function lsf=poly2lsf(a) //poly2lsf Prediction polynomial to line spectral frequencies. // Calling Sequence // lsf = poly2lsf(a) // Parameters // k: define the prediction polynomial. // lsf: returns corresponding line spectral frequencies. // Examples //X = [0.5 0.3 0.8 0.9 0.4 0.05]; // lsf = poly2lsf(X) // See also // // Author // Jitendra Singh //modified to match MATLAb o/p if(find(a(1,1)==0)==1) then error ("Input to ROOTS must not contain NaN or Inf"); end //end of modification if or(type(a)==10) then error ('The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle.') end if (size(a,1) > 1) & (size(a,2) > 1) error('The prediction polynomial must be stored in a vector.') end if ~isreal(a) then error('Line spectral frequencies are not defined for complex polynomials.') end if (max(abs(roots(a))) >= 1) then error('The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle.'); end if a(1) ~= 1 then a = a./a(1); end a=a(:); p = length(a)-1; a1 = [a;0]; a2 = a1($:-1:1); pp = a1-a2; qq = a1+a2; if (p-fix(p./2).*2)~=0 then // Odd order ////////////////////////////// aa=[1 0 -1]; [m,n] = size(pp); n = max(m,n); na = length(aa); if na > n P = 0; else P= filter(pp, aa, [1 zeros(1,n-na)]); if m ~= 1 P = P(:); end end Q = qq; else // Even order aa=[1 -1]; [m,n] = size(pp); n = max(m,n); na = length (aa); if na > n P = 0; else P= filter(pp, aa, [1 zeros(1,n-na)]); if m ~= 1 P = P(:); end end aa=[1 1]; [m,n] = size(qq); n = max(m,n); na = length(aa); if na > n Q = 0; else Q= filter(qq, aa, [1 zeros(1,n-na)]); if m ~= 1 Q = Q(:); end end end r_p = roots(P); r_q = roots(Q); ap =atan(imag(r_p(1:2:$)),real(r_p(1:2:$))); aq = atan(imag(r_q(1:2:$)),real(r_q(1:2:$))); lsf = mtlb_sort([ap;aq]); endfunction