path: root/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/dhd_linux.c
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-01-13 15:08:24 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-01-13 15:08:24 +0530
commit97327692361306d1e6259021bc425e32832fdb50 (patch)
treefe9088f3248ec61e24f404f21b9793cb644b7f01 /drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/dhd_linux.c
parent2d05a8f663478a44e088d122e0d62109bbc801d0 (diff)
parenta3a8b90b61e21be3dde9101c4e86c881e0f06210 (diff)
dirty fix to merging
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/dhd_linux.c')
1 files changed, 5962 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/dhd_linux.c b/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/dhd_linux.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efeeb8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/dhd_linux.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5962 @@
+ * Broadcom Dongle Host Driver (DHD), Linux-specific network interface
+ * Basically selected code segments from usb-cdc.c and usb-rndis.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2012, Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
+ * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
+ * available at, with the
+ * following added to such license:
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
+ * permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
+ * distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
+ * you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
+ * the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
+ * derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
+ * modifications of the software.
+ *
+ * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
+ * software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
+ * other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
+ *
+ * $Id: dhd_linux.c 358016 2012-09-20 22:36:51Z $
+ */
+#include <typedefs.h>
+#include <linuxver.h>
+#include <osl.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
+#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
+#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+#include <linux/random.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/ethtool.h>
+#include <linux/fcntl.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/unaligned.h>
+#include <epivers.h>
+#include <bcmutils.h>
+#include <bcmendian.h>
+#include <bcmdevs.h>
+#include <proto/ethernet.h>
+#include <dngl_stats.h>
+#include <dhd.h>
+#include <dhd_bus.h>
+#include <dhd_proto.h>
+#include <dhd_dbg.h>
+#include <linux/wakelock.h>
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+#include <wl_cfg80211.h>
+#ifdef WLBTAMP
+#include <proto/802.11_bta.h>
+#include <proto/bt_amp_hci.h>
+#include <dhd_bta.h>
+#include <linux/time.h>
+#include <htsf.h>
+#define HTSF_MINLEN 200 /* min. packet length to timestamp */
+#define HTSF_BUS_DELAY 150 /* assume a fix propagation in us */
+#define TSMAX 1000 /* max no. of timing record kept */
+#define NUMBIN 34
+static uint32 tsidx = 0;
+static uint32 htsf_seqnum = 0;
+uint32 tsfsync;
+struct timeval tsync;
+static uint32 tsport = 5010;
+typedef struct histo_ {
+ uint32 bin[NUMBIN];
+} histo_t;
+#error DHD_SDALIGN is not a power of 2!
+static histo_t vi_d1, vi_d2, vi_d3, vi_d4;
+#endif /* WLMEDIA_HTSF */
+#ifndef DTIM_COUNT
+#define DTIM_COUNT 3
+#if defined(PKT_FILTER_SUPPORT)
+#endif /* PKT_FILTER_SUPPORT */
+#if defined(SOFTAP)
+extern bool ap_cfg_running;
+extern bool ap_fw_loaded;
+/* enable HOSTIP cache update from the host side when an eth0:N is up */
+#ifdef BCM_FD_AGGR
+#include <bcm_rpc.h>
+#include <bcm_rpc_tp.h>
+#include <wlfc_proto.h>
+#include <dhd_wlfc.h>
+#include <wl_android.h>
+void aoe_update_host_ipv4_table(dhd_pub_t *dhd_pub, u32 ipa, bool add);
+static int dhd_device_event(struct notifier_block *this,
+ unsigned long event,
+ void *ptr);
+static struct notifier_block dhd_notifier = {
+ .notifier_call = dhd_device_event
+#include <linux/suspend.h>
+volatile bool dhd_mmc_suspend = FALSE;
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) && defined(CONFIG_PM_SLEEP) */
+#if defined(OOB_INTR_ONLY)
+extern void dhd_enable_oob_intr(struct dhd_bus *bus, bool enable);
+#endif /* defined(OOB_INTR_ONLY) */
+static void dhd_hang_process(struct work_struct *work);
+#endif /* LinuxVer */
+#include <dhd_bus.h>
+#ifdef BCM_FD_AGGR
+#define DBUS_RX_BUFFER_SIZE_DHD(net) (net->mtu + net->hard_header_len + dhd->pub.hdrlen)
+#define DBUS_RX_BUFFER_SIZE_DHD(net) (net->mtu + net->hard_header_len + dhd->pub.hdrlen + 128)
+#endif /* BCM_FD_AGGR */
+const char *
+ return "";
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE == KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 15) */
+/* Linux wireless extension support */
+#include <wl_iw.h>
+extern wl_iw_extra_params_t g_wl_iw_params;
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+#include <linux/earlysuspend.h>
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND) && defined(DHD_USE_EARLYSUSPEND) */
+extern int dhd_get_dtim_skip(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
+extern void dhd_pktfilter_offload_set(dhd_pub_t * dhd, char *arg);
+extern void dhd_pktfilter_offload_enable(dhd_pub_t * dhd, char *arg, int enable, int master_mode);
+extern int dhd_read_macaddr(struct dhd_info *dhd, struct ether_addr *mac);
+extern int dhd_check_rdwr_macaddr(struct dhd_info *dhd, dhd_pub_t *dhdp, struct ether_addr *mac);
+extern int dhd_write_rdwr_macaddr(struct ether_addr *mac);
+extern int dhd_write_macaddr(struct ether_addr *mac);
+extern int dhd_check_module_mac(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
+extern int dhd_sel_ant_from_file(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
+int dhd_customer_set_country(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
+/* Interface control information */
+typedef struct dhd_if {
+ struct dhd_info *info; /* back pointer to dhd_info */
+ /* OS/stack specifics */
+ struct net_device *net;
+ struct net_device_stats stats;
+ int idx; /* iface idx in dongle */
+ dhd_if_state_t state; /* interface state */
+ uint subunit; /* subunit */
+ uint8 mac_addr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; /* assigned MAC address */
+ bool attached; /* Delayed attachment when unset */
+ bool txflowcontrol; /* Per interface flow control indicator */
+ char name[IFNAMSIZ+1]; /* linux interface name */
+ uint8 bssidx; /* bsscfg index for the interface */
+ bool set_multicast;
+ bool event2cfg80211; /* To determine if pass event to cfg80211 */
+} dhd_if_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 low;
+ uint32 high;
+} tsf_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 last_cycle;
+ uint32 last_sec;
+ uint32 last_tsf;
+ uint32 coef; /* scaling factor */
+ uint32 coefdec1; /* first decimal */
+ uint32 coefdec2; /* second decimal */
+} htsf_t;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32 t1;
+ uint32 t2;
+ uint32 t3;
+ uint32 t4;
+} tstamp_t;
+static tstamp_t ts[TSMAX];
+static tstamp_t maxdelayts;
+static uint32 maxdelay = 0, tspktcnt = 0, maxdelaypktno = 0;
+#endif /* WLMEDIA_HTSF */
+/* Local private structure (extension of pub) */
+typedef struct dhd_info {
+ wl_iw_t iw; /* wireless extensions state (must be first) */
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+ dhd_pub_t pub;
+ /* For supporting multiple interfaces */
+ dhd_if_t *iflist[DHD_MAX_IFS];
+ struct semaphore proto_sem;
+ spinlock_t wlfc_spinlock;
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS */
+ htsf_t htsf;
+ wait_queue_head_t ioctl_resp_wait;
+ struct timer_list timer;
+ bool wd_timer_valid;
+ struct tasklet_struct tasklet;
+ spinlock_t sdlock;
+ spinlock_t txqlock;
+ spinlock_t dhd_lock;
+ /* Thread based operation */
+ bool threads_only;
+ struct semaphore sdsem;
+ tsk_ctl_t thr_dpc_ctl;
+ tsk_ctl_t thr_wdt_ctl;
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ bool dhd_tasklet_create;
+ tsk_ctl_t thr_sysioc_ctl;
+ struct work_struct work_hang;
+ /* Wakelocks */
+ struct wake_lock wl_wifi; /* Wifi wakelock */
+ struct wake_lock wl_rxwake; /* Wifi rx wakelock */
+ struct wake_lock wl_ctrlwake; /* Wifi ctrl wakelock */
+ struct wake_lock wl_wdwake; /* Wifi wd wakelock */
+ /* net_device interface lock, prevent race conditions among net_dev interface
+ * calls and wifi_on or wifi_off
+ */
+ struct mutex dhd_net_if_mutex;
+ struct mutex dhd_suspend_mutex;
+ spinlock_t wakelock_spinlock;
+ int wakelock_counter;
+ int wakelock_wd_counter;
+ int wakelock_rx_timeout_enable;
+ int wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable;
+ /* Thread to issue ioctl for multicast */
+ unsigned char set_macaddress;
+ struct ether_addr macvalue;
+ wait_queue_head_t ctrl_wait;
+ atomic_t pend_8021x_cnt;
+ dhd_attach_states_t dhd_state;
+ struct early_suspend early_suspend;
+ u32 pend_ipaddr;
+#ifdef BCM_FD_AGGR
+ void *rpc_th;
+ void *rpc_osh;
+ struct timer_list rpcth_timer;
+ bool rpcth_timer_active;
+ bool fdaggr;
+} dhd_info_t;
+/* Flag to indicate if we should download firmware on driver load */
+uint dhd_download_fw_on_driverload = TRUE;
+/* Definitions to provide path to the firmware and nvram
+ * example nvram_path[MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN]="/projects/wlan/nvram.txt"
+ */
+char firmware_path[MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN];
+char nvram_path[MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN];
+/* information string to keep firmware, chio, cheip version info visiable from log */
+char info_string[MOD_PARAM_INFOLEN];
+module_param_string(info_string, info_string, MOD_PARAM_INFOLEN, 0444);
+int op_mode = 0;
+int disable_proptx = 0;
+module_param(op_mode, int, 0644);
+extern int wl_control_wl_start(struct net_device *dev);
+struct semaphore dhd_registration_sem;
+struct semaphore dhd_chipup_sem;
+int dhd_registration_check = FALSE;
+#define DHD_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT 12000 /* msec : allowed time to finished dhd registration */
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) */
+/* Spawn a thread for system ioctls (set mac, set mcast) */
+uint dhd_sysioc = TRUE;
+module_param(dhd_sysioc, uint, 0);
+/* Error bits */
+module_param(dhd_msg_level, int, 0);
+/* Disable Prop tx */
+module_param(disable_proptx, int, 0644);
+/* load firmware and/or nvram values from the filesystem */
+module_param_string(firmware_path, firmware_path, MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN, 0660);
+module_param_string(nvram_path, nvram_path, MOD_PARAM_PATHLEN, 0660);
+/* Watchdog interval */
+uint dhd_watchdog_ms = 10;
+module_param(dhd_watchdog_ms, uint, 0);
+#if defined(DHD_DEBUG)
+/* Console poll interval */
+uint dhd_console_ms = 0;
+module_param(dhd_console_ms, uint, 0644);
+#endif /* defined(DHD_DEBUG) */
+uint dhd_slpauto = TRUE;
+module_param(dhd_slpauto, uint, 0);
+/* ARP offload agent mode : Enable ARP Peer Auto-Reply */
+uint dhd_arp_mode = ARP_OL_AGENT | ARP_OL_PEER_AUTO_REPLY;
+module_param(dhd_arp_mode, uint, 0);
+/* ARP offload enable */
+uint dhd_arp_enable = TRUE;
+module_param(dhd_arp_enable, uint, 0);
+/* Global Pkt filter enable control */
+uint dhd_pkt_filter_enable = TRUE;
+module_param(dhd_pkt_filter_enable, uint, 0);
+/* Pkt filter init setup */
+uint dhd_pkt_filter_init = 0;
+module_param(dhd_pkt_filter_init, uint, 0);
+/* Pkt filter mode control */
+uint dhd_master_mode = FALSE;
+uint dhd_master_mode = TRUE;
+module_param(dhd_master_mode, uint, 0);
+/* Watchdog thread priority, -1 to use kernel timer */
+int dhd_watchdog_prio = 0;
+module_param(dhd_watchdog_prio, int, 0);
+/* DPC thread priority */
+int dhd_dpc_prio = CUSTOM_DPC_PRIO_SETTING;
+module_param(dhd_dpc_prio, int, 0);
+extern int dhd_dongle_memsize;
+module_param(dhd_dongle_memsize, int, 0);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+/* Control fw roaming */
+uint dhd_roam_disable = 0;
+/* Control radio state */
+uint dhd_radio_up = 1;
+/* Network inteface name */
+char iface_name[IFNAMSIZ] = {'\0'};
+module_param_string(iface_name, iface_name, IFNAMSIZ, 0);
+/* The following are specific to the SDIO dongle */
+/* IOCTL response timeout */
+int dhd_ioctl_timeout_msec = IOCTL_RESP_TIMEOUT;
+/* Idle timeout for backplane clock */
+int dhd_idletime = DHD_IDLETIME_TICKS;
+module_param(dhd_idletime, int, 0);
+/* Use polling */
+uint dhd_poll = FALSE;
+module_param(dhd_poll, uint, 0);
+/* Use interrupts */
+uint dhd_intr = TRUE;
+module_param(dhd_intr, uint, 0);
+/* SDIO Drive Strength (in milliamps) */
+uint dhd_sdiod_drive_strength = 6;
+module_param(dhd_sdiod_drive_strength, uint, 0);
+/* Tx/Rx bounds */
+extern uint dhd_txbound;
+extern uint dhd_rxbound;
+module_param(dhd_txbound, uint, 0);
+module_param(dhd_rxbound, uint, 0);
+/* Deferred transmits */
+extern uint dhd_deferred_tx;
+module_param(dhd_deferred_tx, uint, 0);
+#ifdef BCMDBGFS
+extern void dhd_dbg_init(dhd_pub_t *dhdp);
+extern void dhd_dbg_remove(void);
+#endif /* BCMDBGFS */
+#ifdef SDTEST
+/* Echo packet generator (pkts/s) */
+uint dhd_pktgen = 0;
+module_param(dhd_pktgen, uint, 0);
+/* Echo packet len (0 => sawtooth, max 2040) */
+uint dhd_pktgen_len = 0;
+module_param(dhd_pktgen_len, uint, 0);
+#endif /* SDTEST */
+/* Version string to report */
+#ifdef DHD_DEBUG
+#ifndef SRCBASE
+#define SRCBASE "drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd"
+#define DHD_COMPILED "\nCompiled in " SRCBASE
+#endif /* DHD_DEBUG */
+static char dhd_version[] = "Dongle Host Driver, version " EPI_VERSION_STR
+#ifdef DHD_DEBUG
+"\nCompiled in " SRCBASE " on " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__
+static void dhd_net_if_lock_local(dhd_info_t *dhd);
+static void dhd_net_if_unlock_local(dhd_info_t *dhd);
+static void dhd_suspend_lock(dhd_pub_t *dhdp);
+static void dhd_suspend_unlock(dhd_pub_t *dhdp);
+void htsf_update(dhd_info_t *dhd, void *data);
+tsf_t prev_tsf, cur_tsf;
+uint32 dhd_get_htsf(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx);
+static int dhd_ioctl_htsf_get(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx);
+static void dhd_dump_latency(void);
+static void dhd_htsf_addtxts(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, void *pktbuf);
+static void dhd_htsf_addrxts(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, void *pktbuf);
+static void dhd_dump_htsfhisto(histo_t *his, char *s);
+#endif /* WLMEDIA_HTSF */
+/* Monitor interface */
+int dhd_monitor_init(void *dhd_pub);
+int dhd_monitor_uninit(void);
+struct iw_statistics *dhd_get_wireless_stats(struct net_device *dev);
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+static void dhd_dpc(ulong data);
+/* forward decl */
+extern int dhd_wait_pend8021x(struct net_device *dev);
+#ifdef TOE
+#ifndef BDC
+#error TOE requires BDC
+#endif /* !BDC */
+static int dhd_toe_get(dhd_info_t *dhd, int idx, uint32 *toe_ol);
+static int dhd_toe_set(dhd_info_t *dhd, int idx, uint32 toe_ol);
+#endif /* TOE */
+static int dhd_wl_host_event(dhd_info_t *dhd, int *ifidx, void *pktdata,
+ wl_event_msg_t *event_ptr, void **data_ptr);
+static int dhd_sleep_pm_callback(struct notifier_block *nfb, unsigned long action, void *ignored)
+ int ret = NOTIFY_DONE;
+ switch (action) {
+ dhd_mmc_suspend = TRUE;
+ ret = NOTIFY_OK;
+ break;
+ dhd_mmc_suspend = FALSE;
+ ret = NOTIFY_OK;
+ break;
+ }
+ smp_mb();
+ return ret;
+static struct notifier_block dhd_sleep_pm_notifier = {
+ .notifier_call = dhd_sleep_pm_callback,
+ .priority = 10
+extern int register_pm_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
+extern int unregister_pm_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) && defined(CONFIG_PM_SLEEP) */
+static void dhd_set_packet_filter(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
+ int i;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhd_pkt_filter_enable) {
+ for (i = 0; i < dhd->pktfilter_count; i++) {
+ dhd_pktfilter_offload_set(dhd, dhd->pktfilter[i]);
+ }
+ }
+void dhd_enable_packet_filter(int value, dhd_pub_t *dhd)
+ int i;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: enter, value = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, value));
+ /* 1 - Enable packet filter, only allow unicast packet to send up */
+ /* 0 - Disable packet filter */
+ if (dhd_pkt_filter_enable && (!value ||
+ (dhd_support_sta_mode(dhd) && !dhd->dhcp_in_progress))) {
+ for (i = 0; i < dhd->pktfilter_count; i++) {
+ if (value && (i == dhd->pktfilter_count -1) &&
+ !(dhd->op_mode & (DHD_FLAG_P2P_GC_MODE | DHD_FLAG_P2P_GO_MODE))) {
+ DHD_TRACE_HW4(("Do not turn on ARP white list pkt filter:"
+ "val %d, cnt %d, op_mode 0x%x\n",
+ value, i, dhd->op_mode));
+ continue;
+ }
+ dhd_pktfilter_offload_enable(dhd, dhd->pktfilter[i],
+ value, dhd_master_mode);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* PKT_FILTER_SUPPORT */
+static int dhd_set_suspend(int value, dhd_pub_t *dhd)
+ int power_mode = PM_MAX;
+ /* wl_pkt_filter_enable_t enable_parm; */
+ char iovbuf[32];
+ int bcn_li_dtim = DTIM_COUNT;
+ uint roamvar = 1;
+ int bcn_li_bcn;
+ uint32 allmulti;
+#endif /* PASS_ALL_MCAST_PKTS */
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: enter, value = %d in_suspend=%d\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, value, dhd->in_suspend));
+ dhd_suspend_lock(dhd);
+ if (dhd && dhd->up) {
+ if (value && dhd->in_suspend) {
+ dhd->early_suspended = 1;
+ /* Kernel suspended */
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: force extra Suspend setting\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_PM, (char *)&power_mode,
+ sizeof(power_mode), TRUE, 0);
+ /* Enable packet filter, only allow unicast packet to send up */
+ dhd_enable_packet_filter(1, dhd);
+ allmulti = 0;
+ bcm_mkiovar("allmulti", (char *)&allmulti,
+ 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+#endif /* PASS_ALL_MCAST_PKTS */
+ /* If DTIM skip is set up as default, force it to wake
+ * each third DTIM for better power savings. Note that
+ * one side effect is a chance to miss BC/MC packet.
