else:
+ outputOption1.append(option)
+ ckt.writelines(outputOption1)
+ out.writelines('.endc\n')
+ out.writelines('.end\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.end\n')
+print "The ngspice netlist has been written in "+filename+".out"
+print "The scilab netlist has been written in "+filename+".ckt"
+#dummy=raw_input('Press Enter to quit')
diff --git a/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/ b/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a3d443a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OSCAD/kicadtoNgspice/
@@ -0,0 +1,1474 @@
+# is a python script to convert a Kicad spice netlist to a ngspice netlist. It developed for OSCAD software. It is written by FOSSEE team, IIT B.
+# Copyright (C) FOSSEE Project, IIT Bombay.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import sys
+import os.path
+def readNetlist(filename):
+ """Read Pspice netList"""
+# Open file if it exists
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ except :
+ print("Error in opening file")
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print filename + " does not exist"
+ sys.exit()
+# Read the data from file
+# Close the file
+ f.close()
+ return data.splitlines()
+def readParamInfo(data):
+ """Read Parameter information and store it into dictionary"""
+ param={}
+ for eachline in lines:
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ words=eachline.split();
+ option=words[0].lower()
+ if option=='.param':
+ for i in range(1, len(words), 1):
+ paramList=words[i].split('=')
+ param[paramList[0]]=paramList[1]
+ return param
+def preprocessNetlist(lines,param):
+ """Preprocess netlist (replace parameters)"""
+ netlist=[]
+ for eachline in lines:
+ # Remove leading and trailing blanks spaces from line
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ # Remove special character $
+ eachline=eachline.replace('$','')
+ # Replace parameter with values
+ for subParam in eachline.split():
+ if '}' in subParam:
+ key=subParam.split()[0]
+ key=key.strip('{')
+ key=key.strip('}')
+ if key in param:
+ eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',param[key])
+ else:
+ print "Parameter " + key +" does not exists"
+ value=raw_input('Enter parameter value: ')
+ eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',value)
+ # Convert netlist into lower case letter
+ eachline=eachline.lower()
+ # Construct netlist
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ if eachline[0]=='+':
+ netlist.append(netlist.pop()+eachline.replace('+',' '))
+ else:
+ netlist.append(eachline)
+ # Copy information line
+ infoline=netlist[0]
+ netlist.remove(netlist[0])
+ return netlist,infoline
+def separateNetlistInfo(netlist):
+ optionInfo=[]
+ schematicInfo=[]
+ for eachline in netlist:
+ if eachline[0]=='*':
+ continue
+ elif eachline[0]=='.':
+ optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ else:
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ return optionInfo,schematicInfo
+def addAnalysis(optionInfo):
+ """Add Analysis to the netlist"""
+# Open file if it exists
+ filename="analysis"
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ try:
+ f = open(filename)
+ except :
+ print("Error in opening file")
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print filename + " does not exist"
+ sys.exit()
+# Read the data from file
+# Close the file
+ f.close()
+ analysisData=data.splitlines()
+ for eachline in analysisData:
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ if eachline[0]=='.':
+ optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ else:
+ pass
+ return optionInfo
+def findCurrent(schematicInfo,outputOption):
+ """Find current through component by placing voltage source series with the component"""
+ i=0
+ for eachline in outputOption:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ option=words[0]
+ # Add voltage sources in series with component to find current
+ if option=="print" or option=="plot":
+ words.remove(option)
+ updatedline=eachline
+ for outputVar in words:
+ # Find component name if output variable is current
+ if outputVar[0]=='i':
+ outputVar=outputVar.strip('i')
+ outputVar=outputVar.strip('(')
+ compName=outputVar.strip(')')
+ # If component is voltage source, skip
+ if compName[0]=='v':
+ continue
+ # Find the component from the circuit
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ compInfo=compline.split()
+ if compInfo[0]==compName:
+ # Construct dummy node
+ dummyNode='dummy_'+str(i)
+ i+=1
+ # Break the one node component and place zero value voltage source in between.
