stft Compute the short-time Fourier transform of the vector X Calling Sequence Y = stft (X) Y = stft (X, WIN_SIZE) Y = stft (X, WIN_SIZE, INC) Y = stft (X, WIN_SIZE, INC, NUM_COEF) Y = stft (X, WIN_SIZE, INC, NUM_COEF, WIN_TYPE) [Y,C] = stft (X) [Y,C] = stft (X, WIN_SIZE) [Y,C] = stft (X, WIN_SIZE, INC) [Y,C] = stft (X, WIN_SIZE, INC, NUM_COEF) [Y,C] = stft (X, WIN_SIZE, INC, NUM_COEF, WIN_TYPE) Parameters X: Real scalar or vector WIN_SIZE: Size of the window used INC: Increment WIN_TYPE: Type of window Description Compute the short-time Fourier transform of the vector X with NUM_COEF coefficients by applying a window of WIN_SIZE data points and an increment of INC points. Before computing the Fourier transform, one of the following windows is applied: "hanning" -> win_type = 1 "hamming" -> win_type = 2 "rectangle" -> win_type = 3 The window names can be passed as strings or by the WIN_TYPE number. The following defaults are used for unspecified arguments:WIN_SIZE= 80, INC = 24, NUM_COEF = 64, and WIN_TYPE = 1. Y = stft (X, ...)' returns the absolute values of the Fourier coefficients according to the NUM_COEF positive frequencies. '[Y, C] = stft (x, ...)' returns the entire STFT-matrix Y and a 3-element vector C containing the window size, increment, and window type, which is needed by the 'synthesis' function.