+ */
+ bcn_li_dtim = dhd_get_dtim_skip(dhd);
+ bcm_mkiovar("bcn_li_dtim", (char *)&bcn_li_dtim,
+ 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ /* Disable firmware roaming during suspend */
+ bcm_mkiovar("roam_off", (char *)&roamvar, 4,
+ iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ bcn_li_bcn = 0;
+ bcm_mkiovar("bcn_li_bcn", (char *)&bcn_li_bcn,
+ 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ } else {
+ dhd->early_suspended = 0;
+ /* Kernel resumed */
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Remove extra suspend setting\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ power_mode = PM_FAST;
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_PM, (char *)&power_mode,
+ sizeof(power_mode), TRUE, 0);
+ /* disable pkt filter */
+ dhd_enable_packet_filter(0, dhd);
+ allmulti = 1;
+ bcm_mkiovar("allmulti", (char *)&allmulti,
+ 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+#endif /* PASS_ALL_MCAST_PKTS */
+ /* restore pre-suspend setting for dtim_skip */
+ bcm_mkiovar("bcn_li_dtim", (char *)&dhd->dtim_skip,
+ 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ roamvar = dhd_roam_disable;
+ bcm_mkiovar("roam_off", (char *)&roamvar, 4, iovbuf,
+ sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ bcn_li_bcn = 1;
+ bcm_mkiovar("bcn_li_bcn", (char *)&bcn_li_bcn,
+ 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ dhd_suspend_unlock(dhd);
+ return 0;
+static int dhd_suspend_resume_helper(struct dhd_info *dhd, int val, int force)
+ dhd_pub_t *dhdp = &dhd->pub;
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* Set flag when early suspend was called */
+ dhdp->in_suspend = val;
+ if ((force || !dhdp->suspend_disable_flag) &&
+ dhd_support_sta_mode(dhdp))
+ {
+ ret = dhd_set_suspend(val, dhdp);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void dhd_early_suspend(struct early_suspend *h)
+ struct dhd_info *dhd = container_of(h, struct dhd_info, early_suspend);
+ DHD_TRACE_HW4(("%s: enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhd)
+ dhd_suspend_resume_helper(dhd, 1, 0);
+static void dhd_late_resume(struct early_suspend *h)
+ struct dhd_info *dhd = container_of(h, struct dhd_info, early_suspend);
+ DHD_TRACE_HW4(("%s: enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhd)
+ dhd_suspend_resume_helper(dhd, 0, 0);
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND) */
+ * Generalized timeout mechanism. Uses spin sleep with exponential back-off until
+ * the sleep time reaches one jiffy, then switches over to task delay. Usage:
+ *
+ * dhd_timeout_start(&tmo, usec);
+ * while (!dhd_timeout_expired(&tmo))
+ * if (poll_something())
+ * break;
+ * if (dhd_timeout_expired(&tmo))
+ * fatal();
+ */
+dhd_timeout_start(dhd_timeout_t *tmo, uint usec)
+ tmo->limit = usec;
+ tmo->increment = 0;
+ tmo->elapsed = 0;
+ tmo->tick = jiffies_to_usecs(1);
+dhd_timeout_expired(dhd_timeout_t *tmo)
+ /* Does nothing the first call */
+ if (tmo->increment == 0) {
+ tmo->increment = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (tmo->elapsed >= tmo->limit)
+ return 1;
+ /* Add the delay that's about to take place */
+ tmo->elapsed += tmo->increment;
+ if (tmo->increment < tmo->tick) {
+ OSL_DELAY(tmo->increment);
+ tmo->increment *= 2;
+ if (tmo->increment > tmo->tick)
+ tmo->increment = tmo->tick;
+ } else {
+ wait_queue_head_t delay_wait;
+ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
+ init_waitqueue_head(&delay_wait);
+ add_wait_queue(&delay_wait, &wait);
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+ schedule_timeout(1);
+ remove_wait_queue(&delay_wait, &wait);
+ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+ }
+ return 0;
+dhd_net2idx(dhd_info_t *dhd, struct net_device *net)
+ int i = 0;
+ ASSERT(dhd);
+ while (i < DHD_MAX_IFS) {
+ if (dhd->iflist[i] && (dhd->iflist[i]->net == net))
+ return i;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return DHD_BAD_IF;
+struct net_device * dhd_idx2net(void *pub, int ifidx)
+ struct dhd_pub *dhd_pub = (struct dhd_pub *)pub;
+ struct dhd_info *dhd_info;
+ if (!dhd_pub || ifidx < 0 || ifidx >= DHD_MAX_IFS)
+ return NULL;
+ dhd_info = dhd_pub->info;
+ if (dhd_info && dhd_info->iflist[ifidx])
+ return dhd_info->iflist[ifidx]->net;
+ return NULL;
+dhd_ifname2idx(dhd_info_t *dhd, char *name)
+ int i = DHD_MAX_IFS;
+ ASSERT(dhd);
+ if (name == NULL || *name == '\0')
+ return 0;
+ while (--i > 0)
+ if (dhd->iflist[i] && !strncmp(dhd->iflist[i]->name, name, IFNAMSIZ))
+ break;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: return idx %d for \"%s\"\n", __FUNCTION__, i, name));
+ return i; /* default - the primary interface */
+char *
+dhd_ifname(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ ASSERT(dhd);
+ if (ifidx < 0 || ifidx >= DHD_MAX_IFS) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: ifidx %d out of range\n", __FUNCTION__, ifidx));
+ return "<if_bad>";
+ }
+ if (dhd->iflist[ifidx] == NULL) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: null i/f %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ifidx));
+ return "<if_null>";
+ }
+ if (dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net)
+ return dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net->name;
+ return "<if_none>";
+uint8 *
+dhd_bssidx2bssid(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int idx)
+ int i;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp;
+ ASSERT(dhd);
+ for (i = 0; i < DHD_MAX_IFS; i++)
+ if (dhd->iflist[i] && dhd->iflist[i]->bssidx == idx)
+ return dhd->iflist[i]->mac_addr;
+ return NULL;
+static void
+_dhd_set_multicast_list(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx)
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ struct netdev_hw_addr *ha;
+ struct dev_mc_list *mclist;
+ uint32 allmulti, cnt;
+ wl_ioctl_t ioc;
+ char *buf, *bufp;
+ uint buflen;
+ int ret;
+ ASSERT(dhd && dhd->iflist[ifidx]);
+ dev = dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net;
+ netif_addr_lock_bh(dev);
+ cnt = netdev_mc_count(dev);
+ cnt = dev->mc_count;
+ netif_addr_unlock_bh(dev);
+ /* Determine initial value of allmulti flag */
+ allmulti = (dev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ if (!dhd->pub.early_suspended)
+#endif /* PKT_FILTER_SUPPORT */
+ allmulti = TRUE;
+#endif /* PASS_ALL_MCAST_PKTS */
+ /* Send down the multicast list first. */
+ buflen = sizeof("mcast_list") + sizeof(cnt) + (cnt * ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ if (!(bufp = buf = MALLOC(dhd->pub.osh, buflen))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: out of memory for mcast_list, cnt %d\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx), cnt));
+ return;
+ }
+ strncpy(bufp, "mcast_list", buflen - 1);
+ bufp[buflen - 1] = '\0';
+ bufp += strlen("mcast_list") + 1;
+ cnt = htol32(cnt);
+ memcpy(bufp, &cnt, sizeof(cnt));
+ bufp += sizeof(cnt);
+ netif_addr_lock_bh(dev);
+ netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, dev) {
+ if (!cnt)
+ break;
+ memcpy(bufp, ha->addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ bufp += ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+ cnt--;
+ }
+ for (mclist = dev->mc_list; (mclist && (cnt > 0));
+ cnt--, mclist = mclist->next) {
+ memcpy(bufp, (void *)mclist->dmi_addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ bufp += ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+ }
+ netif_addr_unlock_bh(dev);
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ ioc.cmd = WLC_SET_VAR;
+ ioc.buf = buf;
+ ioc.len = buflen;
+ ioc.set = TRUE;
+ ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: set mcast_list failed, cnt %d\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx), cnt));
+ allmulti = cnt ? TRUE : allmulti;
+ }
+ MFREE(dhd->pub.osh, buf, buflen);
+ /* Now send the allmulti setting. This is based on the setting in the
+ * net_device flags, but might be modified above to be turned on if we
+ * were trying to set some addresses and dongle rejected it...
+ */
+ buflen = sizeof("allmulti") + sizeof(allmulti);
+ if (!(buf = MALLOC(dhd->pub.osh, buflen))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: out of memory for allmulti\n", dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx)));
+ return;
+ }
+ allmulti = htol32(allmulti);
+ if (!bcm_mkiovar("allmulti", (void*)&allmulti, sizeof(allmulti), buf, buflen)) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: mkiovar failed for allmulti, datalen %d buflen %u\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx), (int)sizeof(allmulti), buflen));
+ MFREE(dhd->pub.osh, buf, buflen);
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ ioc.cmd = WLC_SET_VAR;
+ ioc.buf = buf;
+ ioc.len = buflen;
+ ioc.set = TRUE;
+ ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: set allmulti %d failed\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx), ltoh32(allmulti)));
+ }
+ MFREE(dhd->pub.osh, buf, buflen);
+ /* Finally, pick up the PROMISC flag as well, like the NIC driver does */
+ allmulti = (dev->flags & IFF_PROMISC) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ allmulti = htol32(allmulti);
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ ioc.cmd = WLC_SET_PROMISC;
+ ioc.buf = &allmulti;
+ ioc.len = sizeof(allmulti);
+ ioc.set = TRUE;
+ ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: set promisc %d failed\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx), ltoh32(allmulti)));
+ }
+_dhd_set_mac_address(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx, struct ether_addr *addr)
+ char buf[32];
+ wl_ioctl_t ioc;
+ int ret;
+ if (!bcm_mkiovar("cur_etheraddr", (char*)addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN, buf, 32)) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: mkiovar failed for cur_etheraddr\n", dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx)));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ ioc.cmd = WLC_SET_VAR;
+ ioc.buf = buf;
+ ioc.len = 32;
+ ioc.set = TRUE;
+ ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: set cur_etheraddr failed\n", dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx)));
+ } else {
+ memcpy(dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net->dev_addr, addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ memcpy(dhd->pub.mac.octet, addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ }
+ return ret;
+#ifdef SOFTAP
+extern struct net_device *ap_net_dev;
+extern tsk_ctl_t ap_eth_ctl; /* ap netdev heper thread ctl */
+static void
+dhd_op_if(dhd_if_t *ifp)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ int ret = 0, err = 0;
+#ifdef SOFTAP
+ unsigned long flags;
+ if (!ifp || !ifp->info || !ifp->idx)
+ return;
+ ASSERT(ifp && ifp->info && ifp->idx); /* Virtual interfaces only */
+ dhd = ifp->info;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: idx %d, state %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ifp->idx, ifp->state));
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ if (wl_cfg80211_is_progress_ifchange())
+ return;
+ switch (ifp->state) {
+ case DHD_IF_ADD:
+ /*
+ * Delete the existing interface before overwriting it
+ * in case we missed the WLC_E_IF_DEL event.
+ */
+ if (ifp->net != NULL) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: ERROR: netdev:%s already exists, try free & unregister \n",
+ __FUNCTION__, ifp->net->name));
+ netif_stop_queue(ifp->net);
+ unregister_netdev(ifp->net);
+ free_netdev(ifp->net);
+ }
+ /* Allocate etherdev, including space for private structure */
+ if (!(ifp->net = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(dhd)))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: OOM - alloc_etherdev\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0) {
+ strncpy(ifp->net->name, ifp->name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ ifp->net->name[IFNAMSIZ - 1] = '\0';
+ memcpy(netdev_priv(ifp->net), &dhd, sizeof(dhd));
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_CFG80211)
+ if (!wl_cfg80211_notify_ifadd(ifp->net, ifp->idx, ifp->bssidx,
+ (void*)dhd_net_attach)) {
+ ifp->state = DHD_IF_NONE;
+ ifp->event2cfg80211 = TRUE;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((err = dhd_net_attach(&dhd->pub, ifp->idx)) != 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: dhd_net_attach failed, err %d\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, err));
+ ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ } else {
+#if defined(SOFTAP)
+ if (ap_fw_loaded && !(dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_CFG80211)) {
+ /* semaphore that the soft AP CODE waits on */
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ /* save ptr to wl0.1 netdev for use in wl_iw.c */
+ ap_net_dev = ifp->net;
+ /* signal to the SOFTAP 'sleeper' thread, wl0.1 is ready */
+ up(&ap_eth_ctl.sema);
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(&dhd->pub, flags);
+ }
+ DHD_TRACE(("\n ==== pid:%x, net_device for if:%s created ===\n\n",
+ current->pid, ifp->net->name));
+ ifp->state = DHD_IF_NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DHD_IF_DEL:
+ /* Make sure that we don't enter again here if .. */
+ /* dhd_op_if is called again from some other context */
+ ifp->state = DHD_IF_DELETING;
+ if (ifp->net != NULL) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("\n%s: got 'DHD_IF_DEL' state\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ netif_stop_queue(ifp->net);
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_CFG80211) {
+ wl_cfg80211_ifdel_ops(ifp->net);
+ }
+ unregister_netdev(ifp->net);
+ ret = DHD_DEL_IF; /* Make sure the free_netdev() is called */
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_CFG80211) {
+ wl_cfg80211_notify_ifdel();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: bad op %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ifp->state));
+ ASSERT(!ifp->state);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ifp->set_multicast = FALSE;
+ if (ifp->net) {
+ free_netdev(ifp->net);
+ ifp->net = NULL;
+ }
+ dhd->iflist[ifp->idx] = NULL;
+#ifdef SOFTAP
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ if (ifp->net == ap_net_dev)
+ ap_net_dev = NULL; /* NULL SOFTAP global wl0.1 as well */
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(&dhd->pub, flags);
+#endif /* SOFTAP */
+ MFREE(dhd->pub.osh, ifp, sizeof(*ifp));
+ }
+static int
+_dhd_sysioc_thread(void *data)
+ tsk_ctl_t *tsk = (tsk_ctl_t *)data;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)tsk->parent;
+ int i;
+#ifdef SOFTAP
+ bool in_ap = FALSE;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ DAEMONIZE("dhd_sysioc");
+ complete(&tsk->completed);
+ while (down_interruptible(&tsk->sema) == 0) {
+ if (tsk->terminated) {
+ break;
+ }
+ dhd_net_if_lock_local(dhd);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_LOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ for (i = 0; i < DHD_MAX_IFS; i++) {
+ if (dhd->iflist[i]) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: interface %d\n", __FUNCTION__, i));
+#ifdef SOFTAP
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ in_ap = (ap_net_dev != NULL);
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(&dhd->pub, flags);
+#endif /* SOFTAP */
+ if (dhd->iflist[i] && dhd->iflist[i]->state)
+ dhd_op_if(dhd->iflist[i]);
+ if (dhd->iflist[i] == NULL) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("\n\n %s: interface %d just been removed,"
+ "!\n\n", __FUNCTION__, i));
+ continue;
+ }
+#ifdef SOFTAP
+ if (in_ap && dhd->set_macaddress == i+1) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("attempt to set MAC for %s in AP Mode,"
+ "blocked. \n", dhd->iflist[i]->net->name));
+ dhd->set_macaddress = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (in_ap && dhd->iflist[i]->set_multicast) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("attempt to set MULTICAST list for %s"
+ "in AP Mode, blocked. \n", dhd->iflist[i]->net->name));
+ dhd->iflist[i]->set_multicast = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+#endif /* SOFTAP */
+ if (dhd->pub.up == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (dhd->iflist[i]->set_multicast) {
+ dhd->iflist[i]->set_multicast = FALSE;
+ _dhd_set_multicast_list(dhd, i);
+ }
+ if (dhd->set_macaddress == i+1) {
+ dhd->set_macaddress = 0;
+ if (_dhd_set_mac_address(dhd, i, &dhd->macvalue) == 0) {
+ "dhd_sysioc_thread: MACID is overwritten\n"));
+ } else {
+ "dhd_sysioc_thread: _dhd_set_mac_address() failed\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd_net_if_unlock_local(dhd);
+ }
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: stopped\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ complete_and_exit(&tsk->completed, 0);
+static int
+dhd_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr)
+ int ret = 0;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ struct sockaddr *sa = (struct sockaddr *)addr;
+ int ifidx;
+ ifidx = dhd_net2idx(dhd, dev);
+ if (ifidx == DHD_BAD_IF)
+ return -1;
+ ASSERT(dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.thr_pid >= 0);
+ memcpy(&dhd->macvalue, sa->sa_data, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ dhd->set_macaddress = ifidx+1;
+ up(&dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.sema);
+ return ret;
+static void
+dhd_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ifidx;
+ ifidx = dhd_net2idx(dhd, dev);
+ if (ifidx == DHD_BAD_IF)
+ return;
+ ASSERT(dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.thr_pid >= 0);
+ dhd->iflist[ifidx]->set_multicast = TRUE;
+ up(&dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.sema);
+dhd_os_wlfc_block(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *di = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ ASSERT(di != NULL);
+ spin_lock_bh(&di->wlfc_spinlock);
+ return 1;
+dhd_os_wlfc_unblock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *di = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ ASSERT(di != NULL);
+ spin_unlock_bh(&di->wlfc_spinlock);
+ return 1;
+const uint8 wme_fifo2ac[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1 };
+uint8 prio2fifo[8] = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 };
+#define WME_PRIO2AC(prio) wme_fifo2ac[prio2fifo[(prio)]]
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS */
+dhd_sendpkt(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx, void *pktbuf)
+ int ret;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(dhdp->info);
+ struct ether_header *eh = NULL;
+ /* Reject if down */
+ if (!dhdp->up || (dhdp->busstate == DHD_BUS_DOWN)) {
+ /* free the packet here since the caller won't */
+ PKTFREE(dhdp->osh, pktbuf, TRUE);
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ /* Update multicast statistic */
+ if (PKTLEN(dhdp->osh, pktbuf) >= ETHER_HDR_LEN) {
+ uint8 *pktdata = (uint8 *)PKTDATA(dhdp->osh, pktbuf);
+ eh = (struct ether_header *)pktdata;
+ if (ETHER_ISMULTI(eh->ether_dhost))
+ dhdp->tx_multicast++;
+ if (ntoh16(eh->ether_type) == ETHER_TYPE_802_1X)
+ atomic_inc(&dhd->pend_8021x_cnt);
+ } else {
+ PKTFREE(dhd->pub.osh, pktbuf, TRUE);
+ return BCME_ERROR;
+ }
+ /* Look into the packet and update the packet priority */
+ if (PKTPRIO(pktbuf) == 0)
+ pktsetprio(pktbuf, FALSE);
+ if (dhdp->wlfc_state) {
+ /* store the interface ID */
+ DHD_PKTTAG_SETIF(PKTTAG(pktbuf), ifidx);
+ /* store destination MAC in the tag as well */
+ DHD_PKTTAG_SETDSTN(PKTTAG(pktbuf), eh->ether_dhost);
+ /* decide which FIFO this packet belongs to */
+ if (ETHER_ISMULTI(eh->ether_dhost))
+ /* one additional queue index (highest AC + 1) is used for bc/mc queue */
+ else
+ } else
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS */
+ /* If the protocol uses a data header, apply it */
+ dhd_prot_hdrpush(dhdp, ifidx, pktbuf);
+ /* Use bus module to send data frame */
+ dhd_htsf_addtxts(dhdp, pktbuf);
+ if (dhdp->wlfc_state && ((athost_wl_status_info_t*)dhdp->wlfc_state)->proptxstatus_mode
+ dhd_os_wlfc_block(dhdp);
+ ret = dhd_wlfc_enque_sendq(dhdp->wlfc_state, DHD_PKTTAG_FIFO(PKTTAG(pktbuf)),
+ pktbuf);
+ dhd_wlfc_commit_packets(dhdp->wlfc_state, (f_commitpkt_t)dhd_bus_txdata,
+ dhdp->bus);
+ if (((athost_wl_status_info_t*)dhdp->wlfc_state)->toggle_host_if) {
+ ((athost_wl_status_info_t*)dhdp->wlfc_state)->toggle_host_if = 0;
+ }
+ dhd_os_wlfc_unblock(dhdp);
+ }
+ else
+ /* non-proptxstatus way */
+ ret = dhd_bus_txdata(dhdp->bus, pktbuf);
+ ret = dhd_bus_txdata(dhdp->bus, pktbuf);
