From 774fda4a9da1a3a0f87ce8d365e206a7eff58551 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Somnath Pandit
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 16:41:12 +0530
Subject: modification and new files

 .../file3_y_limit_dependent_on_x.gif               | Bin 1170435 -> 1165354 bytes
 .../                |   2 +-
 .../double-integrals/file6_doing_integration.gif   | Bin 0 -> 6661372 bytes
 .../double-integrals/    | 332 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../file7_int_process_of_example.gif               | Bin 0 -> 6100824 bytes
 .../                | 328 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../fubini's-theorem/file3_iteration_methods.gif   | Bin 1762897 -> 1813461 bytes
 .../fubini's-theorem/    |  13 +-
 8 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file6_doing_integration.gif
 create mode 100644 FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/
 create mode 100644 FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file7_int_process_of_example.gif
 create mode 100644 FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/

(limited to 'FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions')

diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file3_y_limit_dependent_on_x.gif b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file3_y_limit_dependent_on_x.gif
index a2bfd9d..dcfacb6 100644
Binary files a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file3_y_limit_dependent_on_x.gif and b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file3_y_limit_dependent_on_x.gif differ
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/
index 4894ebf..f755495 100644
--- a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class YlimitXdependent(GraphScene):
-        caption=TextMobject(r"See the value of $y$ \\ is changing with $x$").move_to(self.graph_origin+1.2*X+1.8*Y)
+        caption=TextMobject(r"The value of $y$ is\\ changing with $x$").move_to(self.graph_origin+1.2*X+1.8*Y),Write(line_eqn))
    #     self.show_area()
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file6_doing_integration.gif b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file6_doing_integration.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cafed44
Binary files /dev/null and b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file6_doing_integration.gif differ
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d1769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+class IntegrationProcess(SpecialThreeDScene):
+    CONFIG = {
+        "axes_config": {
+            "x_min": 0,
+            "x_max": 8,
+            "y_min": 0,
+            "y_max": 8,
+            "z_min": 0,
+            "z_max": 6,
+            "a":1 ,"b": 6, "c":2 , "d":6,
+            "axes_shift":-3*OUT + 5*LEFT,
+            "x_axis_config": {
+                "tick_frequency": 1,
+               # "include_tip": False,
+            },
+            "y_axis_config": {
+                "tick_frequency": 1,
+             #   "include_tip": False,
+            },
+            "z_axis_config": {
+                "tick_frequency": 1,
+             #   "include_tip": False,
+            },
+            "num_axis_pieces": 1,
+        },
+        "default_graph_style": {
+            "stroke_width": 2,
+            "stroke_color": WHITE,
+        },
+        "default_surface_config": {
+            "fill_opacity": 0.5,
+            "checkerboard_colors": [LIGHT_GREY],
+            "stroke_width": 0.5,
+            "stroke_color": WHITE,
+            "stroke_opacity": 0.5,
+        },
+    "Func": lambda x,y: 2+y/4+np.cos(x)
+    }
+    def construct(self):
+        self.setup_axes()
+        axes=self.axes
+        self.set_camera_orientation(distance=35,
+            phi=85 * DEGREES,
+            theta=-80 * DEGREES,
+        )
+        fn_text=TextMobject("$z=f(x,y)$").set_color(PINK)
+        self.add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(fn_text) 
+        fn_text.to_edge(TOP,buff=MED_SMALL_BUFF)
+        R=TextMobject("R").set_color(BLACK).scale(3)
+        R.move_to(axes.input_plane,IN)
+        self.add(R)
+        #get the surface
+        surface= self.get_surface(
+            axes, lambda x , y: 
+            self.Func(x,y)
+        )
+        surface.set_style(
+            fill_opacity=0.75,
+            fill_color=PINK,
+            stroke_width=0.8,
+            stroke_color=WHITE,
