path: root/OSCAD/forntEnd/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'OSCAD/forntEnd/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 696 deletions
diff --git a/OSCAD/forntEnd/ b/OSCAD/forntEnd/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3564aab..0000000
--- a/OSCAD/forntEnd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import division # Used for decimal division eg 2/3=0.66 and not '0' 6/2=3.0 and 6//2=3
-import sys, os
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from PyQt4 import QtGui, uic
-from PyQt4 import QtCore
-from decimal import *
-import matplotlib
-from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
-from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QTAgg as NavigationToolbar
-from matplotlib.figure import Figure
-import tkMessageBox
-class File_data:
- def __init__(self,parent=None):
-[] #consists of all the columns of data belonging to nodes and branches
- self.y=[] #stores y-axis data
- self.x=[] #stores x-axis data
-#new function for finding no of points to be plotted:
- def numberFinder(self,fpath):
- with open (fpath+"/analysis") as f3:
- info =
- info = info.split(" ")
- #info[0] = info[0][-3:]
- #print info
- with open (fpath+"/plot_data_v.txt") as f2:
- ilines =
- p = l = vnumber = inumber = 0
- ilines = ilines.split("\n")
- for i in ilines[3:]:
- if "V(" in i or "x1" in i or "u3" in i: #it has possible names of voltage nodes in ngspice
- vnumber+=1
- #print "vno:",vnumber
- # for finding no of branches:
- with open (fpath+"/plot_data_i.txt") as f2:
- current =
- current = current.split("\n")
- for i in current[3:]:
- if "#branch" in i:
- inumber+=1
- #print "current no:",inumber
- dec = 0
- # For AC:
- if info[0][-3:]==".ac":
- if "dec" in info:
- dec = 1
- for i in ilines[3:]:
- p+=1 #'p' gives no. of lines of data for each node/branch
- if "Index" in i:
- l+=1 # 'l' gives the no of partitions for a single voltage node
- #print "l:",l
- if "AC" in i: #DC for dc files and AC for ac ones
- break
- analysis_type = 0
- elif ".tran" in info:
- analysis_type = 1
- for i in ilines[3:]:
- p+=1
- if "Index" in i:
- l+=1 # 'l' gives the no of partitions for a single voltage node
- #print "l:",l
- if "Transient" in i: #DC for dc files and AC for ac ones
- break
- # For DC:
- else:
- for i in ilines[3:]:
- p+=1
- if "Index" in i:
- l+=1 # 'l' gives the no of partitions for a single voltage node
- #print "l:",l
- if "DC" in i: #DC for dc files and AC for ac ones
- break
- analysis_type = 2
- #if ac!=1:
- vnumber = vnumber//l #vnumber gives the no of voltage nodes
- inumber = inumber//l #inumber gives the no of branches
- #print "i'm p:",p
- p=[p,vnumber,analysis_type,dec,inumber]
- #print p
- return p
- def openFile(self,fpath):
- # For Current:
- try:
- with open (fpath+"/plot_data_i.txt") as f2: #Checking whether the files Plot_data_i.txt
- I = # and plot_data_v.txt are present or not
- I = I.split("\n")
- self.butnamesi = []
- with open (fpath+"/plot_data_v.txt") as f1:
- idata =
- except:
- tkMessageBox.showinfo("Warning!!", "Click on KI->Ng button before simulation ")
- exit(1)
- try:
- for l in I[3].split(" "):
- if len(l)>0:
- self.butnamesi.append(l)
- self.butnamesi=self.butnamesi[2:]
- len_bnamesi = len(self.butnamesi)
- #print "length_new",len_bnamesi
- #print self.butnamesi
- except:
- tkMessageBox.showinfo("Warning!!", "Error in Analysis File")
- d = self.numberFinder(fpath)
- d1 = int(d[0] + 1)
- #print "I'm D1:", d1 #for debugging
- d2 = int(d[1])
- d3 = d[2]
- d4 = d[4]
