array( "title" => t("Access fossee_stats"), "description" => t("Allows users to view fossee stats.") ), "view workshop" => array( "title" => t("View Workshop"), "description" => t("Allows users to view workshop.") ), "manage workshop" => array( "title" => t("Manage Workshop"), "description" => t("Allows users to manage workshop.") ), "view postalcampaign" => array( "title" => t("View postalcampaign"), "description" => t("Allows users to view postalcampaign.") ), "manage postalcampaign" => array( "title" => t("Manage Postalcampaign"), "description" => t("Allows users to manage postalcampaign.") ), "view tutorial" => array( "title" => t("View Spoken Tutorial"), "description" => t("Allows users to view spoken tutorial.") ), "manage tutorial" => array( "title" => t("Manage Spoken Tutorial"), "description" => t("Allows users to manage spoken tutorial.") ), "view events" => array( "title" => t("View Events"), "description" => t("Allows users to view events.") ), "manage events" => array( "title" => t("Manage Events"), "description" => t("Allows users to manage events.") ), "administer events" => array( "title" => t("Events upload setting"), "description" => t("Allows users to manage postalcampaign.") ) ); } function fossee_stats_menu() { $items = array(); //Load main page $items["fossee-stats"] = array( "title" => "FOSSEE STATS", "page callback" => "drupal_get_form", "page arguments" => array( "fossee_stats_form" ), "access arguments" => array( "access fossee_stats" ), "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM ); //Fetch the list of TBC and LM which comes after filter is applied. $items["get-list"] = array( "title" => "", "page callback" => "list_tbc_and_lm_detail", 'page arguments' => array( 8 ), "access arguments" => array( "access fossee_stats" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //Fetch the list of self workshop with all detail after filter is applied and count is received $items['completed-workshops-list'] = array( 'title' => '', 'page callback' => 'completed_workshops_list', 'page arguments' => array( 5 ), "access arguments" => array( "access fossee_stats" ), //'access callback' => TRUE, "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //Fetch the Details of self workshop $items['view-completed-workshop'] = array( 'title' => 'Workshop Details', 'page callback' => 'view_completed_workshop', 'access callback' => TRUE, ); //Following are menu of Events (Workshop, Conference along with testimonial and images and speakers) $items["events/add"] = array( "title" => "Add Events", "page callback" => "workshop_display_all", "access arguments" => array( "manage workshop" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //To edit existing events detail $items["events/edit"] = array( "title" => "Edit Events", "page callback" => "workshop_edit_all", "access arguments" => array( "manage workshop" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //To delete existing events $items["events/delete"] = array( "title" => "Delete Events", "page callback" => "workshop_delete_all", "access arguments" => array( "manage workshop" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //List of all events $items["events/view_details"] = array( "title" => "Details of Selected Event", "page callback" => "workshop_view_details_all", "access arguments" => array( "view workshop" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //List of images added to particular event $items["events/images"] = array( "title" => "Event's Images", "page callback" => "workshop_view_image_all", "access arguments" => array( "view workshop" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //For changing image $items["events/images/change"] = array( "title" => "Event's Images", "page callback" => "workshop_view_image_change", "access arguments" => array( "view workshop" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //Display all testimonial added for event in list $items["events/testimonials"] = array( //"title" => "Testimonials", "page callback" => "workshop_view_all_testimonials", "access arguments" => array( "view workshop" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //Display details of selected testimonial $items["events/testimonials/view"] = array( "title" => "Testimonial", "page callback" => "workshop_view_selected_testimonial", "access arguments" => array( "view workshop" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); $items["events"] = array( "title" => "Events", "page callback" => "event_seminar_view_all", "access arguments" => array( "view events" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); $items["testconf"] = array( "title" => "Activities", "page callback" => "event_activities_all", "access arguments" => array( "view events" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); // List of all Postal Campaign $items["postalcampaign"] = array( "title" => "Postal Campaign", "page callback" => "postalcampaign_view_withoutfilter", "access arguments" => array( "view postalcampaign" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); // Add Postal Campaign $items["postalcampaign/add"] = array( "title" => "Add Postal Campaign", "page callback" => "postalcampaign_display_all", "access arguments" => array( "manage postalcampaign" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); // Edit Postal Campaign $items["postalcampaign/edit"] = array( "title" => "Edit Postal Campaign", "page callback" => "postalcampaign_edit_all", "access arguments" => array( "manage postalcampaign" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); // Delete Postal Campaign $items["postalcampaign/delete"] = array( "title" => "Delete Postal Campaign", "page callback" => "postalcampaign_delete_all", "access arguments" => array( "manage postalcampaign" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); // View detail of selected Postal Campaign $items["postalcampaign/view_details"] = array( "title" => "Postal Campaign Detail", "page callback" => "postalcampaign_view_details_all", "access arguments" => array( "view postalcampaign" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); //To download postal campaign poster in zip format $items["postalcampaign/download"] = array( "title" => "Download Postal Campaign", "page callback" => "createZipOfPosterMaterial", "access arguments" => array( "view postalcampaign" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); /*Spoken Tutorial*/ //Add Spoken Tutorial $items["spokentutorial/add"] = array( "title" => "Add Spoken Tutorial", "page callback" => "spokentutorial_display_all", "access arguments" => array( "view tutorial" ), "type" => MENU_CALLBACK ); /* ADMIN SETTINGS */ //For mentioning extension allowed for image and pdf $items['admin/settings/events'] = array( 'title' => 'Events Settings', 'description' => 'Events Settings', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array( 'events_settings_form' ), 'access arguments' => array( 'administer events' ), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => '' ); return $items; } //Folder path to save all uploaded images of events function events_images_path() { return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path() . 'events_images/'; } //Folder path to save all uploaded images/PDF of postal campaign function posters_path() { return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path() . 'campaign_posters/'; } //Main Page Form function fossee_stats_form($form, &$form_state) { /* First Dropdown for Foss type */ $options_first = _ajax_example_get_first_dropdown_options(); if (isset($form_state['values']['foss_sub_project']) && isset($form_state['values']['foss_type']) && isset($form_state['values']['foss_sub_project_status'])) { $foss_project = isset($form_state['values']['foss_type']) ? $form_state['values']['foss_type'] : key($options_first); } else { $foss_project = ''; } $form['foss_type'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#prefix' => '
', '#title' => t('FOSS Type'), '#multiple' => false, '#options' => $options_first, //'#default_value' => $foss_project, '#validated' => TRUE, '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'ajax_foss_type_dependent_dropdown_callback', 'wrapper' => 'dropdown-second-replace', 'progress' => array( 'message' => '' ) ) ); /* Second Dropdown for Activities like TBC, LM and other */ if (isset($form_state['values']['foss_sub_project']) && isset($form_state['values']['foss_type']) && isset($form_state['values']['foss_sub_project_status'])) { $foss_sub_project = isset($form_state['values']['foss_sub_project']) ? $form_state['values']['foss_sub_project'] : key(get_activities_list($foss_project)); } else { $foss_sub_project = ''; } $form['foss_sub_project'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Activities'), '#options' => get_activities_list($foss_project), '#prefix' => '', '#default_value' => $foss_sub_project_status, '#validated' => TRUE, '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( array( array( ':input[name="foss_sub_project"]' => array( 'value' => 0 ) ), 'or', array( ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => "" ) ) ) ) ) ); /* Start Date for Filter */ $form['start_date'] = array( '#type' => 'date_popup', '#title' => t('From Date:'), '#date_label_position' => '', '#description' => '', '#default_value' => '', '#date_format' => 'Y-m-d', '#date_increment' => 0, '#date_year_range' => '2011:+0', '#prefix' => '', '#datepicker_options' => array( 'maxDate' => 0 ), '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => "" ) ) ) ); /* End Date for Filter */ $form['end_date'] = array( '#type' => 'date_popup', '#title' => t('To Date:'), '#date_label_position' => '', '#description' => '', '#default_value' => '', '#date_format' => 'Y-m-d', '#date_increment' => 0, '#date_year_range' => '2011:+0', '#prefix' => '', '#datepicker_options' => array( 'maxDate' => 0 ), '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => "" ) ) ) ); /* Country list for Filter */ if (isset($form_state['values']['countryname']) && isset($form_state['values']['statename']) && isset($form_state['values']['cityname'])) { $countryname = isset($form_state['values']['countryname']) ? $form_state['values']['countryname'] : key(get_country_list($foss_project, $foss_sub_project)); } else { $countryname = ''; } $form['countryname'] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("Select Country"), '#prefix' => '', '#options' => get_country_list($foss_project, $foss_sub_project), '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( array( array( ':input[name="foss_sub_project"]' => array( 'value' => 0 ) ), 'or', array( ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => "" ), ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => 3 ) ) ) ) ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'ajax_state_list_dependent_dropdown_callback', 'wrapper' => 'load_state', 'progress' => array( 'message' => '' ) ) ); /* State list for Filter */ if (isset($form_state['values']['countryname']) && isset($form_state['values']['statename']) && isset($form_state['values']['cityname'])) { $statename = isset($form_state['values']['statename']) ? $form_state['values']['statename'] : key(get_state_list($foss_project, $foss_sub_project, $countryname)); } else { $statename = ''; } $form['statename'] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("State Name"), '#validated' => TRUE, '#options' => get_state_list($foss_project, $foss_sub_project, $countryname), '#prefix' => '', '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( array( array( ':input[name="foss_sub_project"]' => array( 'value' => 0 ) ), 'or', array( ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => "" ), ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => 3 ) ) ) ) ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'ajax_city_list_dependent_dropdown_callback', 'wrapper' => 'load_state', 'progress' => array( 'message' => '' ) ) ); /* City list for Filter */ if (isset($form_state['values']['countryname']) && isset($form_state['values']['statename']) && isset($form_state['values']['cityname'])) { $cityname = isset($form_state['values']['cityname']) ? $form_state['values']['cityname'] : key(get_city_list($foss_project, $foss_sub_project, $countryname, $statename)); } else { $cityname = ''; } $form['cityname'] = array( "#type" => "select", "#title" => t("City Name"), '#validated' => TRUE, '#options' => get_city_list($foss_project, $foss_sub_project, $countryname, $statename), '#prefix' => '', '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( array( array( ':input[name="foss_sub_project"]' => array( 'value' => 0 ) ), 'or', array( ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => "" ), ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => 3 ) ) ) ) ) ); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'ajax_example_submit_driven_callback', 'progress' => array( 'message' => '' ) ), '#value' => t('Filter'), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '', '#default_value' => "--------------", '#validated' => TRUE, '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'ajax_foss_sub_project_dependent_dropdown_callback', 'wrapper' => 'dropdown-third-replace', 'progress' => array( 'message' => '' ) ), '#states' => array( 'invisible' => array( ':input[name="foss_type"]' => array( 'value' => "" ) ) ) ); /* third Dropdown for Status like Completed and In Progress */ if (isset($form_state['values']['foss_sub_project']) && isset($form_state['values']['foss_type']) && isset($form_state['values']['foss_sub_project_status'])) { $foss_sub_project_status = isset($form_state['values']['$foss_sub_project_status']) ? $form_state['values']['$foss_sub_project_status'] : ''; } else { $foss_sub_project_status = ''; } $form['foss_sub_project_status'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Status'), '#options' => _ajax_example_get_third_dropdown_options($foss_sub_project), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#suffix' => '' ); $form['reset'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Reset'), '#prefix' => '', '#suffix' => '
' ); //This is used for displaying text (tab sta) $form['displaytext'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
', '#markup' => '' ); //For displaying count of TBC of all foss $form['tbctable'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#prefix' => '
', '#markup' => '' ); $TBC_getchart = getchart("TBC"); $LM_getchart = getchart("LM"); $form['tab_content'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '
' . get_tabledata_TBC_or_LM("TBC", "1960/01/01", "").'
