#ifndef WMT_TSH_201010191758 #define WMT_TSH_201010191758 #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_WMT_TS #undef dbg #ifdef DEBUG_WMT_TS #define dbg(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_ALERT "[%s]: " fmt, __FUNCTION__ , ## args) #else #define dbg(fmt, args...) #endif #undef errlog #undef klog #define errlog(fmt, args...) printk("[%s]: " fmt, __FUNCTION__, ## args) #define klog(fmt, args...) printk("[%s]: " fmt, __FUNCTION__, ## args) #define WMT_TS_I2C_NAME "ssd253x-ts" #define WMT_TS_I2C_ADDR 0x01 //////////////////////////////data type/////////////////////////// typedef struct { short pressure; short x; short y; //short millisecs; } TS_EVENT; struct wmtts_device { //data char* driver_name; char* ts_id; //function int (*init)(void); int (*probe)(struct platform_device *platdev); int (*remove)(struct platform_device *pdev); void (*exit)(void); int (*suspend)(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state); int (*resume)(struct platform_device *pdev); int (*capacitance_calibrate)(void); int (*wait_penup)(struct wmtts_device*tsdev); // waiting untill penup int penup; // 0--pendown;1--penup }; struct ChipSetting { char No; char Reg; char Data1; char Data2; }; //////////////////////////function interface///////////////////////// extern int wmt_ts_get_gpionum(void); extern int wmt_ts_iscalibrating(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_resolvX(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_resolvY(void); extern int wmt_ts_set_rawcoord(unsigned short x, unsigned short y); extern int wmt_set_gpirq(int type); extern int wmt_get_tsirqnum(void); extern int wmt_disable_gpirq(void); extern int wmt_enable_gpirq(void); extern int wmt_is_tsirq_enable(void); extern int wmt_is_tsint(void); extern void wmt_clr_int(void); extern void wmt_tsreset_init(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_resetgpnum(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_lcdexchg(void); extern void wmt_enable_rst_pull(int enable); extern void wmt_set_rst_pull(int up); extern void wmt_rst_output(int high); extern void wmt_rst_input(void); extern void wmt_set_intasgp(void); extern void wmt_intgp_out(int val); extern void wmt_ts_set_irqinput(void); extern unsigned int wmt_ts_irqinval(void); extern void wmt_ts_set_penup(int up); extern int wmt_ts_wait_penup(void); extern void wmt_ts_wakeup_penup(void); extern struct i2c_client* ts_get_i2c_client(void); extern int wmt_ts_ispenup(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_xaxis(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_xdir(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_yaxis(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_ydir(void); extern int wmt_ts_get_cutedge(void); extern void wmt_ts_get_firmwname(char* firmname); extern int wmt_ts_get_fingernum(void); extern void TouchPanelCalibrateAPoint( int UncalX, //@PARM The uncalibrated X coordinate int UncalY, //@PARM The uncalibrated Y coordinate int *pCalX, //@PARM The calibrated X coordinate int *pCalY //@PARM The calibrated Y coordinate ); //filepath:the path of firmware file; //firmdata:store the data from firmware file; //maxlen: the max len of firmdata; //return:the number of firmware data,negative-parsing error. extern int read_firmwarefile(char* filepath, struct ChipSetting** firmdata, int maxlen); #endif