function x = synthesis (y, c) //Compute a signal from its short-time Fourier transform. //Calling Sequence: //synthesis(y, c) //Parameters: //y: Real or complex matrix representing a signal's short-time fourier transform. //c: 3-element vector C specifying window size, increment and window type. //Description: //Compute a signal from its short-time Fourier transform 'y' and a 3-element vector 'c' specifying window size, increment, and window type. //A window type of 1 represents a hanning window, 2 represents a hamming window and 3 represents a rectangular window. //The values 'y' and 'c' can be derived by [y, c] = stft (x, ...) funcprot(0); rhs = argn(2); if (rhs ~= 2) error("synthesis: wrong number of input arguments"); end if (length(c) ~= 3) error ("synthesis: C must contain exactly 3 elements"); end w_size = c(1); inc = c(2); w_type = c(3); if (w_type == 1) w_coeff = window('hn', w_size); elseif (w_type == 2) w_coeff = window('hm', w_size); elseif (w_type == 3) w_coeff = ones (w_size, 1); else error ("synthesis: window_type must be 1, 2, or 3"); end if (isnan(w_coeff)) w_coeff = 1; end z = real(fft(y, 1, find(size(y) ~= 1, 1))); st = fix((w_size-inc) / 2); z = z(st+1:st+inc, :); w_coeff = w_coeff(st+1:st+inc); nc = size(z, 'c'); for i = 1:nc z(:, i) = z(:, i) ./ w_coeff; end x = matrix(z, inc * nc, 1); endfunction //input validation: //assert_checkerror("synthesis(1)", "synthesis: wrong number of input arguments"); //assert_checkerror("synthesis(1, [1 2])", "synthesis: C must contain exactly 3 elements"); //assert_checkerror("synthesis(1, [1 2 3 4])", "synthesis: C must contain exactly 3 elements"); //assert_checkerror("synthesis(1, [1 2 4])", "synthesis: window_type must be 1, 2, or 3"); //tests: //assert_checkequal(synthesis(1, [1 1 1]), 1); //assert_checkequal(synthesis(4, [2 1 3]), 4); //assert_checkalmostequal(synthesis(-6, [2 1 2]), -75, %eps); //assert_checkalmostequal(synthesis(-9, [2; 1; 2]), -112.50, 10*%eps); //assert_checkequal(synthesis(5*%i, [2; 1; 3]), 0); //assert_checkequal(synthesis([1 2; -3, -6], [1; 1; 2]), [-1; -2]); //assert_checkalmostequal(synthesis([1 1+2*%i; -3-4*%i, -5], [2; 1; 2]), [-12.5; -25], %eps);