' . drupal_render($TBC_getchart) . '
' . get_tabledata_TBC_or_LM("LM", "1960/01/01", "").'
' . drupal_render($LM_getchart) . '
' . workshop_view_all(0,1960-01-01, date("Y-m-d")).'
'.getselfworkshoplcount(0,1960-01-01, date("Y-m-d"),"","").'
' . conference_seminar_view_all(0, "", "").'
' ); $form['lastdiv'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '', '#suffix' => '
' ); return $form; } /* This function is used to create chart for TBC/LM */ function getchart($sub_type) { $title = ""; if ($sub_type == "TBC") { $title = "Textbook Companion Statictics"; } else { $title = "Lab Migration Statistics"; } $chart = array( '#type' => 'chart', '#title' => t($title), '#chart_type' => 'pie', '#chart_library' => 'google', '#legend_position' => 'right', '#data_labels' => TRUE, '#tooltips' => TRUE, '#width' => 700, '#height' => 300 ); $chart['pie_data'] = array( '#type' => 'chart_data', '#title' => t($title), '#data' => get_data_for_chart_allproject($sub_type) ); $example['chart'] = $chart; return $example; } //This is used to create a bar chart for particular LM or TBC and along with filters function getchartforselectedProject($foss_type, $sub_type, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) { $title = ""; if ($sub_type == "TBC") { $title = $foss_type . "" . "'s Completed Textbook Companion Statictics"; } else { $title = $foss_type . "" . "'s Completed Lab Migration Statistics"; } $chart = array( '#type' => 'chart', '#title' => t($title), '#chart_type' => 'column', '#chart_library' => 'google', '#legend_position' => 'bottom', '#data_labels' => TRUE, '#tooltips' => TRUE, '#width' => 800, '#height' => 300 ); $chart['pie_data'] = array( '#type' => 'chart_data', '#title' => t($title), '#data' => get_data_for_chart_selectedproject($foss_type, $sub_type, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) ); $example['chart'] = $chart; return $example; } //This is used to create a pie chart for particular LM or TBC and along with filters function getpiechartforselectedProject($foss_type, $sub_type, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) { $title = ""; if ($sub_type == "TBC") { $title = $foss_type . "" . "'s Textbook Companion Statictics"; } else { $title = $foss_type . "" . "'s Lab Migration Statistics"; } $chart = array( '#type' => 'chart', '#title' => t($title), '#chart_type' => 'pie', '#chart_library' => 'google', '#legend_position' => 'right', '#data_labels' => TRUE, '#tooltips' => TRUE, '#width' => 700, '#height' => 300 ); $chart['pie_data'] = array( '#type' => 'chart_data', '#title' => t($title), '#data' => get_data_for_chart_selectedproject($foss_type, $sub_type, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) ); $example['chart'] = $chart; return $example; } //Function is used to get the count of LM or TBC for all foss type and pass this count to create charts function get_data_for_chart_allproject($sub_type) { $rows = array(); if ($sub_type == "TBC") { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc' )); $query->condition('tbc', 1); $result = $query->execute(); while ($foss_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != null) { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'Python') { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database //For TBC if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0"); } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1"); } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $completedbookcount = $query2->fetchObject()->book_count; $option1 = array( $foss_detail->foss_name, (int) $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); } else { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query2 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query2->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query2->condition('approved', 1); $result2 = $query2->execute(); db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $completedbookcount = $result2->fetchObject()->count; $option1 = array( $foss_detail->foss_name, (int) $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); } } } } else { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lab_migration' )); $query->condition('lab_migration', 1); $result = $query->execute(); while ($foss_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != null) { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database //For LM $query3 = db_select('lab_migration_proposal'); $query3->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query3->condition('approval_status', 3); $result3 = $query3->execute(); db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $completedlabcount = $result3->fetchObject()->count; $option1 = array( $foss_detail->foss_name, (int) $completedlabcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); } } } return $rows; } //This function is used to get list of TBC books/LM Labs after the filter is applied function list_tbc_and_lm_detail($String, $foss_type, $sub_type, $status, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) { if ($cityname == "" || $cityname == "null") { $cityname = "%"; } else { $cityname = $cityname; } if ($statename == "" || $statename == "null") { $statename = "%"; } else { $statename = $statename; } if ($countryname == "" || $countryname == "null") { $countryname = "%"; } else { $countryname = $countryname; } $flag = 1; $page_content = ""; db_set_active($foss_type); $query2 = ""; if ($sub_type == "TBC") { if ($foss_type != null) { if ($foss_type != 'Python') { //For TBC if ($foss_type != 'eSim' && $foss_type != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_type != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_type != 'DWSIM') { if ($status == "completed") { $query2 = db_query("SELECT as book, as author,pe.publisher as publisher,pe.year as year, as id FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } if ($status == "pending") { $query2 = db_query("SELECT,,pe.publisher,pe.year, FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $flag = 0; } } else { if ($status == "completed") { $query2 = db_query("SELECT,,pe.publisher,pe.year, FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } if ($status == "pending") { $query2 = db_query("SELECT,,pe.publisher,pe.year, FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $flag = 0; } } } else { if ($status == "completed") { $query2 = db_query("SELECT,,pe.publisher,pe.year, FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } if ($status == "pending") { $query2 = db_query("SELECT,,pe.publisher,pe.year, FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $flag = 0; } } } else { if ($status == "completed") { $query2 = db_select('tbc_book', 'tbc'); $query2->fields('tbc', array( 'title', 'author', 'id' )); $query2->condition('approved', 1); } if ($status == "pending") { $query2 = db_select('tbc_book', 'tbc'); $query2->fields('tbc', array( 'title', 'author', 'id' )); $query2->condition('approved', 1, '<>'); } } } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); if ($flag != 0) { $page_content .= "

List of Completed Books

"; $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc_run' )); $query->condition('tbc', 1); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $page_content .= "
    "; $i = 1; while ($preference_data = $query2->fetchObject()) { $page_content .= "
  1. " . $i++ . ". "; $page_content .= "id . " target='_blank'>" . $preference_data->book . " by " . $preference_data->author . ", " . $preference_data->publisher . ", " . $preference_data->year . ""; $page_content .= "
  2. "; } $page_content .= "
"; } else { $page_content .= "

List of Books in Progress

"; $page_content .= "
    "; $i = 1; while ($preference_data = $query2->fetchObject()) { $page_content .= "
  1. " . $i++ . ". "; $page_content .= $preference_data->book . " by " . $preference_data->author . ", " . $preference_data->publisher . ", " . $preference_data->year; $page_content .= "
  2. "; } $page_content .= "
"; } } else { if ($foss_type != null) { if ($status == "completed") { $query2 = db_query("SELECT * from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=3 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } if ($status == "pending") { $query2 = db_query("SELECT * from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=1 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $flag = 0; } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); if ($flag != 0) { $page_content .= "

List of Completed Labs

"; $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lm_run' )); $query->condition('lab_migration', 1); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $page_content .= "
    "; $i = 1; while ($row = $query2->fetchObject()) { $page_content .= "
  1. " . $i++ . ". "; $approval_date = date("Y", $row->approval_date); $page_content .= "id . " target='_blank'>" . $row->lab_title . " " . $approval_date . " (Proposed by " . $row->name . ") "; //$page_content .= l($row->lab_title . " " . $approval_date,$foss_detail->lm_run."/". $row->id); $page_content .= "
  2. "; } $page_content .= "
"; } else { $page_content .= "

List of Labs in Progress

"; $page_content .= "
    "; $i = 1; while ($row = $query2->fetchObject()) { $page_content .= "
  1. " . $i++ . ". "; $approval_date = date("Y", $row->approval_date); $page_content .= $row->lab_title . " " . $approval_date . " (Proposed by " . $row->name . ")"; $page_content .= "
  2. "; } $page_content .= "
"; } } } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); return $page_content; } /* This function is used to get count of LM and TBC after a filter is applied and pass this count to create chart function*/ function get_data_for_piechart_selectedproject($foss_type, $sub_type, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) { if ($enddate == "") { $enddate = date("Y-m-d"); } $rows = array(); if ($sub_type == "TBC") { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc' )); $query->condition('tbc', 1); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != null) { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'Python') { $rows = array(); db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database //For TBC if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'DWSIM') { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $completedbookcount = $query2->fetchObject()->book_count; $pendingbookcount = $query3->fetchObject()->book_count; $option1 = array( "Completed TBC", (int) $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); $option2 = array( "In Progress TBC", (int) $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option2); } else { $rows = array(); db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query2 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query2->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); //$query2->condition('author', '%'.$extrafilter.'%', 'LIKE'); $query2->condition('approved', 1); $result2 = $query2->execute(); $query3 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query3->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); //$query3->condition('author', '%'.$extrafilter.'%', 'LIKE'); $query3->condition('approved', 1, '<>'); $result3 = $query3->execute(); db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $completedbookcount = $result2->fetchObject()->count; $pendingbookcount = $result3->fetchObject()->count; $option1 = array( "Completed TBC", (int) $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); $option2 = array( "In Progress TBC", (int) $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option2); } } } else { $rows = array(); $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lab_migration' )); $query->condition('lab_migration', 1); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != null) { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database //For LM $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=3 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $query4 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=1 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $completedlabcount = $query3->fetchObject()->count; $pendinglabcount = $query4->fetchObject()->count; $option1 = array( "Completed Labs", (int) $completedlabcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); $option2 = array( "In Progress labs", (int) $pendinglabcount ); array_push($rows, $option2); } } return $rows; } /* This function is used to get count of LM and TBC after a filter is applied and pass this count to create chart function*/ function get_data_for_chart_selectedproject($foss_type, $sub_type, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) { if ($enddate == "") { $enddate = date("Y-m-d"); } $rows = array(); if ($sub_type == "TBC") { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc' )); $query->condition('tbc', 1); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != null) { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'Python') { $rows = array(); db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database //For TBC if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'DWSIM') { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count ,FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date, '%Y') AS year FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate Group by FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date, '%Y')", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); /* $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate ));*/ } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count ,FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date, '%Y') AS year FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate Group by FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date, '%Y')", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); /* $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate ));*/ } } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count, FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date, '%Y') AS year FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate Group by FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date, '%Y')", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); /*$query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate ));*/ } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $result = $query2->fetchAll(); foreach ($result as $tbc_yearwise_count) { $completedbookcount= $tbc_yearwise_count->book_count; $option1 = array( $tbc_yearwise_count->year, (int) $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); } /* while ($tbc_yearwise_count = $result->fetchObject()) { $completedbookcount= $tbc_yearwise_count->book_count; $option1 = array( $tbc_yearwise_count->year, (int) $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); }*/ //$completedbookcount = $query2->fetchObject()->book_count; //$pendingbookcount = $query3->fetchObject()->book_count; /*$option1 = array( "Completed TBC", (int) $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option1);*/ /* $option2 = array( "In Progress TBC", (int) $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option2);*/ } else { $rows = array(); db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query2 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query2->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); //$query2->condition('author', '%'.$extrafilter.'%', 'LIKE'); $query2->condition('approved', 1); $result2 = $query2->execute(); /*$query3 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query3->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); //$query3->condition('author', '%'.$extrafilter.'%', 'LIKE'); $query3->condition('approved', 1, '<>'); $result3 = $query3->execute();*/ db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $completedbookcount = $result2->fetchObject()->count; //$pendingbookcount = $result3->fetchObject()->count; $option1 = array( "Completed TBC", (int) $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); /*$option2 = array( "In Progress TBC", (int) $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $option2);*/ } } } else { $rows = array(); $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lab_migration' )); $query->condition('lab_migration', 1); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != null) { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database //For LM $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count ,FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date, '%Y') AS year from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=3 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate group by FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date, '%Y')", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); /* $query4 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=1 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate ));*/ db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); $result = $query3->fetchAll(); foreach ($result as $lm_yearwise_count) { $completedlabcount= $lm_yearwise_count->count; $option1 = array( $lm_yearwise_count->year, (int) $completedlabcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); } /*$result = $query3->execute(); while ($lm_yearwise_count = $result->fetchObject()) { $completedlabcount= $lm_yearwise_count->count; $option1 = array( $lm_yearwise_count->year, (int) $completedlabcount ); array_push($rows, $option1); }*/ /*$completedlabcount = $query3->fetchObject()->count; //$pendinglabcount = $query4->fetchObject()->count; $option1 = array( "Completed Labs", (int) $completedlabcount ); array_push($rows, $option1);*/ /*$option2 = array( "In Progress labs", (int) $pendinglabcount ); array_push($rows, $option2);*/ } } return $rows; } //List of option to fill first drop down ie. Foss type. function _ajax_example_get_first_dropdown_options() { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $result = $query->execute(); $options = array(); $options[''] = "--------------"; while ($foss_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$foss_detail->id] = $foss_detail->foss_name; } return $options; } //List of option to fill secong drop down ie. Activities /*function _ajax_example_get_second_dropdown_options($foss_project = '') { if ($foss_project != NULL) { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc', 'lab_migration', 'workshop', 'self_workshop', 'conference' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'spoken_tutorial', 'postal_campaigns' )); $query->condition('id', $foss_project); $result = $query->execute(); $subproject_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $optiondata = array( "tbc", "lab_migration", "workshop", "self_workshop", "conference", "spoken_tutorial", "postal_campaigns" ); $optionvalue = array( " ", "Textbook Companion", "Lab Migration", "Workshop", "Self Workshop", "Conference", "Spoken Tutorial", "Postal Campaigns" ); $options = array(); $options[0] = "--------------"; $i = 0; foreach ($optiondata as $value) { $i++; if (($subproject_detail->$value) != 0) { $options[$i] = $optionvalue[$i]; } } return $options; } else { $options[0] = "--------------"; return $options; } }*/ //List of option to fill secong drop down ie. Activities function get_activities_list($foss_project) { if ($foss_project != NULL) { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc', 'lab_migration', 'workshop', 'self_workshop', 'conference' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'spoken_tutorial', 'postal_campaigns' )); $query->condition('id', $foss_project); $result = $query->execute(); $subproject_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $optiondata = array( "tbc", "lab_migration", "workshop", "self_workshop", "conference", "spoken_tutorial", "postal_campaigns" ); $optionvalue = array( " ", "Textbook Companion", "Lab Migration", "Workshop", "Self Workshop", "Conference", "Spoken Tutorial", "Postal Campaigns" ); $options = array(); $options[0] = "--------------"; $i = 0; foreach ($optiondata as $value) { $i++; if (($subproject_detail->$value) != 0) { $options[$i] = $optionvalue[$i]; } } return $options; } else { $options[0] = "--------------"; return $options; } } //This is used to populate dropdown third ie Status but it will fill if activity selected is either TBC or LM function _ajax_example_get_third_dropdown_options($foss_sub_project) { $options = array(); if ($foss_sub_project != 0) { if ($foss_sub_project == 1) { $options[0] = "--------------"; $options[1] = "Books in Progress"; $options[2] = "Completed Books"; } else if ($foss_sub_project == 2) { $options[0] = "--------------"; $options[1] = "Labs in Progress"; $options[2] = "Completed Labs"; } } return $options; } //this is ajax callback method for first dropdown ie FOSS type function ajax_foss_type_dependent_dropdown_callback($form, &$form_state) { $foss_sub_project = $form_state['values']['foss_type']; $foss_sub_project_activities = $form_state['values']['foss_sub_project']; $startdate = $form_state['values']['start_date']; $enddate = $form_state['values']['end_date']; $enddate = trim($enddate); $startdate = trim($startdate); if ($startdate == "") { $startdate = '1960/01/01'; } else { $startdate = $startdate; } if ($enddate == "") { $enddate = date("Y-m-d"); } else { $enddate = $enddate; } if ($foss_sub_project == "") { $form['default_load']['#markup'] = '
' . get_tabledata_TBC_or_LM("TBC", $startdate, $enddate) . '
' . drupal_render(getchart("TBC")). '
' . get_tabledata_TBC_or_LM("LM", $startdate, $enddate) . '
' . drupal_render(getchart("LM")) . '
' . workshop_view_all(0, $startdate, $enddate) . '
' . conference_seminar_view_all(0, $startdate, $enddate) .'
'; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); $form['load_city']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_city", ""); $form['load_state']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_state", ""); $form['load_country']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_country", ""); $form['startdate']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#startdate", ""); $form['enddate']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#enddate", ""); $form['dropdown-third-replace']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#dropdown-third-replace", ""); } else if ($foss_sub_project == '3') { $form['startdate']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#startdate", ""); $form['enddate']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#enddate", ""); $form['load_city']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_city", ""); $form['load_state']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_state", ""); $form['load_country']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_country", ""); $form['dropdown-second-replace']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#dropdown-second-replace", ""); $form['dropdown-third-replace']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#dropdown-third-replace", ""); } else { $form['start_date']['#type'] = "date_popup"; $form['start_date']['#title'] = t('From Date:'); $form['start_date']['#date_label_position'] = 'within'; $form['start_date']['#description'] = ''; $form['start_date']['#default_value'] = ''; $form['start_date']['#date_format'] = 'Y-m-d'; $form['start_date']['#date_increment'] = 0; $form['start_date']['#date_year_range'] = '2011:+0'; $form['start_date']['#datepicker_options'] = array( 'maxDate' => 0 ); $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#startdate", drupal_render($form['start_date'])); $form['end_date']['#type'] = "date_popup"; $form['end_date']['#title'] = t('To Date:'); $form['end_date']['#date_label_position'] = ''; $form['end_date']['#description'] = ''; $form['end_date']['#default_value'] = ''; $form['end_date']['#date_format'] = 'Y-m-d'; $form['end_date']['#date_increment'] = 0; $form['end_date']['#date_year_range'] = '2011:+0'; $form['end_date']['#datepicker_options'] = array( 'maxDate' => 0 ); $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#enddate", drupal_render($form['end_date'])); $form['load_city']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_city", ""); $form['load_state']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_state", ""); $form['load_country']['#markup'] = ""; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#load_country", ""); } $form['foss_sub_project']['#default_value'] = "--------------"; $form['foss_sub_project']['#options'] = get_activities_list($foss_sub_project); $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#dropdown-second-replace", drupal_render($form['foss_sub_project'])); if ($foss_sub_project != "" && ($foss_sub_project_activities == 1 || $foss_sub_project_activities == 2)) { if($foss_sub_project==3){ $foss_sub_project_activities=""; 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"; $form['cityname']['#suffix'] = "
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' . drupal_render(getchart("TBC")) . '
' . get_tabledata_TBC_or_LM("LM", $startdate, $enddate) .'
' . drupal_render(getchart("LM")) . '
' . workshop_view_all(0, $startdate, $enddate) .'
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' . conference_seminar_view_all(0, "", "") .'
