path: root/FSF-2020
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-06-14Add files via uploadVaishnavi
2020-06-14Create file5_f(x,y)=(y-x)(1-2x-3y).pyVaishnavi
2020-06-14Add files via uploadVaishnavi
2020-06-14Delete file4_f(x,y)=(y-x)(1-2x-3y).mp4Vaishnavi
2020-06-14Update file3_Tangent_plane_at_extrema_of_a_function.pyVaishnavi
2020-06-14Update and rename file4_f(x,y)=(y-x)(1-2x-3y).py to ↵Vaishnavi
2020-06-14Add files via uploadVaishnavi
2020-06-14Delete file3_Visualization of_types_of _critical_points.mp4Vaishnavi
2020-06-14Update and rename to ↵Vaishnavi modified code for gif 3
2020-06-14Add files via uploadVaishnavi
2020-06-14Delete file2_Tangent_plane_at_extrema.mp4Vaishnavi
2020-06-14Update file2_Traces_and_Tangent.pyVaishnavi
2020-06-14Update and rename to ↵Vaishnavi modified the code for gif 2
2020-06-14Add files via uploadVaishnavi
2020-06-13Delete file1_Total_area_of_cross_section.mp4Vaishnavi
2020-06-13Update and rename to ↵Vaishnavi modified the code for gif1
2020-06-12more upgradeSomnath Pandit
2020-06-11updated after reviewSomnath Pandit
2020-06-11Updated codes for video in RN theoremArchit Sangal
2020-06-11updated Linear Transformation(Maps)Archit Sangal
2020-06-11fig 5 changed to video 3Archit Sangal
2020-06-10update with upgradeSomnath Pandit
2020-06-10Rank Nullity TheoremArchit Sangal
2020-06-09new file and renameSomnath Pandit
2020-06-09new fileSomnath Pandit
2020-06-09updateSomnath Pandit
2020-06-08new animationSomnath Pandit
2020-06-04new animationSomnath Pandit
2020-06-04updatedSomnath Pandit
2020-06-04New animationSomnath Pandit
2020-06-03new animationSomnath Pandit
2020-06-03gif 1 and video 1 for lecture 2Archit Sangal
2020-06-02update READMESomnath Pandit
2020-06-02Update folder name and READMESomnath Pandit
2020-06-02Scalar func sum methodSomnath Pandit
2020-05-31Create README.mdSomnath Pandit
2020-05-31Update README.mdSomnath Pandit
2020-05-31Rename to README.mdSomnath Pandit
2020-05-31Create Animations.mdSomnath Pandit
2020-05-31Update README.mdSomnath Pandit
2020-05-31modification and new filesSomnath Pandit
2020-05-31gif(with code) addedArchit Sangal
2020-05-30Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'Archit Sangal
2020-05-29Added codesG Sri Harsha
2020-05-29Add files via uploadG Sri Harsha
2020-05-29Updated GifsG Sri Harsha
2020-05-29Added gifsG Sri Harsha
2020-05-29Add files via uploadG Sri Harsha
2020-05-29Merge pull request #3 from FOSSEE/masterG Sri Harsha
Added others' files
2020-05-28added curvy_regionSomnath Pandit