function [s, lowercrossvalue, uppercrossvalue, lowerreference, upperreference]=slewrate(x, varargin) // This function estimate slew rate of bilevel waveform transitions // Calling Sequence // s=slewrate(x) // s=slewrate(x, t) // s=slewrate(x, Fs) // s=slewrate(x, t, 'PercentReferenceLevels', N ) // s=slewrate(x, t, 'Tolerance', M) // s=slewrate(x, t,'StateLevels', O) // [s lowercrossvalue uppercrossvalue lowerreference upperreference]=slewrate(x) // [s lowercrossvalue uppercrossvalue lowerreference upperreference]=slewrate(x, t) // // [s lowercrossvalue uppercrossvalue lowerreference upperreference]=slewrate(x, Fs) // [s lowercrossvalue uppercrossvalue lowerreference upperreference]=slewrate(x, t, 'PercentReferenceLevels', N ) // [s lowercrossvalue uppercrossvalue lowerreference upperreference]= slewrate(x, t, 'Tolerance', M) // [s lowercrossvalue uppercrossvalue lowerreference upperreference]= slewrate(x, t,'StateLevels', O) // [s lowercrossvalue uppercrossvalue lowerreference upperreference]= slewrate(x, t,'StateLevels', O, 'fig', on or off) // // Parameters // x: real vector. // Fs: specifies the sample rate, Fs, as a positive scalar, where the first sample instant corresponds to a time of zero. // t: defiene instant sample time t as vector with same length of x, or specifies the sample rate, t, as a positive scalar. // PercentReferenceLevels: specify the mid percent reference leves as a percentage, default value of N is [10 90]. // Tolerance: define the tolerance value as real scaler value, where default value of M is 2.0. // StateLevels: define the lower and upper state levels as two element real vector. // fig: specify the logical input value to display figure as one of 'on' or 'off', where the default input in 'off'. // s: returns a vector of the ratios of the level difference to the time duration between the points where each transition crosses the 10% and 90% reference levels. // lowercrossvalue: return the lowerc cross value of bilevel waveform transitions X // uppercrossvalue: return the upper cross value of bilevel waveform transitions X // lowerreference: return lower reference value corrosponding to lower percent reference value. // upperreference: return upper reference value corrosponding to upper percent reference value. // Examples // x=[1.2, 5, 10, -20, 12] //t=1:length(x) //s=slewrate(x, t) // See also // Authors // Jitendra Singh // run statelevels and midcross function before running risetime function. if or(type(x)==10) then error ('Input arguments must be double.') end if size(x,1)==1 | size (x,2)==1 then else error ('Argument X must be vector.') end if length(varargin)==0 then // if the no of input is 0, then specify the default values to input parameter. [levels hist]=statelevels(x); Lvarargin=list(1:length(x), 'StateLevels', levels(1), 'MidPercentReferenceLevel', 10, 'Tolerance', 2, 'fig', 'off') Uvarargin=list(1:length(x), 'StateLevels', levels(2), 'MidPercentReferenceLevel', 90, 'Tolerance', 2, 'fig', 'off') end if length(varargin)>=1 & type(varargin(1))==1 then if length(varargin(1))==1 then t=(0:(length(x)-1)); elseif length(varargin(1))==length(x) then t=varargin(1); else error('T must be a same length as X.') end else t=1:length(x); end if length(varargin)>=2 & type(varargin(1))==1 & type(varargin(2))==1 then error ("Too many leading numeric arguments (at most 2 expected)."); end sindex=[]; if length(varargin)>=1 then a=1; for i=1:length(varargin) if type(varargin(i))==10 then sindex(a)=i; a=a+1; end end end if length(sindex)>5 then error('Unexpected argument.') end if length(varargin)==1 & (isempty(sindex)) then [levels hist]=statelevels(x); Lvarargin=list(t, 'StateLevels', levels(1), 'MidPercentReferenceLevel', 10, 'Tolerance', 2, 'fig', 'off') Uvarargin=list(t, 'StateLevels', levels(2), 'MidPercentReferenceLevel', 90, 'Tolerance', 2, 'fig', 'off') end fig='OFF'; ////////////////////////////////// if (~isempty(sindex)) then for j=1:length(sindex) select convstr(varargin(sindex(j)),'u') case {'STATELEVELS'} //// if length(varargin) <=sindex(j) then error(strcat(['parameter StateLevels required a value'])); end if type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==1 then levels=varargin(sindex(j)+1); elseif type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==10 & convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')=='PERCENTREFERENCELEVELS' | convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1),'u')== 'TOLERANCE' | convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')=='FIG' then error('parameter StateLevels required a value.') elseif type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==10 then error('Expected STATELEVELS to be one of these types: double, Instead its type was char.') end case {'PERCENTREFERENCELEVELS'} if length(varargin) <=sindex(j) then error(strcat(['parameter MidPercentRefernceLevel required a value.'])); end if type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==1 then midpercentval= varargin(sindex(j)+1); elseif type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==10 & convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')=='STATELEVELS' | convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1),'u')== 'TOLERANCE' | convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')=='FIG' then error('parameter MidPercentRefernceLevel required a value.') elseif type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==10 then error('Expected MidPercentRefernceLevel to be one of these types: double, Instead its type was char.') end if length( midpercentval)~=2 then error ('Expected MidPercentRefernceLevel to be of size 1x2') end ///////////////////////////////// perval=varargin(sindex(j)+1); disp(perval) if perval(2)<= perval(1) then error('The PercentReferenceLevels must be in increasing order.') end