path: root/drivers/input/touchscreen/ft6x0x/ini.c
diff options
authorSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 12:28:04 +0530
committerSrikant Patnaik2015-01-11 12:28:04 +0530
commit871480933a1c28f8a9fed4c4d34d06c439a7a422 (patch)
tree8718f573808810c2a1e8cb8fb6ac469093ca2784 /drivers/input/touchscreen/ft6x0x/ini.c
parent9d40ac5867b9aefe0722bc1f110b965ff294d30d (diff)
Moved, renamed, and deleted files
The original directory structure was scattered and unorganized. Changes are basically to make it look like kernel structure.
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/input/touchscreen/ft6x0x/ini.c')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/input/touchscreen/ft6x0x/ini.c b/drivers/input/touchscreen/ft6x0x/ini.c
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a4f8dc38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/input/touchscreen/ft6x0x/ini.c
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <asm/unistd.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include "ini.h"
+char CFG_SSL = '['; /* ���־��Section Symbol --�ɸ���������Ҫ���ж�����ģ��� { }��*/
+char CFG_SSR = ']'; /* ���־��Section Symbol --�ɸ���������Ҫ���ж�����ģ��� { }��*/
+char CFG_NIS = ':'; /* name �� index ֮��ķָ��� */
+char CFG_NTS = '#'; /* ע�ͷ�*/
+static char * ini_str_trim_r(char * buf);
+static char * ini_str_trim_l(char * buf);
+static int ini_file_get_line(char *filedata, char *buffer, int maxlen);
+static int ini_split_key_value(char *buf, char **key, char **val);
+static long atol(char *nptr);
+Function: ���key��ֵ
+Input: char * filedata���ļ���char * section����ֵ��char * key����ֵ
+Output: char * value��key��ֵ
+Return: 0 SUCCESS
+ -1 δ�ҵ�section
+ -2 δ�ҵ�key
+ -10 �ļ���ʧ��
+ -12 ��ȡ�ļ�ʧ��
+ -14 �ļ���ʽ����
+ -22 ������������С
+int ini_get_key(char *filedata, char * section, char * key, char * value)
+ //char buf1[MAX_CFG_BUF + 1], buf2[MAX_CFG_BUF + 1];
+ char *buf1, *buf2;
+ char *key_ptr, *val_ptr;
+ int n, ret;
+ int dataoff = 0;
+ *value='\0';
+ buf1 = kzalloc(MAX_CFG_BUF + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(!buf1){
+ printk("buf1: mem alloc failed.\n");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ buf2 = kzalloc(MAX_CFG_BUF + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if(!buf2){
+ printk("buf2: mem alloc failed.\n");
+ kfree(buf1);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ while(1) { /* ������section */
+ n = ini_file_get_line(filedata+dataoff, buf1, MAX_CFG_BUF);
+ dataoff += n;
+ if(n < -1)
+ goto r_cfg_end;
+ if(n < 0)
+ goto r_cfg_end; /* �ļ�β��δ���� */
+ n = strlen(ini_str_trim_l(ini_str_trim_r(buf1)));
+ if(n == 0 || buf1[0] == CFG_NTS)
+ continue; /* ���� �� ע���� */
+ if(n > 2 && ((buf1[0] == CFG_SSL && buf1[n-1] != CFG_SSR)))
+ goto r_cfg_end;
+ if(buf1[0] == CFG_SSL) {
+ buf1[n-1] = 0x00;
+ if(strcmp(buf1+1, section) == 0)
+ break; /* �ҵ���section */
+ }
+ }
+ while(1){ /* ����key */
+ n = ini_file_get_line(filedata+dataoff, buf1, MAX_CFG_BUF);
+ dataoff += n;
+ if(n < -1)
+ goto r_cfg_end;
+ if(n < 0)