+        )
+        slice_curve=(self.get_y_slice_graph(
+            axes,self.Func,5,color=YELLOW))
+        self.begin_ambient_camera_rotation(rate=0.08)
+     #
+        self.add(surface)
+        self.get_lines()
+        self.show_process(axes)
+        self.wait(2)
+    def show_process(self,axes):
+        y_tracker = ValueTracker(axes.c)
+        self.y_tracker=y_tracker
+        y=y_tracker.get_value
+        graph = always_redraw(
+            lambda: self.get_y_slice_graph(
+                axes, self.Func, y(),
+            stroke_color=YELLOW,
+            stroke_width=4,
+            )
+        )
+        graph.suspend_updating()
+        plane = always_redraw(lambda: Polygon(
+            *[
+            axes.c2p(x,y(),self.Func(x,y())) 
+                for x in np.arange(axes.a,axes.b,0.01)
+            ],
+            *[
+             axes.c2p(x, y(), 0)
+                for x in [ axes.b, axes.a,] 
+            ],
+            stroke_width=0,
+            fill_color=BLUE_E,
+            fill_opacity=.5,
+        ))
+        plane.suspend_updating()
+        graph.resume_updating()
+        plane.resume_updating()
+            ApplyMethod(
+                y_tracker.set_value, axes.d,
+                rate_func=linear,
+                run_time=6,
+            )  
+        )
+    def get_y_slice_graph(self, axes, func, y, **kwargs):
+        config = dict()
+        config.update(self.default_graph_style)
+        config.update({
+            "t_min": axes.a,
+            "t_max": axes.b,
+        })
+        config.update(kwargs)
+        slice_curve=ParametricFunction(
+            lambda x: axes.c2p(
+                x, y, func(x, y)
+            ),
+            **config,
+        )
+        return slice_curve
+    '''def get_y_slice_plane(self, axes):
+        self.y_tracker=y_tracker
+        y=y_tracker.get_value()
+        curve_points=[
+            axes.c2p(x,y,self.Func(x,y)) 
+                for x in np.arange(axes.a,axes.b,0.01)
+        ]
+        base_points=[
+             axes.c2p(x, y, 0)
+                for x in [ axes.b, axes.a,] 
+        ]
+        plane_points= curve_points+base_points
+        plane = always_redraw(lambda: Polygon(
+            *plane_points,
+            stroke_width=.4,
+            fill_color=BLUE,
+            fill_opacity=0.2
+        ))
+        plane.add_updater(lambda m: m.shift(
+            axes.c2p(
+                axes.a,
+                y_tracker.get_value(),
+                1,
+            ) - plane.points[0]
+        ))
+        plane.y_tracker = y_tracker
+        return plane  ''' 
+    def get_surface(self,axes, func, **kwargs):
+        config = {
+            "u_min": axes.a,
+            "u_max": axes.b,
+            "v_min": axes.c,
+            "v_max": axes.d,
+            "resolution": (
+                (axes.y_max - axes.y_min) // axes.y_axis.tick_frequency,
+                (axes.x_max - axes.x_min) // axes.x_axis.tick_frequency,
+            ),
+        }
+        config.update(self.default_surface_config)
+        config.update(kwargs)
+        return ParametricSurface(
+            lambda  x,y : axes.c2p(
+                x, y, func(x, y)
+            ),
+            **config
+        )
+    def get_lines(self):
+        axes = self.axes
+        labels=[axes.x_axis.n2p(axes.a), axes.x_axis.n2p(axes.b), axes.y_axis.n2p(axes.c),       
+            axes.y_axis.n2p(axes.d)]
+        surface_corners=[]
+        for x,y,z in self.region_corners:
+            surface_corners.append([x,y,self.Func(x,y)])
+        lines=VGroup()
+        for start , end in zip(surface_corners,
+        self.region_corners):
+            lines.add(self.draw_lines(start,end,"RED"))
+        for start , end in zip(labels,
+        self.region_corners):
+         #   lines.add(self.draw_lines(start,end,"BLUE"))
+         #   print (start,end)
+            pass
+       #
+        self.add(lines)
+    def draw_lines(self,start,end,color):
+        start=self.axes.c2p(*start)
+        end=self.axes.c2p(*end)
+        line=DashedLine(start,end,color=color)
+        return line
+    def get_three_d_axes(self, include_labels=True, include_numbers=True, **kwargs):
+        config = dict(self.axes_config)
+        config.update(kwargs)
+        axes = ThreeDAxes(**config)
+        axes.set_stroke(width=2)
+        if include_numbers:
+            self.add_axes_numbers(axes)
+        if include_labels:
