function [U, V] = dwt(X, varargin) //Discrete wavelet transform (1D) //Calling Sequence //[U, V] = dwt(X, WNAME) //[U, V] = dwt(X, HP, GP) //[U, V] = dwt(X, HP, GP,...) //Parameters //Inputs: //X: Signal Vector. //WNAME: Wavelet name. //HP: Coefficients of low-pass decomposition FIR filter. //GP: Coefficients of high-pass decomposition FIR filter. //Outputs: //U: Signal vector of average, approximation. //V: Signal vector of difference, detail. //Description //This function calculates the discrete wavelet transform (1D). //Examples // funcprot(0); rhs = argn(2) if(rhs<2 | rhs>4) error("Wrong number of input arguments."); end select(rhs) case 2 then [U, V] = callOctave("dwt", X, varargin(1)); case 3 then [U, V] = callOctave("dwt", X, varargin(1), varargin(2)); case 4 then [U, V] = callOctave("dwt", X, varargin(1), varargin(2), varargin(3)); end endfunction