/*++ Copyright (c) 2010 WonderMedia Technologies, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. WonderMedia Technologies, Inc. 10F, 529, Chung-Cheng Road, Hsin-Tien, Taipei 231, R.O.C. --*/ #ifndef __PMC_H_ #define __PMC_H_ typedef struct _PMC_REG_ { volatile unsigned int PM_Sts; /* [Rx00-03] Power Management Status Register */ volatile unsigned int PM_Sts1; /* [Rx04-07] Device clock update status 1 Register*/ volatile unsigned char Idle; /* [Rx08] IDEL Processor Request Register */ volatile unsigned char Resv9_0B[3]; /* [Rx09 - 0B] Reserved */ volatile unsigned short PU_Time_Ctrl; /* [Rx0C] Power-up Tme Control Register */ volatile unsigned char Resv0E_0F[2]; /* Reserved*/ volatile unsigned short Hib_Val; /* [Rx10 - Rx11] Hibernation Value Register */ volatile unsigned short Hib_Ctrl; /* [Rx12 - Rx13] Hibernation Control Register*/ volatile unsigned int Wakeup_Sts; /* [Rx14-17]Wake up Status register*/ volatile unsigned int PM_Sts2; /* [Rx18-1B] Power Management Status Register*/ volatile unsigned int Wakeup_Event_Enable; /* [Rx1C-1F] Wake-up Event Enable Register*/ volatile unsigned int Wakeup_Event_Type; /* [Rx20-23] Wake-up Event Type Register*/ volatile unsigned int Wakeup_CardDet_Event_Type;/* [Rx24-27] Card Detect Wake-up Event Type Register*/ volatile unsigned int CardDet_Sts_Int;/* [Rx28-2B] Card Detect Status And Card Detect Interrupt Register*/ volatile unsigned int CardReader_Debounce_Int_Type;/* [Rx2C-2F] Card Reader Attachment Debounce Control and Interrupt Type Register*/ volatile unsigned int Hib_Scratch0; /* [Rx30-33] Hibernate Scratch Pad Register0 */ volatile unsigned int Hib_Scratch1; /* [Rx34-37] Hibernate Scratch Pad Register1 */ volatile unsigned int Hib_Scratch2; /* [Rx38-3B] Hibernate Scratch Pad Register2 */ volatile unsigned int Hib_Scratch3; /* [Rx3c-3F] Hibernate Scratch Pad Register3 */ volatile unsigned int Hib_Scratch4; /* [Rx40-43] Hibernate Scratch Pad Register4*/ volatile unsigned int Hib_Scratch5; /* [Rx44-47] Hibernate Scratch Pad Register5*/ volatile unsigned int Hib_Scratch6; /* [Rx48-4B] Hibernate Scratch Pad Register6*/ volatile unsigned int Hib_Scratch7; /* [Rx4c-4F] Hibernate Scratch Pad Register7*/ volatile unsigned int Reset_Sts; /* [Rx50-53] Reset Status Register */ volatile unsigned int PB_Control; /* [Rx54-57] Power Button Control Register; */ volatile unsigned int AXI_LowPwr_Control; /* [Rx58-5B] AXI Low Power Interface Control Register;*/ volatile unsigned int Resv5c_5F[1]; volatile unsigned int SW_Reset_Req; /* [Rx60-63] Software Reset Request Register */ volatile unsigned int Resv64_7F[0x7]; volatile unsigned int PM_Div_Upt2_sts; /* [Rx80-83] Device clock update status 2 Register*/ volatile unsigned int PM_Div_Upt3_sts; /* [Rx84-87] Device clock update status 3 Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv88_93[0xC]; volatile unsigned int RTC_Clk_Exist_Monitor; /* [Rx94-97] RTC clock exist monitor Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv98_FF[0x68]; volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Match0; /* [Rx100-Rx103] OS Timer Match Register0 */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Match1; /* [Rx104-Rx107] OS Timer Match Registe1 */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Match2; /* [Rx108-Rx10B] OS Timer Match Register2 */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Match3; /* [Rx10C-Rx10F] OS Timer Match Register3 */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Count; /* [Rx110-113] OS Timer Counter Register */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Sts; /* [Rx114-117] OS Timer Status Register */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_WatchDog_Enable; /* [Rx118-Rx11B] */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Int_Enable; /* [Rx11C-Rx11F] */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Ctrl; /* [Rx120-Rx123] OS Timer Control Register */ volatile unsigned int OS_Timer_Access_Sts; /* [Rx124-Rx127] OS Timer Access Status Register */ volatile unsigned int Resv128_1FB[0x35]; volatile unsigned char Resv1FC_1FF[4]; volatile unsigned int PLLA; /* [Rx200-203] PLLA Multiplier and */ /* Range Values Register */ volatile unsigned int PLLB; /* [Rx204-207] PLLB Multiplier and */ /* Range Values Register */ volatile unsigned int PLLC; /* [Rx208-20B] PLLC Multiplier and */ /* Range Values Register */ volatile unsigned int PLLD; /* [Rx20C-20F] PLLD Multiplier and */ /* Range Values Register */ volatile unsigned int PLLE; /* [Rx210-213] PLLE Multiplier and Range Values Register*/ volatile unsigned int PLLF; /* [Rx214-217] PLLF Multiplier and Range Values Register*/ volatile unsigned int PLL_25; /* [Rx218-21B] PLL_25 Multiplier and Range Values Register*/ volatile unsigned int PLL_AUD; /* [Rx21C-21F] PLL_AUD Multiplier and Range Values Register*/ volatile unsigned int PLL_Rdy_Sts; /* [Rx220-223] PLL Ready Status Register*/ volatile unsigned int Resv224_24F[0x0B]; volatile unsigned int Clock_Enable0; /* [Rx250-253] Clock Enable 0 Register*/ volatile unsigned int Clock_Enable1; /* [Rx254-257] Clock Enable 1 Register*/ volatile unsigned int Clock_Enable2; /* [Rx258-25B] Clock Enable 2 Register*/ volatile unsigned int Clock_Enable3; /* [Rx25C-25F] Clock Enable 3 Register*/ volatile unsigned int Resv260_2FF[0x28]; volatile unsigned char ARM_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx300] ARM Clock Divisor Register*/ volatile unsigned char ARM_Clock_HiPulse; volatile unsigned char Resv302_303[2]; volatile unsigned char AHB_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx304] AHB Clock Divisor Value Register */ volatile unsigned char Resv305_30B[7]; volatile unsigned char L2C_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx30C] Clock Divisor Value L2C Register*/ volatile unsigned char L2C_Clock_HiPulse; volatile unsigned char Resv30E_30F[2]; volatile unsigned char DDR_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx310] DDR Memory Controller Clock */ volatile unsigned char Resv311_313[3]; volatile unsigned char SF_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx314] Serial Flash Memory Controller */ volatile unsigned char SF_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx315] */ volatile unsigned char Resv316_317[2]; volatile unsigned char NF_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx318] NF Clock Divisor Value Register*/ volatile unsigned char NF_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx319]*/ volatile unsigned char Resv31A_31B[2]; volatile unsigned char NOR_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx31C] NOR Clock Divisor Value Register*/ volatile unsigned char NOR_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx31D]*/ volatile unsigned char Resv31E_31F[2]; volatile unsigned char APB_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx320] APB Clock Divisor Value Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv321_32F[15]; volatile unsigned char SD_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx330] SD/MMC Clock Divisor Value Reigster*/ volatile unsigned char SD_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx331]*/ volatile unsigned char Resv332_333[2]; volatile unsigned char SD1_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx334] SD/MMC1 Clock Divisor Value Reigster*/ volatile unsigned char SD1_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx335]*/ volatile unsigned char Resv336_337[2]; volatile unsigned char SD2_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx338] SD/MMC2 Clock Divisor Value Reigster*/ volatile unsigned char SD2_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx339]*/ volatile unsigned char Resv33A_33B[2]; volatile unsigned char Resv33C_33F[4]; volatile unsigned char SPI0_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx340] SPI0 Clock Divisor Value Register*/ volatile unsigned char SPI0_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx341] SPI0 Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv342_343[2]; volatile unsigned char SPI1_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx344] SPI1 Clock Divisor Value Register*/ volatile unsigned char SPI1_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx345] SPI1 Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv346_34F[10]; volatile