Converts a second order section matrix to a cell array
c=sos2cell(s) converts an L-by-6 second-order-section matrix s given by: s = [B1 A1 B2 A2 ... BL AL] to a cell array c = { {B1},{A1}, {B2},{A2}, ... {BL},{AL}} where each numerator vector Bi and denominator vector Ai contains the coefficients of a linear or quadratic polynomial. If the polynomial is linear, the coefficients zero-padded on the right c=sos2cell(s,g) adds a leading gain term to the start of the cell array as: c={ {[g,1]},{B1},{A1}, {B2},{A2}, ... {BL},{AL}} Example s=rand(2,6) s =
column 1 to 5
0.0437334 0.2639556 0.2806498 0.7783129 0.1121355 0.4818509 0.4148104 0.1280058 0.2119030 0.6856896
column 6
0.1531217 0.6970851
sos2cell(s,2) ans =
column 1 to 3
![2,1] [0.0437334,0.2639556,0.2806498] [0.7783129,0.1121355,0.1531217] !
column 4 to 5
![0.4818509,0.4148104,0.1280058] [0.2119030,0.6856896,0.6970851] ! Author Ankur Mallick