function w_out = wind (f, m, varargin) //This function creates an m-point window from the function f given as input. //Calling Sequence //w = window(f, m) //w = window(f, m, opts) //Parameters //f: string value/window name //m: positive integer value //opts: string value, takes in "periodic" or "symmetric" //w: output variable, vector of real numbers //Description //This function creates an m-point window from the function f given as input, in the output vector w. //f can take any valid function as a string, for example "blackmanharris". //Examples //window("hanning",5) //ans = // 0. // 0.5 // 1. // 0.5 // 0. funcprot(0); rhs = argn(2) lhs = argn(1) if(type(f)==10) // Checking whether 'f' is string or not if(f=="bartlett" | f=="blackman" | f=="blackmanharris" | f=="bohmanwin" | f=="boxcar" |... f=="barthannwin" | f=="chebwin"| f=="flattopwin" | f=="gausswin" | f=="hamming" |... f=="hanning" | f=="hann" | f=="kaiser" | f=="parzenwin" | f=="triang" |... f=="rectwin" | f=="tukeywin" | f=="blackmannuttall" | f=="nuttallwin") if(rhs<2) error("Wrong number of input arguments.") else c =evstr (f); w=c(m, varargin(:)) if (lhs > 0) w_out = w; end end else error("Use proper Window name") end else error("The first argument f that is window name should be a string") end endfunction