unsigned char PWM_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx350] PWM Clock Divisor Register*/ volatile unsigned char PWM_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx351] PWM Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv352_353[2]; volatile unsigned char PCM_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx354] PCM Clock Divisor Value Register*/ volatile unsigned char PCM_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx355] PCM Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv356_357[2]; volatile unsigned char NA0_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx358]*/ volatile unsigned char NA0_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx359] NA0 Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv35A_35B[2]; volatile unsigned char NA12_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx35C]*/ volatile unsigned char NA12_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx35D] NA12 Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv35E_367[10]; volatile unsigned char VDU_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx368]*/ volatile unsigned char VDU_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx369] VDU Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv36A_36B[2]; volatile unsigned char DVOTV2_Clock_Divisor;/* [Rx36C]*/ volatile unsigned char DVOTV2_Clock_HiPulse;/* [Rx36D] DVOTV2 Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv36E_373[6]; volatile unsigned char AUD_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx374] AUD Clock Divisor Value Register*/ volatile unsigned char AUD_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx375] AUD Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv376_377[2]; volatile unsigned char Ring1_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx378] Ring OSC 1st divider Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv379_37B[3]; volatile unsigned char Ring2_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx37C] Ring OSC 2st divider Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv37D_387[11]; volatile unsigned char MALI_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx388]*/ volatile unsigned char MALI_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx389] MALI Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv38A_38F[6]; volatile unsigned char HDMI_I2C_Clock_Divisor;/* [Rx390]*/ volatile unsigned char HDMI_I2C_Clock_HiPulse;/* [Rx391] HDMI Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv392_393[2]; volatile unsigned char GENET_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx394] GENET Clock Divisor Value Register*/ volatile unsigned char GENET_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx395]*/ volatile unsigned char Resv396_39F[10]; volatile unsigned char I2C0_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx3A0]*/ volatile unsigned char I2C0_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx3A1] I2C0 Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv3A2_3A3[2]; volatile unsigned char I2C1_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx3A4]*/ volatile unsigned char I2C1_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx3A5] I2C1 Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv3A6_3AF[10]; volatile unsigned char L2C_AXI_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx3B0]*/ volatile unsigned char L2C_AXI_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx3B1] L2C_AXI Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv3B2_3BF[14]; volatile unsigned char L2C_PAXI_Clock_Divisor;/* [Rx3C0]*/ volatile unsigned char L2C_PAXI_Clock_HiPulse;/* [Rx3C1] L2C_PAXI Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv3C2_3E3[18]; volatile unsigned char Hz24M_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx3C0]*/ volatile unsigned char Hz24M_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx3C1] 24MHZ Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv3E6_3EF[10]; volatile unsigned char L2C_RAM_Clock_Divisor; /* [Rx3F0]*/ volatile unsigned char L2C_RAM_Clock_HiPulse; /* [Rx3F1] L2C_RAM Clock High Pulse is the Wide