path: root/iv4.sci
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diff --git a/iv4.sci b/iv4.sci
index 32fd778..43defc5 100644
--- a/iv4.sci
+++ b/iv4.sci
@@ -1,10 +1,53 @@
function varargout = iv4(varargin)
+// Parameters Estimation of IV4 model by four stage instrumental variable method
+// Calling Sequence
+// sys = iv(ioData,[na nb nk])
+// Parameters
+// ioData : iddata or [outputData inputData] ,matrix of nx2 dimensions, type plant data
+// na : non-negative integer number specified as order of the polynomial A(z^-1)
+// nb : non-negative integer number specified as order of the polynomial B(z^-1)+1
+// nk : non-negative integer number specified as input output delay, Default value is 1
+// sys : idpoly type polynomial have estimated coefficients of A(z^-1) and B(z^-1) polynomials
+// Description
+// Fit IV4 model on given input output data
+// The structure of sys is ARX type.The mathematical equation is given here
+// <latex>
+// begin{eqnarray}
+// A(q)y(n) = B(q)u(n-k) + e(t)
+// end{eqnarray}
+// </latex>
+// IV4 model is SISO type model. It is unaffected by color of the noise. Four steps used in IV4 model design. First step is the generation of the ARX model.
+// Second step uses the ARX model to generate the instrument variable matrix.Next steps uses the residual to generate a higher order model coefficient.
+// In final step uses the AR model coefficient to filter the input and output data and feed it to the IV model.
+// sys ,an idpoly type class, have different fields that contains estimated coefficients, sampling time, time unit and other estimated data in Report object.
+// Examples
+// u = idinput(1024,'PRBS',[0 1/20],[-1 1])
+// a = [1 0.2];b = [0 0.2 0.3];
+// model = idpoly(a,b,'Ts',0.1)
+// y = sim(u,model) + rand(length(u),1)
+// ioData = iddata(y,u,0.1)
+// sys = iv4(ioData,[2,2,1])
+// Examples
+// u = idinput(1024,'PRBS',[0 1/20],[-1 1])
+// a = [1 0.2];b = [0 0.2 0.3];
+// model = idpoly(a,b,'Ts',0.1)
+// y = sim(u,model) + rand(length(u),1)
+// ioData = [y,u]
+// sys = iv4(ioData,[2,2,1])
+// Authors
+// Ashutosh Kumar Bhargava, Bhushan Manjarekar
[lhs, rhs] = argn(0)
plantData = varargin(1)
orderData = varargin(2)
na = orderData(1);nb = orderData(2)
- // arranging na ,nb,nk
+ // arranging na ,nb,nk
if size(orderData,"*") == 2 then
nk = 1
elseif size(orderData,'*') == 3 then
@@ -12,7 +55,7 @@ function varargout = iv4(varargin)
nb1 = nb + nk - 1
n = max(na, nb1)
- // arranging the plant data
+ // arranging the plant data
if typeof(plantData) == 'constant' then
Ts = 1;unitData = 'second'
elseif typeof(plantData) == 'iddata' then
@@ -20,9 +63,9 @@ function varargout = iv4(varargin)
plantData = [plantData.OutputData plantData.InputData]
noOfSample = size(plantData,'r')
- // finding the iv model
+ // finding the iv model
ivTest = iv(plantData,[na nb nk]);
- // residual
+ // residual
[aTemp,bTemp,cTemp] = pe(plantData,ivTest);
Lhat = ar(aTemp,na+nb);
x = sim(plantData(:,2),ivTest);
@@ -30,17 +73,17 @@ function varargout = iv4(varargin)
Yf = filter(Lhat.a,Lhat.b,[plantData(:,1);zeros(n,1)]);
phif = zeros(noOfSample,na+nb)
psif = zeros(noOfSample,na+nb)
- // arranging samples of y matrix
+ // arranging samples of y matrix
for ii = 1:na
phif(ii+1:ii+noOfSample,ii) = -yData
psif(ii+1:ii+noOfSample,ii) = -x
- // arranging samples of u matrix
+ // arranging samples of u matrix
for ii = 1:nb
phif(ii+nk:ii+noOfSample+nk-1,ii+na) = uData
psif(ii+nk:ii+noOfSample+nk-1,ii+na) = uData
- // passing it through the filters
+ // passing it through the filters
for ii = 1:na+nb
phif(:,ii) = filter(Lhat.a,Lhat.b,phif(:,ii));
psif(:,ii) = filter(Lhat.a,Lhat.b,psif(:,ii));
@@ -55,12 +98,12 @@ function varargout = iv4(varargin)
vcov = sigma2 * pinv((phif)' * phif)
t = idpoly([1; theta(1:na)],[zeros(nk,1); theta(na+1:$)],1,1,1,Ts)
- // estimating the other parameters
- [temp1,temp2,temp3] = predict(z,t)
- [temp11,temp22,temp33] = pe(z,t)
+ // estimating the other parameters
+ [temp1,temp2,temp3] = predict(plantData,t)
+ [temp11,temp22,temp33] = pe(plantData,t)
estData = calModelPara(temp1,temp11,na+nb)
- //pause
+ // pause
t.Report.Fit.MSE = estData.MSE
t.Report.Fit.FPE = estData.FPE
t.Report.Fit.FitPer = estData.FitPer
@@ -69,7 +112,7 @@ function varargout = iv4(varargin)
t.Report.Fit.nAIC = estData.nAIC
t.Report.Fit.BIC = estData.BIC
t.TimeUnit = unitData
- //sys = t
+ // sys = t
varargout(1) = t
- //varargout(1) = idpoly([1; -theta(1:na)],[zeros(nk,1); theta(na+1:$)],1,1,1,Ts)
+ // varargout(1) = idpoly([1; -theta(1:na)],[zeros(nk,1); theta(na+1:$)],1,1,1,Ts)