from manimlib.imports import * class Mobius(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): axes=ThreeDAxes() R=2.5 mobius = ParametricSurface( lambda u, v: np.array([ (R+u*np.cos(v/2))*np.cos(v), (R+u*np.cos(v/2))*np.sin( v), u*np.sin(v/2) ]), u_min = -0.5, u_max = 0.5, v_min = 0, v_max = 2*PI, resolution=(6, 32)).fade(0.5) #Resolution of the surfaces circle=Circle(radius=2.5, color=BLUE) mobius.rotate(PI/2, axis=RIGHT) mobius.rotate(PI/2, axis=OUT) # # mobius.shift(RIGHT+OUT+DOWN) along = ParametricSurface( lambda u, v: np.array([ (R+u*np.cos(v/2))*np.cos(v), (R+u*np.cos(v/2))*np.sin(v), 0 ]), u_min = -0.5, u_max = 0.5, v_min = 0, v_max = 2*PI, resolution=(6, 32)).fade(0.5) #Resolution of the surfaces circle=Circle(radius=2.5, color=BLUE) self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75 * DEGREES,theta=-75*DEGREES) self.wait(1) self.begin_ambient_camera_rotation(rate=0.65) self.wait(10) self.stop_ambient_camera_rotation() self.wait(1)