path: root/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves')
-rw-r--r--FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file1_parametric_circle.gifbin0 -> 327132 bytes
-rw-r--r--FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file2_cycloid_manim.gifbin0 -> 1313411 bytes
-rw-r--r--FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file3_brachistochrone.gifbin0 -> 122838 bytes
-rw-r--r--FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file4_helix_visualization.gifbin0 -> 3596680 bytes
9 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..8a47a0e
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+**** <br>
+**** <br>
+**** <br>
+**** <br>
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file1_parametric_circle.gif b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file1_parametric_circle.gif
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index 0000000..732b6bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file1_parametric_circle.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/
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index 0000000..37d079e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+class parametricCircle(ThreeDScene, GraphScene):
+ def construct(self):
+ self.x_min = -5
+ self.y_min = -5
+ self.graph_origin = ORIGIN
+ self.x_max = 5
+ self.y_max = 5
+ self.x_axis_label = ""
+ self.y_axis_label = ""
+ self.x_axis_width = 10
+ self.y_axis_height = 10
+ self.y_tick_frequency = 1.9
+ self.x_tick_frequency = 1.4
+ axes = []
+ # self.setup_axes()
+ ax = Axes(y_tick_frequency = 1, x_axis_width = 10, y_axis_height = 10, y_min = -5, x_max = 5, y_max = 5, x_tick_frequency = 1, x_axis_label = "", y_axis_label = "", x_min = -5, )
+ ax.scale(0.5).shift(3*LEFT)
+ axes.append(ax)
+ self.setup_axes()
+ self.axes.scale(0.3).shift(3*RIGHT + 2*UP)
+ axes.append(self.axes)
+ self.setup_axes()
+ self.axes.scale(0.3).shift(3*RIGHT + 2*DOWN)
+ axes.append(self.axes)
+ axes = VGroup(*axes)
+ t_value = ValueTracker(-3.14)
+ t_tex = DecimalNumber(t_value.get_value()).add_updater(lambda v: v.set_value(t_value.get_value()))
+ t_label = TexMobject("t = ")
+ group = VGroup(t_tex,t_label).shift(3*DOWN)
+ t_label.next_to(t_tex,LEFT, buff=0.2,aligned_edge=t_label.get_bottom())
+ asint_text = TextMobject(r'$x = a\sin{t}$').scale(0.7).shift(4*RIGHT + 3*UP)
+ xlabel1 = TextMobject(r'$x$').shift(3.3*RIGHT + 3.7*UP).scale(0.7)
+ tlabel1 = TextMobject(r'$t$').shift(4.8*RIGHT + 2*UP).scale(0.7)
+ up_text = VGroup(*[asint_text, xlabel1, tlabel1])
+ asint = ParametricFunction(
+ lambda t: np.array([
+ t,
+ 2*np.sin(t),
+ 0
+ ]), t_min = -np.pi, t_max = np.pi, color = GREEN_E
+ ).shift(3*RIGHT + 2*UP).scale(0.4)
+ acost_text = TextMobject(r'$y = a\cos{t}$').scale(0.7).shift(4*RIGHT + DOWN)
+ ylabel1 = TextMobject(r'$y$').shift(3.3*RIGHT+0.3*DOWN).scale(0.7)
+ tlabel2 = TextMobject(r'$t$').shift(4.8*RIGHT + 2*DOWN).scale(0.7)
+ down_text = VGroup(*[acost_text, ylabel1, tlabel2])
+ acost = ParametricFunction(
+ lambda t: np.array([
+ t,
+ 2*np.cos(t),
+ 0
+ ]), t_min = -np.pi, t_max = np.pi, color = BLUE
+ ).shift(3*RIGHT + 2*DOWN).scale(0.4)
+ up_dot = Dot(color = RED)
+ down_dot = Dot(color = RED)
+ circle_dot = Dot(color = RED)
+ ylabel2 = TextMobject(r'$y$').scale(0.7).shift(3*UP + 3*LEFT)
+ xlabel2 = TextMobject(r'$x$').scale(0.7)
+ ellipse_text = TextMobject(r'$x = a\sin{t}$ \\ $y = a\cos{t}$').scale(0.7).shift(2*UP + 1.3*LEFT)
+ main_text = VGroup(*[xlabel2, ylabel2, ellipse_text])
+ circle = ParametricFunction(
+ lambda t: np.array([
+ np.cos(t),
+ np.sin(t),
+ 0
+ ]), t_min = -np.pi, t_max = np.pi, color = WHITE
+ ).shift(3*LEFT)
+, FadeIn(asint), FadeIn(acost), FadeIn(circle), FadeIn(up_text), FadeIn(down_text), FadeIn(main_text), FadeIn(group))
+ self.wait(1)
+, asint, run_time = 7), MoveAlongPath(down_dot, acost, run_time = 7), MoveAlongPath(circle_dot, circle, run_time = 7), t_value.set_value,3.14, rate_func=linear, run_time=7)