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS */
+ return ret;
+dhd_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *net)
+ int ret;
+ void *pktbuf;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(net);
+ int ifidx;
+ uint8 htsfdlystat_sz = dhd->pub.htsfdlystat_sz;
+ uint8 htsfdlystat_sz = 0;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_LOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ /* Reject if down */
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate == DHD_BUS_DOWN || dhd->pub.hang_was_sent) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: xmit rejected pub.up=%d busstate=%d \n",
+ __FUNCTION__, dhd->pub.up, dhd->pub.busstate));
+ netif_stop_queue(net);
+ /* Send Event when bus down detected during data session */
+ if (dhd->pub.up) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Event HANG sent up\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ net_os_send_hang_message(net);
+ }
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return -ENODEV;
+ return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
+ }
+ ifidx = dhd_net2idx(dhd, net);
+ if (ifidx == DHD_BAD_IF) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: bad ifidx %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ifidx));
+ netif_stop_queue(net);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return -ENODEV;
+ return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
+ }
+ /* Make sure there's enough room for any header */
+ if (skb_headroom(skb) < dhd->pub.hdrlen + htsfdlystat_sz) {
+ struct sk_buff *skb2;
+ DHD_INFO(("%s: insufficient headroom\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx)));
+ dhd->pub.tx_realloc++;
+ skb2 = skb_realloc_headroom(skb, dhd->pub.hdrlen + htsfdlystat_sz);
+ dev_kfree_skb(skb);
+ if ((skb = skb2) == NULL) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: skb_realloc_headroom failed\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx)));
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Convert to packet */
+ if (!(pktbuf = PKTFRMNATIVE(dhd->pub.osh, skb))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: PKTFRMNATIVE failed\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx)));
+ dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (htsfdlystat_sz && PKTLEN(dhd->pub.osh, pktbuf) >= ETHER_ADDR_LEN) {
+ uint8 *pktdata = (uint8 *)PKTDATA(dhd->pub.osh, pktbuf);
+ struct ether_header *eh = (struct ether_header *)pktdata;
+ if (!ETHER_ISMULTI(eh->ether_dhost) &&
+ (ntoh16(eh->ether_type) == ETHER_TYPE_IP)) {
+ eh->ether_type = hton16(ETHER_TYPE_BRCM_PKTDLYSTATS);
+ }
+ }
+ ret = dhd_sendpkt(&dhd->pub, ifidx, pktbuf);
+ if (ret)
+ dhd->pub.dstats.tx_dropped++;
+ else
+ dhd->pub.tx_packets++;
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ /* Return ok: we always eat the packet */
+ return 0;
+ return NETDEV_TX_OK;
+dhd_txflowcontrol(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx, bool state)
+ struct net_device *net;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = dhdp->info;
+ int i;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ ASSERT(dhd);
+ if (ifidx == ALL_INTERFACES) {
+ /* Flow control on all active interfaces */
+ dhdp->txoff = state;
+ for (i = 0; i < DHD_MAX_IFS; i++) {
+ if (dhd->iflist[i]) {
+ net = dhd->iflist[i]->net;
+ if (state == ON)
+ netif_stop_queue(net);
+ else
+ netif_wake_queue(net);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dhd->iflist[ifidx]) {
+ net = dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net;
+ if (state == ON)
+ netif_stop_queue(net);
+ else
+ netif_wake_queue(net);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DHD_RX_DUMP
+typedef struct {
+ uint16 type;
+ const char *str;
+static const PKTTYPE_INFO packet_type_info[] =
+ { ETHER_TYPE_IP, "IP" },
+ { ETHER_TYPE_802_1X, "802.1X" },
+ { 0, ""}
+static const char *_get_packet_type_str(uint16 type)
+ int i;
+ int n = sizeof(packet_type_info)/sizeof(packet_type_info[1]) - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (packet_type_info[i].type == type)
+ return packet_type_info[i].str;
+ }
+ return packet_type_info[n].str;
+#endif /* DHD_RX_DUMP */
+dhd_rx_frame(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx, void *pktbuf, int numpkt, uint8 chan)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ uchar *eth;
+ uint len;
+ void *data, *pnext = NULL;
+ int i;
+ dhd_if_t *ifp;
+ wl_event_msg_t event;
+ int tout_rx = 0;
+ int tout_ctrl = 0;
+#ifdef DHD_RX_DUMP
+ int k;
+#endif /* DHD_RX_FULL_DUMP */
+ char *dump_data;
+ uint16 protocol;
+#endif /* DHD_RX_DUMP */
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ for (i = 0; pktbuf && i < numpkt; i++, pktbuf = pnext) {
+#ifdef WLBTAMP
+ struct ether_header *eh;
+ struct dot11_llc_snap_header *lsh;
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[ifidx];
+ if (ifp == NULL) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: ifp is NULL. drop packet\n",
+ __FUNCTION__));
+ PKTFREE(dhdp->osh, pktbuf, TRUE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Dropping packets before registering net device to avoid kernel panic */
+ if (!ifp->net || ifp->net->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED) {
+ if (!ifp->net || ifp->net->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED || !dhd->pub.up) {
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS_VSDB */
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: net device is NOT registered yet. drop packet\n",
+ __FUNCTION__));
+ PKTFREE(dhdp->osh, pktbuf, TRUE);
+ continue;
+ }
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 0) */
+ pnext = PKTNEXT(dhdp->osh, pktbuf);
+ PKTSETNEXT(wl->sh.osh, pktbuf, NULL);
+#ifdef WLBTAMP
+ eh = (struct ether_header *)PKTDATA(wl->sh.osh, pktbuf);
+ lsh = (struct dot11_llc_snap_header *)&eh[1];
+ if ((ntoh16(eh->ether_type) < ETHER_TYPE_MIN) &&
+ (PKTLEN(wl->sh.osh, pktbuf) >= RFC1042_HDR_LEN) &&
+ bcmp(lsh, BT_SIG_SNAP_MPROT, DOT11_LLC_SNAP_HDR_LEN - 2) == 0 &&
+ lsh->type == HTON16(BTA_PROT_L2CAP)) {
+ amp_hci_ACL_data_t *ACL_data = (amp_hci_ACL_data_t *)
+ ((uint8 *)eh + RFC1042_HDR_LEN);
+ ACL_data = NULL;
+ }
+#endif /* WLBTAMP */
+ if (dhdp->wlfc_state && PKTLEN(wl->sh.osh, pktbuf) == 0) {
+ /* WLFC may send header only packet when
+ there is an urgent message but no packet to
+ piggy-back on
+ */
+ ((athost_wl_status_info_t*)dhdp->wlfc_state)->stats.wlfc_header_only_pkt++;
+ PKTFREE(dhdp->osh, pktbuf, TRUE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ skb = PKTTONATIVE(dhdp->osh, pktbuf);
+ /* Get the protocol, maintain skb around eth_type_trans()
+ * The main reason for this hack is for the limitation of
+ * Linux 2.4 where 'eth_type_trans' uses the 'net->hard_header_len'
+ * to perform skb_pull inside vs ETH_HLEN. Since to avoid
+ * coping of the packet coming from the network stack to add
+ * BDC, Hardware header etc, during network interface registration
+ * we set the 'net->hard_header_len' to ETH_HLEN + extra space required
+ * for BDC, Hardware header etc. and not just the ETH_HLEN
+ */
+ eth = skb->data;
+ len = skb->len;
+#ifdef DHD_RX_DUMP
+ dump_data = skb->data;
+ protocol = (dump_data[12] << 8) | dump_data[13];
+ DHD_ERROR(("RX DUMP - %s\n", _get_packet_type_str(protocol)));
+ if (protocol != ETHER_TYPE_BRCM) {
+ for (k = 0; k < skb->len; k++) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%02X ", dump_data[k]));
+ if ((k & 15) == 15)
+ DHD_ERROR(("\n"));
+ }
+ DHD_ERROR(("\n"));
+ }
+#endif /* DHD_RX_FULL_DUMP */
+ if (protocol != ETHER_TYPE_BRCM) {
+ if (dump_data[0] == 0xFF) {
+ if ((dump_data[12] == 8) &&
+ (dump_data[13] == 6)) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: ARP %d\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, dump_data[0x15]));
+ }
+ } else if (dump_data[0] & 1) {
+ __FUNCTION__, MAC2STRDBG(dump_data)));
+ }
+ if (protocol == ETHER_TYPE_802_1X) {
+ "ver %d, type %d, replay %d\n",
+ dump_data[14], dump_data[15],
+ dump_data[30]));
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* DHD_RX_DUMP */
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[ifidx];
+ if (ifp == NULL)
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[0];
+ ASSERT(ifp);
+ skb->dev = ifp->net;
+ skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, skb->dev);
+ if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_MULTICAST) {
+ dhd->pub.rx_multicast++;
+ }
+ skb->data = eth;
+ skb->len = len;
+ dhd_htsf_addrxts(dhdp, pktbuf);
+ /* Strip header, count, deliver upward */
+ skb_pull(skb, ETH_HLEN);
+ /* Process special event packets and then discard them */
+ if (ntoh16(skb->protocol) == ETHER_TYPE_BRCM) {
+ dhd_wl_host_event(dhd, &ifidx,
+ skb->mac_header,
+ skb->mac.raw,
+ &event,
+ &data);
+ wl_event_to_host_order(&event);
+ if (!tout_ctrl)
+ tout_ctrl = DHD_PACKET_TIMEOUT_MS;
+#if defined(PNO_SUPPORT)
+ if (event.event_type == WLC_E_PFN_NET_FOUND) {
+ tout_ctrl = 7 * DHD_PACKET_TIMEOUT_MS;
+ }
+#endif /* PNO_SUPPORT */
+#ifdef WLBTAMP
+ if (event.event_type == WLC_E_BTA_HCI_EVENT) {
+ dhd_bta_doevt(dhdp, data, event.datalen);
+ }
+#endif /* WLBTAMP */
+ } else {
+ }
+ ASSERT(ifidx < DHD_MAX_IFS && dhd->iflist[ifidx]);
+ if (dhd->iflist[ifidx] && !dhd->iflist[ifidx]->state)
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[ifidx];
+ if (ifp->net)
+ ifp->net->last_rx = jiffies;
+ dhdp->dstats.rx_bytes += skb->len;
+ dhdp->rx_packets++; /* Local count */
+ if (in_interrupt()) {
+ netif_rx(skb);
+ } else {
+ /* If the receive is not processed inside an ISR,
+ * the softirqd must be woken explicitly to service
+ * the NET_RX_SOFTIRQ. In 2.6 kernels, this is handled
+ * by netif_rx_ni(), but in earlier kernels, we need
+ * to do it manually.
+ */
+ netif_rx_ni(skb);
+ ulong flags;
+ netif_rx(skb);
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 0) */
+ }
+ }
+dhd_event(struct dhd_info *dhd, char *evpkt, int evlen, int ifidx)
+ /* Linux version has nothing to do */
+ return;
+dhd_txcomplete(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, void *txp, bool success)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(dhdp->info);
+ struct ether_header *eh;
+ uint16 type;
+#ifdef WLBTAMP
+ uint len;
+ dhd_prot_hdrpull(dhdp, NULL, txp, NULL, NULL);
+ eh = (struct ether_header *)PKTDATA(dhdp->osh, txp);
+ type = ntoh16(eh->ether_type);
+ if (type == ETHER_TYPE_802_1X)
+ atomic_dec(&dhd->pend_8021x_cnt);
+#ifdef WLBTAMP
+ /* Crack open the packet and check to see if it is BT HCI ACL data packet.
+ * If yes generate packet completion event.
+ */
+ len = PKTLEN(dhdp->osh, txp);
+ /* Generate ACL data tx completion event locally to avoid SDIO bus transaction */
+ if ((type < ETHER_TYPE_MIN) && (len >= RFC1042_HDR_LEN)) {
+ struct dot11_llc_snap_header *lsh = (struct dot11_llc_snap_header *)&eh[1];
+ if (bcmp(lsh, BT_SIG_SNAP_MPROT, DOT11_LLC_SNAP_HDR_LEN - 2) == 0 &&
+ ntoh16(lsh->type) == BTA_PROT_L2CAP) {
+ dhd_bta_tx_hcidata_complete(dhdp, txp, success);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* WLBTAMP */
+static struct net_device_stats *
+dhd_get_stats(struct net_device *net)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(net);
+ dhd_if_t *ifp;
+ int ifidx;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ ifidx = dhd_net2idx(dhd, net);
+ if (ifidx == DHD_BAD_IF) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: BAD_IF\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[ifidx];
+ ASSERT(dhd && ifp);
+ if (dhd->pub.up) {
+ /* Use the protocol to get dongle stats */
+ dhd_prot_dstats(&dhd->pub);
+ }
+ /* Copy dongle stats to net device stats */
+ ifp->stats.rx_packets = dhd->pub.dstats.rx_packets;
+ ifp->stats.tx_packets = dhd->pub.dstats.tx_packets;
+ ifp->stats.rx_bytes = dhd->pub.dstats.rx_bytes;
+ ifp->stats.tx_bytes = dhd->pub.dstats.tx_bytes;
+ ifp->stats.rx_errors = dhd->pub.dstats.rx_errors;
+ ifp->stats.tx_errors = dhd->pub.dstats.tx_errors;
+ ifp->stats.rx_dropped = dhd->pub.dstats.rx_dropped;
+ ifp->stats.tx_dropped = dhd->pub.dstats.tx_dropped;
+ ifp->stats.multicast = dhd->pub.dstats.multicast;
+ return &ifp->stats;
+static int
+dhd_watchdog_thread(void *data)
+ tsk_ctl_t *tsk = (tsk_ctl_t *)data;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)tsk->parent;
+ /* This thread doesn't need any user-level access,
+ * so get rid of all our resources
+ */
+ if (dhd_watchdog_prio > 0) {
+ struct sched_param param;
+ param.sched_priority = (dhd_watchdog_prio < MAX_RT_PRIO)?
+ dhd_watchdog_prio:(MAX_RT_PRIO-1);
+ setScheduler(current, SCHED_FIFO, &param);
+ }
+ DAEMONIZE("dhd_watchdog");
+ /* Run until signal received */
+ complete(&tsk->completed);
+ while (1)
+ if (down_interruptible (&tsk->sema) == 0) {
+ unsigned long flags;
+ if (tsk->terminated) {
+ break;
+ }
+ dhd_os_sdlock(&dhd->pub);
+ if (dhd->pub.dongle_reset == FALSE) {
+ DHD_TIMER(("%s:\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ /* Call the bus module watchdog */
+ dhd_bus_watchdog(&dhd->pub);
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ /* Count the tick for reference */
+ dhd->pub.tickcnt++;
+ /* Reschedule the watchdog */
+ if (dhd->wd_timer_valid)
+ mod_timer(&dhd->timer,
+ jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(dhd_watchdog_ms));
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(&dhd->pub, flags);
+ }
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(&dhd->pub);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ complete_and_exit(&tsk->completed, 0);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+static void dhd_watchdog(ulong data)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)data;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ if (dhd->pub.dongle_reset) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dhd->thr_wdt_ctl.thr_pid >= 0) {
+ up(&dhd->thr_wdt_ctl.sema);
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ dhd_os_sdlock(&dhd->pub);
+ /* Call the bus module watchdog */
+ dhd_bus_watchdog(&dhd->pub);
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ /* Count the tick for reference */
+ dhd->pub.tickcnt++;
+ /* Reschedule the watchdog */
+ if (dhd->wd_timer_valid)
+ mod_timer(&dhd->timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(dhd_watchdog_ms));
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(&dhd->pub, flags);
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(&dhd->pub);
+static int
+dhd_dpc_thread(void *data)
+ tsk_ctl_t *tsk = (tsk_ctl_t *)data;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)tsk->parent;
+ /* This thread doesn't need any user-level access,
+ * so get rid of all our resources
+ */
+ if (dhd_dpc_prio > 0)
+ {
+ struct sched_param param;
+ param.sched_priority = (dhd_dpc_prio < MAX_RT_PRIO)?dhd_dpc_prio:(MAX_RT_PRIO-1);
+ setScheduler(current, SCHED_FIFO, &param);
+ }
+ DAEMONIZE("dhd_dpc");
+ /* DHD_OS_WAKE_LOCK is called in dhd_sched_dpc[dhd_linux.c] down below */
+ /* signal: thread has started */
+ complete(&tsk->completed);
+ /* Run until signal received */
+ while (1) {
+ if (down_interruptible(&tsk->sema) == 0) {
+ if (tsk->terminated) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Call bus dpc unless it indicated down (then clean stop) */
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate != DHD_BUS_DOWN) {
+ if (dhd_bus_dpc(dhd->pub.bus)) {
+ up(&tsk->sema);
+ }
+ else {
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dhd->pub.up)
+ dhd_bus_stop(dhd->pub.bus, TRUE);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ complete_and_exit(&tsk->completed, 0);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+static void
+dhd_dpc(ulong data)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)data;
+ /* this (tasklet) can be scheduled in dhd_sched_dpc[dhd_linux.c]
+ * down below , wake lock is set,
+ * the tasklet is initialized in dhd_attach()
+ */
+ /* Call bus dpc unless it indicated down (then clean stop) */
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate != DHD_BUS_DOWN) {
+ if (dhd_bus_dpc(dhd->pub.bus))
+ tasklet_schedule(&dhd->tasklet);
+ else
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ } else {
+ dhd_bus_stop(dhd->pub.bus, TRUE);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ }
+dhd_sched_dpc(dhd_pub_t *dhdp)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ if (dhd->thr_dpc_ctl.thr_pid >= 0) {
+ up(&dhd->thr_dpc_ctl.sema);
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ if (dhd->dhd_tasklet_create)
+ tasklet_schedule(&dhd->tasklet);
+#ifdef TOE
+/* Retrieve current toe component enables, which are kept as a bitmap in toe_ol iovar */
+static int
+dhd_toe_get(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx, uint32 *toe_ol)
+ wl_ioctl_t ioc;
+ char buf[32];
+ int ret;
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ ioc.cmd = WLC_GET_VAR;
+ ioc.buf = buf;
+ ioc.len = (uint)sizeof(buf);
+ ioc.set = FALSE;
+ strncpy(buf, "toe_ol", sizeof(buf) - 1);
+ buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len)) < 0) {
+ /* Check for older dongle image that doesn't support toe_ol */
+ if (ret == -EIO) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: toe not supported by device\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx)));
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ DHD_INFO(("%s: could not get toe_ol: ret=%d\n", dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx), ret));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ memcpy(toe_ol, buf, sizeof(uint32));
+ return 0;
+/* Set current toe component enables in toe_ol iovar, and set toe global enable iovar */
+static int
+dhd_toe_set(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx, uint32 toe_ol)
+ wl_ioctl_t ioc;
+ char buf[32];
+ int toe, ret;
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ ioc.cmd = WLC_SET_VAR;
+ ioc.buf = buf;
+ ioc.len = (uint)sizeof(buf);
+ ioc.set = TRUE;
+ /* Set toe_ol as requested */
+ strncpy(buf, "toe_ol", sizeof(buf) - 1);
+ buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
+ memcpy(&buf[sizeof("toe_ol")], &toe_ol, sizeof(uint32));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: could not set toe_ol: ret=%d\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx), ret));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* Enable toe globally only if any components are enabled. */
+ toe = (toe_ol != 0);
+ strcpy(buf, "toe");
+ memcpy(&buf[sizeof("toe")], &toe, sizeof(uint32));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: could not set toe: ret=%d\n", dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx), ret));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* TOE */
+static void
+dhd_ethtool_get_drvinfo(struct net_device *net, struct ethtool_drvinfo *info)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(net);
+ snprintf(info->driver, sizeof(info->driver), "wl");
+ snprintf(info->version, sizeof(info->version), "%lu", dhd->pub.drv_version);
+struct ethtool_ops dhd_ethtool_ops = {
+ .get_drvinfo = dhd_ethtool_get_drvinfo
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 24) */
+static int
+dhd_ethtool(dhd_info_t *dhd, void *uaddr)
+ struct ethtool_drvinfo info;
+ char drvname[sizeof(info.driver)];
+ uint32 cmd;
+#ifdef TOE
+ struct ethtool_value edata;
+ uint32 toe_cmpnt, csum_dir;
+ int ret;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ /* all ethtool calls start with a cmd word */
+ if (copy_from_user(&cmd, uaddr, sizeof (uint32)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ /* Copy out any request driver name */
+ if (copy_from_user(&info, uaddr, sizeof(info)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ strncpy(drvname, info.driver, sizeof(info.driver));
+ drvname[sizeof(info.driver)-1] = '\0';
+ /* clear struct for return */
+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+ info.cmd = cmd;
+ /* if dhd requested, identify ourselves */
+ if (strcmp(drvname, "?dhd") == 0) {
+ snprintf(info.driver, sizeof(info.driver), "dhd");
+ strncpy(info.version, EPI_VERSION_STR, sizeof(info.version) - 1);
+ info.version[sizeof(info.version) - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* otherwise, require dongle to be up */
+ else if (!dhd->pub.up) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: dongle is not up\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ /* finally, report dongle driver type */
+ else if (dhd->pub.iswl)
+ snprintf(info.driver, sizeof(info.driver), "wl");
+ else
