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FOSSEE Signal Processing Toolbox >> FOSSEE Signal Processing Toolbox > cheb2ord


This function computes the minimum filter order of a Chebyshev type II filter with the desired response characteristics.

Calling Sequence

n = cheb2ord(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs)
[n, Wc] = cheb2ord(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs)



scalar or vector of length 2, all elements must be in the range [0,1]


scalar or vector of length 2, all elements must be in the range [0,1]


real value


real value


This is an Octave function. This function computes the minimum filter order of a Chebyshev type II filter with the desired response characteristics. Stopband frequency ws and passband frequency wp specify the the filter frequency band edges. Frequencies are normalized to the Nyquist frequency in the range [0,1]. Rp is measured in decibels and is the allowable passband ripple and Rs is also measured in decibels and is the minimum attenuation in the stop band. If ws>wp then the filter is a low pass filter. If wp>ws, then the filter is a high pass filter. If wp and ws are vectors of length 2, then the passband interval is defined by wp and the stopband interval is defined by ws. If wp is contained within the lower and upper limits of ws, the filter is a band-pass filter. If ws is contained within the lower and upper limits of wp, the filter is a band-stop or band-reject filter.


ans =  1

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