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ compline=compline.replace(compInfo[2],dummyNode)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
+ schematicInfo.append('v'+compName+' '+dummyNode+' '+compInfo[2]+' 0')
+ # Update option information
+ updatedline=updatedline.replace('i('+compName+')','i(v'+compName+')')
+ index=outputOption.index(eachline)
+ outputOption.remove(eachline)
+ outputOption.insert(index,updatedline)
+ return schematicInfo, outputOption
+def insertSpecialSourceParam(schematicInfo):
+ """Insert Special source parameters"""
+ schematicInfo1=[]
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ words=compline.split()
+ compName=words[0]
+ # Ask for parameters of the source
+ if compName[0]=='v' or compName[0]=='i':
+ # Find the index component from the circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ if words[3]=="pulse":
+ print "----------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for pulse source "+compName
+ v1=raw_input(' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): ')
+ v2=raw_input(' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): ')
+ td=raw_input(' Enter delay time (seconds): ')
+ tr=raw_input(' Enter rise time (seconds): ')
+ tf=raw_input(' Enter fall time (seconds): ')
+ pw=raw_input(' Enter pulse width (seconds): ')
+ tp=raw_input(' Enter period (seconds): ')
+ print "----------------------------------------------"
+ compline=compline + "("+v1+" "+v2+" "+td+" "+tr+" "+tf+" "+pw+" "+tp+")"
+ elif words[3]=="sine":
+ print "----------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for sine source "+compName
+ vo=raw_input(' Enter offset value (Volts/Amps): ')
+ va=raw_input(' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): ')
+ freq=raw_input(' Enter frequency (Hz): ')
+ td=raw_input(' Enter delay time (seconds): ')
+ theta=raw_input(' Enter damping factor (1/seconds): ')
+ print "----------------------------------------------"
+ compline=compline + "("+vo+" "+va+" "+freq+" "+td+" "+theta+")"
+ elif words[3]=="ac":
+ print "----------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for ac source "+compName
+ v_a=raw_input(' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): ')
+ print "----------------------------------------------"
+ compline=compline + " " + v_a
+ elif words[3]=="exp":
+ print "----------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for exponential source "+compName
+ v1=raw_input(' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): ')
+ v2=raw_input(' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): ')
+ td1=raw_input(' Enter rise delay time (seconds): ')
+ tau1=raw_input(' Enter rise time constant (seconds): ')
+ td2=raw_input(' Enter fall time (seconds): ')
+ tau2=raw_input(' Enter fall time constant (seconds): ')
+ print "----------------------------------------------"
+ compline=compline + "("+v1+" "+v2+" "+td1+" "+tau1+" "+td2+" "+tau2+")"
+ elif words[3]=="pwl":
+ print "----------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for piecewise linear source "+compName
+ inp="y"
+ compline=compline + "("
+ while inp=="y":
+ t1=raw_input(' Enter time (seconds): ')
+ v1=raw_input(' Enter value(Volts/Amps): ')
+ compline=compline + t1+" "+v1+" "
+ inp=raw_input(' Do you want to continue(y/n): ')
+ print "----------------------------------------------"
+ compline=compline + ")"
+ elif words[3]=="dc":
+ print "----------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for DC source "+compName
+ v1=raw_input(' Enter value(Volts/Amps): ')
+ print "----------------------------------------------"
+ compline=compline + " "+v1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
+ elif compName[0]=='h' or compName[0]=='f':
+ # Find the index component from the circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compName)
+ schematicInfo1.append("V"+compName+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" 0")
+ schematicInfo1.append(compName+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+"V"+compName+" "+words[5])
+ schematicInfo=schematicInfo+schematicInfo1
+ return schematicInfo
+def convertICintoBasicBlocks(schematicInfo,outputOption):
+ """Insert Special source parameters"""
+ k=1
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ words=compline.split()
+ compName=words[0]
+ # Find the IC from schematic
+ if compName[0]=='u':
+ # Find the component from the circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ compType=words[len(words)-1];
+ if (compType=="7404" or compType=="74hc04" or compType=="74hct04" or compType=="74ls04" or compType=="74ls14"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first three Not gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add Not gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_out] ["+words[i+1]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+2
+ i=i+1
+ # Add last three Not gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add Not gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_out] ["+words[i+1]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+2
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for inverter gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_inverter")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7400" or compType=="74hc00" or compType=="74hct00" or compType=="74ls00" or compType=="74ls37"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two Nand gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Nand gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ # Add Last two Nand gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Nand gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for nand gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_nand")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7408" or compType=="74hc08" or compType=="74hct08" or compType=="74ls08"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two And gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input And gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ # Add Last two And gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input And gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for And gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_and")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7432" or compType=="74hc32" or compType=="74hct32" or compType=="74ls32"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two Or gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Or gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ # Add Last two Or gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Or gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for Or gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_or")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7486" or compType=="74hc86" or compType=="74hct86" or compType=="74ls86"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two Xor gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Xor gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ # Add Last two Xor gates