+ snprintf(info.driver, sizeof(info.driver), "xx");
+ snprintf(info.version, sizeof(info.version), "%lu", dhd->pub.drv_version);
+ if (copy_to_user(uaddr, &info, sizeof(info)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ DHD_CTL(("%s: given %*s, returning %s\n", __FUNCTION__,
+ (int)sizeof(drvname), drvname, info.driver));
+ break;
+#ifdef TOE
+ /* Get toe offload components from dongle */
+ if ((ret = dhd_toe_get(dhd, 0, &toe_cmpnt)) < 0)
+ return ret;
+ csum_dir = (cmd == ETHTOOL_GTXCSUM) ? TOE_TX_CSUM_OL : TOE_RX_CSUM_OL;
+ edata.cmd = cmd;
+ = (toe_cmpnt & csum_dir) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (copy_to_user(uaddr, &edata, sizeof(edata)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ break;
+ /* Set toe offload components in dongle */
+ if (copy_from_user(&edata, uaddr, sizeof(edata)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ /* Read the current settings, update and write back */
+ if ((ret = dhd_toe_get(dhd, 0, &toe_cmpnt)) < 0)
+ return ret;
+ csum_dir = (cmd == ETHTOOL_STXCSUM) ? TOE_TX_CSUM_OL : TOE_RX_CSUM_OL;
+ if ( != 0)
+ toe_cmpnt |= csum_dir;
+ else
+ toe_cmpnt &= ~csum_dir;
+ if ((ret = dhd_toe_set(dhd, 0, toe_cmpnt)) < 0)
+ return ret;
+ /* If setting TX checksum mode, tell Linux the new mode */
+ if (cmd == ETHTOOL_STXCSUM) {
+ if (
+ dhd->iflist[0]->net->features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+ else
+ dhd->iflist[0]->net->features &= ~NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+ }
+ break;
+#endif /* TOE */
+ default:
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2, 4, 2) */
+static bool dhd_check_hang(struct net_device *net, dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int error)
+ dhd_info_t * dhd;
+ if (!dhdp)
+ return FALSE;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ if (dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.thr_pid < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s : skipped due to negative pid - unloading?\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if ((error == -ETIMEDOUT) || (error == -EREMOTEIO) ||
+ ((dhdp->busstate == DHD_BUS_DOWN) && (!dhdp->dongle_reset))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Event HANG send up due to re=%d te=%d e=%d s=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
+ dhdp->rxcnt_timeout, dhdp->txcnt_timeout, error, dhdp->busstate));
+ net_os_send_hang_message(net);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static int
+dhd_ioctl_entry(struct net_device *net, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(net);
+ dhd_ioctl_t ioc;
+ int bcmerror = 0;
+ int buflen = 0;
+ void *buf = NULL;
+ uint driver = 0;
+ int ifidx;
+ int ret;
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_LOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ /* send to dongle only if we are not waiting for reload already */
+ if (dhd->pub.hang_was_sent) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: HANG was sent up earlier\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ }
+ ifidx = dhd_net2idx(dhd, net);
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: ifidx %d, cmd 0x%04x\n", __FUNCTION__, ifidx, cmd));
+ if (ifidx == DHD_BAD_IF) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: BAD IF\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* linux wireless extensions */
+ if ((cmd >= SIOCIWFIRST) && (cmd <= SIOCIWLAST)) {
+ /* may recurse, do NOT lock */
+ ret = wl_iw_ioctl(net, ifr, cmd);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+ }
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+ if (cmd == SIOCETHTOOL) {
+ ret = dhd_ethtool(dhd, (void*)ifr->ifr_data);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+ }
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(2, 4, 2) */
+ if (cmd == SIOCDEVPRIVATE+1) {
+ ret = wl_android_priv_cmd(net, ifr, cmd);
+ dhd_check_hang(net, &dhd->pub, ret);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (cmd != SIOCDEVPRIVATE) {
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ /* Copy the ioc control structure part of ioctl request */
+ if (copy_from_user(&ioc, ifr->ifr_data, sizeof(wl_ioctl_t))) {
+ bcmerror = BCME_BADADDR;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* Copy out any buffer passed */
+ if (ioc.buf) {
+ if (ioc.len == 0) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: ioc.len=0, returns BCME_BADARG \n", __FUNCTION__));
+ bcmerror = BCME_BADARG;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ buflen = MIN(ioc.len, DHD_IOCTL_MAXLEN);
+ /* optimization for direct ioctl calls from kernel */
+ /*
+ if (segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS)) {
+ buf = ioc.buf;
+ } else {
+ */
+ {
+ if (!(buf = (char*)MALLOC(dhd->pub.osh, buflen))) {
+ bcmerror = BCME_NOMEM;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (copy_from_user(buf, ioc.buf, buflen)) {
+ bcmerror = BCME_BADADDR;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* To differentiate between wl and dhd read 4 more byes */
+ if ((copy_from_user(&driver, (char *)ifr->ifr_data + sizeof(wl_ioctl_t),
+ sizeof(uint)) != 0)) {
+ bcmerror = BCME_BADADDR;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN)) {
+ bcmerror = BCME_EPERM;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* check for local dhd ioctl and handle it */
+ if (driver == DHD_IOCTL_MAGIC) {
+ bcmerror = dhd_ioctl((void *)&dhd->pub, &ioc, buf, buflen);
+ if (bcmerror)
+ dhd->pub.bcmerror = bcmerror;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* send to dongle (must be up, and wl). */
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate != DHD_BUS_DATA) {
+ bcmerror = BCME_DONGLE_DOWN;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (!dhd->pub.iswl) {
+ bcmerror = BCME_DONGLE_DOWN;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Flush the TX queue if required for proper message serialization:
+ * Intercept WLC_SET_KEY IOCTL - serialize M4 send and set key IOCTL to
+ * prevent M4 encryption and
+ * intercept WLC_DISASSOC IOCTL - serialize WPS-DONE and WLC_DISASSOC IOCTL to
+ * prevent disassoc frame being sent before WPS-DONE frame.
+ */
+ if (ioc.cmd == WLC_SET_KEY ||
+ (ioc.cmd == WLC_SET_VAR && ioc.buf != NULL &&
+ strncmp("wsec_key", ioc.buf, 9) == 0) ||
+ (ioc.cmd == WLC_SET_VAR && ioc.buf != NULL &&
+ strncmp("bsscfg:wsec_key", ioc.buf, 15) == 0) ||
+ ioc.cmd == WLC_DISASSOC)
+ dhd_wait_pend8021x(net);
+ if (ioc.buf) {
+ /* short cut wl ioctl calls here */
+ if (strcmp("htsf", ioc.buf) == 0) {
+ dhd_ioctl_htsf_get(dhd, 0);
+ return BCME_OK;
+ }
+ if (strcmp("htsflate", ioc.buf) == 0) {
+ if (ioc.set) {
+ memset(ts, 0, sizeof(tstamp_t)*TSMAX);
+ memset(&maxdelayts, 0, sizeof(tstamp_t));
+ maxdelay = 0;
+ tspktcnt = 0;
+ maxdelaypktno = 0;
+ memset(&vi_d1.bin, 0, sizeof(uint32)*NUMBIN);
+ memset(&vi_d2.bin, 0, sizeof(uint32)*NUMBIN);
+ memset(&vi_d3.bin, 0, sizeof(uint32)*NUMBIN);
+ memset(&vi_d4.bin, 0, sizeof(uint32)*NUMBIN);
+ } else {
+ dhd_dump_latency();
+ }
+ return BCME_OK;
+ }
+ if (strcmp("htsfclear", ioc.buf) == 0) {
+ memset(&vi_d1.bin, 0, sizeof(uint32)*NUMBIN);
+ memset(&vi_d2.bin, 0, sizeof(uint32)*NUMBIN);
+ memset(&vi_d3.bin, 0, sizeof(uint32)*NUMBIN);
+ memset(&vi_d4.bin, 0, sizeof(uint32)*NUMBIN);
+ htsf_seqnum = 0;
+ return BCME_OK;
+ }
+ if (strcmp("htsfhis", ioc.buf) == 0) {
+ dhd_dump_htsfhisto(&vi_d1, "H to D");
+ dhd_dump_htsfhisto(&vi_d2, "D to D");
+ dhd_dump_htsfhisto(&vi_d3, "D to H");
+ dhd_dump_htsfhisto(&vi_d4, "H to H");
+ return BCME_OK;
+ }
+ if (strcmp("tsport", ioc.buf) == 0) {
+ if (ioc.set) {
+ memcpy(&tsport, ioc.buf + 7, 4);
+ } else {
+ DHD_ERROR(("current timestamp port: %d \n", tsport));
+ }
+ return BCME_OK;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* WLMEDIA_HTSF */
+ if ((ioc.cmd == WLC_SET_VAR || ioc.cmd == WLC_GET_VAR) &&
+ ioc.buf != NULL && strncmp("rpc_", ioc.buf, 4) == 0) {
+#ifdef BCM_FD_AGGR
+ bcmerror = dhd_fdaggr_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, (wl_ioctl_t *)&ioc, buf, buflen);
+ bcmerror = BCME_UNSUPPORTED;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ bcmerror = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, (wl_ioctl_t *)&ioc, buf, buflen);
+ dhd_check_hang(net, &dhd->pub, bcmerror);
+ if (!bcmerror && buf && ioc.buf) {
+ if (copy_to_user(ioc.buf, buf, buflen))
+ bcmerror = -EFAULT;
+ }
+ if (buf)
+ MFREE(dhd->pub.osh, buf, buflen);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return OSL_ERROR(bcmerror);
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+static int
+dhd_cleanup_virt_ifaces(dhd_info_t *dhd)
+ int i = 1; /* Leave ifidx 0 [Primary Interface] */
+ int rollback_lock = FALSE;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter \n", __func__));
+ /* release lock for unregister_netdev */
+ if (rtnl_is_locked()) {
+ rtnl_unlock();
+ rollback_lock = TRUE;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < DHD_MAX_IFS; i++) {
+ dhd_net_if_lock_local(dhd);
+ if (dhd->iflist[i]) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("Deleting IF: %d \n", i));
+ if ((dhd->iflist[i]->state != DHD_IF_DEL) &&
+ (dhd->iflist[i]->state != DHD_IF_DELETING)) {
+ dhd->iflist[i]->state = DHD_IF_DEL;
+ dhd->iflist[i]->idx = i;
+ dhd_op_if(dhd->iflist[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ dhd_net_if_unlock_local(dhd);
+ }
+ if (rollback_lock)
+ rtnl_lock();
+ return 0;
+#endif /* WL_CFG80211 */
+static int
+dhd_stop(struct net_device *net)
+ int ifidx = 0;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(net);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_LOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter %p\n", __FUNCTION__, net));
+ if (dhd->pub.up == 0) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ ifidx = dhd_net2idx(dhd, net);
+ /* Set state and stop OS transmissions */
+ netif_stop_queue(net);
+ dhd->pub.up = 0;
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ if (ifidx == 0) {
+ wl_cfg80211_down(NULL);
+ /*
+ * For CFG80211: Clean up all the left over virtual interfaces
+ * when the primary Interface is brought down. [ifconfig wlan0 down]
+ */
+ if ((dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_ADD_IF) &&
+ (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_CFG80211)) {
+ dhd_cleanup_virt_ifaces(dhd);
+ }
+ }
+ dhd_os_wlfc_block(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd_wlfc_cleanup(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd_os_wlfc_unblock(&dhd->pub);
+ /* Stop the protocol module */
+ dhd_prot_stop(&dhd->pub);
+#if defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ if (ifidx == 0) {
+ if (!dhd_download_fw_on_driverload)
+ wl_android_wifi_off(net);
+ }
+ dhd->pub.rxcnt_timeout = 0;
+ dhd->pub.txcnt_timeout = 0;
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return 0;
+static int
+dhd_open(struct net_device *net)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(net);
+#ifdef TOE
+ uint32 toe_ol;
+ int ifidx;
+ int32 ret = 0;
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_LOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ /* Update FW path if it was changed */
+ if (strlen(firmware_path) != 0) {
+ if (firmware_path[strlen(firmware_path)-1] == '\n')
+ firmware_path[strlen(firmware_path)-1] = '\0';
+ strncpy(fw_path, firmware_path, sizeof(fw_path)-1);
+ fw_path[sizeof(fw_path)-1] = '\0';
+ firmware_path[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* Update NVRAM path if it was changed */
+ if (!dhd_download_fw_on_driverload && (strlen(nvram_path) != 0)) {
+ if (nvram_path[strlen(nvram_path)-1] == '\n')
+ nvram_path[strlen(nvram_path)-1] = '\0';
+ strcpy(nv_path, nvram_path);
+ nvram_path[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ dhd->pub.dongle_trap_occured = 0;
+ dhd->pub.hang_was_sent = 0;
+#if !defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ /*
+ * Force start if ifconfig_up gets called before START command
+ * We keep WEXT's wl_control_wl_start to provide backward compatibility
+ * This should be removed in the future
+ */
+ ret = wl_control_wl_start(net);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: failed with code %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ ifidx = dhd_net2idx(dhd, net);
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: ifidx %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ifidx));
+ if (ifidx < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Error: called with invalid IF\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (!dhd->iflist[ifidx] || dhd->iflist[ifidx]->state == DHD_IF_DEL) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Error: called when IF already deleted\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (ifidx == 0) {
+ atomic_set(&dhd->pend_8021x_cnt, 0);
+#if defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ DHD_ERROR(("\n%s\n", dhd_version));
+ if (!dhd_download_fw_on_driverload) {
+ ret = wl_android_wifi_on(net);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: failed with code %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate != DHD_BUS_DATA) {
+ /* try to bring up bus */
+ if ((ret = dhd_bus_start(&dhd->pub)) != 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: failed with code %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ /* dhd_prot_init has been called in dhd_bus_start or wl_android_wifi_on */
+ memcpy(net->dev_addr, dhd->pub.mac.octet, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+#ifdef TOE
+ /* Get current TOE mode from dongle */
+ if (dhd_toe_get(dhd, ifidx, &toe_ol) >= 0 && (toe_ol & TOE_TX_CSUM_OL) != 0)
+ dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net->features |= NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+ else
+ dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net->features &= ~NETIF_F_IP_CSUM;
+#endif /* TOE */
+#if defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ if (unlikely(wl_cfg80211_up(NULL))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: failed to bring up cfg80211\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+#endif /* WL_CFG80211 */
+ }
+ /* Allow transmit calls */
+ netif_start_queue(net);
+ dhd->pub.up = 1;
+#ifdef BCMDBGFS
+ dhd_dbg_init(&dhd->pub);
+ if (ret)
+ dhd_stop(net);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+int dhd_do_driver_init(struct net_device *net)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = NULL;
+ if (!net) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("Primary Interface not initialized \n"));
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(net);
+ /* If driver is already initialized, do nothing
+ */
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate == DHD_BUS_DATA) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("Driver already Inititalized. Nothing to do"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (dhd_open(net) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("Driver Init Failed \n"));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+osl_t *
+dhd_osl_attach(void *pdev, uint bustype)
+ return osl_attach(pdev, bustype, TRUE);
+dhd_osl_detach(osl_t *osh)
+ if (MALLOCED(osh)) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: MEMORY LEAK %d bytes\n", __FUNCTION__, MALLOCED(osh)));
+ }
+ osl_detach(osh);
+ dhd_registration_check = FALSE;
+ up(&dhd_registration_sem);
+#if defined(BCMLXSDMMC)
+ up(&dhd_chipup_sem);
+dhd_add_if(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx, void *handle, char *name,
+ uint8 *mac_addr, uint32 flags, uint8 bssidx)
+ dhd_if_t *ifp;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: idx %d, handle->%p\n", __FUNCTION__, ifidx, handle));
+ ASSERT(dhd && (ifidx < DHD_MAX_IFS));
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[ifidx];
+ if (ifp != NULL) {
+ if (ifp->net != NULL) {
+ netif_stop_queue(ifp->net);
+ unregister_netdev(ifp->net);
+ free_netdev(ifp->net);
+ }
+ } else
+ if ((ifp = MALLOC(dhd->pub.osh, sizeof(dhd_if_t))) == NULL) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: OOM - dhd_if_t\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ memset(ifp, 0, sizeof(dhd_if_t));
+ ifp->event2cfg80211 = FALSE;
+ ifp->info = dhd;
+ dhd->iflist[ifidx] = ifp;
+ strncpy(ifp->name, name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ ifp->name[IFNAMSIZ] = '\0';
+ if (mac_addr != NULL)
+ memcpy(&ifp->mac_addr, mac_addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ if (handle == NULL) {
+ ifp->state = DHD_IF_ADD;
+ ifp->idx = ifidx;
+ ifp->bssidx = bssidx;
+ ASSERT(dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.thr_pid >= 0);
+ up(&dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.sema);
+ } else
+ ifp->net = (struct net_device *)handle;
+ if (ifidx == 0) {
+ ifp->event2cfg80211 = TRUE;
+ }
+ return 0;
+dhd_del_if(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx)
+ dhd_if_t *ifp;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: idx %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ifidx));
+ ASSERT(dhd && ifidx && (ifidx < DHD_MAX_IFS));
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[ifidx];
+ if (!ifp) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Null interface\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ return;
+ }
+ ifp->state = DHD_IF_DEL;
+ ifp->idx = ifidx;
+ ASSERT(dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.thr_pid >= 0);
+ up(&dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.sema);
+static struct net_device_ops dhd_ops_pri = {
+ .ndo_open = dhd_open,
+ .ndo_stop = dhd_stop,
+ .ndo_get_stats = dhd_get_stats,
+ .ndo_do_ioctl = dhd_ioctl_entry,
+ .ndo_start_xmit = dhd_start_xmit,
+ .ndo_set_mac_address = dhd_set_mac_address,
+ .ndo_set_rx_mode = dhd_set_multicast_list,
+ .ndo_set_multicast_list = dhd_set_multicast_list,
+static struct net_device_ops dhd_ops_virt = {
+ .ndo_get_stats = dhd_get_stats,
+ .ndo_do_ioctl = dhd_ioctl_entry,
+ .ndo_start_xmit = dhd_start_xmit,
+ .ndo_set_mac_address = dhd_set_mac_address,
+ .ndo_set_rx_mode = dhd_set_multicast_list,
+ .ndo_set_multicast_list = dhd_set_multicast_list,
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 31)) */
+dhd_pub_t *
+dhd_attach(osl_t *osh, struct dhd_bus *bus, uint bus_hdrlen)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = NULL;
+ struct net_device *net = NULL;
+ dhd_attach_states_t dhd_state = DHD_ATTACH_STATE_INIT;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ /* updates firmware nvram path if it was provided as module parameters */
+ if (strlen(firmware_path) != 0) {
+ strncpy(fw_path, firmware_path, sizeof(fw_path) - 1);
+ fw_path[sizeof(fw_path) - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ if (strlen(nvram_path) != 0) {
+ strncpy(nv_path, nvram_path, sizeof(nv_path) -1);
+ nv_path[sizeof(nv_path) -1] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* Allocate etherdev, including space for private structure */
+ if (!(net = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(dhd)))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: OOM - alloc_etherdev\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ /* Allocate primary dhd_info */
+ if (!(dhd = MALLOC(osh, sizeof(dhd_info_t)))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: OOM - alloc dhd_info\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ memset(dhd, 0, sizeof(dhd_info_t));
+ dhd->thr_dpc_ctl.thr_pid = DHD_PID_KT_TL_INVALID;
+ dhd->thr_wdt_ctl.thr_pid = DHD_PID_KT_INVALID;
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ dhd->dhd_tasklet_create = FALSE;
+ dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.thr_pid = DHD_PID_KT_INVALID;
+ /*
+ * Save the dhd_info into the priv
+ */
+ memcpy((void *)netdev_priv(net), &dhd, sizeof(dhd));
+ dhd->pub.osh = osh;
+ /* Link to info module */
+ dhd-> = dhd;
+ /* Link to bus module */
+ dhd->pub.bus = bus;
+ dhd->pub.hdrlen = bus_hdrlen;
+ /* Set network interface name if it was provided as module parameter */
+ if (iface_name[0]) {
+ int len;
+ char ch;
+ strncpy(net->name, iface_name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ net->name[IFNAMSIZ - 1] = 0;
+ len = strlen(net->name);
+ ch = net->name[len - 1];
+ if ((ch > '9' || ch < '0') && (len < IFNAMSIZ - 2))
+ strcat(net->name, "%d");
+ }
+ if (dhd_add_if(dhd, 0, (void *)net, net->name, NULL, 0, 0) == DHD_BAD_IF)
+ goto fail;
+ dhd_state |= DHD_ATTACH_STATE_ADD_IF;
+ net->open = NULL;
+ net->netdev_ops = NULL;
