path: root/
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-02-22 10:12:36 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-02-22 10:12:36 +0530
commitf7c31a5a862060af3d0b76a25b42f4eb00a8bd25 (patch)
treee48eb6447198b97b95c4962ee147aefff45aad5b /
parent2d6f8dac5bbbb3107087eac76607dc83e192f5fe (diff)
moved and renamed
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 88c52fe..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# This program is intended to write/copy images to any media or drive.
-# This script depends on 'easybashgui'.
-# The password function has extra dependency on 'zenity' & 'dialog'
-# programs, which can be modified to work with other libraries too
-# For title of each Window
-export supertitle="FOSSEE Netbook Updates"
-source easybashgui
-# For global debugging(open flood gates)
-#set -x
-# Get the PATH of the running script
-DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
-# For local debugging
-# Intermediate files/directories. Will be removed after each interation
- [ ! -d $unique_tags ] && mkdir -p $unique_tags
-# Default is no internet
-# Its good to have them together
-generic_return_code='Working offline. Select Ok to continue.'
-return_code_1="Unknown error occured. $generic_return_code"
-return_code_3="File I/0 error. $generic_return_code"
-return_code_4="Network failure. Unable to connect internet. $generic_return_code"
-return_code_5="SSL verification failure. Check system date. $generic_return_code"
-return_code_7="Protocol error. $generic_return_code"
-return_code_8="Server error. $generic_return_code"
-# =====================================================================================
-# Functions in order they get called #
-# =====================================================================================
-function clean_up() {
- echo "=========================== New iteration =========================">>$logfile
- date >> $logfile
- [ -f $testfile ] && rm -v $testfile>>$logfile
- [ -f $files_in_all_commits ] && rm -v $files_in_all_commits>>$logfile
- [ -f $all_commits_one_liner_with_date ] && rm -v $all_commits_one_liner_with_date>>$logfile
- [ -f $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths ] && rm -v $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths>>$logfile
- [ -f $past_applied_commits ] && rm -v $past_applied_commits>>$logfile
- [ -d $local_updates ] && rm -rvf $local_updates/>>$logfile
-# ======================================================================================
-function check_internet() {
- #wait_for internet
- for each in {,};
- do
- wget -P $DIR $each/$testfile &> /dev/null
- return_code=$?
- [ $return_code -eq 0 ] && INET_AVAILABLE=1 && break
- [ $return_code -eq 1 ] && alert_message -w 300 -h 100 $return_code_1 && break
- [ $return_code -eq 3 ] && alert_message -w 300 -h 100 $return_code_3 && break
- [ $return_code -eq 4 ] && alert_message -w 300 -h 100 $return_code_4 && break
- [ $return_code -eq 5 ] && alert_message -w 300 -h 100 $return_code_5 && break
- [ $return_code -eq 7 ] && alert_message -w 300 -h 100 $return_code_7 && break
- done
- [ $return_code -eq 8 ] && alert_message -w 300 -h 100 $return_code_8
-# ======================================================================================
-# Fetch updates if internet is available and formulate a CSV
-function list_updates() {
- # If internet available just merge the changes (won't update patches automatically)
- #cd $DIR && [ $INET_AVAILABLE -eq 1 ] && git tag -l | xargs git tag -d && git pull &>/dev/null
- # Create CSV of commits with only tags( git tags are used to group similar patches)
- cd $DIR && git log --pretty=\;\(%ar\)\;%d\;%s\;\(%h\) --no-walk --tags >\
- $all_commits_one_liner_with_date
- # Find out files in each commit(with tag)
- for each in $(cat $all_commits_one_liner_with_date | cut -d ';' -f 5 | tr -d '(|)')
- do
- files_in_each_commit=$(cd $DIR && git show --first-parent --pretty="format:" --name-only $each)
- echo $files_in_each_commit | tr ' ' ',' >> $files_in_all_commits
- done
- # Create a file with [Not Updated] flag on the first column for all the tags, we will
- # selectively change it to [Updated] based on previously applied patches(git tags)
- paste -d ';' $all_commits_one_liner_with_date \
- $files_in_all_commits | \
- awk 'BEGIN{FS=";";OFS=";"} {$1="[Not Updated]"} 1' > \
- $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths
-# ======================================================================================
-function check_past_updates() {
- # If no new/old update available, just quit (Ignoring HEAD based tags to avoid confusion)
- no_updates=$(cat $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths | sed '/HEAD/d' | wc -c)
