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FOSSEE Signal Processing Toolbox >> FOSSEE Signal Processing Toolbox > rceps


Produce the cepstrum of the signal x, and if desired, the minimum phase reconstruction of the signal x.

Calling Sequence

[y, xm] = rceps(x)



real or complex vector input


f0 = 70; Fs = 10000;                   # 100 Hz fundamental, 10kHz sampling rate
a = poly (0.985 * exp (1i*pi*[0.1, -0.1, 0.3, -0.3])); # two formants
s = 0.005 * randn (1024, 1);           # Noise excitation signal
s(1:Fs/f0:length(s)) = 1;              # Impulse glottal wave
x = filter (1, a, s);                  # Speech signal in x
[y, xm] = rceps (x .* hanning (1024)); # cepstrum and min phase reconstruction

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