function varargout = spa(varargin) [lhs , rhs] = argn(); if ( rhs < 1 || rhs > 3 ) then errmsg = msprintf(gettext("%s: Wrong number of input arguments" ),"spa"); error(errmsg) elseif typeof(varargin(1)) <> "iddata" then error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Plant data must be ""iddata"" type.\n"),"spa")) end plantData = varargin(1) windowSize = %F inputFreq = %F //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // arranging the plant data inputData = plantData.InputData; if ~size(inputData,"*") then error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Input data must be non-zero vector. \n"),"spa")) end outputData = plantData.OutputData if ~size(outputData,"*") then error(msprintf(gettext("%s:Output data must be non-zero vector. \n"),"spa")) end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N = size(inputData,'r') nout = size(outputData,'c') nin = size(inputData,'c') if ~windowSize then windowSize = min(N/10, 30) end if inputFreq then else inputFreq = (1:128)/128 * %pi/plantData.Ts end M = windowSize Ryu = xcov(outputData,inputData,M,'biased') Ruu = xcov(inputData,inputData,M,'biased') Ryy = xcov(outputData,outputData,M,'biased') G = [];spect = []; for ii = 1:nout phiY = spaCalculation(inputFreq,Ryy,M) temp = phiY for jj = 1:nin phiYU = spaCalculation(inputFreq,Ryu,M)//sapply(freq, cov2spec, Ryu[i, j, ], M) phiU = spaCalculation(inputFreq,Ruu,M) G = [G phiYU./phiU] //pause temp = temp - phiYU .* conj(phiYU)./phiU end spect = [spect temp] end // disp(size(spect)) // disp(spect) frdData = frd(G',inputFreq',plantData.Ts,spect') varargout(1) = frdData endfunction function varargout = spaCalculation(varargin) inputFreq = varargin(1) xcovData = varargin(2) Mnumber = varargin(3) temp = [] win_l=window('hn',2*Mnumber+1) for ii = 1:size(inputFreq,'c') seq1 = exp(-(%i) * (-Mnumber:Mnumber) * inputFreq(ii)) data = (seq1.*win_l) data2 = sum(data.*xcovData') temp = [temp data2] end varargout(1) = temp endfunction