+            self.add_axes_labels(axes)
+        # Adjust axis orientation
+        axes.x_axis.rotate(
+            90 * DEGREES, RIGHT,
+            about_point=axes.c2p(0, 0, 0),
+        )
+        axes.y_axis.rotate(
+            90 * DEGREES, UP,
+            about_point=axes.c2p(0, 0, 0),
+        )
+        # Add xy-plane
+        input_plane = self.get_surface(
+            axes, lambda x, t: 0
+        )
+        input_plane.set_style(
+            fill_opacity=0.5,
+            fill_color=TEAL,
+            stroke_width=0,
+            stroke_color=WHITE,
+        )
+        axes.input_plane = input_plane
+        self.region_corners=[ 
+        input_plane.get_corner(pos) for pos in (DL,DR,UR,UL)]
+        return axes
+    def setup_axes(self):
+        axes = self.get_three_d_axes(include_labels=True)
+        axes.add(axes.input_plane)
+        axes.scale(1)
+     #
+        axes.shift(axes.axes_shift)
+        self.add(axes)
+        self.axes = axes
+    def add_axes_numbers(self, axes):
+        x_axis = axes.x_axis
+        y_axis = axes.y_axis
+        tex_vals_x = [
+            ("a", axes.a),
+            ("b", axes.b),
+        ]
+        tex_vals_y=[
+            ("c", axes.c),
+            ("d", axes.d)
+        ]
+        x_labels = VGroup()
+        y_labels = VGroup()
+        for tex, val in tex_vals_x:
+            label = TexMobject(tex)
+            label.scale(1)
+            label.next_to(x_axis.n2p(val), DOWN)
+            x_labels.add(label)
+        x_axis.add(x_labels)
+        x_axis.numbers = x_labels
+        for tex, val in tex_vals_y:
+            label = TexMobject(tex)
+            label.scale(1.5)
+            label.next_to(y_axis.n2p(val), LEFT)
+            label.rotate(90 * DEGREES)
+            y_labels.add(label)
+        y_axis.add(y_labels)
+        y_axis.numbers = y_labels
+        return axes
+    def add_axes_labels(self, axes):
+        x_label = TexMobject("x")
+        x_label.next_to(axes.x_axis.get_end(), RIGHT)
+        axes.x_axis.label = x_label
+        y_label = TextMobject("y")
+        y_label.rotate(90 * DEGREES, OUT)
+        y_label.next_to(axes.y_axis.get_end(), UP)
+        axes.y_axis.label = y_label
+        z_label = TextMobject("z")
+        z_label.rotate(90 * DEGREES, RIGHT)
+        z_label.next_to(axes.z_axis.get_zenith(), RIGHT)
+        axes.z_axis.label = z_label
+        for axis in axes:
+            axis.add(axis.label)
+        return axes    
+  #uploaded by Somnath Pandit.FSF2020_Double_Integral
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file7_int_process_of_example.gif b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file7_int_process_of_example.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d48656b
Binary files /dev/null and b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/file7_int_process_of_example.gif differ
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab9337d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/double-integrals/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+class IntegrationProcess(SpecialThreeDScene):
+    CONFIG = {
+        "axes_config": {
+            "x_min": 0,
+            "x_max": 5,
+            "y_min": 0,
+            "y_max": 7,
+            "z_min": 0,
+            "z_max": 3,
+            "a":0 ,"b":4 , "c":0 , "d":6,
+            "axes_shift":1.5*IN+2*LEFT+4*DOWN,
+            "x_axis_config": {
+                "tick_frequency": 1,
+               # "include_tip": False,
+            },
+            "y_axis_config": {
+                "tick_frequency": 1,
+             #   "include_tip": False,
+            },
+            "z_axis_config": {
+                "tick_frequency": 1,
+             #   "include_tip": False,
+            },
+            "num_axis_pieces": 1,
+        },
+        "default_graph_style": {
+            "stroke_width": 2,
+            "stroke_color": WHITE,
+        },
+        "default_surface_config": {
+            "fill_opacity": 0.5,
+            "checkerboard_colors": [LIGHT_GREY],
+            "stroke_width": 0.5,
+            "stroke_color": WHITE,
+            "stroke_opacity": 0.5,
+        },
+    "Func": lambda x,y: 2*(1+(x+y)/10)
+    }
+    def construct(self):
+        self.setup_axes()
+        axes=self.axes
+        self.set_camera_orientation(#distance=35,
+            phi=60 * DEGREES,
+            theta=10 * DEGREES,
+        )
