path: root/OSCAD/LPCSim/LPCSim/printSolution.sci
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Diffstat (limited to 'OSCAD/LPCSim/LPCSim/printSolution.sci')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/OSCAD/LPCSim/LPCSim/printSolution.sci b/OSCAD/LPCSim/LPCSim/printSolution.sci
deleted file mode 100644
index cfdbac1..0000000
--- a/OSCAD/LPCSim/LPCSim/printSolution.sci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// printSolution.sci is a scilab file to display solution of the circuit. It is developed for a scilab based circuit simulator. It is written by Yogesh Dilip Save (
-// Copyright (C) 2012 Yogesh Dilip Save
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// It is modified by Yogesh Dilip Save for OSCAD Software on October 2012
-function printOPSolution(fileName,voltage,current,Wmode)
- global g;
- global nodeMap;
- fid = mopen(fileName, Wmode);
- if(fid == -1)
- error("cannot open file for writing");
- end
- mfprintf(fid,'Name\t Source\t Sink\t Voltage\t Current\n');
- mfprintf(fid,'----------------------------------------------------------\n');
- Edges=edge_number(g);
- edge_cnt=1;
- while(edge_cnt<=Edges)
- if('D'|'X')
- mfprintf(fid,'%c\t %s\t %s\t %15.10f %15.10f\n',,nodeMap(g.edges.tail(edge_cnt)),nodeMap(g.edges.head(edge_cnt)),voltage(edge_cnt),current(edge_cnt)+current(edge_cnt+1));
- edge_cnt=edge_cnt+2;
- elseif('M')
- mfprintf(fid,'%c\t %s\t %s\t %15.10f %15.10f\n',,nodeMap(g.edges.tail(edge_cnt)),nodeMap(g.edges.head(edge_cnt)),voltage(edge_cnt),current(edge_cnt)+current(edge_cnt+1));
- edge_cnt=edge_cnt+7;
- else
- mfprintf(fid,'%c\t %s\t %s\t %15.10f %15.10f\n',,nodeMap(g.edges.tail(edge_cnt)),nodeMap(g.edges.head(edge_cnt)),voltage(edge_cnt),current(edge_cnt));
- edge_cnt=edge_cnt+1;
- end
- end
- mclose(fid);
-function initArrays(t_itr)
- global vPrintArray; global vPlotArray;
- global iPrintArray; global iPlotArray;
- vPrintArray = zeros(t_itr,length(vPrintList)+1);
- vPlotArray = zeros(t_itr,length(vPlotList));
- iPrintArray = zeros(t_itr,length(iPrintList)+1);
- iPlotArray = zeros(t_itr,length(iPlotList));
-function buildOutput(x,s,itr)
- global vPrintList;
- global iPrintList;
- global sweepArray;
- global vPrintArray;
- global iPrintArray;
- sweepArray(itr)=s;
-// Store voltage output for printing
- if(~(vPrintList(1)==0))
- fill_vPrintArray(x,itr);
- vPrintArray(itr,1)=s;
- end
-// Store voltage output for plotting
- if(~(vPlotList(1)==0))
- fill_vPlotArray(x,itr);
- end
-// Store current output for printing
- if(~(iPrintList(1)==0))
- fill_iPrintArray(x,itr);
- iPrintArray(itr,1)=s;
- end
-// Store current output for plotting
- if(~(iPlotList(1)==0))
- fill_iPlotArray(x,itr);
- end
-function fill_vPrintArray(x,i)
- global vPrintList;
- global vPrintArray;
- for j=1:1:length(vPrintList);
- if(length(vPrintList(j))==1)
- if(vPrintList(j)<0)
- vPrintArray(i,j+1)=-x((-vPrintList(j))-1);
- else
- vPrintArray(i,j+1)=x(vPrintList(j)-1);
- end
- elseif(length(vPrintList(j))==2)
- mylist=vPrintList(j);
- vPrintArray(i,j+1)=x(mylist(1)-1)-x(mylist(2)-1);
- end
- end
-function fill_vPlotArray(x,i)
- global vPlotList;
- global vPlotArray;
- for j=1:1:length(vPlotList);
- if(length(vPlotList(j))==1)
- if(vPlotList(j)<0)
- vPlotArray(i,j)=-x((-vPlotList(j))-1);
- else
- vPlotArray(i,j)=x(vPlotList(j)-1);
- end
- elseif(length(vPlotList(j))==2)
- mylist=vPlotList(j);
- vPlotArray(i,j)=x(mylist(1)-1)-x(mylist(2)-1);
- end
- end
- clear mylist;
-function fill_iPrintArray(x,i)
- global iPrintList;
- global iPrintArray;
- global g;
- Nodes=node_number(g);
- for j=1:1:length(iPrintList);
- if(vPrintList(j)<0)
- iPrintArray(i,j+1)=-x(-iPrintList(j)+Nodes-1);
- else
- iPrintArray(i,j+1)=x(iPrintList(j)+Nodes-1);
- end
- end
-function fill_iPlotArray(x,i)
- global iPlotList;
- global iPlotArray;
- global g;
- Nodes=node_number(g);
- for j=1:1:length(iPlotList);
- if(iPlotList(j)<0)
- iPlotArray(i,j)=-x(-iPlotList(j)+Nodes-1);
- else
- iPlotArray(i,j)=x(iPlotList(j)+Nodes-1);
- end
- end
-function printSolution(xArray,xaxis,axisType);
- global vPrintList; global vPlotList;
- global iPrintList; global iPlotList;
- global vPrintArray; global vPlotArray
- global iPrintArray; global iPlotArray;
- if(~(vPlotList(1)==0))
- plot(xArray,vPlotArray);
- for(i=1:size(vPlotArray,2))
- temp=vPlotList(i);
- for(j=1:size(temp,2))
- if(j==1)
- a(i)="v("+string(temp(j))+")";
- else
- a(i)=a(i)+"-v("+string(temp(j))+")";
- end
- end
- end
- legend(a);
- xlabel(xaxis);
- ylabel('voltage(V)');
- end
- if(~(vPrintList(1)==0))
- disp(vPrintArray);
- end
- if(~(iPlotList(1)==0))
- plot(xArray,iPlotArray);
- for(i=1:size(iPlotArray,2))
- temp=iPlotList(i);
- disp(temp);
- for(j=1:size(temp,2))
- if(j==1)
- a(i)="i("+string(temp(j))+")";
- else
- a(i)=a(i)+"-i("+string(temp(j))+")";
- end
- end
- end
- legend(a);
- xlabel(xaxis);
- ylabel('current(A)');
- end
- if(~(iPrintList(1)==0))
- disp(iPrintArray);
- end