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Xor gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for Xor gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_xor")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7402" or compType=="74hc02" or compType=="74hct02" or compType=="74ls02" or compType=="74ls28"):
+ i=1;
+ # Add first two Nor gates
+ while words[i]!="0":
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"] ["+words[i+2]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Nor gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"_in "+words[i+2]+"_in] "+words[i]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_out] ["+words[i]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ i=i+1
+ while i<len(words)-2:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input A
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"] ["+words[i]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for input B
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+1]+"_in] "+" "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add two-input Nor gate
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i]+"_in "+words[i+1]+"_in] "+words[i+2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for output C
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+2]+"_out] ["+words[i+2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ i=i+3
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for Nor gate
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_nor")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="7474" or compType=="74hc74" or compType=="74ls74"):
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[1]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add D Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in ~"+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[1]+"_in "+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out] ["+words[5]+" "+words[6]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ if len(words)>11:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[12]+" "+words[11]+" "+words[10]+" "+words[13]+"] ["+words[12]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in "+words[10]+"_in "+words[13]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add D Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[12]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in ~"+words[10]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in "+words[9]+"_out "+words[8]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[9]+"_out "+words[8]+"_out] ["+words[9]+" "+words[8]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for D Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_dff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="74107" or compType=="74hc107" or compType=="74ls107"):
+ if len(words)>11:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[12]+" "+words[13]+"] ["+words[1]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[12]+"_in "+words[13]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[12]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in "+words[3]+"_out "+words[2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[3]+"_out "+words[2]+"_out] ["+words[3]+" "+words[2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[8]+" "+words[11]+" "+words[9]+" "+words[10]+"] ["+words[8]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in "+words[9]+"_in "+words[10]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[8]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in ~"+words[9]+"_in ~"+words[10]+"_in ~"+words[10]+"_in "+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[5]+"_out "+words[6]+"_out] ["+words[5]+" "+words[6]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ else:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[12]+" "+words[13]+"] ["+words[1]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[12]+"_in "+words[13]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[12]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in "+words[3]+"_out "+words[2]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[3]+"_out "+words[2]+"_out] ["+words[3]+" "+words[2]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for JK Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jkff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="74109" or compType=="74hc109" or compType=="74ls109"):
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"_in "+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in "+words[5]+"_in "+words[1]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[2]+"_in ~"+words[3]+"_in "+words[4]+"_in ~"+words[5]+"_in ~"+words[1]+"_in "+words[6]+"_out "+words[7]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[6]+"_out "+words[7]+"_out] ["+words[6]+" "+words[7]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ if len(words)>12:
+ # Add analog to digital converter for inputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[14]+" "+words[13]+" "+words[12]+" "+words[11]+" "+words[15]+"] ["+words[14]+"_in "+words[13]+"_in "+words[12]+"_in "+words[11]+"_in "+words[15]+"_in] "+compName+"adc")
+ k=k+1
+ # Add J-K Flip-flop
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[14]+"_in ~"+words[13]+"_in "+words[12]+"_in ~"+words[11]+"_in ~"+words[15]+"_in "+words[10]+"_out "+words[9]+"_out "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ # Add digital to analog converter for outputs
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[10]+"_out "+words[9]+"_out] ["+words[10]+" "+words[9]+"] "+" "+compName+"dac")
+ k=k+1
+ # Insert comment in-place of components
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ # Add model for JK Flip-Flop
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jkff")
+ # Add model for analog-to-digital bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0)")
+ # Add model for digital-to-analog bridge
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+"dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)")
+ elif (compType=="74112" or compType=="74hc112" or compType=="74ls112"):
+ if len(words)>12:
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" ~"+words[1]+" ~"+words[4]+" ~"+words[15]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[11]+" "+words[12]+" ~"+words[13]+" ~"+words[10]+" ~"+words[14]+" "+words[9]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ else:
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" ~"+words[1]+" ~"+words[4]+" ~"+words[8]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compType)
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jkff")
+ elif compType=="dac":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"] "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Digital to Analog converter "+compType)
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" dac_bridge")
+ elif compType=="adc":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+"] ["+words[2]+"] "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Analog to Digital converter "+compType)
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" adc_bridge")
+ elif compType=="adc8":
+ for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+len(words)/2]+"] "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Analog to Digital converter "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for analog to digital converter "+compName
+ in_low=raw_input(' Enter input low level voltage (default=0.8): ')
+ in_high=raw_input(' Enter input high level voltage (default=2.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if in_low=="": in_low="0.8"
+ if in_high=="": in_high="2.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" adc_bridge(in_low="+in_low+" in_high="+in_high+" )")
+ elif compType=="dac8":
+ for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[i+1]+"] ["+words[i+len(words)/2]+"] "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Digital to Analog converter "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for digital to analog converter "+compName
+ out_low=raw_input(' Enter output low level voltage (default=0.2): ')
+ out_high=raw_input(' Enter output high level voltage (default=5.0): ')
+ out_undef=raw_input(' Enter output for undefined voltage level (default=2.2): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if out_low=="": out_low="0.2"
+ if out_high=="": out_high="5.0"
+ if out_undef=="": out_undef="5.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" dac_bridge(out_low="+out_low+" out_high="+out_high+" out_undef="+out_undef+" )")
+ elif compType=="gain":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Gain "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Gain "+compName
+ in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
+ gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" gain(in_offset="+in_offset+" out_offset="+out_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ elif compType=="summer":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Summer "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Summer "+compName
+ in1_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input 1 (default=0.0): ')
+ in2_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input 2 (default=0.0): ')
+ in1_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for input 1 (default=1.0): ')
+ in2_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for input 2 (default=1.0): ')
+ out_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): ')
+ out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if in1_offset=="": in1_offset="0.0"
+ if in2_offset=="": in2_offset="0.0"
+ if in1_gain=="": in1_gain="1.0"
+ if in2_gain=="": in2_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" summer(in_offset=["+in1_offset+" "+in2_offset+"] in_gain=["+in1_gain+" "+in2_gain+"] out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+")")
+ elif compType=="multiplier":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Multiplier "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Multiplier "+compName
+ in1_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input 1 (default=0.0): ')
+ in2_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input 2 (default=0.0): ')
+ in1_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for input 1 (default=1.0): ')
+ in2_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for input 2 (default=1.0): ')
+ out_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): ')
+ out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if in1_offset=="": in1_offset="0.0"
+ if in2_offset=="": in2_offset="0.0"
+ if in1_gain=="": in1_gain="1.0"
+ if in2_gain=="": in2_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" mult(in_offset=["+in1_offset+" "+in2_offset+"] in_gain=["+in1_gain+" "+in2_gain+"] out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+")")
+ elif compType=="divider":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Divider "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Divider "+compName
+ num_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for numerator (default=0.0): ')
+ den_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for denominator (default=0.0): ')
+ num_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for numerator (default=1.0): ')
+ den_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for denominator (default=1.0): ')
+ out_gain=raw_input(' Enter gain for output (default=1.0): ')
+ out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
+ den_lower_limit=raw_input(' Enter lower limit for denominator value (default=1.0e-10): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if num_offset=="": num_offset="0.0"
+ if den_offset=="": den_offset="0.0"
+ if num_gain=="": num_gain="1.0"
+ if den_gain=="": den_gain="1.0"
+ if out_gain=="": out_gain="1.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ if den_lower_limit=="": den_lower_limit="1.0e-10"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" divide(num_offset="+num_offset+" den_offset="+den_offset+" num_gain="+num_gain+" den_gain="+den_gain+" out_offset="+out_offset+" out_gain="+out_gain+" den_lower_limit="+den_lower_limit+")")
+ elif compType=="limit":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Limiter "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Limiter "+compName
+ lowerLimit=raw_input(' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): ')
+ upperLimit=raw_input(' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): ')
+ in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
+ gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if lowerLimit=="": lowerLimit="0.0"
+ if upperLimit=="": upperLimit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" limit(out_lower_limit="+lowerLimit+" out_upper_limit="+upperLimit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ elif compType=="integrator":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Integrator "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Integrator "+compName
+ out_lower_limit=raw_input(' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): ')