+ sema_init(&dhd->proto_sem, 1);
+ spin_lock_init(&dhd->wlfc_spinlock);
+ dhd->pub.wlfc_enabled = FALSE;
+ dhd->pub.wlfc_enabled = TRUE;
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS_VSDB */
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS */
+ /* Initialize other structure content */
+ init_waitqueue_head(&dhd->ioctl_resp_wait);
+ init_waitqueue_head(&dhd->ctrl_wait);
+ /* Initialize the spinlocks */
+ spin_lock_init(&dhd->sdlock);
+ spin_lock_init(&dhd->txqlock);
+ spin_lock_init(&dhd->dhd_lock);
+ /* Initialize Wakelock stuff */
+ spin_lock_init(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock);
+ dhd->wakelock_counter = 0;
+ dhd->wakelock_wd_counter = 0;
+ dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable = 0;
+ dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable = 0;
+ wake_lock_init(&dhd->wl_wifi, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND, "wlan_wake");
+ wake_lock_init(&dhd->wl_rxwake, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND, "wlan_rx_wake");
+ wake_lock_init(&dhd->wl_ctrlwake, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND, "wlan_ctrl_wake");
+ wake_lock_init(&dhd->wl_wdwake, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND, "wlan_wd_wake");
+ mutex_init(&dhd->dhd_net_if_mutex);
+ mutex_init(&dhd->dhd_suspend_mutex);
+ /* Attach and link in the protocol */
+ if (dhd_prot_attach(&dhd->pub) != 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("dhd_prot_attach failed\n"));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ /* Attach and link in the cfg80211 */
+ if (unlikely(wl_cfg80211_attach(net, &dhd->pub))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("wl_cfg80211_attach failed\n"));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ dhd_monitor_init(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd_state |= DHD_ATTACH_STATE_CFG80211;
+ /* Attach and link in the iw */
+ if (!(dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_CFG80211)) {
+ if (wl_iw_attach(net, (void *)&dhd->pub) != 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("wl_iw_attach failed\n"));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+ /* Set up the watchdog timer */
+ init_timer(&dhd->timer);
+ dhd-> = (ulong)dhd;
+ dhd->timer.function = dhd_watchdog;
+ /* Initialize thread based operation and lock */
+ sema_init(&dhd->sdsem, 1);
+ if ((dhd_watchdog_prio >= 0) && (dhd_dpc_prio >= 0)) {
+ dhd->threads_only = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ dhd->threads_only = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (dhd_dpc_prio >= 0) {
+ /* Initialize watchdog thread */
+ PROC_START(dhd_watchdog_thread, dhd, &dhd->thr_wdt_ctl, 0);
+ } else {
+ dhd->thr_wdt_ctl.thr_pid = -1;
+ }
+ /* Set up the bottom half handler */
+ if (dhd_dpc_prio >= 0) {
+ /* Initialize DPC thread */
+ PROC_START(dhd_dpc_thread, dhd, &dhd->thr_dpc_ctl, 0);
+ } else {
+ /* use tasklet for dpc */
+ tasklet_init(&dhd->tasklet, dhd_dpc, (ulong)dhd);
+ dhd->thr_dpc_ctl.thr_pid = -1;
+ }
+ /* Set up the bottom half handler */
+ tasklet_init(&dhd->tasklet, dhd_dpc, (ulong)dhd);
+ dhd->dhd_tasklet_create = TRUE;
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ if (dhd_sysioc) {
+ PROC_START(_dhd_sysioc_thread, dhd, &dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl, 0);
+ } else {
+ dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.thr_pid = -1;
+ }
+ INIT_WORK(&dhd->work_hang, dhd_hang_process);
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) */
+ /*
+ * Save the dhd_info into the priv
+ */
+ memcpy(netdev_priv(net), &dhd, sizeof(dhd));
+ register_pm_notifier(&dhd_sleep_pm_notifier);
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) && defined(CONFIG_PM_SLEEP) */
+ dhd->early_suspend.level = EARLY_SUSPEND_LEVEL_BLANK_SCREEN + 20;
+ dhd->early_suspend.suspend = dhd_early_suspend;
+ dhd->early_suspend.resume = dhd_late_resume;
+ register_early_suspend(&dhd->early_suspend);
+ dhd->pend_ipaddr = 0;
+ register_inetaddr_notifier(&dhd_notifier);
+ dhd_state |= DHD_ATTACH_STATE_DONE;
+ dhd->dhd_state = dhd_state;
+ return &dhd->pub;
+ if (dhd_state < DHD_ATTACH_STATE_DHD_ALLOC) {
+ if (net) free_netdev(net);
+ } else {
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Calling dhd_detach dhd_state 0x%x &dhd->pub %p\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, dhd_state, &dhd->pub));
+ dhd->dhd_state = dhd_state;
+ dhd_detach(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd_free(&dhd->pub);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+dhd_bus_start(dhd_pub_t *dhdp)
+ int ret = -1;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t*)dhdp->info;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ ASSERT(dhd);
+ DHD_TRACE(("Enter %s:\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ dhd_os_sdlock(dhdp);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ /* try to download image and nvram to the dongle */
+ if ((dhd->pub.busstate == DHD_BUS_DOWN) &&
+ (fw_path != NULL) && (fw_path[0] != '\0') &&
+ (nv_path != NULL) && (nv_path[0] != '\0')) {
+ /* wake lock moved to dhdsdio_download_firmware */
+ if (!(dhd_bus_download_firmware(dhd->pub.bus, dhd->pub.osh,
+ fw_path, nv_path))) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: dhdsdio_probe_download failed. firmware = %s nvram = %s\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, fw_path, nv_path));
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(dhdp);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate != DHD_BUS_LOAD) {
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(dhdp);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ return -ENETDOWN;
+ }
+ /* Start the watchdog timer */
+ dhd->pub.tickcnt = 0;
+ dhd_os_wd_timer(&dhd->pub, dhd_watchdog_ms);
+ /* Bring up the bus */
+ if ((ret = dhd_bus_init(&dhd->pub, FALSE)) != 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s, dhd_bus_init failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(dhdp);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ return ret;
+ }
+#if defined(OOB_INTR_ONLY)
+ /* Host registration for OOB interrupt */
+ if (bcmsdh_register_oob_intr(dhdp)) {
+ /* deactivate timer and wait for the handler to finish */
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd->wd_timer_valid = FALSE;
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(&dhd->pub, flags);
+ del_timer_sync(&dhd->timer);
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s Host failed to register for OOB\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(dhdp);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ DHD_OS_WD_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ /* Enable oob at firmware */
+ dhd_enable_oob_intr(dhd->pub.bus, TRUE);
+#endif /* defined(OOB_INTR_ONLY) */
+ /* If bus is not ready, can't come up */
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate != DHD_BUS_DATA) {
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd->wd_timer_valid = FALSE;
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(&dhd->pub, flags);
+ del_timer_sync(&dhd->timer);
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s failed bus is not ready\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(dhdp);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ DHD_OS_WD_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(dhdp);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ if ((dhd->pub.busstate == DHD_BUS_DATA) && bcmsdh_glom_enabled()) {
+ dhd_txglom_enable(dhdp, TRUE);
+ }
+ dhd_read_macaddr(dhd);
+ /* Bus is ready, do any protocol initialization */
+ if ((ret = dhd_prot_init(&dhd->pub)) < 0)
+ return ret;
+ dhd_write_macaddr(dhd->pub.mac.octet);
+ if (dhd->pend_ipaddr) {
+ aoe_update_host_ipv4_table(&dhd->pub, dhd->pend_ipaddr, TRUE);
+#endif /* AOE_IP_ALIAS_SUPPORT */
+ dhd->pend_ipaddr = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool dhd_is_concurrent_mode(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
+ if (!dhd)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (dhd->op_mode & DHD_FLAG_CONCURR_MULTI_CHAN_MODE)
+ return TRUE;
+ else if ((dhd->op_mode & DHD_FLAG_CONCURR_SINGLE_CHAN_MODE) ==
+ return TRUE;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+#if !defined(AP) && defined(WLP2P)
+/* From Android JerryBean release, the concurrent mode is enabled by default and the firmware
+ * name would be fw_bcmdhd.bin. So we need to determine whether P2P is enabled in the STA
+ * firmware and accordingly enable concurrent mode (Apply P2P settings). SoftAP firmware
+ * would still be named as fw_bcmdhd_apsta.
+ */
+dhd_get_concurrent_capabilites(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
+ int32 ret = 0;
+ char buf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];
+ bool mchan_supported = FALSE;
+ /* if dhd->op_mode is already set for HOSTAP,
+ * that means we only will use the mode as it is
+ */
+ if (dhd->op_mode & DHD_FLAG_HOSTAP_MODE)
+ return 0;
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ bcm_mkiovar("cap", 0, 0, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, buf, sizeof(buf),
+ FALSE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Get Capability failed (error=%d)\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (strstr(buf, "vsdb")) {
+ mchan_supported = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (strstr(buf, "p2p") == NULL) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("Chip does not support p2p\n"));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Chip supports p2p but ensure that p2p is really implemented in firmware or not */
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ bcm_mkiovar("p2p", 0, 0, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, buf, sizeof(buf),
+ FALSE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Get P2P failed (error=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (buf[0] == 1) {
+ /* By default, chip supports single chan concurrency,
+ * now lets check for mchan
+ */
+ if (mchan_supported)
+#if defined(WL_ENABLE_P2P_IF)
+ /* For customer_hw4, although ICS,
+ * we still support concurrent mode
+ */
+ return ret;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+dhd_preinit_ioctls(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
+ int ret = 0;
+ char eventmask[WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN];
+ char iovbuf[WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN + 12]; /* Room for "event_msgs" + '\0' + bitvec */
+#if !defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ uint up = 0;
+#endif /* !defined(WL_CFG80211) */
+ uint power_mode = PM_FAST;
+ uint32 dongle_align = DHD_SDALIGN;
+ uint32 glom = CUSTOM_GLOM_SETTING;
+#if defined(VSDB) || defined(ROAM_ENABLE)
+ uint bcn_timeout = 8;
+ uint bcn_timeout = 4;
+ uint32 bcn_li_bcn = 1;
+ uint retry_max = 3;
+ int arpoe = 1;
+ int scan_assoc_time = DHD_SCAN_ASSOC_ACTIVE_TIME;
+ int scan_unassoc_time = DHD_SCAN_UNASSOC_ACTIVE_TIME;
+ int scan_passive_time = DHD_SCAN_PASSIVE_TIME;
+ char buf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];
+ char *ptr;
+ uint32 listen_interval = LISTEN_INTERVAL; /* Default Listen Interval in Beacons */
+ uint roamvar = 0;
+ int roam_trigger[2] = {CUSTOM_ROAM_TRIGGER_SETTING, WLC_BAND_ALL};
+ int roam_scan_period[2] = {10, WLC_BAND_ALL};
+ int roam_delta[2] = {CUSTOM_ROAM_DELTA_SETTING, WLC_BAND_ALL};
+ int roam_fullscan_period = 60;
+ int roam_fullscan_period = 120;
+ uint roamvar = 1;
+#endif /* ROAM_ENABLE */
+#if defined(SOFTAP)
+ uint dtim = 1;
+#if (defined(AP) && !defined(WLP2P)) || (!defined(AP) && defined(WL_CFG80211))
+ uint32 mpc = 0; /* Turn MPC off for AP/APSTA mode */
+ struct ether_addr p2p_ea;
+#if defined(AP) || defined(WLP2P)
+ uint32 apsta = 1; /* Enable APSTA mode */
+#endif /* defined(AP) || defined(WLP2P) */
+ struct ether_addr ea_addr;
+#ifdef DISABLE_11N
+ uint32 nmode = 0;
+ uint32 hostreorder = 1;
+#endif /* DISABLE_11N */
+ dhd->wlfc_enabled = FALSE;
+ /* enable WLFC only if the firmware is VSDB */
+ dhd->wlfc_enabled = TRUE;
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS_VSDB */
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS */
+ DHD_TRACE(("Enter %s\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ dhd->op_mode = 0;
+ ret = dhd_custom_get_mac_address(ea_addr.octet);
+ if (!ret) {
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ bcm_mkiovar("cur_etheraddr", (void *)&ea_addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, buf, sizeof(buf), TRUE, 0);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: can't set MAC address , error=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ return BCME_NOTUP;
+ }
+ memcpy(dhd->mac.octet, ea_addr.octet, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ } else {
+ /* Get the default device MAC address directly from firmware */
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ bcm_mkiovar("cur_etheraddr", 0, 0, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, buf, sizeof(buf),
+ FALSE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: can't get MAC address , error=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ return BCME_NOTUP;
+ }
+ /* Update public MAC address after reading from Firmware */
+ memcpy(dhd->mac.octet, buf, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ }
+ DHD_TRACE(("Firmware = %s\n", fw_path));
+ if ((!op_mode && strstr(fw_path, "_apsta") != NULL) ||
+ (op_mode == DHD_FLAG_HOSTAP_MODE)) {
+ uint rand_mac;
+ dhd->op_mode = DHD_FLAG_HOSTAP_MODE;
+ arpoe = 0;
+ dhd_pkt_filter_enable = FALSE;
+ srandom32((uint)jiffies);
+ rand_mac = random32();
+ iovbuf[0] = 0x02; /* locally administered bit */
+ iovbuf[1] = 0x1A;
+ iovbuf[2] = 0x11;
+ iovbuf[3] = (unsigned char)(rand_mac & 0x0F) | 0xF0;
+ iovbuf[4] = (unsigned char)(rand_mac >> 8);
+ iovbuf[5] = (unsigned char)(rand_mac >> 16);
+ bcm_mkiovar("cur_etheraddr", (void *)iovbuf, ETHER_ADDR_LEN, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, buf, sizeof(buf), TRUE, 0);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: can't set MAC address , error=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ } else
+ memcpy(dhd->mac.octet, iovbuf, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+#if !defined(AP) && defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ /* Turn off MPC in AP mode */
+ bcm_mkiovar("mpc", (char *)&mpc, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf,
+ sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s mpc for HostAPD failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ uint32 concurrent_mode = 0;
+ if ((!op_mode && strstr(fw_path, "_p2p") != NULL) ||
+ (op_mode == DHD_FLAG_P2P_MODE)) {
+ arpoe = 0;
+ dhd_pkt_filter_enable = FALSE;
+ dhd->op_mode = DHD_FLAG_P2P_MODE;
+ }
+ else
+ dhd->op_mode = DHD_FLAG_STA_MODE;
+#if !defined(AP) && defined(WLP2P)
+ if ((concurrent_mode = dhd_get_concurrent_capabilites(dhd))) {
+ arpoe = 1;
+ dhd->op_mode |= concurrent_mode;
+ }
+ /* Check if we are enabling p2p */
+ if (dhd->op_mode & DHD_FLAG_P2P_MODE) {
+ bcm_mkiovar("apsta", (char *)&apsta, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR,
+ iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s APSTA for P2P failed ret= %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ }
+ memcpy(&p2p_ea, &dhd->mac, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ bcm_mkiovar("p2p_da_override", (char *)&p2p_ea,
+ ETHER_ADDR_LEN, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR,
+ iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s p2p_da_override ret= %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ } else {
+ DHD_INFO(("dhd_preinit_ioctls: p2p_da_override succeeded\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ (void)concurrent_mode;
+ }
+ DHD_ERROR(("Firmware up: op_mode=0x%04x, "
+ "Broadcom Dongle Host Driver mac="MACDBG"\n",
+ dhd->op_mode,
+ MAC2STRDBG(dhd->mac.octet)));
+ /* Set Country code */
+ if (dhd->dhd_cspec.ccode[0] != 0) {
+ bcm_mkiovar("country", (char *)&dhd->dhd_cspec,
+ sizeof(wl_country_t), iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: country code setting failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ }
+ /* Set Listen Interval */
+ bcm_mkiovar("assoc_listen", (char *)&listen_interval, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s assoc_listen failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+#if defined(ROAM_ENABLE) || defined(DISABLE_BUILTIN_ROAM)
+ /* Disable built-in roaming to allowed ext supplicant to take care of roaming */
+ bcm_mkiovar("roam_off", (char *)&roamvar, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_ROAM_TRIGGER, roam_trigger,
+ sizeof(roam_trigger), TRUE, 0)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: roam trigger set failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_ROAM_SCAN_PERIOD, roam_scan_period,
+ sizeof(roam_scan_period), TRUE, 0)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: roam scan period set failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ if ((dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_ROAM_DELTA, roam_delta,
+ sizeof(roam_delta), TRUE, 0)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: roam delta set failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ bcm_mkiovar("fullroamperiod", (char *)&roam_fullscan_period, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: roam fullscan period set failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+#endif /* ROAM_ENABLE */
+ /* Set PowerSave mode */
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_PM, (char *)&power_mode, sizeof(power_mode), TRUE, 0);
+ /* Match Host and Dongle rx alignment */
+ bcm_mkiovar("bus:txglomalign", (char *)&dongle_align, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ if (glom != DEFAULT_GLOM_VALUE) {
+ DHD_INFO(("%s set glom=0x%X\n", __FUNCTION__, glom));
+ bcm_mkiovar("bus:txglom", (char *)&glom, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ }
+ /* Setup timeout if Beacons are lost and roam is off to report link down */
+ bcm_mkiovar("bcn_timeout", (char *)&bcn_timeout, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ /* Setup assoc_retry_max count to reconnect target AP in dongle */
+ bcm_mkiovar("assoc_retry_max", (char *)&retry_max, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+#if defined(AP) && !defined(WLP2P)
+ /* Turn off MPC in AP mode */
+ bcm_mkiovar("mpc", (char *)&mpc, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ bcm_mkiovar("apsta", (char *)&apsta, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+#endif /* defined(AP) && !defined(WLP2P) */
+#if defined(SOFTAP)
+ if (ap_fw_loaded == TRUE) {
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_DTIMPRD, (char *)&dtim, sizeof(dtim), TRUE, 0);
+ }
+#if defined(KEEP_ALIVE)
+ {
+ /* Set Keep Alive : be sure to use FW with -keepalive */
+ int res;
+#if defined(SOFTAP)
+ if (ap_fw_loaded == FALSE)
+ if (!(dhd->op_mode & DHD_FLAG_HOSTAP_MODE)) {
+ if ((res = dhd_keep_alive_onoff(dhd)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s set keeplive failed %d\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, res));
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* defined(KEEP_ALIVE) */
+ /* Read event_msgs mask */
+ bcm_mkiovar("event_msgs", eventmask, WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), FALSE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s read Event mask failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ bcopy(iovbuf, eventmask, WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN);
+ /* Setup event_msgs */
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_SET_SSID);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_PRUNE);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_AUTH);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ASSOC);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_REASSOC);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_REASSOC_IND);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_DEAUTH);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_DEAUTH_IND);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_DISASSOC_IND);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_DISASSOC);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_JOIN);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ASSOC_IND);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_PSK_SUP);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_LINK);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_NDIS_LINK);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_MIC_ERROR);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ASSOC_REQ_IE);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ASSOC_RESP_IE);