+ self.wait(1)
+*[axes, asint, acost, circle, up_text, down_text, main_text, up_dot, down_dot, circle_dot, group])))
+ self.wait(1)
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file2_cycloid_manim.gif b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file2_cycloid_manim.gif
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index 0000000..e68b841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file2_cycloid_manim.gif
Binary files differ
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index 0000000..7b6c0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+t_offset = 0
+c_t = 0
+class cycloid(Scene):
+ def construct(self):
+ cycl = ParametricFunction(
+ lambda t: np.array([
+ t - np.sin(t),
+ 1 - np.cos(t),
+ 0
+ ]), t_min = -2.75*np.pi, t_max = 3*np.pi, color = BLUE
+ ).shift(0.73*RIGHT)
+ wheel_radius = 1
+ wheel_function_path = lambda x : 0 + wheel_radius
+ line = FunctionGraph(lambda x : 0, color = BLACK)
+ wheel_path = FunctionGraph(wheel_function_path)
+ velocity_factor = 0.25
+ frame_rate =
+ self.dt = 1 / frame_rate
+ wheel = Circle(color = BLACK, radius = 1)
+ dot = Dot(radius = 0.16, color = RED)
+ #dot.move_to(wheel.get_arc_center() + np.array([0,2,0]))
+ def update_dot(mob,dt):
+ global t_offset,c_t
+ if dt == 0 and c_t == 0:
+ rate= - velocity_factor * self.dt
+ c_t += 1
+ else:
+ rate = - dt*velocity_factor
+ if dt > 0:
+ c_t = 0
+ mob.move_to(wheel.point_from_proportion(((t_offset + rate))%1))
+ t_offset += rate
+ #self.add(mob.copy())
+ #dot.move_to(wheel.get_arc_center() + np.array([0,2,0]))
+ dot.add_updater(update_dot)
+ self.add(wheel,dot, line, cycl)
+, wheel_path, run_time = 9, rate_func = linear))
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file3_brachistochrone.gif b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file3_brachistochrone.gif
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index 0000000..8daf4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file3_brachistochrone.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/
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index 0000000..633e500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+class brachistochrone(Scene):
+ def construct(self):
+ curve = ParametricFunction(
+ lambda t: np.array([
+ 0.5*(t - np.sin(t)),
+ 0.5*(1 - np.cos(t)),
+ 0
+ ]), t_max = np.pi
+ ).scale(5).rotate(540*DEGREES)
+ dot = Dot(color = RED, radius = 0.2)
+, MoveAlongPath(dot, curve, run_time = 2))
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file4_helix_visualization.gif b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file4_helix_visualization.gif
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index 0000000..16d2509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/file4_helix_visualization.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/
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index 0000000..eddd3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FSF-2020/calculus-of-several-variables/geometry-of-planes-and-curves/general-parametric-curves/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from manimlib.imports import *
+class helix_(ThreeDScene):
+ CONFIG = {
+ "x_min": -6,
+ "x_max": 6,
+ "y_min": -6,
+ "y_max": 6,
+ "graph_origin": ORIGIN
+ }
+ def construct(self):
+ axes = ThreeDAxes()
+ helix = ParametricFunction(
+ lambda t: np.array([
+ 1.5*np.cos(TAU*t),
+ 1.5*np.sin(TAU*t),
+ 2*t
+ ]), t_min = -1, t_max = 2, color = RED
+ )
+ cylinder = ParametricSurface(
+ lambda u, v: np.array([
+ 1.5*np.cos(TAU*v),
+ 1.5*np.sin(TAU*v),
+ 2*u
+ ]), u_min = -1, u_max = 2, fill_opacity = -.4, fill_color = WHITE, color = WHITE
+ )
+ self.set_camera_orientation(phi=60* DEGREES,theta=45*DEGREES)
+, FadeIn(cylinder), ShowCreation(helix, run_time = 4))
+ self.begin_ambient_camera_rotation(rate=0.5)
+ self.wait(5)
+,FadeOut(helix), FadeOut(cylinder))