+ out_upper_limit=raw_input(' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): ')
+ in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
+ gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ out_ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if out_lower_limit=="": out_lower_limit="0.0"
+ if out_upper_limit=="": out_upper_limit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ if out_ic=="": out_ic="0.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" int(out_lower_limit="+out_lower_limit+" out_upper_limit="+out_upper_limit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+" out_ic="+out_ic+")")
+ elif compType=="differentiator":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Differentiator "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Differentiator "+compName
+ out_lower_limit=raw_input(' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): ')
+ out_upper_limit=raw_input(' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): ')
+ out_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for output (default=0.0): ')
+ gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if out_lower_limit=="": out_lower_limit="0.0"
+ if out_upper_limit=="": out_upper_limit="5.0"
+ if out_offset=="": out_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_dt(out_lower_limit="+out_lower_limit+" out_upper_limit="+out_upper_limit+" out_offset="+out_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ elif compType=="limit8":
+ for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[i+1]+" "+words[i+len(words)/2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Limiter "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Limiter "+compName
+ lowerLimit=raw_input(' Enter out lower limit (default=0.0): ')
+ upperLimit=raw_input(' Enter out upper limit (default=5.0): ')
+ in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
+ gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if lowerLimit=="": lowerLimit="0.0"
+ if upperLimit=="": upperLimit="5.0"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" limit(out_lower_limit="+lowerLimit+" out_upper_limit="+upperLimit+" in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ elif compType=="controlledlimiter":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Controlled Limiter "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Controlled Limiter "+compName
+ in_offset=raw_input(' Enter offset for input (default=0.0): ')
+ gain=raw_input(' Enter gain (default=1.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if in_offset=="": in_offset="0.0"
+ if gain=="": gain="1.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" climit(in_offset="+in_offset+" gain="+gain+")")
+ elif compType=="analogswitch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" ("+words[2]+" "+words[3]+") "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Analog Switch "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Analog Switch "+compName
+ cntl_on=raw_input(' Enter control ON voltage (default=5.0): ')
+ cntl_off=raw_input(' Enter control OFF voltage (default=0.0): ')
+ r_on=raw_input(' Enter ON resistance value (default=10.0): ')
+ r_off=raw_input(' Enter OFF resistance value (default=1e6): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if cntl_on=="": cntl_on="5.0"
+ if cntl_off=="": cntl_off="0.0"
+ if r_on=="": r_on="10.0"
+ if r_off=="": r_off="1e6"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" aswitch(cntl_on="+cntl_on+" cntl_off="+cntl_off+" r_on="+r_on+" r_off="+r_off+")")
+ elif compType=="zener":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Zener Diode "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Zener Diode "+compName
+ v_breakdown=raw_input(' Enter Breakdown voltage (default=5.6): ')
+ i_breakdown=raw_input(' Enter Breakdown current (default=2.0e-2): ')
+ i_sat=raw_input(' Enter saturation current (default=1.0e-12): ')
+ n_forward=raw_input(' Enter forward emission coefficient (default=0.0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if v_breakdown=="": v_breakdown="5.6"
+ if i_breakdown=="": i_breakdown="1.0e-2"
+ if i_sat=="": i_sat="1.0e-12"
+ if n_forward=="": n_forward="1.0"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" zener(v_breakdown="+v_breakdown+" i_breakdown="+i_breakdown+" i_sat="+i_sat+" n_forward="+n_forward+")")
+ elif compType=="d_buffer":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Buffer "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Buffer "+compName
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_buffer(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_inverter":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Inverter "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Inverter "+compName
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_inverter(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_and":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* And "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for And "+compName
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_and(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_nand":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Nand "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Nand "+compName
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_nand(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_or":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* OR "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for OR "+compName
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_or(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_nor":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* NOR "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for NOR "+compName
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_nor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_xor":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* XOR "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for XOR "+compName
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_xor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_xnor":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ["+words[1]+" "+words[2]+"] "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* XNOR "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for XNOR "+compName
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_xnor(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_tristate":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Tristate "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Tristate "+compName
+ delay=raw_input(' Enter delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ input_load=raw_input(' Enter input load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if delay=="": delay="1e-12"
