function [zc, zr] = cplxreal (z, thresh) //Function to divide vector z into complex and real elements, removing the one of each complex conjugate pair. //Calling Sequence //[zc, zr] = cplxreal (z, thresh) //[zc, zr] = cplxreal (z) //zc = cplxreal (z, thresh) //zc = cplxreal (z) //Parameters //z: vector of complex numbers. //thresh: tolerance for comparisons. //zc: vector containing the elements of z that have positive imaginary parts. //zr: vector containing the elements of z that are real. //Description //This is an Octave function. //Every complex element of z is expected to have a complex-conjugate elsewhere in z. From the pair of complex-conjugates, the one with the negative imaginary part is removed. //If the magnitude of the imaginary part of an element is less than the thresh, it is declared as real. funcprot(0); lhs = argn(1) rhs = argn(2) if (rhs < 1 | rhs > 2) error("Wrong number of input arguments.") end select(rhs) case 1 then if(lhs==1) zc = callOctave("cplxreal",z) elseif (lhs==2) [zc, zr] = callOctave("cplxreal",z) else error("Wrong number of output argments.") end case 2 then if(lhs==1) zc = callOctave("cplxreal",z, thresh) elseif (lhs==2) [zc, zr] = callOctave("cplxreal",z, thresh) else error("Wrong number of output argments.") end end endfunction