from manimlib.imports import * class a(GraphScene): CONFIG = { "x_min": -3, "x_max": 6, "y_min": -6, "y_max": 10, "graph_origin": ORIGIN } def construct(self): intro = TextMobject('Consider the following curve.') mid = TextMobject(r'Notice how the direction of the unit tangent vector\\changes with respect to the arc length.') outro = TextMobject(r'The rate of change of unit tangent with \\ respect to the arc length $ds$ is called curvature.\\Mathematically, curvature $ = k = \left|{\frac{dT}{ds}}\right|$') XTD = self.x_axis_width/(self.x_max- self.x_min) YTD = self.y_axis_height/(self.y_max- self.y_min) circle = Circle(radius = 0.95, color = GRAY, fill_opacity = 0.2, fill_color = RED) circle.set_stroke(width = 0.1) tgt1 = Arrow((-2.2*XTD,-0.5*YTD,0),(-1*XTD,1,0)) tgt2 = Arrow((-1.2*XTD, 1.93*YTD,0),(0*XTD,1.6,0)).scale(1.2) tgt3 = Arrow((-0.3*XTD,3*YTD, 0), (1.5*XTD, 3*YTD,0)) tgt4 = Arrow((1.4*XTD, 2*YTD,0),(2.4*XTD, 1*YTD,0)).scale(2.8) tgt5 = Arrow((2.4*XTD, 0, 0), (3.8*XTD,-2*YTD, 0)).scale(1.2).shift(0.26*RIGHT) tgt6 = Arrow((3.8*XTD,-1*YTD, 0), (4.8*XTD, -1*YTD, 0)).scale(2.8).shift(0.26*RIGHT) tgt7 = Arrow((5.3*XTD, 0, 0),(6.3*XTD,1,0)).shift(0.35*LEFT+0.1*DOWN).scale(1.3) dot1 = Dot(tgt1.get_start(), color = RED) dot2 = Dot(tgt2.get_start(), color = RED) dot3 = Dot(tgt3.get_start(), color = RED) dot4 = Dot(tgt4.get_start(), color = RED) dot5 = Dot(tgt5.get_start(), color = RED) dot6 = Dot(tgt6.get_start(), color = RED) dot7 = Dot(tgt7.get_start(), color = RED) arc = ArcBetweenPoints(dot1.get_center(), dot2.get_center(), color = GREEN_SCREEN, angle = 10*DEGREES).rotate(180*DEGREES) dots = VGroup(*[dot1, dot2, dot3, dot4, dot5, dot6, dot7]) ds = CurvedArrow((-4, 2, 0), (tgt1.get_start() + tgt2.get_start()) / 2, color = YELLOW) ds_text = TextMobject(r'$ds$').next_to(ds, UP, buff = 0.1).shift(1.3*LEFT) self.setup_axes(hideaxes=True) def curve(x): return 3 - (3653*x**2)/5292 + (2477*x**3)/31752 + (13*x**4)/784 - (17*x**5)/5292 + (17*x**6)/63504 # parabola_x_out = FunctionGraph(curve, x_min=-2, x_max=6, stroke_width = 2, color = BLUE) parabola_x_out = self.get_graph(curve) dot_x = Dot().rotate(PI/2).set_color(YELLOW_E) alpha_x = ValueTracker(-2) vector_x = self.get_tangent_vector(alpha_x.get_value(),parabola_x_out,scale=1.5) dot_x.add_updater(lambda m: m.move_to(vector_x.get_center())) vector_x.add_updater( lambda m: m.become( self.get_tangent_vector(alpha_x.get_value()%1,parabola_x_out,scale=1.5) ) ) self.wait(2) self.setup_axes(hideaxes=False), FadeIn(dots), FadeIn(ds), FadeIn(ds_text), FadeIn(arc)) self.wait(2), FadeOut(arc), FadeOut(parabola_x_out),FadeIn(mid), FadeOut(dots), FadeOut(ds), FadeOut(ds_text)) self.wait(3), FadeIn(parabola_x_out), FadeIn(dots)) self.add(vector_x), 1, run_time=8, rate_func=linear) self.remove(vector_x)*[self.axes, dots, parabola_x_out]))) self.wait(3) self.wait(1) def get_tangent_vector(self, proportion, curve, dx=0.001, scale=1): coord_i = curve.point_from_proportion(proportion) coord_f = curve.point_from_proportion(proportion + dx) reference_line = Line(coord_i,coord_f) unit_vector = reference_line.get_unit_vector() * scale vector = Arrow(coord_i , coord_i + unit_vector, color = YELLOW, buff=0) return vector