Pulse Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv3F2_4FF[0x10E]; volatile unsigned char PS_Control; /* [Rx500] CARD, SD, CF Power Switch Control Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv501[0xFF]; volatile unsigned int MALI_PWR_Shut_Off_CTRL_STS; /* [Rx600-603] mali power shut off control and status Register*/ volatile unsigned int C_M_PWR_Shut_Off_CTRL_STS; /* [Rx604-607] C&M power shut off control and status Register*/ volatile unsigned char Resv608_64F[0x48]; volatile unsigned int AXI_TO_AHB_Bridge_Pwr_Ctrl; /* [Rx650-653] AXI to AHB bridge power control and status Register*/ volatile unsigned int PAXI_TO_AHB_Bridge_Pwr_Ctrl;/* [Rx654-657] AXI to AHB bridge power control and status Register*/ } PMC_REG, *PPMC_REG; /* * (URRDR) Receive Data Regiser Description */ #define URRDR_PER 0x100 /* Parity Error. This bit is the same as URISR[8] */ #define URRDR_FER 0x200 /* Frame Error. This bit is the same as URISR[9] */ /* * PMCS_REG PM (Current) Status Register bits definitions. */ #define PMCS_NORTC BIT0 /* RTC Clock Logic Disabled */ #define PMCS_IDLE BIT1 /* IDLE Operation Active */ #define PMCS_HIBER BIT2 /* Hibernation Operation Active */ #define PMCS_ANY_CLK_DIV BIT4 /* Updating Any Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_ANY_PLL_MUL BIT5 /* Updating Any PLL Multiplier */ #define PMCS_ZAC2 BIT8 /* Updating ZAC2_MA Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_AHB BIT9 /* Updating AHB Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_DSP BIT10 /* Updating DSP Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_LCD BIT11 /* Updating LCD Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_MC BIT12 /* Updating Memory Controller Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_CFC BIT13 /* Updating Compact Flash Controller Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_USB BIT14 /* Updating USB Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_PCM BIT15 /* Updating Pulse Code Modulation Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_PLLA BIT16 /* Updating PLL A Multiplier Value */ #define PMCS_PLLB BIT17 /* Updating PLL B Multiplier Value */ #define PMCS_PLLC BIT18 /* Updating PLL C Multiplier Value */ #define PMCS_SF BIT19 /* Updating Serial Flash Memory Cntrlr Divisor */ #define PMCS_PATA BIT21 /* Updating PATA Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_SDMMC BIT22 /* Updating SD/MMC Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_MSC BIT23 /* Updating MS/MSPRO Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_LPC BIT24 /* Updating LPC Memory Cntrlr Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_NAND BIT25 /* Updating NAND Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_SPI BIT26 /* Updating SPI Clock Divisor */ #define PMCS_PLLD BIT27 /* Updating PLL D Multiplier Value */ #define PMCS_BUSY 0xfffffffe /* * PMIR_REG PM Idle processor Request Register bit function. */ #define PMIR_IDLE /* IDLE Processor Request Bit */ /* * PMHC_REG PM Hibernation Control Register bits functions. */ #define PMHC_SLEEP 0x03 /* A Power-on Hibernation Mode */ #define PMHC_SUSPEND 0x01 /* A Power-off Hibernation Mode */ #define PMHC_SHUTDOWN 0x05 /* A Power-off Hibernation Mode */ #define PMHC_25M_OSCLR BIT8 /* 25MHz Oscillator Enable */ /* * PMWS_REG PM Wake-up Status register bits definitions. */ #define PMWS_WAKEMASK 0xFF /* General Purpose Wake-up Status */ #define PMWS_PWRBUTTON BIT14 /* Power Button Wake-up Status */ #define PMWS_RTC BIT15 /* RTC Wake-up Status */ /* * PMWE_REG PM Wake-up event Enable Register bits functions. */ #define PMWE_WAKEMASK 0xFF /* General Purpose Wake-up Enable */ #define PMWE_WAKEUP(x) (BIT0 << ((x) & 0x7)) /* Genaral Wake-up 0-7 Enable */ #define PMWE_RTC BIT15 /* RTC Wake-up Enable */ /* * PMWT_REG PM Wake-up event Type Register bits functions. */ #define PMWT_ZERO 0x00 /* Wake-up signal is a zero */ #define PMWT_ONE 0x01 /* Wake-up signal is a one */ #define PMWT_FALLING 0x02 /* Wake-up signal generates a falling edge */ #define PMWT_RISING 0x03 /* Wake-up signal generates a rising edge */ #define PMWT_EDGE 0x04 /* Wake-up signal generates an edge */ #define PMWT_TYPEMASK 