from manimlib.imports import * def field_func(coordinate): x,y = coordinate[:2] return np.array([ -y, x, 0 ]) class Paddlewheel(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): axes = ThreeDAxes() #self.add(axes) text = TextMobject("Insert the paddle into the flow of water").shift(3*DOWN).add_background_rectangle() text_a = TextMobject("The rotation of the wheel is proportional to the component of curl in the direction of the axle").shift(3*DOWN).scale(0.7) vec_field = VectorField(field_func, x_min =-4, x_max = 4, y_min =-4, y_max =4) self.set_camera_orientation(phi=0*DEGREES,theta=0*DEGREES,distance=40) lines_a = StreamLines( field_func, virtual_time=3, min_magnitude=0, max_magnitude=3, ).set_color_by_gradient([WHITE, BLUE_E]) flow = AnimatedStreamLines( lines_a, line_anim_class=ShowPassingFlashWithThinningStrokeWidth ) paddle = VGroup(Line(np.array([3, 0, 0]), np.array([-3, 0, 0])), Line(np.array([0, 3, 0]), np.array([0, -3, 0]))).set_stroke(width = 8).set_color(YELLOW_E) cylinder = ParametricSurface( lambda u, v: np.array([ 0.1*np.cos(u), 0.1*np.sin(u), v, ]), u_min = 0, u_max = 2*np.pi, v_min = -0.2, v_max = 3.5, checkerboard_colors = [YELLOW_E, YELLOW_E]).fade(0.5) plane = ParametricSurface(lambda u, v: np.array([u, v, 0]), checkerboard_colors = [WHITE, WHITE]).fade(0.9) self.add(paddle, cylinder, flow) self.add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(text) self.wait() self.remove(flow, text) self.bring_to_front(cylinder) self.wait() self.add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(text_a), text_a)) self.move_camera(phi=60*DEGREES,theta=30*DEGREES) self.wait()