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" . drupal_render(getchartforselectedProject($foss_type, "TBC", $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname)) . "
"; // } else if ($value == "lab_migration") { // $pagecontent .= "
// // //
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" . drupal_render(getchartforselectedProject($foss_type, "LM", $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname)) . "
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// // //
" . events_view_filter($foss_type, $event_type, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) . "
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// // //
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// // //
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// // //
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// // //
" . t(" //
TextBook Companion Project Not Present
") . "
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// // //
" . t(" //
Lab Migration Project Not Present
") . "
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// // //
" . t(" //
No Workshop were conducted
") . "
"; // } else if ($value == "self_workshop") { // $pagecontent .= "
// // //
" . t(" //
No Self Workshop were conducted
") . "
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// // //
" . t(" //
No Conference were conducted
") . "
"; // } else if ($value == "spoken_tutorial") { // $pagecontent .= "
// // //
" . t(" //
Spoken Tutorial Not Present
") . "
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TextBook Companion Project Not Present
"; $tbcchartcheck=""; } else if ($value == "lab_migration") { $lmdatacheck="
Lab Migration Project Not Present
"; $lmchartcheck=""; } else if ($value == "workshop") { $workshopdatacheck= "
No Workshop were conducted
"; } else if ($value == "self_workshop") { $self_workshopdatacheck="
No Self Workshop were conducted
"; } else if ($value == "conference") { $conferencedatacheck="
No Conference were conducted
"; } else if ($value == "spoken_tutorial") { $spoken_tutorialdatacheck="
Spoken Tutorial Not Present
"; } } } // var_dump($tbcdatacheck."::::::".$lmdatacheck."::::::".$workshopdatacheck.":::::::".$self_workshopdatacheck.":::::::".$conferencedatacheck."::::::".$spoken_tutorialdatacheck); //die; $form['default_load']['#markup'] = '
' . $tbcdatacheck .'
' . $tbcchartcheck. '
' . $lmdatacheck . '
' . $lmchartcheck. '
'. $workshopdatacheck. '
' . $self_workshopdatacheck.'
' . $conferencedatacheck.'
' .$spoken_tutorialdatacheck.'
'; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); } else if ($foss_type != '--------------' && $foss_sub_project == "Textbook Companion" && $foss_sub_project_status == "--------------") { $form['displaytext']['#markup'] = "Statistic of project : " . $foss_type; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#displaytext", drupal_render($form['displaytext'])); $pagecontent = ""; $pagecontent .= '
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'; $form['default_load']['#markup'] = $pagecontent; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); } else if ($foss_type != '--------------' && $foss_sub_project == "Lab Migration" && $foss_sub_project_status == "--------------") { $form['displaytext']['#markup'] = "Statistic of project : " . $foss_type; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#displaytext", drupal_render($form['displaytext'])); $pagecontent = ""; $pagecontent .= '
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'; $form['default_load']['#markup'] = $pagecontent; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); } else if ($foss_type != '--------------' && $foss_sub_project == "Workshop") { $form['displaytext']['#markup'] = "Statistic of project : " . $foss_type; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#displaytext", drupal_render($form['displaytext'])); $pagecontent = ""; $pagecontent .= '
' .events_view_filter($foss_type, $foss_sub_project, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname) .'
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' . getselfworkshoplcount($foss_type,$startdate,$enddate, $statename, $cityname).'
'; $form['default_load']['#markup'] = $pagecontent; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); }else if ($foss_type != '--------------' && $foss_sub_project == "Conference") { $form['displaytext']['#markup'] = "Statistic of project : " . $foss_type; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#displaytext", drupal_render($form['displaytext'])); $pagecontent = ""; $pagecontent .= '
' . events_view_filter($foss_type, $foss_sub_project, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname).'
'; $form['default_load']['#markup'] = $pagecontent; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); }else if ($foss_type != '--------------' && $foss_sub_project == "Spoken Tutorial") { $form['displaytext']['#markup'] = "Statistic of project : " . $foss_type; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#displaytext", drupal_render($form['displaytext'])); $pagecontent = ""; $pagecontent .= '
'.spokentutorial_view_all($foss_type) .'
'; $form['default_load']['#markup'] = $pagecontent; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); } /* else if ($foss_type != '--------------' && $foss_sub_project == "Postal Campaigns") { $form['displaytext']['#markup'] = "Statistic of project : " . $foss_type; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#displaytext", drupal_render($form['displaytext'])); $pagecontent = ""; $pagecontent .= "
" . postalcampaign_view_all($foss_type, $startdate, $enddate) . "
"; $form['default_load']['#markup'] = $pagecontent; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); }*/ else if ($foss_type != '--------------' && ($foss_sub_project == "Textbook Companion" || $foss_sub_project == "Lab Migration") && $foss_sub_project_status != "--------------") { if ($foss_sub_project == "Textbook Companion" && $foss_sub_project_status == "Completed Books") { $title = "Textbook Companion"; $datatable = get_tabledata_selectedFoss_TBC_LM($foss_type, 'TBC', "completed", $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname, $link_flag); } else if ($foss_sub_project == "Lab Migration" && $foss_sub_project_status == "Completed Labs") { $title = "Lab Migration"; $datatable = get_tabledata_selectedFoss_TBC_LM($foss_type, 'LM', "completed", $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname, $link_flag); } else if ($foss_sub_project == "Textbook Companion" && $foss_sub_project_status == "Books in Progress") { $title = "Textbook Companion"; $datatable = get_tabledata_selectedFoss_TBC_LM($foss_type, 'TBC', "pending", $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname, $link_flag); } else if ($foss_sub_project == "Lab Migration" && $foss_sub_project_status == "Labs in Progress") { $title = "Lab Migration"; $datatable = get_tabledata_selectedFoss_TBC_LM($foss_type, 'LM', "pending", $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname, $link_flag); } $form['displaytext']['#markup'] = "Statistic of project : " . $foss_type; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#displaytext", drupal_render($form['displaytext'])); $form['default_load']['#markup'] = '
'. $datatable . '
'; $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#default_load", drupal_render($form['default_load'])); } return array( '#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands ); } //General Function to create table function bootstrap_table_format($headers, $rows) { $thead = ""; $tbody = ""; foreach ($headers as $header) { $thead .= "{$header}"; } foreach ($rows as $row) { $tbody .= ""; $i = 0; foreach ($row as $data) { $datalable = $headers[$i++]; $tbody .= "{$data}"; } $tbody .= ""; } $table = " {$thead}{$tbody}
"; return $table; } //Returns table with count of TBC /LM function get_tabledata_TBC_or_LM($sub_type, $startdate, $enddate) { if ($enddate == "") { $enddate = date("Y-m-d"); } $rows = array(); $headers = array( " Project", "Completed", "In Progress" ); if ($sub_type == 'TBC') { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc_completed' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc_pending' )); $query->condition('tbc', 1); $result = $query->execute(); while ($foss_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $foss_type = $foss_detail->foss_name; db_set_active($foss_type); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'Python') { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'DWSIM') { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } $completedbookcount = $query2->fetchObject()->book_count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_completed != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_completed != null) { $clink = "" . $completedbookcount . ""; $completedbookcount = $clink; } /* For setting completion date for pending TBC and LM more */ $pending_enddate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+5 months", strtotime( $enddate))); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'DWSIM') { $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $pending_enddate )); } else { $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $pending_enddate )); } } else { $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $pending_enddate )); } $pendingbookcount = $query3->fetchObject()->book_count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_pending != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_pending != null) { $plink = "" . $pendingbookcount . ""; $pendingbookcount = $plink; } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); // without the paramater means set back to the default for the site $item = array( $foss_detail->foss_name, $completedbookcount, $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } else { //For Python TBC db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query5 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query5->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query5->condition('approved', 1); $result5 = $query5->execute(); $completedbookcount = $result5->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_completed != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_completed != null) { $clink = "" . $completedbookcount . ""; $completedbookcount = $clink; } $query6 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query6->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query6->condition('approved', 1, '<>'); $result6 = $query6->execute(); $pendingbookcount = $result6->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_pending != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_pending != null) { $plink = "" . $pendingbookcount . ""; $pendingbookcount = $plink; } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); // without the paramater means set back to the default for the site $item = array( $foss_detail->foss_name, $completedbookcount, $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } } } else { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lab_migration' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lm_completed' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lm_pending' )); $query->condition('lab_migration', 1); $result = $query->execute(); while ($foss_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query2 = db_select('lab_migration_proposal'); $query2->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query2->condition('approval_status', 3); $result2 = $query2->execute(); $completedlabcount = $result2->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->lm_completed != "" && $foss_detail->lm_completed != null) { $clink = "" . $completedlabcount . ""; $completedlabcount = $clink; } $query3 = db_select('lab_migration_proposal'); $query3->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query3->condition('approval_status', 1); $result3 = $query3->execute(); $pendinglabcount = $result3->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->lm_pending != "" && $foss_detail->lm_pending != null) { $plink = "" . $pendinglabcount . ""; $pendinglabcount = $plink; } $item = array( $foss_detail->foss_name, $completedlabcount, $pendinglabcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); // without the paramater means set back to the default for the site $count = bootstrap_table_format($headers, $rows); return $count; } // This is used to return tables with count of TBC and LM but after applying all filters function get_tabledata_selectedFoss_TBC_LM($foss_type, $sub_type, $status, $startdate, $enddate, $countryname, $statename, $cityname, $link_flag) { //This is for sending values through URL as '%' is not allow through url if ($cityname == "%") { $city = "null"; } else { $city = $cityname; } if ($statename == "%") { $state = "null"; } else { $state = $statename; } if ($countryname == "%") { $country = "null"; } else { $country = $countryname; } if ($status == "all") { $rows = array(); if ($sub_type == 'TBC') { $headers = array( "Completed Book", "Book In Progress" ); $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc_completed' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc_pending' )); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $query->condition('tbc', 1); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $foss_type = $foss_detail->foss_name; db_set_active($foss_type); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'Python') { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'DWSIM') { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } $completedbookcount = $query2->fetchObject()->book_count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_completed != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_completed != null && $link_flag != 1) { //$clink = "" . $completedbookcount . ""; if ($completedbookcount != 0 || $completedbookcount != "0") { $clink = "" . $completedbookcount . ""; $completedbookcount = $clink; } else { $completedbookcount = $completedbookcount; } } if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'DWSIM') { $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } else { $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } } else { $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } $pendingbookcount = $query3->fetchObject()->book_count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_pending != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_pending != null && $link_flag != 1) { //$plink = "" . $pendingbookcount . ""; if ($pendingbookcount != 0 || $pendingbookcount != "0") { $plink = "" . $pendingbookcount . ""; $pendingbookcount = $plink; } else { $pendingbookcount = $pendingbookcount; } } //db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back //db_set_active(); // without the paramater means set back to the default for the site $item = array( $completedbookcount, $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } else { //For Python TBC db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query5 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query5->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query5->condition('approved', 1); //$query5->condition('author', '%'.$extrafilter.'%', 'LIKE'); $result5 = $query5->execute(); $completedbookcount = $result5->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_completed != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_completed != null && $link_flag != 1) { $clink = "" . $completedbookcount . ""; $completedbookcount = $clink; } $query6 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query6->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query6->condition('approved', 1, '<>'); //$query6->condition('author', '%'.$extrafilter.'%', 'LIKE'); $result6 = $query6->execute(); $pendingbookcount = $result6->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_pending != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_pending != null && $link_flag != 1) { $plink = "" . $pendingbookcount . ""; $pendingbookcount = $plink; } //db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back //db_set_active(); // without the paramater means set back to the default for the site $item = array( $completedbookcount, $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } } else { $headers = array( "Completed Labs", "Labs In Progress" ); $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lab_migration' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lm_completed' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lm_pending' )); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $query->condition('lab_migration', 1); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=3 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $completedlabcount = $query2->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->lm_completed != "" && $foss_detail->lm_completed != null && $link_flag != 1) { //$clink = "" . $completedlabcount . ""; if ($completedlabcount != 0 || $completedlabcount != "0") { $clink = "" . $completedlabcount . ""; $completedlabcount = $clink; } else { $completedlabcount = $completedlabcount; } } $query3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=1 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $pendinglabcount = $query3->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->lm_pending != "" && $foss_detail->lm_pending != null && $link_flag != 1) { //$plink = "" . $pendinglabcount . ""; if ($pendinglabcount != 0 || $pendinglabcount != "0") { $plink = "" . $pendinglabcount . ""; $pendinglabcount = $plink; } else { $pendinglabcount = $pendinglabcount; } } $item = array( $completedlabcount, $pendinglabcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); // without the paramater means set back to the default for the site $count = bootstrap_table_format($headers, $rows); return $count; } else if ($status == "completed") { $rows = array(); if ($sub_type == 'TBC') { $headers = array( "Completed Book" ); $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc_completed' )); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $query->condition('tbc', 1); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $foss_type = $foss_detail->foss_name; db_set_active($foss_type); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'Python') { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'DWSIM') { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } $completedbookcount = $query2->fetchObject()->book_count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_completed != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_completed != null && $link_flag != 1) { //$clink = "" . $completedbookcount . ""; if ($completedbookcount != 0 || $completedbookcount != "0") { $clink = "" . $completedbookcount . ""; $completedbookcount = $clink; } else { $completedbookcount = $completedbookcount; } } $item = array( $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } else { //For Python TBC db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query5 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query5->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query5->condition('approved', 1); //$query5->condition('author', '%'.$extrafilter.'%', 'LIKE'); $result5 = $query5->execute(); $completedbookcount = $result5->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_completed != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_completed != null && $link_flag != 1) { $clink = "" . $completedbookcount . ""; $completedbookcount = $clink; } $item = array( $completedbookcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } } else { $headers = array( "Completed Labs" ); $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lab_migration' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lm_completed' )); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $query->condition('lab_migration', 1); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=3 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $completedlabcount = $query2->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->lm_completed != "" && $foss_detail->lm_completed != null && $link_flag != 1) { //$clink = "" . $completedlabcount . ""; if ($completedlabcount != "0" || $completedlabcount != 0) { $clink = "" . $completedlabcount . ""; $completedlabcount = $clink; } else { $completedlabcount = $completedlabcount; } } $item = array( $completedlabcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); // without the paramater means set back to the default for the site $count = bootstrap_table_format($headers, $rows); } else if ($status == "pending") { $rows = array(); if ($sub_type == 'TBC') { $headers = array( "Books in Progress" ); $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'tbc_pending' )); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $query->condition('tbc', 1); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $foss_type = $foss_detail->foss_name; db_set_active($foss_type); if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'Python') { db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'eSim' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OpenFOAM' && $foss_detail->foss_name != 'OR-Tools') { if ($foss_detail->foss_name != 'DWSIM') { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND pe.category>0 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate ", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } } else { $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM textbook_companion_preference pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status !=3 AND pe.approval_status =1 AND LIKE :city AND po.state LIKE :state AND LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) >= :startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(po.completion_date) <= :enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); } $pendingbookcount = $query2->fetchObject()->book_count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_pending != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_pending != null && $link_flag != 1) { //$plink = "" . $pendingbookcount . ""; if ($pendingbookcount != "0" || $pendingbookcount != 0) { $plink = "" . $pendingbookcount . ""; $pendingbookcount = $plink; } else { $pendingbookcount = $pendingbookcount; } } $item = array( $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } else { //For Python TBC db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query5 = db_select('tbc_book'); $query5->addExpression('count(*)', 'count'); $query5->condition('approved', 1, '<>'); //$query5->condition('author', '%'.$extrafilter.'%', 'LIKE'); $result5 = $query5->execute(); $pendingbookcount = $result5->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->tbc_pending != "" && $foss_detail->tbc_pending != null && $link_flag != 1) { $plink = "" . $pendingbookcount . ""; $pendingbookcount = $plink; } $item = array( $pendingbookcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } } else { $headers = array( "Labs in Progress" ); $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lab_migration' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'lm_pending' )); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $query->condition('lab_migration', 1); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); db_set_active($foss_detail->foss_name); //Active other database $query2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from lab_migration_proposal WHERE approval_status=1 AND city LIKE :city AND state LIKE :state AND country LIKE :country AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) >=:startdate AND FROM_UNIXTIME(approval_date) <=:enddate", array( ':city' => $cityname, ':state' => $statename, ':country' => $countryname, ':startdate' => $startdate, ':enddate' => $enddate )); $pendinglabcount = $query2->fetchObject()->count; if ($foss_detail->lm_pending != "" && $foss_detail->lm_pending != null && $link_flag != 1) { //$plink = "" . $pendinglabcount . ""; if ($pendinglabcount != "0" || $pendinglabcount != 0) { $plink = "" . $pendinglabcount . ""; $pendinglabcount = $plink; } else { $pendinglabcount = $pendinglabcount; } } $item = array( $pendinglabcount ); array_push($rows, $item); } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back db_set_active(); // without the paramater means set back to the default for the site $count = bootstrap_table_format($headers, $rows); } return $count; } //Get the list of State according to country selection .It is ajax method for state function ajax_state_list_dependent_dropdown_callback($form, &$form_state) { $foss_type = $form['foss_type']['#options'][$form_state['values']['foss_type']]; $foss_sub_project = $form['foss_sub_project']['#options'][$form_state['values']['foss_sub_project']]; $country = $form['countryname']['#options'][$form_state['values']['countryname']]; $options = array(); if($country!="--------------"){ if ($foss_sub_project == "Textbook Companion") { $sub_project = "textbook_companion_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country "; $args = array( ":country" => $country ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == "Lab Migration") { $sub_project = "lab_migration_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type); //Active other database //$options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country "; $args = array( ":country" => $country ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == "Workshop") { $sub_project = "workshop"; $foss_type_db = 'default'; db_set_active($foss_type_db); //Active other database //$options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and foss_name = :foss_name "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":foss_name" => $foss_type ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } }else if ($foss_sub_project == "Conference") { $sub_project = "workshop"; $foss_type_db = 'default'; db_set_active($foss_type_db); //Active other database //$options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and foss_name = :foss_name "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":foss_name" => $foss_type ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == "Self Workshop"){ //Get self workshop foss number for spoken $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_selfworkshop_no' )); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $foss_selfworkshop_no=$foss_detail->foss_selfworkshop_no; db_set_active('selfworkshop'); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = "SELECT distinct ( as state FROM events_training t, events_academiccenter ac, events_city c, events_state s WHERE and and and (t.status = 4 AND t.foss_id = :foss_id ) "; $args = array( ":foss_id" => $foss_selfworkshop_no, ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } } }else{ $options[0] = '--------------'; } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back $form['statename']['#options'] = $options; $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#load_state", drupal_render($form['statename'])); $optionscity = array(); $optionscity[0] = '--------------'; $form['cityname']['#options'] = $optionscity; $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#load_city", drupal_render($form['cityname'])); return array( '#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands ); } //Get the list of City according to country selection .It is ajax method for state function ajax_city_list_dependent_dropdown_callback($form, &$form_state) { $foss_type = $form['foss_type']['#options'][$form_state['values']['foss_type']]; $foss_sub_project = $form['foss_sub_project']['#options'][$form_state['values']['foss_sub_project']]; $country = $form['countryname']['#options'][$form_state['values']['countryname']]; $state = $form['statename']['#options'][$form_state['values']['statename']]; if ($foss_sub_project == "Textbook Companion") { $sub_project = "textbook_companion_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type); //Active other database $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and state = :state "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":state" => $state ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == "Lab Migration") { $sub_project = "lab_migration_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type); //Active other database $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and state = :state "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":state" => $state ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == "Workshop") { $sub_project = "workshop"; $foss_type_db = 'default'; db_set_active($foss_type_db); //Active other database $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and state = :state and foss_name = :foss_name "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":state" => $state, ":foss_name" => $foss_type ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } }else if ($foss_sub_project == "Conference") { $sub_project = "workshop"; $foss_type_db = 'default'; db_set_active($foss_type_db); //Active other database $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and state = :state and foss_name = :foss_name "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":state" => $state, ":foss_name" => $foss_type ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } }else if ($foss_sub_project == "Self Workshop"){ //Get self workshop foss number for spoken $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_selfworkshop_no' )); $query->condition('foss_name', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $foss_selfworkshop_no=$foss_detail->foss_selfworkshop_no; db_set_active('selfworkshop'); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query="SELECT distinct ( as city FROM events_training t, events_academiccenter ac, events_city c, events_state s WHERE and and and (t.status = 4 AND t.foss_id = :foss_id ) and LIKE :statename"; $args = array( ":foss_id" => $foss_selfworkshop_no, ":statename"=>$state, ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back $form['cityname']['#options'] = $options; $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#load_city", drupal_render($form['cityname'])); return array( '#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands ); } //Get list of country function get_country_list($foss_type, $foss_sub_project) { if ($foss_type!