- #print "I'm D4:", d4 #for debugging
- dec = [d3,d[3]]
- #print "No. of Nodes:", d2
- self.butnames=[]
- idata=idata.split("\n")
- for l in idata[3].split(" "):
- if len(l)>0:
- self.butnames.append(l)
- self.butnames=self.butnames[2:]
- len_bnames = len(self.butnames)
- #print len_bnames
- #print self.butnames
- ivals=[]
- inum = len(idata[5].split("\t"))
- inum_i = len(I[5].split("\t"))
- #print inum
- full_data = []
- # Creating list of data:
- if d3 < 3 :
- for i in range(1,d2):
- for l in idata[3+i*d1].split(" "):
- if len(l)>0:
- self.butnames.append(l)
- self.butnames.pop(len_bnames)
- self.butnames.pop(len_bnames)
- len_bnames = len(self.butnames)
- #print "volts:",self.butnames
- for n in range(1,d4):
- for l in I[3+n*d1].split(" "):
- if len(l)>0:
- self.butnamesi.append(l)
- #print "names:",self.butnamesi
- self.butnamesi.pop(len_bnamesi)
- self.butnamesi.pop(len_bnamesi)
- len_bnamesi = len(self.butnamesi)
- #print "current",self.butnamesi
- p=0
- k = 0
- m=0
- for i in I[5:d1-1]:
- #print "hello:"
- if len(i.split("\t"))==inum_i:
- j2=i.split("\t")
- #print j2
- j2.pop(0)
- j2.pop(0)
- j2.pop()
- if d3 == 0: #not in trans
- j2.pop()
- #print j2
- for l in range(1,d4):
- j3 = I[5+l*d1+k].split("\t")
- j3.pop(0)
- j3.pop(0)
- if d3==0:
- j3.pop() #not required for dc
- j3.pop()
- j2 = j2 + j3
- #print j2
- full_data.append(j2)
- k+=1
- #print full_data
- for i in idata[5:d1-1]:
- if len(i.split("\t"))==inum:
- j=i.split("\t")
- j.pop()
- if d3==0:
- j.pop()
- for l in range(1,d2):
- j1 = idata[5+l*d1+p].split("\t")
- j1.pop(0)
- j1.pop(0)
- if d3==0:
- j1.pop() #not required for dc
- if self.butnames[len(self.butnames)-1] == 'v-sweep':
- self.butnames.pop()
- j1.pop()
- #if l==d2-1 and d3==2:
- #j1.pop()
- j1.pop()
- j = j + j1
- #self.volts_length = len(j)-2
- j = j + full_data[m]
- #print j
- m+=1
- #print j[:20]
- j = "\t".join(j[1:])
- j = j.replace(",","")
- ivals.append(j)
- p+=1
- = ivals
- #print
- #print "volts:",self.butnames
- self.volts_length = len(self.butnames)
- #print "volts_length:",self.volts_length
- self.butnames = self.butnames + self.butnamesi
- #print "new butnames:",self.butnames
- #print
- return dec
- def numVals(self):
- a = self.volts_length # No of voltage nodes
- b = len([0].split("\t"))
- #print "numvals:",b
- return [b,a]
- def computeAxes(self):
- nums = len([0].split("\t"))
- #print "i'm nums:",nums
- self.y=[]
- for i in range(1,nums):
- self.y.append([Decimal(var[i])])
- #print self.y
- #print y,nums
- for i in[1:]:
- temp=i.split("\t")
- for j in range(1,nums):
- self.y[j-1].append(Decimal(temp[j]))
- #print len(self.y)
- #print self.y[3]
- for i in
- temp=i.split("\t")
- self.x.append(Decimal(temp[0]))
-class Window(QMainWindow):
- def __init__(self,fpath,projName, parent=None):
- super(Window, self).__init__(parent)
- #self.setWindowTitle('AC Analysis')
- self.fpath=fpath
- self.projName=projName
- self.createMainFrame()
- self.combo = []
- self.combo1 = []
- self.combo1_rev = []
- def createMainFrame(self):
- self.main_frame = QWidget()
- self.dpi = 100
- self.fig = Figure((7.0, 7.0), dpi=self.dpi)
- self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig)
- self.canvas.setParent(self.main_frame)
- self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
- self.mpl_toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.main_frame)
- left_vbox = QVBoxLayout()
- left_vbox.addWidget(self.mpl_toolbar)
- left_vbox.addWidget(self.canvas)
- right_vbox = QVBoxLayout()
- right_grid = QGridLayout()