+        fn_text=TextMobject("$z=(1+x+y)$").set_color(PINK)
+        self.add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(fn_text) 
+        fn_text.to_edge(TOP,buff=.1)
+        self.fn_text=fn_text
+        R=TextMobject("R").set_color(BLACK).scale(3).rotate(PI/2)
+        R.move_to(axes.input_plane,IN)
+        self.add(R)
+        #get the surface
+        surface= self.get_surface(
+            axes, lambda x , y: 
+            self.Func(x,y)
+        )
+        surface.set_style(
+            fill_opacity=0.75,
+            fill_color=PINK,
+            stroke_width=0.8,
+            stroke_color=WHITE,
+        )
+        slice_curve=(self.get_y_slice_graph(
+            axes,self.Func,5,color=YELLOW))
+        self.begin_ambient_camera_rotation(rate=0.04)
+     #
+        self.add(surface)
+        self.get_lines()
+        self.show_process(axes)
+        self.wait()
+    def show_process(self,axes):
+        y_tracker = ValueTracker(axes.c)
+        self.y_tracker=y_tracker
+        y=y_tracker.get_value
+        graph = always_redraw(
+            lambda: self.get_y_slice_graph(
+                axes, self.Func, y(),
+            stroke_color=YELLOW,
+            stroke_width=4,
+            )
+        )
+        graph.suspend_updating()
+        plane = always_redraw(lambda: Polygon(
+            *[
+            axes.c2p(x,y(),self.Func(x,y())) 
+                for x in np.arange(axes.a,axes.b,0.01)
+            ],
+            *[
+             axes.c2p(x, y(), 0)
+                for x in [ axes.b, axes.a,] 
+            ],
+            stroke_width=0,
+            fill_color=BLUE_E,
+            fill_opacity=.65,
+        ))
+        plane.suspend_updating()
+        first_x_text=TextMobject("First the $x$ integration..",color=YELLOW)
+        first_x_text.to_corner(UR,buff=1.1)
+        x_func=TextMobject("$\\frac 3 2 + y$",color=BLUE)
+        '''x_func.next_to(self.fn_text,DOWN)
+        x_func.align_to(self.fn_text,LEFT)'''
+        x_func.to_edge(LEFT,buff=1)
+        then_y_text=TextMobject("Then the $y$ integration..",color=YELLOW)
+        then_y_text.to_corner(UR,buff=1.1)
+        self.add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(first_x_text) 
+        self.add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(x_func)
+            Write(VGroup(graph,plane,x_func)),
+            run_time=3
+            )
+        self.wait()
+        self.remove(first_x_text)
+        self.add_fixed_in_frame_mobjects(then_y_text) 
+        graph.resume_updating()
+        plane.resume_updating()
+            ApplyMethod(
+                y_tracker.set_value, axes.d,
+                rate_func=linear,
+                run_time=6,
+            )  
+        )
+    def get_y_slice_graph(self, axes, func, y, **kwargs):
+        config = dict()
+        config.update(self.default_graph_style)
+        config.update({
+            "t_min": axes.a,
+            "t_max": axes.b,
+        })
+        config.update(kwargs)
+        slice_curve=ParametricFunction(
+            lambda x: axes.c2p(
+                x, y, func(x, y)
+            ),
+            **config,
+        )
+        return slice_curve
+    def get_surface(self,axes, func, **kwargs):
+        config = {
+            "u_min": axes.a,
+            "u_max": axes.b,
+            "v_min": axes.c,
+            "v_max": axes.d,
+            "resolution": (
+                (axes.y_max - axes.y_min) // axes.y_axis.tick_frequency,
+                (axes.x_max - axes.x_min) // axes.x_axis.tick_frequency,
+            ),
+        }
+        config.update(self.default_surface_config)
+        config.update(kwargs)
+        return ParametricSurface(
+            lambda  x,y : axes.c2p(
+                x, y, func(x, y)
+            ),
+            **config
+        )
+    def get_lines(self):
+        axes = self.axes
+        labels=[axes.x_axis.n2p(axes.a), axes.x_axis.n2p(axes.b), axes.y_axis.n2p(axes.c),       
+            axes.y_axis.n2p(axes.d)]
+        surface_corners=[]
+        for x,y,z in self.region_corners:
+            surface_corners.append([x,y,self.Func(x,y)])
+        lines=VGroup()
+        for start , end in zip(surface_corners,
+        self.region_corners):
+            lines.add(self.draw_lines(start,end,"RED"))
+        for start , end in zip(labels,
+        self.region_corners):
+         #   lines.add(self.draw_lines(start,end,"BLUE"))
+         #   print (start,end)