+ goto r_cfg_end;/* �ļ�β��δ����key */
+ n = strlen(ini_str_trim_l(ini_str_trim_r(buf1)));
+ if(n == 0 || buf1[0] == CFG_NTS)
+ continue; /* ���� �� ע���� */
+ if(buf1[0] == CFG_SSL)
+ goto r_cfg_end;
+ if(buf1[n-1] == '+') { /* ��+�ű�ʾ��һ�м��� */
+ buf1[n-1] = 0x00;
+ while(1) {
+ n = ini_file_get_line(filedata+dataoff, buf2, MAX_CFG_BUF);
+ dataoff += n;
+ if(n < -1)
+ goto r_cfg_end;
+ if(n < 0)
+ break;/* �ļ����� */
+ n = strlen(ini_str_trim_r(buf2));
+ if(n > 0 && buf2[n-1] == '+'){/* ��+�ű�ʾ��һ�м��� */
+ buf2[n-1] = 0x00;
+ if( (strlen(buf1) + strlen(buf2)) > MAX_CFG_BUF)
+ goto r_cfg_end;
+ strcat(buf1, buf2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(strlen(buf1) + strlen(buf2) > MAX_CFG_BUF)
+ goto r_cfg_end;
+ strcat(buf1, buf2);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ini_split_key_value(buf1, &key_ptr, &val_ptr) != 1)
+ goto r_cfg_end;
+ ini_str_trim_l(ini_str_trim_r(key_ptr));
+ if(strcmp(key_ptr, key) != 0)
+ continue; /* ��keyֵ��ƥ�� */
+ strcpy(value, val_ptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ ret = CFG_OK;
+ //if(fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
+ kfree(buf1);
+ kfree(buf2);
+ return ret;
+Function: �������section
+Input: char *filename���ļ�,int max ���ɷ��ص�section�ĸ���
+Output: char *sections[]�����section����
+Return: ����section�����������������ظ�����
+ -10 �ļ��򿪳���
+ -12 �ļ���ȡ����
+ -14 �ļ���ʽ����
+int ini_get_sections(char *filedata, unsigned char * sections[], int max)
+ //FILE *fp;
+ char buf1[MAX_CFG_BUF + 1];
+ int n, n_sections = 0, ret;
+ int dataoff = 0;
+// if((fp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL)
+// return CFG_ERR_OPEN_FILE;
+ while(1) {/*������section */
+ n = ini_file_get_line(filedata+dataoff, buf1, MAX_CFG_BUF);
+ dataoff += n;
+ if(n < -1)
+ goto cfg_scts_end;
+ if(n < 0)
+ break;/* �ļ�β */
+ n = strlen(ini_str_trim_l(ini_str_trim_r(buf1)));
+ if(n == 0 || buf1[0] == CFG_NTS)
+ continue; /* ���� �� ע���� */
+ if(n > 2 && ((buf1[0] == CFG_SSL && buf1[n-1] != CFG_SSR)))
+ goto cfg_scts_end;
+ if(buf1[0] == CFG_SSL) {
+ if (max!=0){
+ buf1[n-1] = 0x00;
+ strcpy((char *)sections[n_sections], buf1+1);
+ if (n_sections>=max)
+ break; /* �����ɷ��������� */
+ }
+ n_sections++;
+ }
+ }
+ ret = n_sections;
+// if(fp != NULL)
+// fclose(fp);
+ return ret;
+Function: ȥ���ַ����ұߵĿ��ַ�
+Input: char * buf �ַ���ָ��
+Return: �ַ���ָ��
+static char * ini_str_trim_r(char * buf)
+ int len,i;
+ char tmp[128];
+ memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ len = strlen(buf);
+// tmp = (char *)malloc(len);
+ memset(tmp,0x00,len);
+ for(i = 0;i < len;i++) {
+ if (buf[i] !=' ')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i < len) {
+ strncpy(tmp,(buf+i),(len-i));
+ }
+ strncpy(buf,tmp,len);
+// free(tmp);
+ return buf;
+Function: ȥ���ַ�����ߵĿ��ַ�
+Input: char * buf �ַ���ָ��
+Return: �ַ���ָ��
+static char * ini_str_trim_l(char * buf)
+ int len,i;
+ char tmp[128];
+ memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ //tmp = (char *)malloc(len);
+ memset(tmp,0x00,len);
+ for(i = 0;i < len;i++) {
