function y = fftshift1(x, dim) //Performs a shift of the vector x, for use with the fft1 and ifft1 functions, in order to move the frequency 0 to the center of the vector or matrix. //Calling Sequence: // fftshift1(x) // fftshift1(x, dim) //Parameters: //x- It is a vector of N elements corresponding to time samples //dim- The optional DIM argument can be used to limit the dimension along which the permutation occurs //Examples: //x = [0:6] //fftshift1(x) //ans = //4 5 6 0 1 2 3 funcprot(0); rhs = argn(2); if (rhs < 1 | rhs > 2) then error ("fftshift1: wrong number of arguments"); end if (~or(type(x) == [1 5 8 10 4 6])) error ("fftshitft1: arg1 (x) must be a vector or matrix"); end if (rhs == 1) then dim = 1:max(size(size(x))); else if (~(isscalar(dim) & dim > 0 & dim == fix(dim))) then error ("fftshift1: arg2 (dim) must be a positive integer"); end end for d = dim sz = size(x); sz2 = ceil(sz(d) / 2); dim_idx = [sz2+1:sz(d), 1:sz2]; if (d == 1) then x = x(dim_idx, :); elseif ( d == max(size(size(x))) ) then x = x(:, dim_idx); else idx = repmat({':'}, 1, max(size(size(x)))); idx(d) = {dim_idx}; x = x(idx{:}); end end y = x; endfunction //input validation: //assert_checkerror("fftshift1()", "fftshift1: wrong number of arguments"); //assert_checkerror("fftshift1(1, 2, 3)", "Wrong number of input arguments."); //assert_checkerror("fftshift1(0:2, -1)", "fftshift1: arg2 (dim) must be a positive integer"); //assert_checkerror("fftshift1(0:2, 0:3)", "fftshift1: arg2 (dim) must be a positive integer"); //test mx1 input: //x = [0:7]; //y = fftshift1 (x); //assert_checkequal (y, [4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3]); //assert_checkequal (fftshift1(y), x); //test 1xm input: //x = [0:7]'; //y = fftshift1(x); //assert_checkequal(y, [4;5;6;7;0;1;2;3]); //assert_checkequal(fftshift1(y), x); //test mxn input: //x = [0:3]; //x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1]; //y = fftshift1(x); //assert_checkequal(y, [[7 10 1 4];[9 13 1 5];[2 3 0 1];[4 6 0 2]]); //assert_checkequal(fftshift1(y), x); //test dim is provided: //x = [0:3]; //x = [x;2*x;3*x+1;4*x+1]; //y = fftshift1(x, 1); //assert_checkequal(y, [[1 4 7 10];[1 5 9 13];[0 1 2 3];[0 2 4 6]]); //assert_checkequal(fftshift1(y, 1), x);