= 0) { if ($foss_sub_project != 0) { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->condition('id', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $foss_type_name = $foss_detail->foss_name; $options = array(); if ($foss_sub_project == 1 && $foss_type!=3) { $sub_project = "textbook_companion_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type_name); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT Distinct(country) FROM " . $sub_project . " "; $result = db_query($query); while ($country_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$country_detail->country] = $country_detail->country; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == 2 && $foss_type!=3) { $sub_project = "lab_migration_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type_name); //Active other database // $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT Distinct(country) FROM " . $sub_project . " "; $result = db_query($query); while ($country_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$country_detail->country] = $country_detail->country; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == 3||$foss_sub_project == 5) { $sub_project = "workshop"; $foss_type_db = 'default'; db_set_active($foss_type_db); //Active other database //$options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT Distinct(country) FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE foss_name = :foss_name "; $args = array( ":foss_name" => $foss_type_name ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($country_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$country_detail->country] = $country_detail->country; } }else if ($foss_sub_project == 4) { $options[0] = '--------------'; $options[1] = 'India'; } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back return $options; } else { $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; return $options; } } } //Get list of state function get_state_list($foss_type, $foss_sub_project, $country) { if (($foss_type != 0) && $foss_sub_project != 0 && $country != "") { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_selfworkshop_no' )); $query->condition('id', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $foss_type_name = $foss_detail->foss_name; $foss_selfworkshop_no=$foss_detail->foss_selfworkshop_no; $options = array(); if ($foss_sub_project == 1 && $foss_type!=3) { $options = array(); $sub_project = "textbook_companion_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type_name); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country "; $args = array( ":country" => $country ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == 2 && $foss_type!=3) { $sub_project = "lab_migration_proposal"; $options = array(); db_set_active($foss_type_name); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country "; $args = array( ":country" => $country ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == 3||$foss_sub_project == 5) { $options = array(); $sub_project = "workshop"; $foss_type_db = 'default'; db_set_active($foss_type_db); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and foss_name = :foss_name "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":foss_name" => $foss_type_name ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == 4) { db_set_active('selfworkshop'); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = "SELECT distinct ( as state FROM events_training t, events_academiccenter ac, events_city c, events_state s WHERE and and and (t.status = 4 AND t.foss_id = :foss_id ) "; $args = array( ":foss_id" => $foss_selfworkshop_no, ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($state_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$state_detail->state] = $state_detail->state; } } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back return $options; } else { $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; return $options; } } //Get List of City function get_city_list($foss_type, $foss_sub_project, $country, $state) { if (($foss_type != 0 ) && $foss_sub_project != 0 && $country != "" && $state != "") { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_selfworkshop_no' )); $query->condition('id', $foss_type); $result = $query->execute(); $foss_detail = $result->fetchObject(); $foss_type = $foss_detail->foss_name; $foss_selfworkshop_no=$foss_detail->foss_selfworkshop_no; if ($foss_sub_project == 1 && $foss_type!="Python") { $sub_project = "textbook_companion_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type); //Active other database $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and state = :state "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":state" => $state ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == 2 && $foss_type!="Python") { $sub_project = "lab_migration_proposal"; db_set_active($foss_type); //Active other database $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and state = :state "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":state" => $state ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == 3||$foss_sub_project == 5) { $sub_project = "workshop"; $foss_type_db = 'default'; db_set_active($foss_type_db); //Active other database $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; $query = " SELECT * FROM " . $sub_project . " WHERE country = :country and state = :state and foss_name = :foss_name "; $args = array( ":country" => $country, ":state" => $state, ":foss_name" => $foss_type ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } } else if ($foss_sub_project == 4) { db_set_active('selfworkshop'); //Active other database $options[0] = '--------------'; $query="SELECT distinct ( as city FROM events_training t, events_academiccenter ac, events_city c, events_state s WHERE and and and (t.status = 4 AND t.foss_id = :foss_id ) and LIKE :statename"; $args = array( ":foss_id" => $foss_selfworkshop_no, ":statename"=>$state, ); $result = db_query($query, $args); while ($city_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$city_detail->city] = $city_detail->city; } } db_set_active('default'); // We need to call the main (drupal) db back return $options; } else { $options = array(); $options[0] = '--------------'; return $options; } } /*Add Event form (Workshop and seminar aling with photos testimonials and speakers) Same form is used for editing existing events */ function workshop_add_form($form, &$form_state, $workshop_id = 0, $no_js_use = FALSE) { $query = " SELECT * FROM workshop WHERE w_id = :workshop_id "; $args = array( ":workshop_id" => $workshop_id ); $result = db_query($query, $args); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $form = array(); if ($workshop_id == 0) { $form['foss_select'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select FOSS under which event took place '), '#options' => get_first_dropdown_options_foss_name(), '#default_value' => '', "#required" => TRUE ); $form['type'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Selected Type'), '#options' => array( 'Workshop' => t('Workshop'), 'Conference' => t('Conference'), 'Events' => t('Events') ), '#default_value' => '', "#required" => TRUE ); $form["name"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Name", "#default_value" => '', "#required" => TRUE ); $form['start_date'] = array( '#type' => 'date_popup', '#title' => t('Select Start Date Of Event :'), '#date_increment' => 15, '#date_year_range' => '2008:+3', '#default_value' => '', '#date_format' => 'Y-m-d', '#attributes' => array( 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'readonly' => 'readonly' ), "#required" => TRUE ); $form['end_date'] = array( '#type' => 'date_popup', '#title' => t('Select End Date Of Event:'), '#date_increment' => 15, '#date_year_range' => '2008:+3', '#default_value' => '', '#date_format' => 'Y-m-d', '#attributes' => array( 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'readonly' => 'readonly' ), "#required" => TRUE ); $form["venue"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Venue", "#default_value" => '', "#required" => TRUE ); $form["street"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Street", "#default_value" => '', "#required" => TRUE ); $form['country'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Country'), '#options' => array( 'India' => 'India', 'Others' => 'Others' ), '#required' => TRUE, '#tree' => TRUE, '#validated' => TRUE ); $form['other_country'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Other than India'), '#size' => 100, '#attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => t('Enter your country name') ), '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'Others' ) ) ) ); $form['other_state'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('State other than India'), '#size' => 100, '#attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => t('Enter your state/region name') ), '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'Others' ) ) ) ); $form['other_city'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('City other than India'), '#size' => 100, '#attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => t('Enter your city name') ), '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'Others' ) ) ) ); $form['all_state'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('State'), '#options' => _list_of_states(), '#validated' => TRUE, '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'India' ) ) ) ); $form['city'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('City'), '#options' => _list_of_cities(), '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'India' ) ) ) ); $form['pincode'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Pincode'), '#size' => 30, '#maxlength' => 6, '#required' => False, '#attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => 'Enter pincode....' ) ); $form["no_of_participant"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Number Of Participants", "#default_value" => '', "#required" => TRUE ); $form["body"] = array( "#type" => "textarea", "#title" => "Details", "#default_value" => '', "#required" => TRUE ); $form['speakers_fieldset'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#tree' => TRUE, '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
' ); if (empty($form_state['num_speakers'])) { $form_state['num_speakers'] = 1; } $temp = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['num_speakers']; $i++) { $temp1 = $i; $form['speakers_fieldset'][$i]["s_text"] = array( "#type" => "item", "#markup" => "

" ); $form['speakers_fieldset'][$i]["speakername"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Name", "#default_value" => "" ); $form['speakers_fieldset'][$i]["institute"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Institute", "#default_value" => "" ); $form['speakers_fieldset'][$i]["place"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Place", "#default_value" => "" ); } $form["speakers_count"] = array( "#type" => "hidden", "#value" => $temp1 ); $form['speakers_fieldset']['add_speakers'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add Speaker'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'speakers_add_more_add_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'speakers_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'speakers-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); if ($form_state['num_speakers'] > 1) { $form['speakers_fieldset']['remove_speakers'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Remove Speaker'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'speakers_add_more_remove_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'speakers_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'speakers-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); } if ($no_js_use) { if (!empty($form['speakers_fieldset']['remove_speakers']['#ajax'])) { unset($form['speakers_fieldset']['remove_speakers']['#ajax']); } unset($form['speakers_fieldset']['add_speakers']['#ajax']); } $form['testimonial_fieldset'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#tree' => TRUE, '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
' ); if (empty($form_state['num_testimonial'])) { $form_state['num_testimonial'] = 1; } $temp = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['num_testimonial']; $i++) { $temp = $i; $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_text"] = array( "#type" => "item", "#markup" => "

" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Name", "#default_value" => "" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_department"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Department", "#default_value" => "" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_university"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "University", "#default_value" => "" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_body"] = array( "#type" => "textarea", "#title" => "Testimonial" ); } $form["testimonial_count"] = array( "#type" => "hidden", "#value" => $temp ); $form['testimonial_fieldset']['add_testimonial'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add Testimonial'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'testimonial_add_more_add_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'testimonial_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'testimonial-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); if ($form_state['num_testimonial'] > 1) { $form['testimonial_fieldset']['remove_testimonial'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Remove Testimonial'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'testimonial_add_more_remove_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'testimonial_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'testimonial-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); } if ($no_js_use) { if (!empty($form['testimonial_fieldset']['remove_testimonial']['#ajax'])) { unset($form['testimonial_fieldset']['remove_testimonial']['#ajax']); } unset($form['testimonial_fieldset']['add_testimonial']['#ajax']); } $form['names_fieldset'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#tree' => TRUE, '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
' ); if (empty($form_state['num_names'])) { $form_state['num_names'] = 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['num_names']; $i++) { $form['names_fieldset'][$i]['name'] = array( '#title' => t('Add Event Image'), '#type' => 'file', '#weight' => '5', '#description' => t('Upload an image'), // We need this to know which file element this is. // By default drupal would name all as files[names_fieldset] '#name' => 'files[names_fieldset_' . $i . '_name]' ); } $form['names_fieldset']['add_name'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add Image'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'workshop_add_more_add_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'workshop_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'names-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); if ($form_state['num_names'] > 1) { $form['names_fieldset']['remove_name'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Remove Image'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'workshop_add_more_remove_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'workshop_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'names-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); } if ($no_js_use) { if (!empty($form['names_fieldset']['remove_name']['#ajax'])) { unset($form['names_fieldset']['remove_name']['#ajax']); } unset($form['names_fieldset']['add_name']['#ajax']); } } else { $form = array(); $form['foss_select'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select FOSS under which event took place '), '#options' => get_first_dropdown_options_foss_name(), '#default_value' => $row->foss_name, "#required" => TRUE ); $form['type'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Selected Type'), '#options' => array( 'Workshop' => t('Workshop'), 'Conference' => t('Conference'), 'Events' => t('Events') ), '#default_value' => $row->type, "#required" => TRUE ); $form["name"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Name", "#default_value" => $row->w_name, "#required" => TRUE ); $form['start_date'] = array( '#type' => 'date_popup', '#title' => t('Select Start Date Of Event :'), '#date_increment' => 15, '#date_year_range' => '2008:+3', '#default_value' => $row->startdate, '#date_format' => 'Y-m-d', '#attributes' => array( 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'readonly' => 'readonly' ), "#required" => TRUE ); $form['end_date'] = array( '#type' => 'date_popup', '#title' => t('Select End Date Of Event:'), '#date_increment' => 15, '#date_year_range' => '2008:+3', '#default_value' => $row->enddate, '#date_format' => 'Y-m-d', '#attributes' => array( 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'readonly' => 'readonly' ), "#required" => TRUE ); $form["venue"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Venue", "#default_value" => $row->venue, "#required" => TRUE ); $form["street"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Street", "#default_value" => $row->street, "#required" => TRUE ); $form['country'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Country'), '#options' => array( 'India' => 'India', 'Others' => 'Others' ), '#required' => TRUE, '#tree' => TRUE, '#validated' => TRUE, "#default_value" => $row->country ); $form['other_country'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Other than India'), '#size' => 100, '#attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => t('Enter your country name') ), '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'Others' ) ) ), "#default_value" => $row->country ); $form['other_state'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('State other than India'), '#size' => 100, '#attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => t('Enter your state/region name') ), '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'Others' ) ) ), "#default_value" => $row->state ); $form['other_city'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('City other than India'), '#size' => 100, '#attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => t('Enter your city name') ), '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'Others' ) ) ), "#default_value" => $row->city ); $form['all_state'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('State'), '#options' => _list_of_states(), '#validated' => TRUE, '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'India' ) ) ), "#default_value" => $row->state ); $form['city'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('City'), '#options' => _list_of_cities(), '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="country"]' => array( 'value' => 'India' ) ) ), "#default_value" => $row->city ); $form['pincode'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Pincode'), '#size' => 30, '#maxlength' => 6, '#required' => False, '#attributes' => array( 'placeholder' => 'Enter pincode....' ), "#default_value" => $row->pincode ); $form["no_of_participant"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Number Of Participants", "#default_value" => $row->no_of_participant, "#required" => TRUE ); $form["body"] = array( "#type" => "textarea", "#title" => "Details", "#default_value" => $row->body, "#required" => TRUE ); /*Edit Speakers*/ /*Edit Testimonial*/ $query_t = db_select('testimonials'); $query_t->fields('testimonials'); $query_t->condition('w_id', $workshop_id); $result_t = $query_t->execute(); $num_of_results = $result_t->rowCount(); $form['testimonial_fieldset'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#tree' => TRUE, //'#title' => t('Add Testimonial'), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
' ); if ($num_of_results != 0) { $form_state['num_testimonial'] = $num_of_results; $temp = 0; $i = 0; while ($row_t = $result_t->fetchObject()) { $temp = $i; $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_text"] = array( "#type" => "item", "#markup" => "

" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_id"] = array( "#type" => "hidden", "#default_value" => $row_t->t_id ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Name", "#default_value" => $row_t->name ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_department"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Department", "#default_value" => $row_t->department ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_university"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "University", "#default_value" => $row_t->university ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_body"] = array( "#type" => "textarea", "#title" => "Testimonial", "#default_value" => $row_t->body ); $i++; } $form["testimonial_count"] = array( "#type" => "hidden", "#value" => $temp ); } else { if (empty($form_state['num_testimonial'])) { $form_state['num_testimonial'] = 1; } $temp = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['num_testimonial']; $i++) { $temp = $i; $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_text"] = array( "#type" => "item", "#markup" => "

" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Name", "#default_value" => "" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_department"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "Department", "#default_value" => "" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_university"] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => "University", "#default_value" => "" ); $form['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_body"] = array( "#type" => "textarea", "#title" => "Testimonial" ); } $form["testimonial_count"] = array( "#type" => "hidden", "#value" => $temp ); $form['testimonial_fieldset']['add_testimonial'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add testimonial'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'testimonial_add_more_add_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'testimonial_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'testimonial-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); if ($form_state['num_testimonial'] > 1) { $form['testimonial_fieldset']['remove_testimonial'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Remove'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'testimonial_add_more_remove_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'testimonial_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'testimonial-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); } if ($no_js_use) { if (!empty($form['testimonial_fieldset']['remove_testimonial']['#ajax'])) { unset($form['testimonial_fieldset']['remove_testimonial']['#ajax']); } unset($form['testimonial_fieldset']['add_testimonial']['#ajax']); } } $form['uploadphotos'] = array( '#markup' => '

Edit Photos

(Select Check box to delete existing photos)', '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '' ); $query = db_select('workshop'); $query->fields('workshop'); $query->condition('w_id', $workshop_id); $result = $query->execute(); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $query1 = db_select('workshop_images'); $query1->fields('workshop_images'); $query1->condition('w_id', $workshop_id); $result1 = $query1->execute(); while ($row1 = $result1->fetchObject()) { $form['imagecheck@' . $row1->id] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#field_suffix' => 'w_name) . "/" . $row1->name . ' />' ); } $form['enduploadphotos'] = array( '#markup' => '', '#prefix' => '', '#suffix' => '
' ); $form['names_fieldset'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#tree' => TRUE, // '#title' => t('Add images'), '#prefix' => '
', '#suffix' => '
' ); if (empty($form_state['num_names'])) { $form_state['num_names'] = 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['num_names']; $i++) { $form['names_fieldset'][$i]['name'] = array( '#title' => t('Add Event Image'), '#type' => 'file', '#weight' => '5', '#description' => t('Upload an image'), // We need this to know which file element this is. // By default drupal would name all as files[names_fieldset] '#name' => 'files[names_fieldset_' . $i . '_name]' ); } $form['names_fieldset']['add_name'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Add one more'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'workshop_add_more_add_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'workshop_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'names-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); if ($form_state['num_names'] > 1) { $form['names_fieldset']['remove_name'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Remove one'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array( 'workshop_add_more_remove_one' ), '#ajax' => array( 'callback' => 'workshop_add_more_callback', 'wrapper' => 'names-fieldset-wrapper' ) ); } if ($no_js_use) { if (!empty($form['names_fieldset']['remove_name']['#ajax'])) { unset($form['names_fieldset']['remove_name']['#ajax']); } unset($form['names_fieldset']['add_name']['#ajax']); } } $form["workshop_id"] = array( "#type" => "hidden", "#value" => $workshop_id ); $form["submit"] = array( "#type" => "submit", "#value" => "Submit" ); return $form; } function workshop_add_form_validate($form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['values']['country'] == 'Others') { if ($form_state['values']['other_country'] == '') { form_set_error('other_country', t('Enter country name')); // $form_state['values']['country'] = $form_state['values']['other_country']; } else { $form_state['values']['country'] = $form_state['values']['other_country']; } if ($form_state['values']['other_state'] == '') { form_set_error('other_state', t('Enter state name')); // $form_state['values']['country'] = $form_state['values']['other_country']; } else { $form_state['values']['all_state'] = $form_state['values']['other_state']; } if ($form_state['values']['other_city'] == '') { form_set_error('other_city', t('Enter city name')); // $form_state['values']['country'] = $form_state['values']['other_country']; } else { $form_state['values']['city'] = $form_state['values']['other_city']; } } else { if ($form_state['values']['country'] == '') { form_set_error('country', t('Select country name')); // $form_state['values']['country'] = $form_state['values']['other_country']; } if ($form_state['values']['all_state'] == '') { form_set_error('all_state', t('Select state name')); // $form_state['values']['country'] = $form_state['values']['other_country']; } if ($form_state['values']['city'] == '') { form_set_error('city', t('Select city name')); // $form_state['values']['country'] = $form_state['values']['other_country']; } } if (isset($_FILES['files'])) { /* check for valid filename extensions */ foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name) { if ($file_name) { if (strstr($file_form_name, 'names_fieldset')) $file_type = 'I'; switch ($file_type) { case 'I': $allowed_extensions_str = variable_get('events_image_extensions', ''); break; } $allowed_extensions = explode(',', $allowed_extensions_str); $temp_extension = end(explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))); if (!in_array($temp_extension, $allowed_extensions)) form_set_error($file_form_name, t('Only