- top_grid = QGridLayout()
- self.fobj = File_data()
- plot_type = self.fobj.openFile(self.fpath)
- #print "hi:",plot_type
- self.fobj.computeAxes()
- self.chkbox=[]
- self.a = self.fobj.numVals()
- ########### Generating list of colours :
- self.full_colors = ['r','b','g','y','c','m','k']#,(0.4,0.5,0.2),(0.1,0.4,0.9),(0.4,0.9,0.2),(0.9,0.4,0.9)]
- self.color = []
- for i in range(0,self.a[0]-1):
- if i%7 == 0:
- self.color.append(self.full_colors[0])
- elif (i-1)%7 == 0:
- self.color.append(self.full_colors[1])
- elif (i-2)%7 == 0:
- self.color.append(self.full_colors[2])
- elif (i-3)%7 == 0:
- self.color.append(self.full_colors[3])
- elif (i-4)%7 == 0:
- self.color.append(self.full_colors[4])
- elif (i-5)%7 == 0:
- self.color.append(self.full_colors[5])
- elif (i-6)%7 == 0:
- self.color.append(self.full_colors[6])
- ###########
- self.volts_length = self.a[1]
- #print "I'm Volts length:",self.volts_length
- self.heading1 = QLabel()
- top_grid.addWidget(self.heading1,1,0)
- self.heading2 = QLabel()
- top_grid.addWidget(self.heading2,self.a[1]+2,0)
- for i in range(0,self.a[1]):#a[0]-1
- self.chkbox.append(QCheckBox(self.fobj.butnames[i]))
- self.chkbox[i].setToolTip('<b>Tick Me!</b>' )
- top_grid.addWidget(self.chkbox[i],i+2,0)
- for i in range(self.a[1],self.a[0]-1):#a[0]-1
- self.chkbox.append(QCheckBox(self.fobj.butnames[i]))
- self.chkbox[i].setToolTip('<b>Tick Me!</b>' )
- top_grid.addWidget(self.chkbox[i],i+3,0)
- self.clear = QPushButton("Clear")
- self.Note = QLabel()
- self.Note1 = QLabel()
- self.Note2 = QLabel()
- self.btn = QPushButton("Plot")
- self.btn.setToolTip('<b>Press</b> to Plot' )
- self.text = QLineEdit()
- self.funcLabel = QLabel()
- self.palette1 = QPalette()
- self.palette2 = QPalette()
- self.btn1 = QPushButton("Plot Function")
- self.btn1.setToolTip('<b>Press</b> to Plot the function' )
- self.palette1.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Foreground,
- self.palette2.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Foreground,
- self.Note1.setPalette(self.palette1)
- self.Note2.setPalette(self.palette2)
- right_vbox.addLayout(top_grid)
- right_vbox.addWidget(self.btn)
- right_grid.addWidget(self.funcLabel,1,0)
- right_grid.addWidget(self.text,1,1)
- right_grid.addWidget(self.btn1,2,1)
- right_grid.addWidget(self.clear,2,0)
- right_grid.addWidget(self.Note,3,0)
- right_grid.addWidget(self.Note1,4,0)
- right_grid.addWidget(self.Note2,4,1)
- right_vbox.addLayout(right_grid)
- netlist = QTextEdit()
- with open (self.fpath+"/"+self.projName+'.cir.out') as f2:
- fdata =
- netlist.setText(fdata)
- netlist.setReadOnly(True)
- '''down_box = QHBoxLayout()
- down_box.addWidget(netlist)
- left_vbox.addLayout(down_box)'''
- left_vbox.addWidget(netlist)
- hbox = QHBoxLayout()
- hbox.addLayout(left_vbox)
- hbox.addLayout(right_vbox)
- '''finalvbox = QVBoxLayout()
- finalvbox.addLayout(hbox)'''
- widget = QWidget()
- widget.setLayout(hbox)#finalvbox
- self.scrollArea = QScrollArea()
- self.scrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True)
- self.scrollArea.setWidget(widget)
- finalhbox = QHBoxLayout()
- finalhbox.addWidget(self.scrollArea)
- self.main_frame.setLayout(finalhbox)
- self.showMaximized()
- self.heading1.setText("<font color='indigo'>List of Nodes:</font>")
- self.heading2.setText("<font color='indigo'>List of Branches:</font>")
- self.funcLabel.setText("<font color='indigo'>Function:</font>")
- self.Note1.setText("<font color='indigo'>Examples:</font>\
- <br><br>Addition:<br>Subtraction:<br>Multiplication:<br>Division:<br>Comparison:")