varargin(sindex(j))='MidPercentReferenceLevel'; varargin(sindex(j)+1)=perval(1); Lvarargin= varargin; varargin(sindex(j)+1)=perval(2); Uvarargin=varargin; case {'FIG'} if length(varargin) <=sindex(j) then error(strcat(['parameter fig required a value.'])); end if type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==1 then error ('Expected fig to match one of these strings: on or off'); elseif type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==10 & convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')=='STATELEVELS' | convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')== 'TOLERANCE' | convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')=='PERCENTREFERENCELEVELS' then error('parameter fig required a value.') else fig= convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u'); end if fig == 'OFF' | fig == 'ON' then else error('Expected fig to match one of these strings: on or off'); end case{'ON'} case{'OFF'} case {'TOLERANCE'} if length(varargin) <=sindex(j) then error(strcat(['parameter Tolerance required a value"])); elseif type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==1 then tolerance= varargin(sindex(j)+1); elseif type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==10 & convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')== 'STATELEVELS' | convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')== 'PERCENTREFERENCELEVELs' | convstr(varargin(sindex(j)+1), 'u')=='FIG' then error('parameter Tolerance required a value.'); elseif type(varargin(sindex(j)+1))==10 then error('Expected Tolerance to be one of these types: double, Instead its type was char.'); end else error(strcat(['Invalid optional argument'," ", varargin(sindex(j))])); end // switch end // for end // if ///////////////////////////////////////////// indexx=[]; if length(sindex)>=1 then a=1; for i=1:length(sindex) indexx(a)=find(convstr(varargin(sindex(i)), 'u')=='MIDPERCENTREFERENCELEVEL') a=a+1; end end if sum(indexx)==0 then varargin(length(varargin)+1)='MIDPERCENTREFERENCELEVEL'; varargin(length(varargin)+1)=10; Lvarargin= varargin; varargin(length(varargin))=90; Uvarargin=varargin; end index_on=[]; if length(sindex)>=1 then a=1; for i=1:length(sindex) index_on(a)=find(convstr(varargin(sindex(i)), 'u')=='ON') a=a+1; end end if sum(index_on)>0 then Lvarargin(sindex(find(index_on>0)))='OFF'; Uvarargin(sindex(find(index_on>0)))='OFF'; end [lcrossval lref levels t tolerance]= midcross(x, Lvarargin(:)); [ucrossval uref]=midcross(x, Uvarargin(:)); if length(lcrossval)==length(ucrossval) then ss=ucrossval-lcrossval elseif length(lcrossval)>length(ucrossval) n=length(ucrossval); ss=ucrossval-lcrossval(1:n); else n=length(lcrossval); ss=ucrossval(1:n)-lcrossval; end s=(uref-lref)./ss; uppercrossvalue=ucrossval; lowercrossvalue=lcrossval; lowerreference=lref; upperreference=uref; upperbound= levels(2)- (tolerance/100)*(levels(2)-levels(1)); mostupperbound=levels(2)+ (tolerance/100)*(levels(2)-levels(1)); lowerbound= levels(1)+ (tolerance/100)*(levels(2)-levels(1)); mostlowerbound=levels(1)- (tolerance/100)*(levels(2)-levels(1)); if fig=='ON' then // if the defined output is only 1, the it will provide the graphical representation of //levels if length(s)==0 then plot(t,x, 'LineWidth',1, 'color', 'black') plot(t,upperreference * ones(1, length(t)),'-r', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,lowerreference * ones(1, length(t)),'-g', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,mostupperbound * ones(1, length(t)),'--r', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,levels(2) * ones(1, length(t)),'--k', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,upperbound * ones(1, length(t)),'--r', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,lowerbound *ones(1, length(t)),'--g', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,levels(1) * ones(1, length(t)),'--k', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,mostlowerbound * ones(1, length(t)),'--g', 'LineWidth',0.5) xlabel("Time (second)", "fontsize",3, "color", "black" ) ylabel("Level (Volts)", "fontsize",3, "color", "black" ) legends(["Signal"; "upper boundary"; "upper state"; "lower boundary"; "upper reference"; "lower reference"; "upper boundary"; "lower state"; "lower boundary"], [[1;1], [5;2], [1;2], [5;2], [5;1], [3;1], [3;2], [1;2], [3;2]], opt='?') else plot(t,x, 'LineWidth',1, 'color', 'black') plot(t,upperreference * ones(1, length(t)),'-r', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,lowerreference * ones(1, length(t)),'-g', 'LineWidth',0.5) rects=[lowercrossvalue; upperreference*ones(lowercrossvalue); ss; (upperreference-lowerreference)*ones(s)] col=-10*ones(s); xrects(rects, col); plot(uppercrossvalue, upperreference*ones(uppercrossvalue), "r*", 'MarkerSize',15); plot(lowercrossvalue, lowerreference*ones(lowercrossvalue), "g*", 'MarkerSize',15); plot(t,mostupperbound * ones(1, length(t)),'--r', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,levels(2) * ones(1, length(t)),'--k', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,upperbound * ones(1, length(t)),'--r', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,lowerbound *ones(1, length(t)),'--g', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,levels(1) * ones(1, length(t)),'--k', 'LineWidth',0.5) plot(t,mostlowerbound * ones(1, length(t)),'--g', 'LineWidth',0.5) // xlabel("Time (second)", "fontsize",3, "color", "black" ) ylabel("Level (Volts)", "fontsize",3, "color", "black" ) legends(["slewrate"; "Signal"; "upper cross"; "lower cross"; "upper boundary"; "upper state"; "lower boundary"; "upper reference"; "lower reference"; "upper boundary"; "lower state"; "lower boundary"], [[-11; 2] , [1;1], [-10;5], [-10;3], [5;2], [1;2], [5;2], [5;1], [3;1], [3;2],[1;2], [3;2]], opt='?') end end endfunction