function [ worldPoints ] = genCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize) // This function returns list of checkerboard corner points. // // Calling Sequence // worldPoints = genCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize); // // Parameters // worldPoints: A list of size N-by-2 matrix containing x and y co-ordinates of the checkerboard corner points. The origin is set to lower-right corner of the top-left square. // boardSize: Size of the checkerboard. // squareSize: Size of each of square in the checkerboard. // // Description // Return a list of size N-by-2, which contains the corner points of all squares of a checkerboard. // // Examples // boardSize = [10 10]; // squareSize = 8; // worldPoints = genCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize); // // Authors // Tanmay Chaudhari a=opencv_genCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize); worldPoints(:,:,1)=a(1); endfunction