- self.Note2.setText("\n\n"+self.fobj.butnames[0]+" + "+self.fobj.butnames[1]+"\n"+self.fobj.butnames[0]+" - "+self.fobj.butnames[1]+ \
- "\n"+self.fobj.butnames[0]+" * "+self.fobj.butnames[1]+"\n"+self.fobj.butnames[0]+" / "+self.fobj.butnames[1]+ \
- "\n"+self.fobj.butnames[0]+" vs "+self.fobj.butnames[1])
- self.connect(self.clear,SIGNAL('clicked()'),self.pushedClear)
- self.connect(self.btn1,SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.pushedPlotFunc)
- if plot_type[0]==0:
- self.setWindowTitle('AC Analysis')
- if plot_type[1]==1:
- self.connect(self.btn, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.onPush_decade)
- else:
- self.connect(self.btn, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.onPush_ac)
- elif plot_type[0]==1:
- self.setWindowTitle('Transient Analysis')
- self.connect(self.btn, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.onPush_trans)
- else:
- self.setWindowTitle('DC Analysis')
- self.connect(self.btn, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.onPush_dc)
- self.setCentralWidget(self.main_frame)
- def pushedPlotFunc(self):
- = str(self.text.text())
- =" ")
- #print
- if[len(] == '':
- =[0:-1]
- #print
- self.values =
- self.comboAll = []
- self.axes.cla()
- plot_type2 = self.fobj.openFile(self.fpath)
- if len( <= 2:
- self.Note.setText("Too few arguments!\nRefer syntax below!")
- QMessageBox.about(self, "Warning!!", "Too Few Arguments/SYNTAX Error!\n Refer Examples")
- else:
- self.Note.setText("")
- a = []
- finalResult = []
- p = 0
- #print "values:",self.values
- #print "parts:",
- for i in range(len(
- #print "hello"
- if i%2 == 0:
- #print "I'm in:"
- for j in range(len(self.fobj.butnames)):
- if[i]==self.fobj.butnames[j]:
- #print "I got you:",i
- a.append(j)
- #print "positions",a
- if len(a) != len( + 1:
- QMessageBox.about(self, "Warning!!", "One of the operands doesn't belong to the above list!!")
- for i in a:
- self.comboAll.append(self.fobj.y[i])
- #print self.comboAll
- for i in range(len(a)):
- if a[i] == len(self.fobj.butnames):
- QMessageBox.about(self, "Warning!!", "One of the operands doesn't belong to the above list!!")
- self.Note.setText("<font color='red'>To Err Is Human!<br>One of the operands doesn't belong to the above list!!</font>")
- if[1] == 'vs':
- if len( > 3:
- self.Note.setText("Enter two operands only!!")
- QMessageBox.about(self, "Warning!!", "Recheck the expression syntax!")
- else:
- self.axes.cla()
- #print "plotting wait"
- for i in range(len(self.fobj.y[a[0]])):
- self.combo.append(self.fobj.y[a[0]][i])
- self.combo1.append(self.fobj.y[a[1]][i])
- '''for i in reversed(self.combo1):
- self.combo1_rev.append(i)'''
- #print self.combo
- #print "\ncombo1_rev\n",self.combo1_rev
- self.axes.plot(self.combo,self.combo1,c=self.color[1],label=str(2))#_rev
- if max(a) < self.volts_length:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- self.axes.set_xlabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- else:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- elif max(a) >= self.volts_length and min(a) < self.volts_length:
- QMessageBox.about(self, "Warning!!", "Do not combine Voltage and Current!!")
- else:
- for j in range(len(self.comboAll[0])):
- for i in range(len(self.values)):
- if i%2==0:
- self.values[i] = str(self.comboAll[i//2][j])
- re = " ".join(self.values[:])
- #print re
- try:
- finalResult.append(eval(re))
- except ArithmeticError:
- QMessageBox.about(self, "Warning!!", "Dividing by zero!!")
