function v = pchip(x,y,xx) //this function returns piecewise cubic hermite interpolating polynomial. // Calling Sequence // d=pchip(x,y) // d= pchip(X,,y,xx) // Parameters // x: a vector // y: if Y is vector then it must have the same length as x and Y is matrix then the last dimension of Y must equal length(X). // xx: Points for interpolation // v: vector of interpolantant at xx //// Examples // x=[0 1 2 3 4 5] // y=[1 0 1 0 1 0] // xx=linspace(0,5,800) // v=pchip(x, y) // v=pchip(x,y,xx) //plot(x,y,xx,v,'o') // Authors // Jitendra Singh // NOTE:execute function "pchips" prior executing this function if argn(2)==3 & ~isreal(xx) error('Points for interpolation must be real.') end nn=size(y,1); h = diff(x); m = prod(nn); delta = diff(y,1,2)./repmat(h,m,1); slopes = zeros(size(y,1),size(y,2)); for r = 1:m if isreal(delta) slopes(r,:) = pchips(x,y(r,:),delta(r,:)); else realslopes = pchips(x,y(r,:),real(delta(r,:))); imagslopes = pchips(x,y(r,:),imag(delta(r,:))); slopes(r,:) = complex(realslopes, imagslopes); end end s=slopes; divdif=delta d = size(y,1); dx = diff(x(:).'); dxd = repmat(dx,d,1); divdif = diff(y,1,2)./dxd; n = length(x); dzzdx = (divdif-s(:,1:n-1))./dxd; dzdxdx = (s(:,2:n)-divdif)./dxd; dnm1 = d*(n-1); c1=matrix((dzdxdx-dzzdx)./dxd,dnm1,1) c2=matrix(2*dzzdx-dzdxdx,dnm1,1) c3=matrix(s(:,1:n-1),dnm1,1) c4=matrix(y(:,1:n-1),dnm1,1) v=[c1,c2,c3,c4] if argn(2)==3 //v = ppval(v,xx); b=x; c=v; l=length(b)-1; dlk=length(c); d = size(y,1) dl=prod(d)*l; eps=2.2204e-16; k=fix(dlk/dl+100*eps); dd=d; lx = length(xx); xs = matrix(xx,1,length(xx)); if lx, [cf,idx] = histc([-%inf,b(2:l),%inf], xs); else idx=ones(1, length(xx)); end infxs = find(xs==%inf); if ~isempty(infxs) index(infxs) = l; end nogoodxs = find(idx==0); if ~isempty (nogoodxs) xs(nogoodxs) = %nan; idx(nogoodxs) = 1; end xs = xs-b(idx); d = prod(dd); sizexx = size(xx) if d>1 xs = reshape(xs(ones(d,1),:),1,d*lx); idx = d*idx; temp = (-d:-1).'; idx = reshape(1+idx(ones(d,1),:)+temp(:,ones(1,lx)), d*lx, 1 ); else if length(sizexx)>1, dd = []; else dd = 1; end end v = c(idx,1); for i=2:k v = xs(:).*v + c(idx,i); end if ~isempty(nogoodxs) & k==1 & l>1 v = matrix(v,d,lx); v(:,nogoodxs) = NaN; end v = matrix(v,[dd,sizexx]); end endfunction