/* Description Calculates the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of A using a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. It performs two-dimentional FFT on the matrix A. You can use the variables m and n to specify the number of rows and columns of A that you want to use. If either of these variables is larger than the size of A, then A will be resized, and zeros will be added as padding. If A is a multi-dimensional matrix, the function will treat each two-dimensional sub-matrix of A separately. Calling Sequence fft21 (A) fft21 (A, m, n) Parameters A: input matrix m: number of rows of A to be used n: number of columns of A to be used Examples A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] m = 4 n = 4 fft21 (A, m, n) ans = 45 + 0i -6 - 15i 15 + 0i -6 + 15i -18 - 15i -5 + 8i -6 - 5i 5 - 4i 15 + 0i -2 - 5i 5 + 0i -2 + 5i -18 + 15i 5 + 4i -6 + 5i -5 - 8i */ function res = fft21 (A, m, n) funcprot(0); lhs = argn(1) rhs = argn(2) if (rhs < 1 | rhs > 3) error("Wrong number of input arguments.") end siz=size(A) len=length(siz) select(rhs) case 1 then if len>2 then last_dim=siz(len) else last_dim=1 end res=[] for i=1:last_dim res(:,:,i)=fft(A(:,:,i),-1) end case 2 then error("Wrong number of input arguments.") case 3 then if len>2 then last_dim=siz(len) else last_dim=1 end res=[] for i=1:last_dim res(:,:,i)=fft(resize_matrix(A(:,:,i),m,n),-1) end; end endfunction