function [psi,x]=shanwavf(lb,ub,n,fb,fc) // Complex Shannon Wavelet // Calling Sequence // [psi,x]=shanwavf(lb,ub,n,fb,fc) // Parameters // lb: Real or complex valued vector or matrix // ub: Real or complex valued vector or matrix // n: Real valued integer strictly positive // fb: Real or complex valued vector or matrix, strictly positive value for scalar input // fc: Real or complex valued vector or matrix, strictly positive value for scalar input // Description // This is an Octave function // This function implements the complex Shannon wavelet function and returns the value obtained. The complex Shannon wavelet is defined by a bandwidth parameter FB, a wavelet center frequency FC on an N point regular grid in the interval [LB,UB]. // Examples // 1. [a,b]=shanwavf (2,8,3,1,6) // a = [-3.8982e-17 + 1.1457e-31i 3.8982e-17 - 8.4040e-31i -3.8982e-17 + 4.5829e-31i] // b = [2 5 8] // 2. [a,b]=shanwavf(1,2,1,[2,2;i,2],[-1,2;-i,i]) // a = [-5.5128e-17 - 2.7005e-32i -5.5128e-17 + 5.4010e-32i; // 8.6404e+06 + 8.6404e+06i -1.9225e-22 - 0.0000e+00i] // b = 2 funcprot(0); rhs=argn(2); if (rhs~=5) then error ("Wrong number of input arguments.") else [psi,x]=callOctave("shanwavf",lb,ub,n,fb,fc) end endfunction