#!/bin/bash export supertitle="FOSSEE Netbook Updates" source easybashgui selected_update='' generic_return_code='Working offline. Select Ok to continue.' return_code_1="Unknown error occured. $generic_return_code" return_code_3="File I/0 error. $generic_return_code" return_code_4="Network failure. Unable to connect internet. $generic_return_code" return_code_5="SSL verification failure. Check system date. $generic_return_code" return_code_7="Protocol error. $generic_return_code" return_code_8="Server error. $generic_return_code" #The for loop may break in most of the time, unless there is an error in fossee.in function check_internet() { #wait_for "Checking internet" for each in {fossee.in,github.com}; do wget $each/robots.txt &> /dev/null return_code=$? [ $return_code -eq 0 ] && list_updates && exit 0 [ $return_code -eq 1 ] && alert_message $return_code_1 && break [ $return_code -eq 3 ] && alert_message $return_code_3 && break [ $return_code -eq 4 ] && alert_message $return_code_4 && break [ $return_code -eq 5 ] && alert_message $return_code_5 && break [ $return_code -eq 7 ] && alert_message $return_code_7 && break done [ $return_code -eq 8 ] && alert_message $return_code_8 } #fetch updates from github and show function list_updates() { git log --format=%h\;\[%ar\]\;%s HEAD > /tmp/1 #make a local copy for editing selected_update=$(menu -w 900 -h 500 "$(git pull >/dev/null && git log --format=\[%ar\]\ \ \ %s\ \[%h\] HEAD)" 2>&1) selected_commit_hash=$(echo $selected_update | rev | cut -c -9 | rev | tr -d '[|]') echo $selected_commit_hash } #Function call check_internet #if success, it call fetch_updates(), else call list_updates()