function g=rc2lar(k) //rc2lar convert reflection coefficient to log area ratios. // Calling Sequence // g = rc2lar(k) // Parameters // k: define the reflection coefficients. // g: returns log area ratios. // Examples //X = [0.5 0.3 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.05]; // g = rc2lar(X) // See also // // Author // Jitendra Singh // if or(type(k)==10) then error ('All reflection coefficients should have magnitude less than unity. ') end if ~isreal(k) then error('Log area ratios not defined for complex reflection coefficients.') end if max(abs(k)) >= 1 then error ('All reflection coefficients should have magnitude less than unity.') end g=-2*atanh(-k); endfunction