+#ifndef WL_CFG80211
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_PMKID_CACHE);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_TXFAIL);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_JOIN_START);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_SCAN_COMPLETE);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_HTSFSYNC);
+#endif /* WLMEDIA_HTSF */
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_PFN_NET_FOUND);
+#endif /* PNO_SUPPORT */
+ /* enable dongle roaming event */
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ROAM);
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ESCAN_RESULT);
+ if (dhd->op_mode & DHD_FLAG_P2P_MODE) {
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME_RX);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_ACTION_FRAME_COMPLETE);
+ setbit(eventmask, WLC_E_P2P_DISC_LISTEN_COMPLETE);
+ }
+#endif /* WL_CFG80211 */
+ /* Write updated Event mask */
+ bcm_mkiovar("event_msgs", eventmask, WL_EVENTING_MASK_LEN, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s Set Event mask failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_SCAN_CHANNEL_TIME, (char *)&scan_assoc_time,
+ sizeof(scan_assoc_time), TRUE, 0);
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_SCAN_UNASSOC_TIME, (char *)&scan_unassoc_time,
+ sizeof(scan_unassoc_time), TRUE, 0);
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_SCAN_PASSIVE_TIME, (char *)&scan_passive_time,
+ sizeof(scan_passive_time), TRUE, 0);
+ /* Set and enable ARP offload feature for STA only */
+#if defined(SOFTAP)
+ if (arpoe && !ap_fw_loaded) {
+ if (arpoe) {
+ dhd_arp_offload_enable(dhd, TRUE);
+ dhd_arp_offload_set(dhd, dhd_arp_mode);
+ } else {
+ dhd_arp_offload_enable(dhd, FALSE);
+ dhd_arp_offload_set(dhd, 0);
+ }
+ /* Setup default defintions for pktfilter , enable in suspend */
+ dhd->pktfilter_count = 5;
+ /* Setup filter to allow only unicast */
+ dhd->pktfilter[0] = "100 0 0 0 0x01 0x00";
+ dhd->pktfilter[1] = NULL;
+ dhd->pktfilter[2] = NULL;
+ dhd->pktfilter[3] = NULL;
+ /* Add filter to pass multicastDNS packet and NOT filter out as Broadcast */
+ dhd->pktfilter[4] = "104 0 0 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF 0x01005E0000FB";
+ dhd_set_packet_filter(dhd);
+#if defined(SOFTAP)
+ if (ap_fw_loaded) {
+ dhd_enable_packet_filter(0, dhd);
+ }
+#endif /* defined(SOFTAP) */
+#endif /* PKT_FILTER_SUPPORT */
+#ifdef DISABLE_11N
+ bcm_mkiovar("nmode", (char *)&nmode, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s wl nmode 0 failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ bcm_mkiovar("ampdu_hostreorder", (char *)&hostreorder, 4, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, buf, sizeof(buf), TRUE, 0);
+#endif /* DISABLE_11N */
+#if !defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ /* Force STA UP */
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_UP, (char *)&up, sizeof(up), TRUE, 0)) < 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s Setting WL UP failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ bcm_mkiovar("bcn_li_bcn", (char *)&bcn_li_bcn, 4, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf));
+ dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, iovbuf, sizeof(iovbuf), TRUE, 0);
+ /* query for 'ver' to get version info from firmware */
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ ptr = buf;
+ bcm_mkiovar("ver", (char *)&buf, 4, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, buf, sizeof(buf), FALSE, 0)) < 0)
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s failed %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ else {
+ bcmstrtok(&ptr, "\n", 0);
+ /* Print fw version info */
+ DHD_ERROR(("Firmware version = %s\n", buf));
+ dhd_set_version_info(dhd, buf);
+ DHD_BLOG(buf, strlen(buf) + 1);
+ DHD_BLOG(dhd_version, strlen(dhd_version) + 1);
+ /* Check and adjust IOCTL response timeout for Manufactring firmware */
+ if (strstr(buf, MANUFACTRING_FW) != NULL) {
+ dhd_os_set_ioctl_resp_timeout(IOCTL_RESP_TIMEOUT * 10);
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s : adjust IOCTL response time for Manufactring Firmware\n",
+ __FUNCTION__));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+dhd_iovar(dhd_pub_t *pub, int ifidx, char *name, char *cmd_buf, uint cmd_len, int set)
+ char buf[strlen(name) + 1 + cmd_len];
+ int len = sizeof(buf);
+ wl_ioctl_t ioc;
+ int ret;
+ len = bcm_mkiovar(name, cmd_buf, cmd_len, buf, len);
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ ioc.cmd = set? WLC_SET_VAR : WLC_GET_VAR;
+ ioc.buf = buf;
+ ioc.len = len;
+ ioc.set = TRUE;
+ ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len);
+ if (!set && ret >= 0)
+ memcpy(cmd_buf, buf, cmd_len);
+ return ret;
+int dhd_change_mtu(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int new_mtu, int ifidx)
+ struct dhd_info *dhd = dhdp->info;
+ struct net_device *dev = NULL;
+ ASSERT(dhd && dhd->iflist[ifidx]);
+ dev = dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net;
+ ASSERT(dev);
+ if (netif_running(dev)) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: Must be down to change its MTU", dev->name));
+ return BCME_NOTDOWN;
+ }
+#define DHD_MIN_MTU 1500
+#define DHD_MAX_MTU 1752
+ if ((new_mtu < DHD_MIN_MTU) || (new_mtu > DHD_MAX_MTU)) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: MTU size %d is invalid.\n", __FUNCTION__, new_mtu));
+ return BCME_BADARG;
+ }
+ dev->mtu = new_mtu;
+ return 0;
+/* add or remove AOE host ip(s) (up to 8 IPs on the interface) */
+aoe_update_host_ipv4_table(dhd_pub_t *dhd_pub, u32 ipa, bool add)
+ u32 ipv4_buf[MAX_IPV4_ENTRIES]; /* temp save for AOE host_ip table */
+ int i;
+ int ret;
+ bzero(ipv4_buf, sizeof(ipv4_buf));
+ /* display what we've got */
+ ret = dhd_arp_get_arp_hostip_table(dhd_pub, ipv4_buf, sizeof(ipv4_buf));
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: hostip table read from Dongle:\n", __FUNCTION__));
+#ifdef AOE_DBG
+ dhd_print_buf(ipv4_buf, 32, 4); /* max 8 IPs 4b each */
+ /* now we saved hoste_ip table, clr it in the dongle AOE */
+ dhd_aoe_hostip_clr(dhd_pub);
+ if (ret) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_IPV4_ENTRIES; i++) {
+ if (add && (ipv4_buf[i] == 0)) {
+ ipv4_buf[i] = ipa;
+ add = FALSE; /* added ipa to local table */
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: Saved new IP in temp arp_hostip[%d]\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, i));
+ } else if (ipv4_buf[i] == ipa) {
+ ipv4_buf[i] = 0;
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: removed IP:%x from temp table %d\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, ipa, i));
+ }
+ if (ipv4_buf[i] != 0) {
+ /* add back host_ip entries from our local cache */
+ dhd_arp_offload_add_ip(dhd_pub, ipv4_buf[i]);
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: added IP:%x to dongle arp_hostip[%d]\n\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, ipv4_buf[i], i));
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef AOE_DBG
+ /* see the resulting hostip table */
+ dhd_arp_get_arp_hostip_table(dhd_pub, ipv4_buf, sizeof(ipv4_buf));
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: read back arp_hostip table:\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ dhd_print_buf(ipv4_buf, 32, 4); /* max 8 IPs 4b each */
+static int dhd_device_event(struct notifier_block *this,
+ unsigned long event,
+ void *ptr)
+ struct in_ifaddr *ifa = (struct in_ifaddr *)ptr;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ dhd_pub_t *dhd_pub;
+ if (!ifa)
+ return NOTIFY_DONE;
+ dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(ifa->ifa_dev->dev);
+ dhd_pub = &dhd->pub;
+ if (ifa->ifa_dev->dev->netdev_ops == &dhd_ops_pri) {
+ if (ifa->ifa_dev->dev) {
+ switch (event) {
+ case NETDEV_UP:
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: [%s] Up IP: 0x%x\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, ifa->ifa_label, ifa->ifa_address));
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate != DHD_BUS_DATA) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: bus not ready, exit\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhd->pend_ipaddr) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: overwrite pending ipaddr: 0x%x\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, dhd->pend_ipaddr));
+ }
+ dhd->pend_ipaddr = ifa->ifa_address;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(dhd_pub->op_mode & DHD_FLAG_HOSTAP_MODE)) {
+ if (ifa->ifa_label[strlen(ifa->ifa_label)-2] == 0x3a) {
+ /* 0x3a = ':' */
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s:add aliased IP to AOE hostip cache\n",
+ __FUNCTION__));
+ aoe_update_host_ipv4_table(dhd_pub, ifa->ifa_address, TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ aoe_update_host_ipv4_table(dhd_pub, ifa->ifa_address, TRUE);
+ }
+ break;
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: [%s] Down IP: 0x%x\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, ifa->ifa_label, ifa->ifa_address));
+ dhd->pend_ipaddr = 0;
+ if (!(dhd_pub->op_mode & DHD_FLAG_HOSTAP_MODE)) {
+ if (!(ifa->ifa_label[strlen(ifa->ifa_label)-2] == 0x3a)) {
+ /* 0x3a = ':' */
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: primary interface is down,"
+ " AOE clr all\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ dhd_aoe_hostip_clr(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd_aoe_arp_clr(&dhd->pub);
+ } else
+ aoe_update_host_ipv4_table(dhd_pub,
+ ifa->ifa_address, FALSE);
+ }
+ dhd_aoe_hostip_clr(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd_aoe_arp_clr(&dhd->pub);
+#endif /* AOE_IP_ALIAS_SUPPORT */
+ break;
+ default:
+ DHD_ARPOE(("%s: do noting for [%s] Event: %lu\n",
+ __func__, ifa->ifa_label, event));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return NOTIFY_DONE;
+dhd_net_attach(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ struct net_device *net = NULL;
+ int err = 0;
+ uint8 temp_addr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN] = { 0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33 };
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: ifidx %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ifidx));
+ ASSERT(dhd && dhd->iflist[ifidx]);
+ net = dhd->iflist[ifidx]->net;
+ ASSERT(net);
+ ASSERT(!net->open);
+ net->get_stats = dhd_get_stats;
+ net->do_ioctl = dhd_ioctl_entry;
+ net->hard_start_xmit = dhd_start_xmit;
+ net->set_mac_address = dhd_set_mac_address;
+ net->set_multicast_list = dhd_set_multicast_list;
+ net->open = net->stop = NULL;
+ ASSERT(!net->netdev_ops);
+ net->netdev_ops = &dhd_ops_virt;
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 31) */
+ /* Ok, link into the network layer... */
+ if (ifidx == 0) {
+ /*
+ * device functions for the primary interface only
+ */
+ net->open = dhd_open;
+ net->stop = dhd_stop;
+ net->netdev_ops = &dhd_ops_pri;
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 31) */
+ if (!ETHER_ISNULLADDR(dhd->pub.mac.octet))
+ memcpy(temp_addr, dhd->pub.mac.octet, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * We have to use the primary MAC for virtual interfaces
+ */
+ memcpy(temp_addr, dhd->iflist[ifidx]->mac_addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ /*
+ * Android sets the locally administered bit to indicate that this is a
+ * portable hotspot. This will not work in simultaneous AP/STA mode,
+ * nor with P2P. Need to set the Donlge's MAC address, and then use that.
+ */
+ if (!memcmp(temp_addr, dhd->iflist[0]->mac_addr,
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s interface [%s]: set locally administered bit in MAC\n",
+ __func__, net->name));
+ temp_addr[0] |= 0x02;
+ }
+ }
+ net->hard_header_len = ETH_HLEN + dhd->pub.hdrlen;
+ net->ethtool_ops = &dhd_ethtool_ops;
+#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 24) */
+#if WIRELESS_EXT < 19
+ net->get_wireless_stats = dhd_get_wireless_stats;
+#endif /* WIRELESS_EXT < 19 */
+#if WIRELESS_EXT > 12
+ net->wireless_handlers = (struct iw_handler_def *)&wl_iw_handler_def;
+#endif /* WIRELESS_EXT > 12 */
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+ dhd->pub.rxsz = DBUS_RX_BUFFER_SIZE_DHD(net);
+ memcpy(net->dev_addr, temp_addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ if ((err = register_netdev(net)) != 0) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("couldn't register the net device, err %d\n", err));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ printf("Broadcom Dongle Host Driver: register interface [%s]"
+ " MAC: "MACDBG"\n",
+ net->name,
+ MAC2STRDBG(net->dev_addr));
+#if defined(SOFTAP) && defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) && !defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ wl_iw_iscan_set_scan_broadcast_prep(net, 1);
+ if (ifidx == 0) {
+ dhd_registration_check = TRUE;
+ up(&dhd_registration_sem);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ net->open = NULL;
+ net->netdev_ops = NULL;
+ return err;
+dhd_bus_detach(dhd_pub_t *dhdp)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhdp) {
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ if (dhd) {
+ /*
+ * In case of Android cfg80211 driver, the bus is down in dhd_stop,
+ * calling stop again will cuase SD read/write errors.
+ */
+ if (dhd->pub.busstate != DHD_BUS_DOWN) {
+ /* Stop the protocol module */
+ dhd_prot_stop(&dhd->pub);
+ /* Stop the bus module */
+ dhd_bus_stop(dhd->pub.bus, TRUE);
+ }
+#if defined(OOB_INTR_ONLY)
+ bcmsdh_unregister_oob_intr();
+#endif /* defined(OOB_INTR_ONLY) */
+ }
+ }
+void dhd_detach(dhd_pub_t *dhdp)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int timer_valid = FALSE;
+ if (!dhdp)
+ return;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ if (!dhd)
+ return;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter state 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, dhd->dhd_state));
+ dhd->pub.up = 0;
+ if (!(dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_DONE)) {
+ /* Give sufficient time for threads to start running in case
+ * dhd_attach() has failed
+ */
+ osl_delay(1000*100);
+ }
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_PROT_ATTACH) {
+ dhd_bus_detach(dhdp);
+ if (dhdp->prot)
+ dhd_prot_detach(dhdp);
+ }
+ unregister_inetaddr_notifier(&dhd_notifier);
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_EARLYSUSPEND_DONE) {
+ if (dhd->early_suspend.suspend)
+ unregister_early_suspend(&dhd->early_suspend);
+ }
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND) */
+ cancel_work_sync(&dhd->work_hang);
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) */
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_WL_ATTACH) {
+ /* Detatch and unlink in the iw */
+ wl_iw_detach();
+ }
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+ if (dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl.thr_pid >= 0) {
+ PROC_STOP(&dhd->thr_sysioc_ctl);
+ }
+ /* delete all interfaces, start with virtual */
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_ADD_IF) {
+ int i = 1;
+ dhd_if_t *ifp;
+ /* Cleanup virtual interfaces */
+ for (i = 1; i < DHD_MAX_IFS; i++) {
+ dhd_net_if_lock_local(dhd);
+ if (dhd->iflist[i]) {
+ dhd->iflist[i]->state = DHD_IF_DEL;
+ dhd->iflist[i]->idx = i;
+ dhd_op_if(dhd->iflist[i]);
+ }
+ dhd_net_if_unlock_local(dhd);
+ }
+ /* delete primary interface 0 */
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[0];
+ ASSERT(ifp);
+ ASSERT(ifp->net);
+ if (ifp && ifp->net) {
+ if (ifp->net->open)
+ if (ifp->net->netdev_ops == &dhd_ops_pri)
+ {
+ unregister_netdev(ifp->net);
+ free_netdev(ifp->net);
+ ifp->net = NULL;
+ MFREE(dhd->pub.osh, ifp, sizeof(*ifp));
+ dhd->iflist[0] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Clear the watchdog timer */
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ timer_valid = dhd->wd_timer_valid;
+ dhd->wd_timer_valid = FALSE;
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(&dhd->pub, flags);
+ if (timer_valid)
+ del_timer_sync(&dhd->timer);
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_THREADS_CREATED) {
+ if (dhd->thr_wdt_ctl.thr_pid >= 0) {
+ PROC_STOP(&dhd->thr_wdt_ctl);
+ }
+ if (dhd->thr_dpc_ctl.thr_pid >= 0) {
+ PROC_STOP(&dhd->thr_dpc_ctl);
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ tasklet_kill(&dhd->tasklet);
+ }
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_CFG80211) {
+ wl_cfg80211_detach(NULL);
+ dhd_monitor_uninit();
+ }
+ unregister_pm_notifier(&dhd_sleep_pm_notifier);
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) && defined(CONFIG_PM_SLEEP) */
+ /* && defined(CONFIG_PM_SLEEP) */
+ if (dhd->dhd_state & DHD_ATTACH_STATE_WAKELOCKS_INIT) {
+ dhd->wakelock_counter = 0;
+ dhd->wakelock_wd_counter = 0;
+ dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable = 0;
+ dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable = 0;
+ wake_lock_destroy(&dhd->wl_wifi);
+ wake_lock_destroy(&dhd->wl_rxwake);
+ wake_lock_destroy(&dhd->wl_ctrlwake);
+ wake_lock_destroy(&dhd->wl_wdwake);
+ }
+dhd_free(dhd_pub_t *dhdp)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (dhdp) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(dhdp->reorder_bufs); i++) {
+ if (dhdp->reorder_bufs[i]) {
+ reorder_info_t *ptr;
+ uint32 buf_size = sizeof(struct reorder_info);
+ ptr = dhdp->reorder_bufs[i];
+ buf_size += ((ptr->max_idx + 1) * sizeof(void*));
+ DHD_REORDER(("free flow id buf %d, maxidx is %d, buf_size %d\n",
+ i, ptr->max_idx, buf_size));
+ MFREE(dhdp->osh, dhdp->reorder_bufs[i], buf_size);
+ dhdp->reorder_bufs[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ if (dhd)
+ MFREE(dhd->pub.osh, dhd, sizeof(*dhd));
+ }
+static void __exit
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ dhd_bus_unregister();
+ wl_android_wifictrl_func_del();
+ wl_android_exit();
+ /* Call customer gpio to turn off power with WL_REG_ON signal */
+ dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(WLAN_POWER_OFF);
+static int __init
+ int error = 0;
+ int retry = POWERUP_MAX_RETRY;
+ int chip_up = 0;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ wl_android_init();
+#if defined(DHDTHREAD)
+ /* Sanity check on the module parameters */
+ do {
+ /* Both watchdog and DPC as tasklets are ok */
+ if ((dhd_watchdog_prio < 0) && (dhd_dpc_prio < 0))
+ break;
+ /* If both watchdog and DPC are threads, TX must be deferred */
+ if ((dhd_watchdog_prio >= 0) && (dhd_dpc_prio >= 0) && dhd_deferred_tx)
+ break;
+ DHD_ERROR(("Invalid module parameters.\n"));
+ return -EINVAL;
+ } while (0);
+ do {
+ sema_init(&dhd_chipup_sem, 0);
+ dhd_bus_reg_sdio_notify(&dhd_chipup_sem);
+ dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(WLAN_POWER_ON);
+ if (wl_android_wifictrl_func_add() < 0) {
+ dhd_bus_unreg_sdio_notify();
+ goto fail_1;
+ }
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIFI_CONTROL_FUNC) */
+ if (down_timeout(&dhd_chipup_sem,
+ msecs_to_jiffies(POWERUP_WAIT_MS)) == 0) {
+ dhd_bus_unreg_sdio_notify();
+ chip_up = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ DHD_ERROR(("\nfailed to power up wifi chip, retry again (%d left) **\n\n",
+ retry+1));
+ dhd_bus_unreg_sdio_notify();
+ wl_android_wifictrl_func_del();
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIFI_CONTROL_FUNC) */
+ dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(WLAN_POWER_OFF);
+ } while (retry-- > 0);
+ if (!chip_up) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("\nfailed to power up wifi chip, max retry reached, exits **\n\n"));
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(WLAN_POWER_ON);
+ if (wl_android_wifictrl_func_add() < 0)
+ goto fail_1;
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIFI_CONTROL_FUNC) */
+ sema_init(&dhd_registration_sem, 0);
+ error = dhd_bus_register();
+ if (!error)
+ printf("\n%s\n", dhd_version);
+ else {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: sdio_register_driver failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ goto fail_1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Wait till MMC sdio_register_driver callback called and made driver attach.