file with ' . $allowed_extensions_str . ' extensions can be uploaded.')); //if ($_FILES['files']['size'][$file_form_name] <= 0) // form_set_error($file_form_name, t('File size cannot be zero.')); } } } } function speakers_add_more_callback($form, $form_state) { return $form['speakers_fieldset']; } function speakers_add_more_add_one($form, &$form_state) { $form_state['num_speakers']++; $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; //$form_state['no_redirect'] = TRUE; } function speakers_add_more_remove_one($form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['num_speakers'] > 1) { $form_state['num_speakers']--; } $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; } function testimonial_add_more_callback($form, $form_state) { return $form['testimonial_fieldset']; } function testimonial_add_more_add_one($form, &$form_state) { $form_state['num_testimonial']++; $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; //$form_state['no_redirect'] = TRUE; } function testimonial_add_more_remove_one($form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['num_testimonial'] > 1) { $form_state['num_testimonial']--; } $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; } function workshop_add_more_callback($form, $form_state) { return $form['names_fieldset']; } function workshop_add_more_add_one($form, &$form_state) { $form_state['num_names']++; $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; //$form_state['no_redirect'] = TRUE; } function workshop_add_more_remove_one($form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['num_names'] > 1) { $form_state['num_names']--; } $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; } function workshop_display_all() { $page_content = ""; $workshop_add_form = drupal_get_form("workshop_add_form"); $page_content = drupal_render($workshop_add_form); return $page_content; } function get_first_dropdown_options_foss_name() { $query = db_select('foss_type'); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'id' )); $query->fields('foss_type', array( 'foss_name' )); $result = $query->execute(); $options = array(); while ($foss_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$foss_detail->foss_name] = $foss_detail->foss_name; } $options["Others"] = "Others"; return $options; } function get_country_dropdown_options() { $query = db_select('Country'); $query->fields('Country', array( 'Code' )); $query->fields('Country', array( 'Name' )); $result = $query->execute(); $options = array(); while ($country_detail = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$country_detail->Code] = $country_detail->Name; } return $options; } function workshop_add_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { $v = $form_state["values"]; //$start_datetime= explode(" ",$v["start_date"]); //$end_datetime= explode(" ",$v["end_date"]); if ($v["workshop_id"]) { $query = db_update('workshop'); $query->fields(array( 'foss_name' => $v["foss_select"], 'w_name' => $v["name"], 'type' => $v["type"], 'startdate' => $v["start_date"], 'starttime' => "00:00", 'enddate' => $v["end_date"], 'endtime' => "00:00", 'venue' => $v["venue"], 'street' => $v["street"], 'country' => $v["country"], 'state' => $v["all_state"], 'city' => $v["city"], 'pincode' => $v["pincode"], 'no_of_participant' => $v["no_of_participant"], 'body' => $v["body"] )); $query->condition('w_id', $v["workshop_id"]); $result = $query->execute(); /* For editing Testimonials */ $testimonialupload = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $v["testimonial_count"]; $i++) { if ($v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_id"] != "") { if ($v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"] != "") { $query = db_update('testimonials'); $query->fields(array( 'body' => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_body"], 'name' => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"], 'department' => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_department"], 'university' => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_university"] )); $query->condition('t_id', $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_id"]); $result = $query->execute(); if ($result != 0) { $testimonialupload++; } } } else { if ($v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"] != "") { $testimonialquery = " INSERT INTO testimonials (w_id,body,name,department,university) VALUES (:w_id,:body,:name,:department,:university) "; $testimonialargs = array( ":w_id" => $v["workshop_id"], ":body" => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_body"], ":name" => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"], ":department" => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_department"], ":university" => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_university"] ); /* storing the row id in $result */ $testimonialresult = db_query($testimonialquery, $testimonialargs, array( 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID )); if ($testimonialresult != 0) { $testimonialupload++; } } } } /* For editing Event images */ /* For deleting existing images */ $deletecounter = 0; $query_img = db_select('workshop_images'); $query_img->fields('workshop_images'); $query_img->condition('w_id', $v["workshop_id"]); $result_img = $query_img->execute(); $root_path=events_images_path(); while ($row_img = $result_img->fetchObject()) { if ($form_state['values']['imagecheck@' . $row_img->id] == 1) { if (file_exists($root_path.$row_img->path)) { unlink($root_path.$row_img->path); $query2 = db_delete('workshop_images'); $query2->condition('id', $row_img->id); $delete_img = $query2->execute(); if ($delete_img != 0) { $deletecounter++; } } else { drupal_set_message('Error Could not delete : ' . $filename . ', file does not exist', 'error'); } } } /* For adding more images to existing event */ $items = array(); $root_path = events_images_path(); $eventfolder = str_replace(' ', '_', $v["name"]); $dest_path = $eventfolder . '/'; if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path)) { mkdir($root_path . $dest_path); } /* uploading files */ foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name) { if ($file_name) { if (file_exists($root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])) { drupal_set_message(t("Error uploading file. File !filename already exists.", array( '!filename' => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name] )), 'error'); return; } $imageupload = 0; /* uploading file */ if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$file_form_name], $root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])) { $imagequery = " INSERT INTO workshop_images (w_id,name,path) VALUES (:w_id,:name, :path) "; $imageargs = array( ":w_id" => $v["workshop_id"], ":name" => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name], ":path" => $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name] ); /* storing the row id in $result */ $imageresult = db_query($imagequery, $imageargs, array( 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID )); if ($imageresult != 0) { $imageupload++; } drupal_set_message($file_name . ' uploaded successfully.', 'status'); } else { drupal_set_message('Error uploading file : ' . $dest_path . $file_name, 'error'); } } } if (!$result && $imageupload == 0 && $deletecounter == 0) { drupal_set_message("Something went wrong, please try again.", "error"); } else { drupal_set_message("Workshop updated successfully", "status"); if ($imageupload != 0) { drupal_set_message("Event's Pictures are added successfully", "status"); } if ($deletecounter != 0) { drupal_set_message("Event's Pictures are deleted successfully", "status"); } } } else { $query = " INSERT INTO workshop (foss_name,type,w_name, startdate, starttime,enddate, endtime, venue, street, country,state,city,pincode,no_of_participant,body) VALUES (:foss_name,:type,:w_name, :startdate, :starttime,:enddate, :endtime, :venue, :street, :country, :state, :city, :pincode, :no_of_participant, :body) "; $args = array( ":type" => $v["type"], ":foss_name" => $v["foss_select"], ":w_name" => $v["name"], ":startdate" => $v["start_date"], ":starttime" => "00:00", ":enddate" => $v["end_date"], ":endtime" => "00:00", ":venue" => $v["venue"], ":street" => $v["street"], ":country" => $v["country"], ":state" => $v["all_state"], ":city" => $v["city"], ":pincode" => $v["pincode"], ":no_of_participant" => $v["no_of_participant"], ":body" => $v["body"] ); /* storing the row id in $result */ $result = db_query($query, $args, array( 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID )); /* For adding speakers */ $speakerupload = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $v["speakers_count"]; $i++) { if ($v['speakers_fieldset'][$i]["speakername"] != "") { $speakerquery = " INSERT INTO speakers (w_id,name,institute,place) VALUES (:w_id,:name,:institute,:place) "; $speakerargs = array( ":w_id" => $result, ":name" => $v['speakers_fieldset'][$i]["speakername"], ":institute" => $v['speakers_fieldset'][$i]["institute"], ":place" => $v['speakers_fieldset'][$i]["place"] ); /* storing the row id in $result */ $speakerresult = db_query($speakerquery, $speakerargs, array( 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID )); if ($speakerresult != 0) { $speakerupload++; } } } /* For adding testimonial */ $testimonialupload = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $v["testimonial_count"]; $i++) { if ($v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"] != "") { $testimonialquery = " INSERT INTO testimonials (w_id,body,name,department,university) VALUES (:w_id,:body,:name,:department,:university) "; $testimonialargs = array( ":w_id" => $result, ":body" => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_body"], ":name" => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_name"], ":department" => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_department"], ":university" => $v['testimonial_fieldset'][$i]["t_university"] ); /* storing the row id in $result */ $testimonialresult = db_query($testimonialquery, $testimonialargs, array( 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID )); if ($testimonialresult != 0) { $testimonialupload++; } } } /* For adding images of events*/ $items = array(); $root_path = events_images_path(); $eventfolder = str_replace(' ', '_', $v["name"]); $dest_path = $eventfolder . '/'; if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path)) { mkdir($root_path . $dest_path); } /* uploading files */ foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name) { if ($file_name) { if (file_exists($root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])) { drupal_set_message(t("Error uploading file. File !filename already exists.", array( '!filename' => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name] )), 'error'); return; } $imageupload = 0; /* uploading file */ if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$file_form_name], $root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])) { $imagequery = " INSERT INTO workshop_images (w_id,name,path) VALUES (:w_id,:name, :path) "; $imageargs = array( ":w_id" => $result, ":name" => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name], ":path" => $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name] ); /* storing the row id in $result */ $imageresult = db_query($imagequery, $imageargs, array( 'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID )); if ($imageresult != 0) { $imageupload++; } drupal_set_message($file_name . ' uploaded successfully.', 'status'); } else { drupal_set_message('Error uploading file : ' . $dest_path . $file_name, 'error'); } } } if (!$result) { drupal_set_message("Something went wrong, please try again.", "error"); } else { drupal_set_message("Workshop added successfully", "status"); if ($imageupload != 0) { drupal_set_message("Event's Pictures are added successfully", "status"); } if ($testimonialupload != 0) { drupal_set_message("Testimonials added successfully", "status"); } if ($speakerupload != 0) { drupal_set_message("Speaker's Detail are added successfully", "status"); } } } } function ajax_country_dependent_dropdown_callback($form, $form_state) { $country = $form_state['values']['country']; $form['state']['#options'] = ajax_getstate_callback($country); $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#dropdown-state-replace", drupal_render($form['state'])); return array( '#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands ); } function ajax_state_dependent_dropdown_callback($form, $form_state) { $state = $form_state['values']['state']; $form['city']['#options'] = ajax_getcity_callback($state); $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#dropdown-city-replace", drupal_render($form['city'])); return array( '#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands ); } function ajax_getstate_callback($country = '') { $query = " SELECT Distinct (District) as state FROM City WHERE CountryCode =:country order by District "; $args = array( ":country" => $country ); $result = db_query($query, $args); $options = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$row->state] = $row->state; } return $options; } function ajax_getcity_callback($state = '') { $query = " SELECT Name as cityname FROM City WHERE District =:state order by Name "; $args = array( ":state" => $state ); $result = db_query($query, $args); $options = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchObject()) { $options[$row->cityname] = $row->cityname; } return $options; } function workshop_view_image_all($id = 0) { $page_content = ""; $query = db_select('workshop_images'); $query->fields('workshop_images'); $query->condition('id', $id); $result = $query->execute(); $row1 = $result->fetchObject(); $query = db_select('workshop'); $query->fields('workshop'); $query->condition('w_id', $row1->w_id); $result = $query->execute(); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $previous = ($row1->id) - 1; $page_content .= "" . $row1->name; $page_content .= ""; $page_content .= "
w_name) . "/" . $row1->name . " />
"; $page_content .= "PREVIOUS"; return $page_content; } function workshop_view_selected_testimonial($id = 0) { $page_content = ""; $query = db_select('testimonials'); $query->fields('testimonials'); $query->condition('t_id', $id); $result = $query->execute(); $row = $result->fetchObject(); $page_content .= "