<< idct1 FOSSEE Signal Processing Toolbox idst1 >>

FOSSEE Signal Processing Toolbox >> FOSSEE Signal Processing Toolbox > idct2


This function computes the inverse 2-D discrete cosine transform of input matrix.

Calling Sequence

Y = idct2(X)
Y = idct2(X, M, N)
Y = idct2(X, [M, N])



Matrix or integer

M, N:

If specified Matrix X is padded with M rows and N columns.


This function computes the inverse 2-D discrete cosine transform of matrix X. If M and N are specified, the input is either padded or truncated to have M rows and N columns.


idct2(3, 4, 6)
ans =
2.811261   0.612372  -0.525856   0.250601   0.612372  -0.086516

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