+            pass
+       #
+        self.add(lines)
+    def draw_lines(self,start,end,color):
+        start=self.axes.c2p(*start)
+        end=self.axes.c2p(*end)
+        line=DashedLine(start,end,color=color)
+        return line
+    #customize 3D axes        
+    def get_three_d_axes(self, include_labels=True, include_numbers=True, **kwargs):
+        config = dict(self.axes_config)
+        config.update(kwargs)
+        axes = ThreeDAxes(**config)
+        axes.set_stroke(width=2)
+        if include_numbers:
+            self.add_axes_numbers(axes)
+        if include_labels:
+            self.add_axes_labels(axes)
+        # Adjust axis orientation
+        axes.x_axis.rotate(
+            90 * DEGREES, LEFT,
+            about_point=axes.c2p(0, 0, 0),
+        )
+        axes.y_axis.rotate(
+            90 * DEGREES, UP,
+            about_point=axes.c2p(0, 0, 0),
+        )
+        # Add xy-plane
+        input_plane = self.get_surface(
+            axes, lambda x, t: 0
+        )
+        input_plane.set_style(
+            fill_opacity=0.3,
+            fill_color=TEAL,
+            stroke_width=.2,
+            stroke_color=WHITE,
+        )
+        axes.input_plane = input_plane
+        self.region_corners=[ 
+        input_plane.get_corner(pos) for pos in (DL,DR,UR,UL)]
+        return axes
+    def setup_axes(self):
+        axes = self.get_three_d_axes(include_labels=True)
+        axes.add(axes.input_plane)
+        axes.scale(1)
+     #
+        axes.shift(axes.axes_shift)
+        self.add(axes)
+        self.axes = axes
+    def add_axes_numbers(self, axes):
+        x_axis = axes.x_axis
+        y_axis = axes.y_axis
+        tex_vals_x = [
+            ("1", axes.b),
+        ]
+        tex_vals_y=[
+            ("2", axes.d)
+        ]
+        x_labels = VGroup()
+        y_labels = VGroup()
+        for tex, val in tex_vals_x:
+            label = TexMobject(tex)
+            label.scale(1)
+            label.next_to(x_axis.n2p(val), DOWN)
+            label.rotate(180 * DEGREES)
+            x_labels.add(label)
+        x_axis.add(x_labels)
+        x_axis.numbers = x_labels
+        for tex, val in tex_vals_y:
+            label = TexMobject(tex)
+            label.scale(1)
+            label.next_to(y_axis.n2p(val), LEFT)
+            label.rotate(90 * DEGREES)
+            y_labels.add(label)
+        y_axis.add(y_labels)
+        y_axis.numbers = y_labels
+        return axes
+    def add_axes_labels(self, axes):
+        x_label = TexMobject("x")
+        x_label.next_to(axes.x_axis.get_end(), RIGHT)
+        axes.x_axis.label = x_label
+        y_label = TextMobject("y")
+        y_label.rotate(90 * DEGREES, OUT)
+        y_label.next_to(axes.y_axis.get_end(), UP)
+        axes.y_axis.label = y_label
+        z_label = TextMobject("z")
+        z_label.rotate(90 * DEGREES, LEFT)
+        z_label.next_to(axes.z_axis.get_zenith(), LEFT)
+        axes.z_axis.label = z_label
+        for axis in axes:
+            axis.add(axis.label)
+        return axes     
+  #uploaded by Somnath Pandit.FSF2020_Double_Integral
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/file3_iteration_methods.gif b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/file3_iteration_methods.gif
index e73dd8e..4e1611b 100644
Binary files a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/file3_iteration_methods.gif and b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/file3_iteration_methods.gif differ
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/
index 662242a..ad78a0b 100644
--- a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/integrals-of-multivariable-functions/fubini's-theorem/
@@ -63,15 +63,13 @@ class IterationMethods(GraphScene):
+        self.int_lim=int_lim  ,curve2)),Write(VGroup(c2_eqn,c1_eqn)))
-        self.add(int_lim)
@@ -105,8 +103,9 @@ class IterationMethods(GraphScene):
+        self.int_lim_y=int_lim_y
-        self.add(equal,int_lim_y)
+        self.add(equal)
@@ -139,7 +138,8 @@ class IterationMethods(GraphScene):
-              ShowCreation(area),run_time=4
+              ShowCreation(area),
+              Write(self.int_lim),run_time=4
@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ class IterationMethods(GraphScene):
-              ShowCreation(area),run_time=4
+              ShowCreation(area),
+               Write(self.int_lim_y),run_time=4
     def get_area(self,base_y=False):