+ if input_load=="": input_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_tristate(delay="+delay+" enable_load="+enable_load+" input_load="+input_load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_pullup":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Pullup "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Pullup "+compName
+ load=raw_input(' Enter load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if load=="": load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_pullup(load="+load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_pulldown":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Pullup "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for Pullup "+compName
+ load=raw_input(' Enter load capacitance (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if load=="": load="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_pulldown(load="+load+")")
+ elif compType=="d_srlatch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* SR Latch "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for SR Latch "+compName
+ sr_delay=raw_input(' Enter input to set-reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_delay=raw_input(' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ sr_load=raw_input(' Enter input to set-reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if sr_delay=="": sr_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if sr_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_srlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+sr_load="+sr_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+sr_delay="+sr_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ elif compType=="d_jklatch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* JK Latch "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for JK Latch "+compName
+ jk_delay=raw_input(' Enter input to j-k delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_delay=raw_input(' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ jk_load=raw_input(' Enter input to j-k load (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if jk_delay=="": jk_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if jk_load=="": jk_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jklatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+jk_load="+jk_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+jk_delay="+jk_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ elif compType=="d_dlatch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* D Latch "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for D Latch "+compName
+ data_delay=raw_input(' Enter input to data delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_delay=raw_input(' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ data_load=raw_input(' Enter input to data load (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if data_delay=="": data_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if data_load=="": data_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_dlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+data_load="+data_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+data_delay="+data_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ elif compType=="d_tlatch":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* T Latch "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for T Latch "+compName
+ t_delay=raw_input(' Enter input to t delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_delay=raw_input(' Enter enable delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ t_load=raw_input(' Enter input to t load (default=1e-12): ')
+ enable_load=raw_input(' Enter enable load (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if t_delay=="": t_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if t_load=="": t_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_tlatch(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+t_load="+t_load+" enable_load="+enable_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+t_delay="+t_delay+" enable_delay="+enable_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ elif compType=="d_srff":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* SR Flip-Flop "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for SR Flip-Flop "+compName
+ clk_delay=raw_input(' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ sr_load=raw_input(' Enter input to set-reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ clk_load=raw_input(' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if sr_load=="": sr_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_srff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+sr_load="+sr_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ elif compType=="d_jkff":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+words[7]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* JK Flip-Flop "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for JK Flip-Flop "+compName
+ clk_delay=raw_input(' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ jk_load=raw_input(' Enter input to j-k load (default=1e-12): ')
+ clk_load=raw_input(' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if jk_load=="": jk_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_jkff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+jk_load="+jk_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ elif compType=="d_dff":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* D Flip-Flop "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for D Flip-Flop "+compName
+ clk_delay=raw_input(' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ data_load=raw_input(' Enter input to data load (default=1e-12): ')
+ clk_load=raw_input(' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if clk_delay=="": clk_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if data_load=="": data_load="1e-12"
+ if clk_load=="": clk_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_dff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+data_load="+data_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ elif compType=="d_tff":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+words[5]+" "+words[6]+" "+compName)
+ k=k+1
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* T Flip-Flop "+compType)
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for T Flip-Flip "+compName
+ clk_delay=raw_input(' Enter clk delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_delay=raw_input(' Enter set delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_delay=raw_input(' Enter reset delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ t_load=raw_input(' Enter input to t load (default=1e-12): ')