+ if (buf[len-i-1] !=' ')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i < len) {
+ strncpy(tmp,buf,len-i);
+ }
+ strncpy(buf,tmp,len);
+ //free(tmp);
+ return buf;
+Function: ���ļ��ж�ȡһ��
+Input: FILE *fp �ļ������int maxlen ��������󳤶�
+Output: char *buffer һ���ַ���
+Return: >0 ʵ�ʶ��ij���
+ -1 �ļ�����
+ -2 ���ļ�����
+static int ini_file_get_line(char *filedata, char *buffer, int maxlen)
+ int i, j;
+ char ch1;
+ for(i=0, j=0; i<maxlen; j++) {
+ ch1 = filedata[j];
+ if(ch1 == '\n' || ch1 == 0x00)
+ break; /* ���� */
+ if(ch1 == '\f' || ch1 == 0x1A) { /* '\f':��ҳ��Ҳ����Ч�ַ� */
+ buffer[i++] = ch1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(ch1 != '\r') buffer[i++] = ch1; /* ���Իس��� */
+ }
+ buffer[i] = '\0';
+ return i+2;
+Function: ����key��value
+ key=val
+ jack = liaoyuewang
+ | | |
+ k1 k2 i
+Input: char *buf
+Output: char **key, char **val
+Return: 1 --- ok
+ 0 --- blank line
+ -1 --- no key, "= val"
+ -2 --- only key, no '='
+static int ini_split_key_value(char *buf, char **key, char **val)
+ int i, k1, k2, n;
+ if((n = strlen((char *)buf)) < 1)
+ return 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ if(buf[i] != ' ' && buf[i] != '\t')
+ break;
+ if(i >= n)
+ return 0;
+ if(buf[i] == '=')
+ return -1;
+ k1 = i;
+ for(i++; i < n; i++)
+ if(buf[i] == '=')
+ break;
+ if(i >= n)
+ return -2;
+ k2 = i;
+ for(i++; i < n; i++)
+ if(buf[i] != ' ' && buf[i] != '\t')
+ break;
+ buf[k2] = '\0';
+ *key = buf + k1;
+ *val = buf + i;
+ return 1;
+int my_atoi(const char *str)
+ int result = 0;
+ int signal = 1; /* Ĭ��Ϊ���� */
+ if((*str>='0'&&*str<='9')||*str=='-'||*str=='+') {
+ if(*str=='-'||*str=='+') {
+ if(*str=='-')
+ signal = -1; /*���븺��*/
+ str++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ /*��ʼת��*/
+ while(*str>='0' && *str<='9')
+ result = result*10 + (*str++ - '0' );
+ return signal*result;
+int isspace(int x)
+ if(x==' '||x=='\t'||x=='\n'||x=='\f'||x=='\b'||x=='\r')
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+int isdigit(int x)
+ if(x<='9' && x>='0')
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+static long atol(char *nptr)
+ int c; /* current char */
+ long total; /* current total */
+ int sign; /* if ''-'', then negative, otherwise positive */
+ /* skip whitespace */
+ while ( isspace((int)(unsigned char)*nptr) )
+ ++nptr;
+ c = (int)(unsigned char)*nptr++;
+ sign = c; /* save sign indication */
+ if (c == '-' || c == '+')
+ c = (int)(unsigned char)*nptr++; /* skip sign */
+ total = 0;
+ while (isdigit(c)) {
+ total = 10 * total + (c - '0'); /* accumulate digit */
+ c = (int)(unsigned char)*nptr++; /* get next char */
+ }
+ if (sign == '-')
+ return -total;
+ else
+ return total; /* return result, negated if necessary */
+*int atoi(char *nptr) - Convert string to long
+* Converts ASCII string pointed to by nptr to binary.
+* Overflow is not detected. Because of this, we can just use
+* atol().
+* nptr = ptr to string to convert
+* return int value of the string
+* None - overflow is not detected.
+int atoi(char *nptr)
+ return (int)atol(nptr);