- ############################################
- if plot_type2[0]==0:
- self.setWindowTitle('AC Analysis')
- if plot_type2[1]==1:
- self.axes.semilogx(self.fobj.x,finalResult,c=self.color[0],label=str(1))
- else:
- self.axes.plot(self.fobj.x,finalResult,c=self.color[0],label=str(1))
- self.axes.set_xlabel('freq-->')
- if max(a) < self.volts_length:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- else:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- elif plot_type2[0]==1:
- self.setWindowTitle('Transient Analysis')
- self.axes.plot(self.fobj.x,finalResult,c=self.color[0],label=str(1))
- self.axes.set_xlabel('time-->')
- if max(a) < self.volts_length:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- else:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- else:
- self.setWindowTitle('DC Analysis')
- self.axes.plot(self.fobj.x,finalResult,c=self.color[0],label=str(1))
- self.axes.set_xlabel('I/P Voltage-->')
- if max(a) < self.volts_length:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- else:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- ##########################################
- #self.axes.plot(self.fobj.x,finalResult,c=self.color[0],label=str(1))
- self.axes.grid(True)
- self.canvas.draw()
- self.combo = []
- self.combo1 = []
- self.combo1_rev = []
- #print "succes:",
- def pushedClear(self):
- self.text.clear()
- self.axes.cla()
- self.canvas.draw()
- QtCore.SLOT('quit()')
- def onPush_ac(self):
- self.axes.cla()
- boxCheck = 0
- for i,j in zip(self.chkbox,range(len(self.chkbox))):
- if i.isChecked():
- boxCheck += 1
- self.axes.plot(self.fobj.x,self.fobj.y[j],c=self.color[j],label=str(j+1))
- self.axes.set_xlabel('freq-->')
- if j < self.volts_length:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- else:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- self.axes.grid(True)
- if boxCheck == 0:
- QMessageBox.about(self, "Warning!!","Please select atleast one Node OR Branch")
- self.canvas.draw()
- def onPush_decade(self):
- boxCheck = 0
- self.axes.cla()
- for i,j in zip(self.chkbox,range(len(self.chkbox))):
- if i.isChecked():
- boxCheck += 1
- self.axes.semilogx(self.fobj.x,self.fobj.y[j],c=self.color[j],label=str(j+1))
- if j < self.volts_length:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- else:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- self.axes.set_xlabel('freq-->')
- self.axes.grid(True)
- if boxCheck == 0:
- QMessageBox.about(self, "Warning!!","Please select atleast one Node OR Branch")
- self.canvas.draw()
- def onPush_trans(self):
- boxCheck = 0
- self.axes.cla()
- for i,j in zip(self.chkbox,range(len(self.chkbox))):
- if i.isChecked():
- boxCheck += 1
- #print self.fobj.y[j]
- self.axes.plot(self.fobj.x,self.fobj.y[j],c=self.color[j],label=str(j+1))
- self.axes.set_xlabel('time-->')
- if j < self.volts_length:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- else:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- self.axes.grid(True)
- if boxCheck == 0:
- QMessageBox.about(self,"Warning!!", "Please select atleast one Node OR Branch")
- self.canvas.draw()
- def onPush_dc(self):
- boxCheck = 0
- self.axes.cla()
- for i,j in zip(self.chkbox,range(len(self.chkbox))):
- if i.isChecked():
- boxCheck += 1
- self.axes.plot(self.fobj.x,self.fobj.y[j],c=self.color[j],label=str(j+1))
- self.axes.set_xlabel('Voltage Sweep(V)-->')
- if j < self.volts_length:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage(V)-->')
- else:
- self.axes.set_ylabel('Current(I)-->')
- self.axes.grid(True)
- if boxCheck == 0:
- QMessageBox.about(self,"Warning!!", "Please select atleast one Node OR Branch")
- self.canvas.draw()
-if __name__=="__main__":
- app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
- fpath = sys.argv[1]
- projName = sys.argv[2]
- global main
- main = Window(fpath,projName)
- sys.exit(app.exec_())