+ * It's needed to make sync up exit from dhd insmod and
+ * Kernel MMC sdio device callback registration
+ */
+ if ((down_timeout(&dhd_registration_sem,
+ msecs_to_jiffies(DHD_REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT)) != 0) ||
+ (dhd_registration_check != TRUE)) {
+ error = -ENODEV;
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: sdio_register_driver timeout or error \n", __FUNCTION__));
+ goto fail_2;
+ }
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) */
+#if defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ wl_android_post_init();
+#endif /* defined(WL_CFG80211) */
+ return error;
+ dhd_bus_unregister();
+#endif /* (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 27)) */
+ wl_android_wifictrl_func_del();
+ /* Call customer gpio to turn off power with WL_REG_ON signal */
+ dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(WLAN_POWER_OFF);
+ return error;
+ * OS specific functions required to implement DHD driver in OS independent way
+ */
+dhd_os_proto_block(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t * dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (dhd) {
+ down(&dhd->proto_sem);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+dhd_os_proto_unblock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t * dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (dhd) {
+ up(&dhd->proto_sem);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+unsigned int
+ return ((unsigned int)dhd_ioctl_timeout_msec);
+dhd_os_set_ioctl_resp_timeout(unsigned int timeout_msec)
+ dhd_ioctl_timeout_msec = (int)timeout_msec;
+dhd_os_ioctl_resp_wait(dhd_pub_t *pub, uint *condition, bool *pending)
+ dhd_info_t * dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ int timeout;
+ /* Convert timeout in millsecond to jiffies */
+ timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(dhd_ioctl_timeout_msec);
+ timeout = wait_event_timeout(dhd->ioctl_resp_wait, (*condition), timeout);
+ return timeout;
+dhd_os_ioctl_resp_wake(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (waitqueue_active(&dhd->ioctl_resp_wait)) {
+ wake_up(&dhd->ioctl_resp_wait);
+ }
+ return 0;
+dhd_os_wd_timer(void *bus, uint wdtick)
+ dhd_pub_t *pub = bus;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)pub->info;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ if (!dhd)
+ return;
+ if (wdtick)
+ flags = dhd_os_spin_lock(pub);
+ /* don't start the wd until fw is loaded */
+ if (pub->busstate == DHD_BUS_DOWN) {
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(pub, flags);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* totally stop the timer */
+ if (!wdtick && dhd->wd_timer_valid == TRUE) {
+ dhd->wd_timer_valid = FALSE;
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(pub, flags);
+ del_timer_sync(&dhd->timer);
+ del_timer(&dhd->timer);
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (wdtick) {
+ dhd_watchdog_ms = (uint)wdtick;
+ /* Re arm the timer, at last watchdog period */
+ mod_timer(&dhd->timer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(dhd_watchdog_ms));
+ dhd->wd_timer_valid = TRUE;
+ }
+ dhd_os_spin_unlock(pub, flags);
+void *
+dhd_os_open_image(char *filename)
+ struct file *fp;
+ fp = filp_open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ /*
+ * 2.6.11 (FC4) supports filp_open() but later revs don't?
+ * Alternative:
+ * fp = open_namei(AT_FDCWD, filename, O_RD, 0);
+ * ???
+ */
+ if (IS_ERR(fp))
+ fp = NULL;
+ return fp;
+dhd_os_get_image_block(char *buf, int len, void *image)
+ struct file *fp = (struct file *)image;
+ int rdlen;
+ if (!image)
+ return 0;
+ rdlen = kernel_read(fp, fp->f_pos, buf, len);
+ if (rdlen > 0)
+ fp->f_pos += rdlen;
+ return rdlen;
+dhd_os_close_image(void *image)
+ if (image)
+ filp_close((struct file *)image, NULL);
+dhd_os_sdlock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ down(&dhd->sdsem);
+ else
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ spin_lock_bh(&dhd->sdlock);
+dhd_os_sdunlock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (dhd->threads_only)
+ up(&dhd->sdsem);
+ else
+#endif /* DHDTHREAD */
+ spin_unlock_bh(&dhd->sdlock);
+dhd_os_sdlock_txq(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ spin_lock_bh(&dhd->txqlock);
+dhd_os_sdunlock_txq(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ spin_unlock_bh(&dhd->txqlock);
+dhd_os_sdlock_rxq(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+dhd_os_sdunlock_rxq(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+dhd_os_sdtxlock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_os_sdlock(pub);
+dhd_os_sdtxunlock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(pub);
+uint8* dhd_os_prealloc(void *osh, int section, uint size)
+ return (uint8*)wl_android_prealloc(section, size);
+void dhd_os_prefree(void *osh, void *addr, uint size)
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_DHD_USE_STATIC_BUF) */
+struct iw_statistics *
+dhd_get_wireless_stats(struct net_device *dev)
+ int res = 0;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ if (!dhd->pub.up) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ res = wl_iw_get_wireless_stats(dev, &dhd->iw.wstats);
+ if (res == 0)
+ return &dhd->iw.wstats;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+static int
+dhd_wl_host_event(dhd_info_t *dhd, int *ifidx, void *pktdata,
+ wl_event_msg_t *event, void **data)
+ int bcmerror = 0;
+ ASSERT(dhd != NULL);
+ bcmerror = wl_host_event(&dhd->pub, ifidx, pktdata, event, data);
+ if (bcmerror != BCME_OK)
+ return (bcmerror);
+ if (event->bsscfgidx == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Wireless ext is on primary interface only
+ */
+ ASSERT(dhd->iflist[*ifidx] != NULL);
+ ASSERT(dhd->iflist[*ifidx]->net != NULL);
+ if (dhd->iflist[*ifidx]->net) {
+ wl_iw_event(dhd->iflist[*ifidx]->net, event, *data);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT) */
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ if ((ntoh32(event->event_type) == WLC_E_IF) &&
+ (((dhd_if_event_t *)*data)->action == WLC_E_IF_ADD))
+ /* If ADD_IF has been called directly by wl utility then we
+ * should not report this. In case if ADD_IF was called from
+ * CFG stack, then too this event need not be reported back
+ */
+ return (BCME_OK);
+ if ((wl_cfg80211_is_progress_ifchange() ||
+ wl_cfg80211_is_progress_ifadd()) && (*ifidx != 0)) {
+ /*
+ * If IF_ADD/CHANGE operation is going on,
+ * discard any event received on the virtual I/F
+ */
+ return (BCME_OK);
+ }
+ ASSERT(dhd->iflist[*ifidx] != NULL);
+ ASSERT(dhd->iflist[*ifidx]->net != NULL);
+ if (dhd->iflist[*ifidx]->event2cfg80211 && dhd->iflist[*ifidx]->net) {
+ wl_cfg80211_event(dhd->iflist[*ifidx]->net, event, *data);
+ }
+#endif /* defined(WL_CFG80211) */
+ return (bcmerror);
+/* send up locally generated event */
+dhd_sendup_event(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, wl_event_msg_t *event, void *data)
+ switch (ntoh32(event->event_type)) {
+#ifdef WLBTAMP
+ /* Send up locally generated AMP HCI Events */
+ struct sk_buff *p, *skb;
+ bcm_event_t *msg;
+ wl_event_msg_t *p_bcm_event;
+ char *ptr;
+ uint32 len;
+ uint32 pktlen;
+ dhd_if_t *ifp;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ uchar *eth;
+ int ifidx;
+ len = ntoh32(event->datalen);
+ pktlen = sizeof(bcm_event_t) + len + 2;
+ dhd = dhdp->info;
+ ifidx = dhd_ifname2idx(dhd, event->ifname);
+ if ((p = PKTGET(dhdp->osh, pktlen, FALSE))) {
+ ASSERT(ISALIGNED((uintptr)PKTDATA(dhdp->osh, p), sizeof(uint32)));
+ msg = (bcm_event_t *) PKTDATA(dhdp->osh, p);
+ bcopy(&dhdp->mac, &msg->eth.ether_dhost, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ bcopy(&dhdp->mac, &msg->eth.ether_shost, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ ETHER_TOGGLE_LOCALADDR(&msg->eth.ether_shost);
+ msg->eth.ether_type = hton16(ETHER_TYPE_BRCM);
+ /* BCM Vendor specific header... */
+ msg->bcm_hdr.subtype = hton16(BCMILCP_SUBTYPE_VENDOR_LONG);
+ msg->bcm_hdr.version = BCMILCP_BCM_SUBTYPEHDR_VERSION;
+ bcopy(BRCM_OUI, &msg->bcm_hdr.oui[0], DOT11_OUI_LEN);
+ /* vendor spec header length + pvt data length (private indication
+ * hdr + actual message itself)
+ */
+ msg->bcm_hdr.length = hton16(BCMILCP_BCM_SUBTYPEHDR_MINLENGTH +
+ BCM_MSG_LEN + sizeof(wl_event_msg_t) + (uint16)len);
+ msg->bcm_hdr.usr_subtype = hton16(BCMILCP_BCM_SUBTYPE_EVENT);
+ PKTSETLEN(dhdp->osh, p, (sizeof(bcm_event_t) + len + 2));
+ /* copy wl_event_msg_t into sk_buf */
+ /* pointer to wl_event_msg_t in sk_buf */
+ p_bcm_event = &msg->event;
+ bcopy(event, p_bcm_event, sizeof(wl_event_msg_t));
+ /* copy hci event into sk_buf */
+ bcopy(data, (p_bcm_event + 1), len);
+ msg->bcm_hdr.length = hton16(sizeof(wl_event_msg_t) +
+ ntoh16(msg->bcm_hdr.length));
+ PKTSETLEN(dhdp->osh, p, (sizeof(bcm_event_t) + len + 2));
+ ptr = (char *)(msg + 1);
+ /* Last 2 bytes of the message are 0x00 0x00 to signal that there
+ * are no ethertypes which are following this
+ */
+ ptr[len+0] = 0x00;
+ ptr[len+1] = 0x00;
+ skb = PKTTONATIVE(dhdp->osh, p);
+ eth = skb->data;
+ len = skb->len;
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[ifidx];
+ if (ifp == NULL)
+ ifp = dhd->iflist[0];
+ ASSERT(ifp);
+ skb->dev = ifp->net;
+ skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, skb->dev);
+ skb->data = eth;
+ skb->len = len;
+ /* Strip header, count, deliver upward */
+ skb_pull(skb, ETH_HLEN);
+ /* Send the packet */
+ if (in_interrupt()) {
+ netif_rx(skb);
+ } else {
+ netif_rx_ni(skb);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Could not allocate a sk_buf */
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: unable to alloc sk_buf", __FUNCTION__));
+ }
+ break;
+ } /* case WLC_E_BTA_HCI_EVENT */
+#endif /* WLBTAMP */
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void dhd_wait_for_event(dhd_pub_t *dhd, bool *lockvar)
+ struct dhd_info *dhdinfo = dhd->info;
+ int timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(2000);
+ dhd_os_sdunlock(dhd);
+ wait_event_timeout(dhdinfo->ctrl_wait, (*lockvar == FALSE), timeout);
+ dhd_os_sdlock(dhd);
+ return;
+void dhd_wait_event_wakeup(dhd_pub_t *dhd)
+ struct dhd_info *dhdinfo = dhd->info;
+ if (waitqueue_active(&dhdinfo->ctrl_wait))
+ wake_up(&dhdinfo->ctrl_wait);
+ return;
+dhd_dev_reset(struct net_device *dev, uint8 flag)
+ int ret;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ if (flag == TRUE) {
+ /* Issue wl down command before resetting the chip */
+ if (dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(&dhd->pub, WLC_DOWN, NULL, 0, TRUE, 0) < 0) {
+ DHD_TRACE(("%s: wl down failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ }
+ }
+ ret = dhd_bus_devreset(&dhd->pub, flag);
+ if (ret) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: dhd_bus_devreset: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int net_os_set_suspend_disable(struct net_device *dev, int val)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd) {
+ ret = dhd->pub.suspend_disable_flag;
+ dhd->pub.suspend_disable_flag = val;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int net_os_set_suspend(struct net_device *dev, int val, int force)
+ int ret = 0;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ if (dhd) {
+ ret = dhd_set_suspend(val, &dhd->pub);
+ ret = dhd_suspend_resume_helper(dhd, val, force);
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ wl_cfg80211_update_power_mode(dev);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int net_os_set_dtim_skip(struct net_device *dev, int val)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ if (dhd)
+ dhd->pub.dtim_skip = val;
+ return 0;
+int net_os_rxfilter_add_remove(struct net_device *dev, int add_remove, int num)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ char *filterp = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (!dhd || (num == DHD_UNICAST_FILTER_NUM) ||
+ return ret;
+ if (num >= dhd->pub.pktfilter_count)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (add_remove) {
+ switch (num) {
+ filterp = "101 0 0 0 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF";
+ break;
+ filterp = "102 0 0 0 0xFFFFFF 0x01005E";
+ break;
+ filterp = "103 0 0 0 0xFFFF 0x3333";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ dhd->pub.pktfilter[num] = filterp;
+ dhd_pktfilter_offload_set(&dhd->pub, dhd->pub.pktfilter[num]);
+ return ret;
+ return 0;
+int dhd_os_enable_packet_filter(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int val)
+ int ret = 0;
+ /* Packet filtering is set only if we still in early-suspend and
+ * we need either to turn it ON or turn it OFF
+ * We can always turn it OFF in case of early-suspend, but we turn it
+ * back ON only if suspend_disable_flag was not set
+ */
+ if (dhdp && dhdp->up) {
+ if (dhdp->in_suspend) {
+ if (!val || (val && !dhdp->suspend_disable_flag))
+ dhd_enable_packet_filter(val, dhdp);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+int net_os_enable_packet_filter(struct net_device *dev, int val)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ return dhd_os_enable_packet_filter(&dhd->pub, val);
+#endif /* PKT_FILTER_SUPPORT */
+dhd_dev_init_ioctl(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ return dhd_preinit_ioctls(&dhd->pub);
+/* Linux wrapper to call common dhd_pno_clean */
+dhd_dev_pno_reset(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ return (dhd_pno_clean(&dhd->pub));
+/* Linux wrapper to call common dhd_pno_enable */
+dhd_dev_pno_enable(struct net_device *dev, int pfn_enabled)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ return (dhd_pno_enable(&dhd->pub, pfn_enabled));
+/* Linux wrapper to call common dhd_pno_set */
+dhd_dev_pno_set(struct net_device *dev, wlc_ssid_t* ssids_local, int nssid,
+ ushort scan_fr, int pno_repeat, int pno_freq_expo_max)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ return (dhd_pno_set(&dhd->pub, ssids_local, nssid, scan_fr, pno_repeat, pno_freq_expo_max));
+/* Linux wrapper to get pno status */
+dhd_dev_get_pno_status(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ return (dhd_pno_get_status(&dhd->pub));
+#endif /* PNO_SUPPORT */
+static void dhd_hang_process(struct work_struct *work)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ struct net_device *dev;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)container_of(work, dhd_info_t, work_hang);
+ dev = dhd->iflist[0]->net;
+ if (dev) {
+ rtnl_lock();
+ dev_close(dev);
+ rtnl_unlock();
+#if defined(WL_WIRELESS_EXT)
+ wl_iw_send_priv_event(dev, "HANG");
+#if defined(WL_CFG80211)
+ wl_cfg80211_hang(dev, WLAN_REASON_UNSPECIFIED);
+ }
+int dhd_os_send_hang_message(dhd_pub_t *dhdp)
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhdp) {
+ if (!dhdp->hang_was_sent) {
+ dhdp->hang_was_sent = 1;
+ schedule_work(&dhdp->info->work_hang);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+int net_os_send_hang_message(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd)
+ ret = dhd_os_send_hang_message(&dhd->pub);
+ ret = wl_cfg80211_hang(dev, WLAN_REASON_UNSPECIFIED);
+ return ret;
+void dhd_bus_country_set(struct net_device *dev, wl_country_t *cspec)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ if (dhd && dhd->pub.up) {
+ memcpy(&dhd->pub.dhd_cspec, cspec, sizeof(wl_country_t));
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ wl_update_wiphybands(NULL);
+ }
+void dhd_bus_band_set(struct net_device *dev, uint band)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ if (dhd && dhd->pub.up) {
+#ifdef WL_CFG80211
+ wl_update_wiphybands(NULL);
+ }
+void dhd_net_if_lock(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ dhd_net_if_lock_local(dhd);
+void dhd_net_if_unlock(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ dhd_net_if_unlock_local(dhd);
+static void dhd_net_if_lock_local(dhd_info_t *dhd)
+ if (dhd)
+ mutex_lock(&dhd->dhd_net_if_mutex);
+static void dhd_net_if_unlock_local(dhd_info_t *dhd)
+ if (dhd)
+ mutex_unlock(&dhd->dhd_net_if_mutex);
+static void dhd_suspend_lock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (dhd)
+ mutex_lock(&dhd->dhd_suspend_mutex);
+static void dhd_suspend_unlock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (dhd)
+ mutex_unlock(&dhd->dhd_suspend_mutex);
+unsigned long dhd_os_spin_lock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ unsigned long flags = 0;
+ if (dhd)
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dhd->dhd_lock, flags);
+ return flags;
+void dhd_os_spin_unlock(dhd_pub_t *pub, unsigned long flags)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (dhd)
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dhd->dhd_lock, flags);
+static int
+dhd_get_pend_8021x_cnt(dhd_info_t *dhd)
+ return (atomic_read(&dhd->pend_8021x_cnt));
+#define MAX_WAIT_FOR_8021X_TX 25
+dhd_wait_pend8021x(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(10);
+ int ntimes = MAX_WAIT_FOR_8021X_TX;
+ int pend = dhd_get_pend_8021x_cnt(dhd);
+ while (ntimes && pend) {
+ if (pend) {
+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+ schedule_timeout(timeout);
+ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+ ntimes--;
+ }
+ pend = dhd_get_pend_8021x_cnt(dhd);
+ }
+ if (ntimes == 0)
+ return pend;
+#ifdef DHD_DEBUG
+write_to_file(dhd_pub_t *dhd, uint8 *buf, int size)
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct file *fp;
+ mm_segment_t old_fs;
+ loff_t pos = 0;
+ /* change to KERNEL_DS address limit */
+ old_fs = get_fs();
+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
+ /* open file to write */
+ fp = filp_open("/tmp/mem_dump", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0640);
+ if (!fp) {
+ printf("%s: open file error\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ ret = -1;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ /* Write buf to file */
+ fp->f_op->write(fp, buf, size, &pos);
+ /* free buf before return */
+ MFREE(dhd->osh, buf, size);
+ /* close file before return */
+ if (fp)
+ filp_close(fp, current->files);
+ /* restore previous address limit */
+ set_fs(old_fs);
+ return ret;
+#endif /* DHD_DEBUG */
+int dhd_os_wake_lock_timeout(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ ret = dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable > dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable ?
+ dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable : dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable;
+ if (dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable)
+ wake_lock_timeout(&dhd->wl_rxwake,
+ msecs_to_jiffies(dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable));
+ if (dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable)
+ wake_lock_timeout(&dhd->wl_ctrlwake,
+ msecs_to_jiffies(dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable));
+ dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable = 0;
+ dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable = 0;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int net_os_wake_lock_timeout(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd)
+ ret = dhd_os_wake_lock_timeout(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+int dhd_os_wake_lock_rx_timeout_enable(dhd_pub_t *pub, int val)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ if (dhd) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ if (val > dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable)
+ dhd->wakelock_rx_timeout_enable = val;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int dhd_os_wake_lock_ctrl_timeout_enable(dhd_pub_t *pub, int val)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ if (dhd) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ if (val > dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable)
+ dhd->wakelock_ctrl_timeout_enable = val;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int net_os_wake_lock_rx_timeout_enable(struct net_device *dev, int val)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd)
+ ret = dhd_os_wake_lock_rx_timeout_enable(&dhd->pub, val);
+ return ret;
+int net_os_wake_lock_ctrl_timeout_enable(struct net_device *dev, int val)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd)
+ ret = dhd_os_wake_lock_ctrl_timeout_enable(&dhd->pub, val);
+ return ret;
+int dhd_os_wake_lock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ if (!dhd->wakelock_counter)
+ wake_lock(&dhd->wl_wifi);
+ dhd->wakelock_counter++;
+ ret = dhd->wakelock_counter;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int net_os_wake_lock(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd)
+ ret = dhd_os_wake_lock(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+int dhd_os_wake_unlock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int ret = 0;
+ dhd_os_wake_lock_timeout(pub);
+ if (dhd) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ if (dhd->wakelock_counter) {
+ dhd->wakelock_counter--;
+ if (!dhd->wakelock_counter)
+ wake_unlock(&dhd->wl_wifi);
+ ret = dhd->wakelock_counter;
+ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int dhd_os_check_wakelock(void *dhdp)
+ dhd_pub_t *pub = (dhd_pub_t *)dhdp;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd;
+ if (!pub)
+ return 0;
+ dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ if (dhd && (wake_lock_active(&dhd->wl_wifi) ||
+ wake_lock_active(&dhd->wl_wdwake)))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+int net_os_wake_unlock(struct net_device *dev)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(dev);
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd)
+ ret = dhd_os_wake_unlock(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+int dhd_os_wd_wake_lock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ if (!dhd->wakelock_wd_counter)
+ wake_lock(&dhd->wl_wdwake);
+ dhd->wakelock_wd_counter++;
+ ret = dhd->wakelock_wd_counter;
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int dhd_os_wd_wake_unlock(dhd_pub_t *pub)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(pub->info);
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (dhd) {
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ if (dhd->wakelock_wd_counter) {
+ dhd->wakelock_wd_counter = 0;
+ wake_unlock(&dhd->wl_wdwake);
+ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dhd->wakelock_spinlock, flags);
+ }
+ return ret;
+int dhd_os_check_if_up(void *dhdp)
+ dhd_pub_t *pub = (dhd_pub_t *)dhdp;
+ if (!pub)
+ return 0;
+ return pub->up;
+/* function to collect firmware, chip id and chip version info */
+void dhd_set_version_info(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, char *fw)
+ int i;
+ i = snprintf(info_string, sizeof(info_string),
+ " Driver: %s\n Firmware: %s ", EPI_VERSION_STR, fw);
+ if (!dhdp)
+ return;
+ i = snprintf(&info_string[i], sizeof(info_string) - i,
+ "\n Chip: %x Rev %x Pkg %x", dhd_bus_chip_id(dhdp),
+ dhd_bus_chiprev_id(dhdp), dhd_bus_chippkg_id(dhdp));
+int dhd_ioctl_entry_local(struct net_device *net, wl_ioctl_t *ioc, int cmd)
+ int ifidx;
+ int ret = 0;
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = NULL;
+ if (!net || !netdev_priv(net)) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s invalid parameter\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ dhd = *(dhd_info_t **)netdev_priv(net);
+ ifidx = dhd_net2idx(dhd, net);
+ if (ifidx == DHD_BAD_IF) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s bad ifidx\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_LOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, ioc, ioc->buf, ioc->len);
+ dhd_check_hang(net, &dhd->pub, ret);
+ DHD_OS_WAKE_UNLOCK(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+bool dhd_os_check_hang(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, int ifidx, int ret)
+ struct net_device *net;
+ net = dhd_idx2net(dhdp, ifidx);
+ return dhd_check_hang(net, dhdp, ret);
+extern int dhd_wlfc_interface_entry_update(void* state, ewlfc_mac_entry_action_t action, uint8 ifid,
+ uint8 iftype, uint8* ea);
+extern int dhd_wlfc_FIFOcreditmap_update(void* state, uint8* credits);
+int dhd_wlfc_interface_event(struct dhd_info *dhd,
+ ewlfc_mac_entry_action_t action, uint8 ifid, uint8 iftype, uint8* ea)
+ int ret = BCME_OK;
+ dhd_os_wlfc_block(&dhd->pub);
+ if (dhd->pub.wlfc_state != NULL)
+ ret = dhd_wlfc_interface_entry_update(dhd->pub.wlfc_state, action, ifid, iftype, ea);
+ dhd_os_wlfc_unblock(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+int dhd_wlfc_FIFOcreditmap_event(struct dhd_info *dhd, uint8* event_data)
+ int ret = BCME_OK;
+ dhd_os_wlfc_block(&dhd->pub);
+ if (dhd->pub.wlfc_state != NULL)
+ ret = dhd_wlfc_FIFOcreditmap_update(dhd->pub.wlfc_state, event_data);
+ dhd_os_wlfc_unblock(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+int dhd_wlfc_event(struct dhd_info *dhd)
+ int ret;
+ dhd_os_wlfc_block(&dhd->pub);
+ ret = dhd_wlfc_enable(&dhd->pub);
+ dhd_os_wlfc_unblock(&dhd->pub);
+ return ret;
+#endif /* PROP_TXSTATUS */
+#ifdef BCMDBGFS
+#include <linux/debugfs.h>
+extern uint32 dhd_readregl(void *bp, uint32 addr);
+extern uint32 dhd_writeregl(void *bp, uint32 addr, uint32 data);
+typedef struct dhd_dbgfs {
+ struct dentry *debugfs_dir;
+ struct dentry *debugfs_mem;
+ dhd_pub_t *dhdp;
+ uint32 size;
+} dhd_dbgfs_t;
+dhd_dbgfs_t g_dbgfs;
+static int
+dhd_dbg_state_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ file->private_data = inode->i_private;
+ return 0;
+static ssize_t
+dhd_dbg_state_read(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf,
+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ ssize_t rval;
+ uint32 tmp;
+ loff_t pos = *ppos;
+ size_t ret;
+ if (pos < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (pos >= g_dbgfs.size || !count)
+ return 0;
+ if (count > g_dbgfs.size - pos)
+ count = g_dbgfs.size - pos;
+ /* Basically enforce aligned 4 byte reads. It's up to the user to work out the details */
+ tmp = dhd_readregl(g_dbgfs.dhdp->bus, file->f_pos & (~3));
+ ret = copy_to_user(ubuf, &tmp, 4);
+ if (ret == count)
+ return -EFAULT;
+ count -= ret;
+ *ppos = pos + count;
+ rval = count;
+ return rval;
+static ssize_t
+dhd_debugfs_write(struct file *file, const char __user *ubuf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ loff_t pos = *ppos;
+ size_t ret;
+ uint32 buf;
+ if (pos < 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (pos >= g_dbgfs.size || !count)
+ return 0;
+ if (count > g_dbgfs.size - pos)
+ count = g_dbgfs.size - pos;
+ ret = copy_from_user(&buf, ubuf, sizeof(uint32));
+ if (ret == count)
+ return -EFAULT;
+ /* Basically enforce aligned 4 byte writes. It's up to the user to work out the details */
+ dhd_writeregl(g_dbgfs.dhdp->bus, file->f_pos & (~3), buf);
+ return count;
+dhd_debugfs_lseek(struct file *file, loff_t off, int whence)
+ loff_t pos = -1;
+ switch (whence) {
+ case 0:
+ pos = off;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ pos = file->f_pos + off;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ pos = g_dbgfs.size - off;
+ }
+ return (pos < 0 || pos > g_dbgfs.size) ? -EINVAL : (file->f_pos = pos);
+static const struct file_operations dhd_dbg_state_ops = {
+ .read = dhd_dbg_state_read,
+ .write = dhd_debugfs_write,
+ .open = dhd_dbg_state_open,
+ .llseek = dhd_debugfs_lseek
+static void dhd_dbg_create(void)
+ if (g_dbgfs.debugfs_dir) {
+ g_dbgfs.debugfs_mem = debugfs_create_file("mem", 0644, g_dbgfs.debugfs_dir,
+ NULL, &dhd_dbg_state_ops);
+ }
+void dhd_dbg_init(dhd_pub_t *dhdp)
+ int err;
+ g_dbgfs.dhdp = dhdp;
+ g_dbgfs.size = 0x20000000; /* Allow access to various cores regs */
+ g_dbgfs.debugfs_dir = debugfs_create_dir("dhd", 0);
+ if (IS_ERR(g_dbgfs.debugfs_dir)) {
+ err = PTR_ERR(g_dbgfs.debugfs_dir);
+ g_dbgfs.debugfs_dir = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ dhd_dbg_create();
+ return;
+void dhd_dbg_remove(void)
+ debugfs_remove(g_dbgfs.debugfs_mem);
+ debugfs_remove(g_dbgfs.debugfs_dir);
+ bzero((unsigned char *) &g_dbgfs, sizeof(g_dbgfs));
+#endif /* ifdef BCMDBGFS */
+void dhd_htsf_addtxts(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, void *pktbuf)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)(dhdp->info);
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ uint32 htsf = 0;
+ uint16 dport = 0, oldmagic = 0xACAC;
+ char *p1;
+ htsfts_t ts;
+ /* timestamp packet */
+ p1 = (char*) PKTDATA(dhdp->osh, pktbuf);
+ if (PKTLEN(dhdp->osh, pktbuf) > HTSF_MINLEN) {
+/* memcpy(&proto, p1+26, 4); */
+ memcpy(&dport, p1+40, 2);
+/* proto = ((ntoh32(proto))>> 16) & 0xFF; */
+ dport = ntoh16(dport);
+ }
+ /* timestamp only if icmp or udb iperf with port 5555 */
+/* if (proto == 17 && dport == tsport) { */
+ if (dport >= tsport && dport <= tsport + 20) {
+ skb = (struct sk_buff *) pktbuf;
+ htsf = dhd_get_htsf(dhd, 0);
+ memset(skb->data + 44, 0, 2); /* clear checksum */
+ memcpy(skb->data+82, &oldmagic, 2);
+ memcpy(skb->data+84, &htsf, 4);
+ memset(&ts, 0, sizeof(htsfts_t));
+ ts.magic = HTSFMAGIC;
+ ts.prio = PKTPRIO(pktbuf);
+ ts.seqnum = htsf_seqnum++;
+ ts.c10 = get_cycles();
+ ts.t10 = htsf;
+ ts.endmagic = HTSFENDMAGIC;
+ memcpy(skb->data + HTSF_HOSTOFFSET, &ts, sizeof(ts));
+ }
+static void dhd_dump_htsfhisto(histo_t *his, char *s)
+ int pktcnt = 0, curval = 0, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < (NUMBIN-2); i++) {
+ curval += 500;
+ printf("%d ", his->bin[i]);
+ pktcnt += his->bin[i];
+ }
+ printf(" max: %d TotPkt: %d neg: %d [%s]\n", his->bin[NUMBIN-2], pktcnt,
+ his->bin[NUMBIN-1], s);
+void sorttobin(int value, histo_t *histo)
+ int i, binval = 0;
+ if (value < 0) {
+ histo->bin[NUMBIN-1]++;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (value > histo->bin[NUMBIN-2]) /* store the max value */
+ histo->bin[NUMBIN-2] = value;
+ for (i = 0; i < (NUMBIN-2); i++) {
+ binval += 500; /* 500m s bins */
+ if (value <= binval) {
+ histo->bin[i]++;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ histo->bin[NUMBIN-3]++;
+void dhd_htsf_addrxts(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, void *pktbuf)
+ dhd_info_t *dhd = (dhd_info_t *)dhdp->info;
+ struct sk_buff *skb;
+ char *p1;
+ uint16 old_magic;
+ int d1, d2, d3, end2end;
+ htsfts_t *htsf_ts;
+ uint32 htsf;
+ skb = PKTTONATIVE(dhdp->osh, pktbuf);
+ p1 = (char*)PKTDATA(dhdp->osh, pktbuf);
+ if (PKTLEN(osh, pktbuf) > HTSF_MINLEN) {
+ memcpy(&old_magic, p1+78, 2);
+ htsf_ts = (htsfts_t*) (p1 + HTSF_HOSTOFFSET - 4);
+ }
+ else
+ return;
+ if (htsf_ts->magic == HTSFMAGIC) {
+ htsf_ts->tE0 = dhd_get_htsf(dhd, 0);
+ htsf_ts->cE0 = get_cycles();
+ }
+ if (old_magic == 0xACAC) {
+ tspktcnt++;
+ htsf = dhd_get_htsf(dhd, 0);
+ memcpy(skb->data+92, &htsf, sizeof(uint32));
+ memcpy(&ts[tsidx].t1, skb->data+80, 16);
+ d1 = ts[tsidx].t2 - ts[tsidx].t1;
+ d2 = ts[tsidx].t3 - ts[tsidx].t2;
+ d3 = ts[tsidx].t4 - ts[tsidx].t3;
+ end2end = ts[tsidx].t4 - ts[tsidx].t1;
+ sorttobin(d1, &vi_d1);
+ sorttobin(d2, &vi_d2);
+ sorttobin(d3, &vi_d3);
+ sorttobin(end2end, &vi_d4);
+ if (end2end > 0 && end2end > maxdelay) {
+ maxdelay = end2end;
+ maxdelaypktno = tspktcnt;
+ memcpy(&maxdelayts, &ts[tsidx], 16);
+ }
+ if (++tsidx >= TSMAX)
+ tsidx = 0;
+ }
+uint32 dhd_get_htsf(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx)
+ uint32 htsf = 0, cur_cycle, delta, delta_us;
+ uint32 factor, baseval, baseval2;
+ cycles_t t;
+ t = get_cycles();
+ cur_cycle = t;
+ if (cur_cycle > dhd->htsf.last_cycle)
+ delta = cur_cycle - dhd->htsf.last_cycle;
+ else {
+ delta = cur_cycle + (0xFFFFFFFF - dhd->htsf.last_cycle);
+ }
+ delta = delta >> 4;
+ if (dhd->htsf.coef) {
+ /* times ten to get the first digit */
+ factor = (dhd->htsf.coef*10 + dhd->htsf.coefdec1);
+ baseval = (delta*10)/factor;
+ baseval2 = (delta*10)/(factor+1);
+ delta_us = (baseval - (((baseval - baseval2) * dhd->htsf.coefdec2)) / 10);
+ htsf = (delta_us << 4) + dhd->htsf.last_tsf + HTSF_BUS_DELAY;
+ }
+ else {
+ DHD_ERROR(("-------dhd->htsf.coef = 0 -------\n"));
+ }
+ return htsf;
+static void dhd_dump_latency(void)
+ int i, max = 0;
+ int d1, d2, d3, d4, d5;
+ printf("T1 T2 T3 T4 d1 d2 t4-t1 i \n");
+ for (i = 0; i < TSMAX; i++) {
+ d1 = ts[i].t2 - ts[i].t1;
+ d2 = ts[i].t3 - ts[i].t2;
+ d3 = ts[i].t4 - ts[i].t3;
+ d4 = ts[i].t4 - ts[i].t1;
+ d5 = ts[max].t4-ts[max].t1;
+ if (d4 > d5 && d4 > 0) {
+ max = i;
+ }
+ printf("%08X %08X %08X %08X \t%d %d %d %d i=%d\n",
+ ts[i].t1, ts[i].t2, ts[i].t3, ts[i].t4,
+ d1, d2, d3, d4, i);
+ }
+ printf("current idx = %d \n", tsidx);
+ printf("Highest latency %d pkt no.%d total=%d\n", maxdelay, maxdelaypktno, tspktcnt);
+ printf("%08X %08X %08X %08X \t%d %d %d %d\n",
+ maxdelayts.t1, maxdelayts.t2, maxdelayts.t3, maxdelayts.t4,
+ maxdelayts.t2 - maxdelayts.t1,
+ maxdelayts.t3 - maxdelayts.t2,
+ maxdelayts.t4 - maxdelayts.t3,
+ maxdelayts.t4 - maxdelayts.t1);
+static int
+dhd_ioctl_htsf_get(dhd_info_t *dhd, int ifidx)
+ wl_ioctl_t ioc;
+ char buf[32];
+ int ret;
+ uint32 s1, s2;
+ struct tsf {
+ uint32 low;
+ uint32 high;
+ } tsf_buf;
+ memset(&ioc, 0, sizeof(ioc));
+ memset(&tsf_buf, 0, sizeof(tsf_buf));
+ ioc.cmd = WLC_GET_VAR;
+ ioc.buf = buf;
+ ioc.len = (uint)sizeof(buf);
+ ioc.set = FALSE;
+ strncpy(buf, "tsf", sizeof(buf) - 1);
+ buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0';
+ s1 = dhd_get_htsf(dhd, 0);
+ if ((ret = dhd_wl_ioctl(&dhd->pub, ifidx, &ioc, ioc.buf, ioc.len)) < 0) {
+ if (ret == -EIO) {
+ DHD_ERROR(("%s: tsf is not supported by device\n",
+ dhd_ifname(&dhd->pub, ifidx)));
+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ s2 = dhd_get_htsf(dhd, 0);
+ memcpy(&tsf_buf, buf, sizeof(tsf_buf));
+ printf(" TSF_h=%04X lo=%08X Calc:htsf=%08X, coef=%d.%d%d delta=%d ",
+ tsf_buf.high, tsf_buf.low, s2, dhd->htsf.coef, dhd->htsf.coefdec1,
+ dhd->htsf.coefdec2, s2-tsf_buf.low);
+ printf("lasttsf=%08X lastcycle=%08X\n", dhd->htsf.last_tsf, dhd->htsf.last_cycle);
+ return 0;
+void htsf_update(dhd_info_t *dhd, void *data)
+ static ulong cur_cycle = 0, prev_cycle = 0;
+ uint32 htsf, tsf_delta = 0;
+ uint32 hfactor = 0, cyc_delta, dec1 = 0, dec2, dec3, tmp;
+ ulong b, a;
+ cycles_t t;
+ /* cycles_t in inlcude/mips/timex.h */
+ t = get_cycles();
+ prev_cycle = cur_cycle;
+ cur_cycle = t;
+ if (cur_cycle > prev_cycle)
+ cyc_delta = cur_cycle - prev_cycle;
+ else {
+ b = cur_cycle;
+ a = prev_cycle;
+ cyc_delta = cur_cycle + (0xFFFFFFFF - prev_cycle);
+ }
+ if (data == NULL)
+ printf(" tsf update ata point er is null \n");
+ memcpy(&prev_tsf, &cur_tsf, sizeof(tsf_t));
+ memcpy(&cur_tsf, data, sizeof(tsf_t));
+ if (cur_tsf.low == 0) {
+ DHD_INFO((" ---- 0 TSF, do not update, return\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cur_tsf.low > prev_tsf.low)
+ tsf_delta = (cur_tsf.low - prev_tsf.low);
+ else {
+ DHD_INFO((" ---- tsf low is smaller cur_tsf= %08X, prev_tsf=%08X, \n",
+ cur_tsf.low, prev_tsf.low));
+ if (cur_tsf.high > prev_tsf.high) {
+ tsf_delta = cur_tsf.low + (0xFFFFFFFF - prev_tsf.low);
+ DHD_INFO((" ---- Wrap around tsf coutner adjusted TSF=%08X\n", tsf_delta));
+ }
+ else
+ return; /* do not update */
+ }
+ if (tsf_delta) {
+ hfactor = cyc_delta / tsf_delta;
+ tmp = (cyc_delta - (hfactor * tsf_delta))*10;
+ dec1 = tmp/tsf_delta;
+ dec2 = ((tmp - dec1*tsf_delta)*10) / tsf_delta;
+ tmp = (tmp - (dec1*tsf_delta))*10;
+ dec3 = ((tmp - dec2*tsf_delta)*10) / tsf_delta;
+ if (dec3 > 4) {
+ if (dec2 == 9) {
+ dec2 = 0;
+ if (dec1 == 9) {
+ dec1 = 0;
+ hfactor++;
+ }
+ else {
+ dec1++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ dec2++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hfactor) {
+ htsf = ((cyc_delta * 10) / (hfactor*10+dec1)) + prev_tsf.low;
+ dhd->htsf.coef = hfactor;
+ dhd->htsf.last_cycle = cur_cycle;
+ dhd->htsf.last_tsf = cur_tsf.low;
+ dhd->htsf.coefdec1 = dec1;
+ dhd->htsf.coefdec2 = dec2;
+ }
+ else {
+ htsf = prev_tsf.low;
+ }
+#endif /* WLMEDIA_HTSF */