0xFF /* Wake-up event Type Mask */ /* General Purpose Wake-up 0 Type bits */ #define PMWT_WAKEUP0(x) (((x) & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << 0) /* General Purpose Wake-up 1 Type bits */ #define PMWT_WAKEUP1(x) (((x) & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << 4) /* General Purpose Wake-up 2 Type bits */ #define PMWT_WAKEUP2(x) (((x) & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << 8) /* General Purpose Wake-up 3 Type bits */ #define PMWT_WAKEUP3(x) (((x) & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << 12) /* General Purpose Wake-up 4 Type bits */ #define PMWT_WAKEUP4(x) (((x) & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << 16) /* General Purpose Wake-up 5 Type bits */ #define PMWT_WAKEUP5(x) (((x) & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << 20) /* General Purpose Wake-up 6 Type bits */ #define PMWT_WAKEUP6(x) (((x) & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << 24) /* General Purpose Wake-up 7 Type bits */ #define PMWT_WAKEUP7(x) (((x) & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << 28) /* Max wakeup source number */ #define PMWT_WAKEUPMASK 0x07 #define PMWT_WAKEUP(src, type) ((type & PMWT_TYPEMASK) << ((src & PMWT_WAKEUPMASK) * 4)) /* * PMRS_REG PM Reset Status Register bits definitions. */ #define PMRS_PMR BIT0 /* Power Managment Reset */ #define PMRS_IOR BIT1 /* I/O normal power Reset */ #define PMRS_HBR BIT2 /* HiBernation Reset */ #define PMRS_WDR BIT3 /* WatchDog Reset */ #define PMRS_SWR BIT4 /* SoftWare Reset */ #define PMRS_SHR BIT5 /* Shutdown Reset */ #define PMRS_PGR BIT6 /* Power good reset */ /* Bits 7-31: Reserved */ /* * PMPB_REG PM Power Button Control Register */ #define PMPB_SOFTPWR BIT0 /* Soft Power Enable */ /* Bits 1-31: Reserved */ /* * PMSR_REG PM Software Reset request Register bit function. */ #define PMSR_SWR BIT0 /* SoftWare Reset request */ /* Bits 1-31: Reserved */ /* * PMPATA_REG PM PATA Interface Drive Strength Register (8-bit Register) */ #define PMPATA_ONETHIRD 0x00 /* One-third Drive Strength */ #define PMPATA_ONEHALF 0x01 /* One-half Drive Strength */ #define PMPATA_TWOTHIRD 0x02 /* Two-third Drive Strength */ #define PMPATA_FULL 0x03 /* Full Drive Strength */ #define PMSR_SWR BIT0 /* SoftWare Reset request */ /* Bits 2-7: Reserved */ /* * OSTS_REG OS Timer Status Register bits definitions. */ #define OSTS_M0 BIT0 /* OS Timer 0 Match detected */ #define OSTS_M1 BIT1 /* OS Timer 1 Match detected */ #define OSTS_M2 BIT2 /* OS Timer 2 Match detected */ #define OSTS_M3 BIT3 /* OS Timer 3 Match detected */ /* Bits 4-31: Reserved */ /* * OSTW_REG OS Timer Watchdog enable Register bit function. */ #define OSTW_WE BIT0 /* OS Timer Channel 0 Watchdog Enable */ /* Bits 1-31: Reserved */ /* * OSTI_REG OS Timer Interrupt enable Register bits functions. */ #define OSTI_E0 BIT0 /* OS Timer Channel 0 Interrupt Enable */ #define OSTI_E1 BIT1 /* OS Timer Channel 0 Interrupt Enable */ #define OSTI_E2 BIT2 /* OS Timer Channel 0 Interrupt Enable */ #define OSTI_E3 BIT3 /* OS Timer Channel 0 Interrupt Enable */ /* Bits 4-31: Reserved */ /* * OSTC_REG OS Timer Control Register bits functions. */ #define OSTC_ENABLE BIT0 /* OS Timer Enable bit */ #define OSTC_RDREQ BIT1 /* OS Timer Read Count Request bit */ /* Bits 2-31: Reserved */ /* * OSTA_REG OS Timer Access status Register bits definitions. */ #define OSTA_MWA0 BIT0 /* OS Timer Match 0 Write Active */ #define OSTA_MWA1 BIT1 /* OS Timer Match 1 Write Active */ #define OSTA_MWA2 BIT2 /* OS Timer Match 2 Write Active */ #define OSTA_MWA3 BIT3 /* OS Timer Match 3 Write Active */ #define OSTA_CWA BIT4 /* OS Timer Count Write Active */ #define OSTA_RCA BIT5 /* OS Timer Read Count Active */ /* Bits 6-31: Reserved */ /* * PMMISC_REG PM Miscellaneous Clock Controls Register */ #define PMMISC_24MHZ BIT0 /* 24MHz Clock Source */ /* Bits 1-31: Reserved */ /* * Miscellaneous definitions */ #define __OST_BASE 0xD8130100 /* OS Timers base address */ #define OST_MAX_CHANNEL 4 /* Four channels OS Timer */ /* #define PMC_MAX_WAKEUP 9 // Wakeup source number */ /* // 8 general purpose + 1 RTC */ #endif /* __PMC_H_ */