- [ $no_updates -eq 0 ] && alert_message -w 400 -h 250 "No updates available !!!" && exit 0
- # Look for previously applied updates(git tags)
- for hash in $(cat unique_tags/*);
- do
- line=$(grep -on $hash $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths | cut -d ':' -f 1);\
- sed -i $line's/\[Not\ Updated\]/\[Updated\]/g' $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths;
- done
-# ======================================================================================
-function select_updates() {
- # Show updates using 'menu' of 'easybashgui'
- selected_update=$(menu -w 900 -h 550 "$(cat $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths | sed '/HEAD/d' | \
- cut -d ';' -f 1,2,3,4,5| tr ';' ' ' )" 2>&1)
- [ $? -eq 1 ] && exit 0
- #get hash for selected_update
- selected_hash=$(echo $selected_update | grep -o \([0-9a-z]*\) | tr -d '(|)')
- selected_tag=$(echo $selected_update | grep -o \(tag:\ [A-Za-z0-9._-]*\) | sed 's/(tag:\ //' |sed 's/)//')
-# ======================================================================================
-function generate_commit_files() {
- # At a time only one version from similar group of tags will be applied, for eg: AudioMic-1 and
- # AudioMic-2 (tags) can't be applied simultaneously as they might point to same file
- find $unique_tags -iname $(echo $selected_tag | cut -d '-' -f 1)\* | grep '' && [ $? -eq 0 ] && \
- rm $(find $unique_tags -iname $(echo $selected_tag | cut -d '-' -f 1)\*)
- # This will help identifying the unique tags among group of tags(commits/patches)
- echo $selected_hash > $unique_tags/$selected_tag
- # This for loop creates a copy of file(s) from given tag/commit
- files_in_selected_hash=$(grep $selected_hash $all_commits_dates_with_file_paths | cut -d ';' -f6)
- # For more than one file in a commit
- for each_file in $(echo $files_in_selected_hash|tr ',' '\n');
- do
- mkdir -pv $local_updates/$(dirname $each_file)>>$logfile
- cd $DIR && git show $selected_hash:$each_file>$local_updates/$each_file
- #echo "$selected_hash,$selected_tag">>$logfile
- done
-# ======================================================================================
-function sudo_access() {
-# Clear remember password
-sudo -K
-# The only place 'easybashgui' fails. So adding separate functions for both tty(consoles)
-# and pts(terminals). If tty not found, it returns 1, and 'zenity' is used
-if [ ! -z $(pidof X) ] ; then
-while true
- do
- password=$(zenity --title "FOSSEE Netbook Updates" --password)
- # zenity dialog button 'Cancel' returns 1, and 'Yes' returns 0.
- [ $? -eq 1 ] && exit 0
- echo $password | sudo -S echo "test">/dev/null
- # If wrong password then brek
- [ $? -eq 0 ] && break
- done
-while true
- do
- password=$(dialog --title "FOSSEE Netbook Updates" \
- --clear \
- --passwordbox "Enter your password" 10 30 \
- --stdout)
- [ $? -eq 1 ] && exit 0
- echo $password | sudo -S echo "test">/dev/null
- # If wrong password then brek
- [ $? -eq 0 ] && break
- done
-# ======================================================================================
-function apply_updates() {
- question -w 400 -h 150 "Do you want to apply the selected update?\\nThis may install/update the following file(s): '/$files_in_selected_hash'" 2>&1
- [ $? -eq 1 ] && exit 0
- for each_file in $(echo $files_in_selected_hash | tr ',' '\n');
- do
- echo "##### applying updates #####">>$logfile
- [ -d /$(dirname each_file) ] && sudo mkdir -pv $(dirname /$each_file)>>$logfile;
- sudo mv -v $local_updates/$each_file /$each_file>>$logfile
- done
- question -w 400 -h 150 "Successfully Updated!\\n\\nSelect 'Yes' to close this application. Select 'Cancel' to relaunch update selection menu"
- [ $? -eq 0 ] && exit 0
- main
-# ======================================================================================
-function spl_kernel_manage() {
- # environment variables
- kernel_image=$DIR/uzImage.bin
- ramdisk_image=$DIR/initrd.img
- boot_part=/dev/mtd4
- mkbootimg --kernel $kernel_image --ramdisk $ramdisk_image -o /tmp/boot.img
- sync
- echo 0 > /sys/module/yaffs/parameters/yaffs_bg_enable
- flash_erase $boot_part 0 0
- nandwrite -p $boot_part /tmp/boot.img
- sync
- echo 1 > /sys/module/yaffs/parameters/yaffs_bg_enable
-# ======================================================================================
-function main() {
-#Function calls
- clean_up
- # Next function is handled by script in same directory
- #check_internet
- list_updates
- check_past_updates
- select_updates
- generate_commit_files
- sudo_access
- apply_updates
- # Comment next function if you are not using FOSSEE netbook
- #spl_kernel_manage
-# ======================================================================================
-# __init__