/* Description: Ordinary least squares estimation. OLS applies to the multivariate model y = x*b + e with mean (e) = 0 and cov (vec (e)) = kron (s, I). where y is a t by p matrix, x is a t by k matrix, b is a k by p matrix, and e is a t by p matrix. Each row of y and x is an observation and each column a variable. The return values beta, sigma, and r are defined as follows. Calling Sequence: [beta, sigma, r] = ols (y, x) Arguments: beta: The OLS estimator for b. beta is calculated directly via inv (x'*x) * x' * y if the matrix x'*x is of full rank. Otherwise, beta = pinv (x) * y where pinv (x) denotes the pseudoinverse of x. sigma The OLS estimator for the matrix s, sigma = (y-x*beta)'* (y-x*beta) / (t-rank(x)) r The matrix of OLS residuals, r = y - x*beta. */ function [bt, sigma, r] = ols (y, x) function [u , p] = formatted_chol(z) //p flags whether the matrix A was positive definite and chol does not fail. A zero value of p indicates that matrix A is positive definite and R gives the factorization. Otherwise, p will have a positive value. ierr = execstr (" u = chol (z);",'errcatch' ) if ( ierr == 29 ) p = %T ; warning("chol: Matrix is not positive definite.") u = %nan else p = %F ; end endfunction nargin = argn ( 2 ) if (nargin ~= 2) error ("null"); end if (~ (or (type(x) == [ 1 5 8] ) && or (type(y) == [1 5 8]))) error ("ols: X and Y must be numeric matrices or vectors"); end if (ndims (x) ~= 2 || ndims (y) ~= 2) error ("ols: X and Y must be 2-D matrices or vectors"); end [nr, nc] = size (x); [ry, cy] = size (y); if (nr ~= ry) error ("ols: number of rows of X and Y must be equal"); end if (type(x) == 8) x = double (x); end if ( type(y) == 8 ) y = double (y); end // Start of algorithm z = x' * x; [u, p] = formatted_chol (z); if (p) bt = pinv (x) * y; else bt = u \ (u' \ (x' * y)); end if (nargout > 1) r = y - x * bt; // z is of full rank, avoid the SVD in rnk if (p == 0) rnk = size (z,2); else rnk = rank (z); end sigma = r' * r / (nr - rnk); end endfunction