// Copyright (C) 2018 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE // // This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL. // This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which // you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms // are also available at // http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt // Original Source : https://octave.sourceforge.io/signal/ // Modifieded by:Sonu Sharma, RGIT Mumbai // Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay // Email: toolbox@scilab.in function [Zz, Zp, Zg] = bilinear(Sz, Sp, Sg, T) //Transforms a s-plane filter (Analog) into a z-plane filter (Digital) using Bilinear transformation //Calling Sequence // [Zb, Za] = bilinear(Sb, Sa, T) // [Zb, Zb] = bilinear(Sz, Sp, Sg, T) // [Zz, Zp, Zg] = bilinear(...) //Prameters //Sb: Numerator coefficient vector in s-domain //Sa: denumerator coefficient vector s-domain //Sz: zeros in s-plane //Sp: poles in s-plane //Sg: gain in s-domain //T: Sampling period (double) //Zb: Numerator coefficient vector in z-domain //Za: denumerator coefficient vector z-domain //Zz: zeros in z-plane //Zp: poles in z-plane //Zg: gain in z-domain //Description: //a filter design can be transformed from the s-plane to the z-plane while maintaining the band edges by means of the bilinear transform. This maps the left hand side of the s-plane into the interior of the unit circle in z-plane. The mapping is highly non-linear, so you must design your filter with band edges in the s-plane positioned at 2/T tan(w*T/2) so that they will be positioned at w after the bilinear transform is complete. //It does following transformation from s-plane to z-plane // 2 z-1 // s -> - ---- // T z+1 //Examples //[b a] = bilinear ([1 2 3], [4 5 6], 1, 1) //Output : // a = // // 1. 7.3333333 17.666667 14. // b = // // 0. - 0.1666667 - 0.3333333 2.5 funcprot(0); [nargout nargin] = argn(); ieee(1); if nargin==3 T = Sg; [Sz, Sp, Sg] = tf2zp(Sz, Sp); elseif nargin~=4 error("bilinear: invalid number of inputs") end p = length(Sp); z = length(Sz); if z > p | p==0 error("bilinear: must have at least as many poles as zeros in s-plane"); end // ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------ // Bilinear zero: (2+xT)/(2-xT) pole: (2+xT)/(2-xT) // 2 z-1 pole: -1 zero: -1 // S -> - --- gain: (2-xT)/T gain: (2-xT)/T // T z+1 // ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------ Zg = real(Sg * prod((2-Sz*T)/T) / prod((2-Sp*T)/T)); if Zg == 0 & nargout == 3 then error("bilinear: invalid value of gain due to zero(s) at infinity avoid z-p-g form and use tf form ") end Zp = (2+Sp*T)./(2-Sp*T); SZp = size(Zp); if isempty(Sz) Zz = -ones(SZp(1), SZp(2)); else Zz = [(2+Sz*T)./(2-Sz*T)]; Zz = postpad(Zz, p, -1); end if nargout==2 // zero at infinity Zz1 = []; for i=1:length(Zz) if Zz(i) ~= %inf Zz1 = [Zz1 Zz(i)]; end end Zz = Zz1; if Zg == 0 z = %z; bi = (2*(z - 1))/(T*(z + 1)); Hs = Sg * real(poly(Sz, "s"))/real(poly(Sp, "s")); Hz = horner(Hs, bi); b = coeff(Hz.num); a = coeff(Hz.den); Zg = b($)/a($); end [Zz, Zp] = zp2tf(Zz, Zp, Zg); Zz = prepad(Zz, length(Zp)); end endfunction