+ clk_load=raw_input(' Enter clk load (default=1e-12): ')
+ set_load=raw_input(' Enter set load (default=1e-12): ')
+ reset_load=raw_input(' Enter reset load (default=1e-12): ')
+ rise_delay=raw_input(' Enter rise delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ fall_delay=raw_input(' Enter fall delay (default=1e-12): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if t_delay=="": t_delay="1e-12"
+ if enable_delay=="": enable_delay="1e-12"
+ if set_delay=="": set_delay="1e-12"
+ if reset_delay=="": reset_delay="1e-12"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ if t_load=="": t_load="1e-12"
+ if enable_load=="": enable_load="1e-12"
+ if set_load=="": set_load="1e-12"
+ if reset_load=="": reset_load="1e-12"
+ if rise_delay=="": rise_delay="1e-12"
+ if fall_delay=="": fall_delay="1e-12"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model "+ compName+" d_tff(rise_delay="+rise_delay+" fall_delay="+fall_delay+" ic="+ic+"\n+t_load="+t_load+" clk_load="+clk_load+" set_load="+set_load+" reset_load="+reset_load+"\n+clk_delay="+clk_delay+" set_delay="+set_delay+" reset_delay="+reset_delay+")")
+ elif compType=="vplot1":
+ outputOption.append("plot v("+words[1]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vplot8_1":
+ outputOption.append("plot ")
+ for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
+ outputOption.append("v("+words[i]+") ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vprint1":
+ outputOption.append("print v("+words[1]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printing option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vprint8_1":
+ outputOption.append("print ")
+ for i in range(1,len(words)-1):
+ outputOption.append("v("+words[i]+") ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printing option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vplot":
+ outputOption.append("plot v("+words[1]+")-v("+words[2]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Plotting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="vplot8":
+ outputOption.append("plot ")
+ for i in range(0,len(words)/2-1):
+ if words[i+1]=="0":
+ outputOption.append("-v("+words[i+len(words)/2]+") ")
+ elif words[i+len(words)/2]=="0":
+ outputOption.append("v("+words[i+1]+") ")
+ else:
+ outputOption.append("v("+words[i+1]+")-v("+words[i+len(words)/2]+") ")
+ outputOption.append("\n")
+ elif compType=="vprint":
+ outputOption.append("print v("+words[1]+")-v("+words[2]+")\n")
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* Printting option "+compType)
+ elif compType=="iplot":
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"V_"+words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" 0")
+ outputOption.append("plot i(V_"+words[0]+")\n")
+ elif compType=="ic":
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ ic=raw_input(' Enter initial condition on output (default=0): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+ if ic=="": ic="0"
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,".ic v("+words[1]+")="+ic)
+ elif compType=="transfo":
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ("+words[1]+" "+words[2]+") (2mmf "+words[2]+") primary")
+ k=k+1
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for primary "
+ num_turns=raw_input(' Enter the number of turns in primary (default=310): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ if num_turns=="": num_turns="310"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model primary lcouple (num_turns = "+num_turns+ ")")
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" (2mmf 3mmf) iron_core")
+ k=k+1
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ inp1=raw_input(' Do you want to populate the B-H table?y/n (if n, default values will be used): ')
+ if inp1=='y' or inp1=='Y':
+ print "Enter the values in the H, B table to construct B-H curve "
+ inp="y"
+ h_array= "H_array = [ "
+ b_array = "B_array = [ "
+ while inp=="y":
+ h1=raw_input(' Enter H value: ')
+ h_array = h_array+ h1+" "
+ b1=raw_input(' Enter corresponding B value: ')
+ b_array = b_array+ b1+" "
+ inp=raw_input(' Do you want to continue(y/n): ')
+ modelline = h_array+" ] " + b_array+" ]"
+ else:
+ modelline = "H_array = [-1000 -500 -375 -250 -188 -125 -63 0 63 125 188 250 375 500 1000] B_array = [-3.13e-3 -2.63e-3 -2.33e-3 -1.93e-3 -1.5e-3 -6.25e-4 -2.5e-4 0 2.5e-4 6.25e-4 1.5e-3 1.93e-3 2.33e-3 2.63e-3 3.13e-3]"
+ area =raw_input( 'Enter the cross-sectional area of the core: (default = 1)')
+ length =raw_input( 'Enter the core length: (default = 0.01)')
+ print "----------------------------------------------\n"
+ if area=="": area="1"
+ if length=="":length="0.01"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model iron_core core ("+modelline+" area = "+area+" length = "+length +")")
+ schematicInfo.append("a"+str(k)+" ("+words[4]+" "+words[3]+") (3mmf "+words[3]+") secondary")
+ k=k+1
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ print "Add parameters for secondary "
+ num_turns2=raw_input(' Enter the number of turns in secondary (default=620): ')
+ print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ if num_turns2=="": num_turns2="620"
+ schematicInfo.append(".model secondary lcouple (num_turns = "+num_turns2+ ")")
+ else:
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,compline)
+ # Update option information
+ return schematicInfo,outputOption
+# Accept input file name from user if not provided
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ filename=raw_input('Enter file name: ')
+ filename=sys.argv[1]
+if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ finalNetlist=int(raw_input('Do you want to create final file: '))
+ finalNetlist=int(sys.argv[2])
+print "=================================="
+print "Kicad to Ngspice netlist converter "
+print "=================================="
+print "converting "+filename
+# Read the netlist
+# Construct parameter information
+# Replace parameter with values
+netlist, infoline=preprocessNetlist(lines,param)
+# Separate option and schematic information
+optionInfo, schematicInfo=separateNetlistInfo(netlist)
+if finalNetlist:
+ # Insert analysis from file
+ optionInfo=addAnalysis(optionInfo)
+# Find the analysis option
+for eachline in optionInfo:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ option=words[0]
+ if (option=='.ac' or option=='.dc' or
+ option=='.disto' or option=='.noise' or
+ option=='.op' or option=='.pz' or
+ option=='.sens' or option=='.tf' or
+ option=='.tran'):
+ analysisOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ print eachline
+ elif (option=='.save' or option=='.print' or
+ option=='.plot' or option=='.four'):
+ eachline=eachline.strip('.')
+ outputOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.nodeset' or option=='.ic'):
+ initialCondOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif option=='.option':
+ simulatorOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.include' or option=='.lib'):
+ includeOption.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif (option=='.model'):
+ model.append(eachline+'\n')
+ elif option=='.end':
+ continue;
+# Find the various model library required
+for eachline in schematicInfo:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ if eachline[0]=='d':
+ modelName=words[3]
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='q':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[4])
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='m':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ width=raw_input(' Enter width of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=100u):')
+ length=raw_input(' Enter length of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=5u):')
+ multiplicative_factor=raw_input(' Enter multiplicative factor of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=1):')
+ AD=raw_input(' Enter drain area, AD of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=5*(L/2)*W): ')
+ AS=raw_input(' Enter source area, AS of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=5*(L/2)*W): ')
+ PD=raw_input(' Enter drain perimeter, PD of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=2*W+10*L/2): ')
+ PS=raw_input(' Enter source perimeter, PS of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=2*W+10*L/2): ')
+ if width=="": width="0.0001"
+ if multiplicative_factor=="": multiplicative_factor="1"
+ if length=="": length="0.000005"
+ if PD=="": PD = 2*float(width)+10*float(length)/2
+ if PS=="": PS = 2*float(width)+10*float(length)/2
+ if AD=="": AD = 5*(float(length)/2)*float(width)
+ if AS=="": AS = 5*(float(length)/2)*float(width)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+'M='+multiplicative_factor+" "+'L='+length+" "+'W='+width+" "+'PD='+str(PD)+" "+'PS='+str(PS)+" "+'AD='+str(AD)+" "+'AS='+str(AS))
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='j':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4])
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='x':
+ subcktName=words[len(words)-1]
+ if subcktName in subcktList:
+ continue
+ subcktList.append(subcktName)
+# Find current through components
+# Add parameter to sources
+# Add newline in the schematic information
+for i in range(len(schematicInfo),0,-1):
+ schematicInfo.insert(i,'\n')
+for modelName in modelList:
+ if os.path.exists(modelName+".lib"):
+ out.writelines('.include '+modelName+'.lib\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.include '+modelName+'.lib\n')
+for subcktName in subcktList:
+ out.writelines('.include '+subcktName+'.sub\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.include '+subcktName+'.sub\n')
+if finalNetlist:
+ sections=[simulatorOption, initialCondOption, schematicInfo, analysisOption]
+ sections=[simulatorOption, initialCondOption, schematicInfo]
+for section in sections:
+ if len(section) == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ out.writelines('\n')
+ out.writelines(section)
+ ckt.writelines('\n')
+ ckt.writelines(section)
+if finalNetlist:
+ out.writelines('\n* Control Statements \n')
+ out.writelines('.control\n')
+ out.writelines('run\n')
+ out.writelines(outputOption)
+ outputOption1=[]
+ for option in outputOption:
+ if (("plot" in option) or ("print" in option)):
+ outputOption1.append("."+option)
+ else:
+ outputOption1.append(option)
+ ckt.writelines(outputOption1)
+ out.writelines('.endc\n')
+ out.writelines('.end\n')
+ ckt.writelines('.end\n')
+print "The ngspice netlist has been written in "+filename+".out"
+print "The scilab netlist has been written in "+filename+".ckt"
+dummy=raw_input('Press Enter to quit')